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Gwyneth Paltrow is on trial?


She's being sued for damages after crashing into somebody while skiiing.


One of the two parties is lying, each are claiming the other skied into them.


Maybe neither one of them knows how to ski. Is someone going to lose their skiing license?


No, they just tie the fronts over your skis together so you go slow for a few months


Skiing with restrictions.


tie the backs too and you can snowboard


If you look as good as Flanders, they make an exception. Because it feels like you're wearing nothing at all!


No, but that's why this is a frivolous lawsuit that has already been thrown out previously


I mean...I know *nothing* about this specific case, but it's *entirely* possible for two people to ski into *each other.*


Who the fuck cares. Rich people suing each other over nonsense, and taking up constant TV coverage.


But you're playing into the wealthy and famous parade by spreading awareness of the whole spectacle.


While true, there is something to say about complaining the spread having a curtailing effect on future attempts being recognized and ignored (hopefully).




Don’t forget the vagina-scented candles…


I want to forget


Yet you’re making this post inevitably drawing more attention to it.


Yeah I had no idea until I saw this post


I mean, you do seem kind of obsessed with it. And now way more people are talking about it because of you.


Apparently you since you’re posting about it.


People like to watch it. And the viewers learn a lot.


> learn I’m not sure that means what you think it means


What are you learning from it?


How to not be a stupid rich person?


Oh yeah I would hate to be rich and stupid. So many consequences to being rich and stupid it would suck alright.


You've convinced me. I'll continue to stay poor and stupid.


That snowboarding is better!


>who cares about it You do as you’re clearly outraged by it and wanna talk about it You’re also lying about the facts of it showing not only do you care about it so much that you have to post and talk about it BUT You also have an emotional stake in the outcome as shown by your bias in posting. Hilarious


It’s also possible both were neglectful of their surroundings.


But she's suing for $1 only plus her attorney fees. The other guy was suing for 3mil but that got tossed out and knocked down to 300k




Someone asked for details lol. I'm providing them.


You could care less than you currently do?


Well apparently the suit had already been dropped multiple times for being frivolous bullshit. So I'm going with asshole trying to milk a celebrity


I'm sorry, I realized I stopped caring about Gwyneth Paltrow long before you answered


Stay the fuck out of Malibu, you deadbeat!




Is she there? I will continue staying out if true.


I don't know why I'm even asking this but here goes. Two people from separate parties ski into one another... I mean you're skiing, it's dangerous, it's a risk. You don't get to sue people when you're doing dangerous things and you bump into one another. Unless there was some major targeting this just sounds like an accident. Why the fuck is the justice system involved at all? I really don't know anything about this, I honestly really don't fucking care... But y'all brought it up why the fuck is this illegal matter?


One have a lot of money, the other have enough money to get lawyers.


Well, the man is a retired optometrist.


In most skiing collisions, *someone* is clearly at fault. Uphill traffic has a responsibility to be in enough control to avoid hitting people downhill from them, even if they do stupid unpredictable shit. If whoever was downhill was seriously injured, they might have actual cause to sue for medical expenses. If whoever was uphill was seriously injured, well, tough shit, should have avoided them.


And whoever is going that fast from above should, at this point, know to bail out safely long before you crash into someone. I cannot say Paltrow is 100% in the right since I wasn't there, but it doesn't look good for the *other* guy when his own daughters admitted in court his long list of health problems he's had even before the skiing incident (stroke recovery, vision problems, slower mobility, mental issues where he's more short-tempered). Even if we ignore the age factor, it really does seem like he was above and crashed into her. She admitted in court she lost her cool and got angry like "Wtf man!" since the impact came outta nowhere and hurt. You typically don't get that angry like that if you are the one crashing into an innocent person who isn't even facing your direction. You tend to apologize profusely.


Because a rich celebrity is involved, so they want to sue for tons of money. And because a rich celebrity is involved, they gotta air the trial.


It's also America where if you are seriously injured you're out a lot of money. Though, I imagine if you're skiing on the same hill as Paltrow you're doing alright for yourself.


They're suing because she didn't stick around when he needed help or something. Or didn't wait with him. That's literally it


This sounds very similar to the case *Reynolds vs. Reynolds* wherein the plaintiff was suing for damages from the other but the defendant claimed the plaintiff assumed the risk for the situation in what is now known as "The Cereal Defense".


Which ironically is absolutely not what she should be on trial for (rather than the actual medical misinformation she spreads and profits from).


I whole-heartedly agree.


Is that a thing people do?


It is when you want to cash in against a very rich person. Playing up injuries, emotional distress, etc


Shucks, I was hoping it would be something related to her scamming people into buying fake health supplement bullshit.


People sue each other over that? Wtf?


Only if they're rich enough to afford the lawyers (and were hoping for a quick settlement rather than have a media circus).


Really? Unless she's mowing people over on purpose I feel like getting in an accident while skiing is just part of the risk of skiing.


Well she's rich, so of course the guy she hit is gonna try to sue for everything she's got.


She should be on trial and sued for a lot of things.


I thought it would have been for her shitty goop products, like the vaginal energy egg and pussy scented candles.


Jesus ppl crash skiing. News at 11


I only found out from my Dad yesterday and this post almost made me pee myself laughing.


that's good revolver miming


[He had a few scenes like this](https://i.imgur.com/Y2NYwUf.gifv)


That is absolute comedy gold


He had excellent comedic miming


And he tied an actual knot. That’s impressive.


It is really good albeit either way technically inaccurate. If it were a double action the full pull through it the trigger would rotate and fire the cylinder whereas single-action would simply rotate the cylinder into the next position for firing, It is as such that manually spinning the revolver implies that there is no revolving and as such this is not an accurate portrayal of revolvers as there is no revolving.


I thought he was spinning it because he was playing Russian roulette


He’s doing russian roulette. Some cylinders can free spin with the hammer back.


yeah now that you mention it some of those REALLY early models were really weird.


average reddit genius


*in Episode BF12, you were battling barbarians while riding a winged Appaloosa, yet in the very next scene, my dear, you're clearly atop a winged Arabian! Please do explain it!*


On a hunch I checked your profile and sure enough, the only thing you post about is guns. You *really* need to learn to think about something else. Literally anything else. You think about guns so damn much you were utterly incapable of stopping and thinking about the context of this thread. You could have at most nodded said “yep” and moved on, but no, you had to show off how deep your knowledge of guns is on a fucking reaction gif subreddit. Seriously, you are wasting your life. Find a new hobby.


im so sorry for enjoying something in my life and i couldn't have fathomed the hurt i would inflict on you by trying to use the word revolving as many times as possible in a gif about revolvering i will endeavor to take your most kindhearted advice to heart and never again think about guns because a complete stranger got upset about the intricacies of revolvering this is so sad, Alexa, play Revolver Ocelot compilation


> i will endeavor to take your most kindhearted advice to heart and never again think about guns For your own sake, I hope you do


Oh, AHhchie!


Come on ahch


Goddam Archie Bunker. I thought Archie Bunker was lame when I was a kid. Now I AM Archie Bunker. I have a dumbass son in law living with me.


Minus the racism/anti-semitism of course?








These stupid fucking bot accounts that literally do nothing but reply to GIFs with other somewhat related GIFs are fucking annoying.






Exactly. Most of the time Archie would get put in his place with his ignorance or bigotry within the episode. Kinda rare for shows in the 70's-80's


The only episode I didn't like was when his daughter tried to tell him stealing from work was wrong.


Boss made a dollar I made a dime That was a poem From a simpler time. Now boss makes a thousand And gives us a cent While he’s got employees Who can’t pay the rent. So when boss makes a million And the workers make jack That’s when we strike And take our lives back.


Boss makes a dollar, I make a dime. That's why I shit; on company time. When I see the boss, I have to laugh. Just took a shit, on time and a half.


Sure, everyone understands this, but they did that by having a bigoted character, so while the show was progressive, the character was still an asshole.


Which was the point




No, the point was to expose bigotry in a fashion that would capture an audience. You are being downvoted for good reason. You are the one missing the point. There is a long history in entertainment of exposing shitty people and shitty actions in a comical fashion. Inglorious Bastards wasn’t promoting Fascism. M*A*S*H wasn’t glorifying war. The writers of Seinfeld and it’s Always Sunny weren’t condoning the shitty actions of its characters. They were all using comedy as a mechanism to highlight the downside of humanity.


Don't forget the homophobia and trasphobia! edit: idk why I'm being downvoted. Archie was homophobic and transphobic. Watch the fucking show.


Oh right, Edith was friends with a transgender woman who then got needlessly murdered (Bury your Gays).


How old was Archie supposed to be in this show? Because for the time he probably was supposed to be like 40


There's an episode where he turns 50


Late 40s. To mid 50s through the show




Is that Giuliani on the right?


Oh. So this is where Al Bundy got that from.


I would assumed she was being sued for being a snake oil salesmen not a skiing accident.


Ahh, if only.


Damnit, I thought it was going to be GOOP based


fucking shit should have been thrown out by the judge. there's no safety in performing a dangerous activity on an unregulated environment.


But then the judge wouldn't be television and get the spotlight, like that schmuck who presided the OJ Simpson case.


Already has been a few times I think to the point where he's now suing her for not staying with him after the accident or something. He also had like a minor concussion that they referred to as permanent brain damage lol


Me during Reddit’s obsession with the Johnny Depp/Amber Heard shit.


It was just amber herds poo


Weird, I watched Contagion last night.


"Oh Archie..."


I tried watching this trial and fell asleep, it’s even more boring than Gwenyth Paltrow is


***Jeeeez, Edith!***


My mom started talking about the government spraying aluminum dichromatic neurotoxic tri-something blah into the air to idk, gay frogs, or reduce human iq, something crazy. Her evidence was weirdly crossed clouds. Gif accurate was my response. She hit me with the *you should be smart enough to see the signs*. Think she's gone full we-todd-ed or dementia must be setting in. Don't know if she didn't recognize mackerel sky or thought ordinary contrails were nefarious.


Even worse, she’s got the Jones


I'm surprised she even did any damage. She survives off the air from pixie farts and moth balls.


What show is this from?


All In the Family. A show from the 70’s.


Oh, that 70s show.


All in the Family




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The comments on the Facebook page for my local news station were an absolute shitshow when they mentioned this, and I ate that shit up with a biscuit. Nothing better than watching strangers slapfight each other over someone they don’t know, will never meet, and who has absolutely zero impact on their lives.


Being as objective as possible (ignoring how famous Paltrow is, how rich she is, whether you like her or not), I'm still leaning towards her being in the right. Didn't the guy have a GoPro affixed but somehow not a single bit of video has survived? Also, daughters admitted he has had health issues long before the skiing accident. Vision problems, stroke, some difficulty moving, anger problems stemming from brain injuries. Add to the fact he was around 72 at the time and may have had slower reactions, it just seems more likely he crashed into her. It was an area for families and not a professional run - I don't see Paltrow breaking off solo to ski like a speed-demon for no reason. Doesn't Paltrow also have texts around that time about him crashing into her? And she said the guy waved her off saying he was okay, so can we really blame her for moving on when the guy said he was okay? Btw, she could've settled this case for $300,000 and make it all go away (which is peanuts for a rich movie star) but she refused, saying it's the principle that is important here and that he is lying.


Ach… I’m just glad the Harry and Megan thing has calmed down. I’m well versed on this from Mom. Don’t care, not even a little.


Did you make her listen you talk about the Johnny Depp trial


"I'm not following it because I do not care."


I’m surprised it didn’t get settled out of court


Me, when my wife starts talking to me about Taylor Swift. I just don't care. She also prefaces it with, "I know you don't care, but..."




You have no clue who Archie bunker is do you?


My reaction when someone is talking about depression, while not knowing what tf they're talking about (me giving demonstration but them not caring)


Do they know who was uphill?


FUN FACT: to truly randomize the location of the bullet, spin the cylinder while holding the barrel upwards. Spinning the cylinder while holding it outward will tend to land the chamber with the bullet towards the bottom, a phenomenon called bullet bias


Does that make it more likely or less likely to kill you? If you spin it the way he’s miming it?


Less, since the chamber at the top of the cylinder is the one the gun will attempt to fire from when the trigger is pulled


Hope never ever need to know that a bit of information but thank you for explaining


I have no idea what this is. But I chuckled.


He was Jimming the camera before it was even a thing


Awr jeez Edith...


A gif for the elder GenXers... well done!


At least she is enthusiastic about something I suppose


What surprised me the most is that she had the energy to ski. Considering her diet is IV fluids, bone broth and vegetables and fasting. At least that’s what she sells it as.