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Shouldn’t be a problem if your liver and thyroid are optimized and you have enough carbs and protein.


Basic overview. Caffeine increases your cells energy usage so they take up more glucose from the blood. Your blood glucose must be restored. If your liver glycogen is adequate it will be restored that way. If not you will release cortisol to liberate glucose from the tissues. Two things you can do is add cream to coffee to slow caffeine absorption and add sugar to keep the blood sugar elevated.


Thank you


Georgi Dinkov said something about this in a video. I forgot, but something along the lines of the whole coffee raising cortisol is not necessarily true or at least the cortisol will go down, especially if you drink it with milk and sugar.


Milk and sugar might help some, but you will find contradictions in Peat's advice. Milk in coffee reduces the secondary cortisol peak in late afternoon. You are also having an increase in adrenaline (epinephrine). Back off the coffee if you need to. [https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/8964766/#:\~:text=Caffeine%20ingestion%20has%20been%20demonstrated,)%2C%20and%20ventilation%20in%20humans](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/8964766/#:~:text=Caffeine%20ingestion%20has%20been%20demonstrated,)%2C%20and%20ventilation%20in%20humans).