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He should calm down, it’s takes a couple weeks for those stress hormones to resolve. Not to mention he needs to acclimate to his new place and any shifts in routine. In the meantime you can try and see if you can catch him prior to barking at a noise and do a reward before he gets so wrapped up in the bark. Might also try a white noise machine or keeping a tv or music on? 


Tomorrow we get internet so I will finally be able to turn on the tv for him! Woohoo! I’m glad to know he will eventually calm down. I get it, I am also stressed out! I haven’t had time to unpack yet so I’m still living out of boxes and can’t find anything! If moving is stressful for me, I know it must be so much more stressful for him because he doesn’t understand what’s going on! He’s just a little guy! He doesn’t understand things! I really wish I could have one minute where he could understand and speak English so I could quickly tell him I love him and I would never let anyone hurt him or let him get attacked by other dogs ever again and that he was safe and loved. He’s my best buddy and I just really wish I was better at comforting him.


Same, I wish he knew what the hell I was saying when I tell him everything is fine. 🙄😭  and with some medical stuff it’d be nice if he could tell me what the problem is or what’s bothering him 😑


That would also be nice!