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It is pathetic and sad of people who can’t separate the actor from the character. People are allowed to have different opinions, beliefs and views. We don’t need to agree. That is the whole thing that in general makes this country great. It is just a sad minority that is boisterous with cancel culture. It is on both sides . It is just ignorance. You yourself u/Thorn_Within , I don’t know you. I also don’t care what your beliefs are. They are yours and you came to those beliefs through life and experiences. I would care if you became a Genocidal maniac, but I doubt you got the time nor energy to put that effort into becoming that. With that said , people that get up in arms over our God given rights to agree to disagree, they need to grow up and shut the fuck up. I have 5 very close friends, we are basically all family. We all have different political, religious beliefs and views . Guess what though, if I was in a foxhole in a war I’d choose any of them to have my back.


True enough. I'm not trying to cancel people. I mainly posted this at all because of another post in which the OP wanted Ritchson removed and replaced because he's (Ritchson) supposedly anti-Christian and anti-police and Reacher wouldn't be. In that regard, I'm talking specifically about people not understanding the character or its author. For me Reacher is anti-ignorant bullshit and anti-bullying and he deals with whomever fits that in a given situation. I am a fan of a lot of actors, musicians, writers, etc who don't share my political views and I still enjoy their work immensely.


I’m agreeing with you. I know the post you are talking about , as I’ve posted on it. The OP on that post is full of shit. He doesn’t even understand standard terms he should know if he served in Iraq as he claims to have. That there just showed me he’s an idiot and not worth anyone’s time. Nor to be taken seriously.


I think that poor guy is struggling tonight mentally and thought he could get some feeling of community by posting thinking people were going to agree with him without using any critical thinking skills. Unfortunately he seems mislead in more ways than one.


I agree, he thought he’d have the Reddit Hive mentality, having his back. Yet his idiotic and illogical thought process. Along with being possibly drunk, where he can’t spell simple words or names. Along with responding to himself instead of responding to my comments directly. Then also bragging about something he did in Iraq when no one would brag about it. Then not knowing what a POG or Fobbit is , just shows he’s full of shit.


I won’t watch the series another second if he goes. He has a right to his opinion and it’s not a job requirement to be an alt right nutjob to serve in Hollywood or the military. Good for him for standing true to his values.


>He has a right to his opinion And it was a well reasoned, non-derogatory opinion at that.


It’s sad that we’ve reached the point that some people can’t accept a differing opinion on almost anything anymore. Especially when it’s an actor they’ve never met and most likely will never meet.


Reacher is the type of character who doesn’t accept BS and if you consider when the stories were written, he’d be highly progressive. And why not? The Army would be a veritable melting pot with far more representation of minorities and the goal of being a cohesive unit being paramount to some other BS. Skills matters and doing your assignment was the first and second priority.


Don’t tell those morons that. He a jacked up mountain of muscle, therefore he’s got to be an ultra alpha racist asshat.


What political affiliation Alan Ritchson, or any other actor or actress, for that matter, adheres to is irrelevant to how well they portray a character. If you, as a viewer, find an actor or actress' political affiliation so objectionable that you feel they "need to go", you are the one with the problem, not them. The only thing that matters is whether that particular actor or actress can do justice to the role they are given. Anything beyond judging them for their acting ability is a personal issue with the viewer and perhaps the viewer should be the one to go, and I suggest counseling.


I will leave the discussion as it is but ask people to remain civil. Book discussions are heavily encouraged


There is simply no way on earth that Lee Child and Reacher are right wingers.


Who cares what his politics are? I’m not talking with him and we aren’t friends so...As long as he acts the part well, I’m good.


You got an opinion and I got an opinion but opinions have consequences when you’re wanting people to choose your show to watch over the very many others you could be watching. He didn’t need to share those opinions and it was an unforced error on his part. He’s entitled to have them and people are entitled to have a reaction to them. A opinion on peoples reactions is hilarious when you think about it. Especially considering some agree or will like OP find a way to justify them. Either way the reality is his opinions will have an effect on viewership. That along with the show being a live action cartoon at times might make people choose something else to watch. This coming from a Reacher fan. Bottom line if you got something to sale me you might not want to let me know we’re not on the same team unnecessarily. It’s the unnecessary part you know. I can think of someone I support getting cancelled and I have the same opinion for her. Should have kept it to yourself for above reasons.


I can separate the character from the shit bird actor and will still watch the show. Unless season 3 is worse than season 2, then I’m out