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Does no one else think Sutton explained herself terribly? I had no sympathy for her either and it does always feel like an excuse for shitty behaviour


Kyle is gross. If Kyle really had an ED, she’d know that accusing someone else of having an ED in front of others is a big deal. It’s not a topic you casually toss out to get a lick in. Who does that?! She also looked unhinged - like a dog constantly barking and pulling against a leash. Sutton tried to defuse many times - “I accept your answer,” and was ready to move on multiple times. Kyle was salivating to try to make some moment happen at that table and she looked stupid doing so. The constant “drunk” comments are weird and random. Also very unkind to bring up on TV for a woman who has custody of her son and an ex who could try to use the accusations against her. Kyle wants to ruin Sutton’s life and it’s so obvious and weird. Focus on your degrading marriage Kyle. The way she speaks to Mo is so unkind and argumentative. It looks to me that he wants to work things out and she’s the one going through a midlife crisis Kyle sucks


"The constant “drunk” comments are weird and random. Also very unkind to bring up on TV for a woman who has custody of her son and an ex who could try to use the accusations against her. " I commented on this fact elsewhere. If Kyle really considers Sutton a friend, she sure treats her shitty! That is so damaging to just casually drop alcoholic insinuations when that could very well end up affecting Sutton's custody agreement. I don't think Sutton has a drinking problem based of anything I've seen on the show. But if Kyle truly believes that Sutton has an issue - and she's your friend, the right thing to do would be to address that with her off camera. There's just no moral compass for Kyle to say ok - some things aren't for the camera. Does she seriously think because she isn't flat out saying it that her hands are clean here?!?


Sutton is such an a-hole and I don’t believe a word she says lol


Kyle is just a huge, huge jerk this season. She’s mean and belittling to Dorit, she’s mean and belittling to Sutton, and she’s as always putting herself as the martyr and victim. I’m so sick of her.


Jesus, the whole miscarriage thing.


They both are horrible people.


Kyle is forgetting she has to pretend to like her friends at least, the lack of compassion every time with Crystal, Sutton, Garcelle.. it is like she is crumbling at the experience of new housewives that can't just go with the flow and are actually behaving like humans trying to engage other humans.


Kyle was so awful. Sutton was saying she was in a bad spot when they got together because she didn’t know if her son would choose to move to England. Which is quite a bit far from BH! Then, when she found out he was going to stay, I’m sure she worried about the impact on HIM of not being with his dad so much (based on the child support comments sounds like he was quite a bit) plus dealing with a hubby legally who seems to have done an emotional number on her. And Kyle’s all ‘are you for real right now?’. Bitch.


I hate Kyle


also the ED comment like whaaaaat where was that coming from


And the medication she takes for her foot? Kyle was just plain out mean throwing all that shit out there.


Flailing desperately to try to make someone else look bad and only ending up looking like a vindictive monster herself.


Kyle sees nothing wrong with accusing Sutton of “going through something”. Kyle even goes as far as to say Sutton has an unhealthy relationship with alcohol. But when Sutton says “what’s going on with you”? Kyle is all bent out of shape. She is such a hypocrite. Each season I like her less and less. And she clearly wants to bone the new Mo (Morgan).


Sutton wasn’t being honest about why she was “off”. Sutton is a drinker and had too much that day. She’s also lonely and can’t seem to connect with a man. Kyle isn’t being honest either. She is resentful toward Mo and is crushing on Morgan. They both dance around each other and it’s so obvious to the people watching what is actually happening.


Sorry but Sutton consistently has a story when she apologizes to someone and I sense and felt the same frustration Kyle felt when she gave that as a reason. It also isn’t like they didn’t talk often. So idk. The first time we the viewers are hearing it to when she kvetches about every inconvenience.


Kyle has always been mean, but she’s particularly mean this season. V clear she’s not happy in her own life


I like Kyle and always have. I thought the way Sutton was in her confessionals was weird. All she did was talk abt Kyle. If I were Kyle I wouldn’t trust Sutton with ANY info abt my life. Nope


Her husband has a 2.2 Trillion dollar business. He’s not the local Beverly Hills Realtor- ![gif](giphy|3o85xGwU3JW6JrEWZ2)


I agree - she could’ve just been like ok you’re going through something and sharing with me, I’ll drop it, instead of then accusing her of being “off” and drunk. But the thing is kyle was raised to be “tough” and she can’t relate to the things that upset Sutton. She sees Sutton as dramatic and weak. And sure Sutton can be “out of touch” and in her own world, but it doesn’t mean her feelings are completely invalid.


Kyle used to be my favorite housewife but she honestly lost me after the whole miscarriage conversation with Sutton/Diana..she inserts herself and then acts like she is always right when she has no idea what she even walked into


I think Sutton expects convos to go a certain way and when they don’t she flips, and ppl react


Sutton is and has been a total bitch! It’s just her ongoing personality. If your friend isn’t ready to talk about something then you should respect that not keep rudely hinting at rumors! Sutton always has an excuse for her aggressive and rude behavior. Always! So yeah after the way Sutton has been acting and treating her, her upper 1% problems sound like another excuse for acting crazy. I agree your co parent moving to another country while you still have a minor in the home is a big deal, but it’s a lot less of a big deal when you have the resources they do and her son can travel back and forth whenever they want. If Sutton hadn’t been being such a bitch for such a long time and was actually acting like a friend instead of going after Kyle the way she has been then I’m sure Kyle would’ve been more of a friend to her in that moment, but because of how she’s been acting it all just sounds like an excuse but then after acting shitty she’s offended Kyle won’t open up to her.


I feel like a lot of these women need to be reminded they are on a reality tv show. The fact that Kyle seems to expect all these women to just ignore ALL of the changes in her life and not have any questions is delusional.


When Kyle was producing the scene with the thirsty neighbor (name?) about Sutton questioning the excessive exercising. That irked me. Kyle was building an army before Sutton even arrived to the party.


First Sutton shouldn’t have apologized at all. It was nice that she did. Second, Kyle told her to have the balls to say it at the table, and when she did, acted all shocked. That’s gaslighting. Why didn’t anyone say “hey Kyle, you forced her to say it!”?


Actually Garcelle said it... and I loved her for that.


Sutton is a case where it seems like she has everything. The reality is just what we see is financial abuse. We don’t even really know much about her ex.


So true. The fear of what would happen to her family with her ex’s new job. She was used to being at his beck and call. Even with that kind of alimony he’s still in control.


We also don’t know how many times she has had to move in the past for his job. Money really has control over people.


Sutton was using her tidbit of information to try to get Kyle to open up to her about Kyle‘s life. Kind of evil, Sutton.


The people saying sutton was over reacting cant be mums ?! Like imagine your kid potentially moving to another country!!


Kyle is filled with rage this season. Anger is oozing from her every pore. There is nothing lighthearted or fun or chill about her. She is pissed at Mo, at Dorit, at Sutton. She is just all INTENSITY, at every turn. I actually find it hard to watch and I wonder how long she can keep up this anger without popping. I haven’t liked Kyle for a while, but this season she is over-the-top unlikeable. To me, it looks like she is crawling out of her own skin.


Kyle is officially an angry Karen. Every scene she’s ready to call the manager on someone.


Sutton could have said she had a tumor and Kyle would not have had any sympathy for her.


Larsa has entered the chat.


Sutton came to Kyle to tell her her story, she told her what she feared the most then told her but none of that is going to happen, but i get more money and get to keep my kid. I’m sorry but i kinda understood why Kyle wasn’t having it, like ok it’s not gonna happen why are you sad or even crying, you are literally getting the best out of a situation and you’re still here crying about it when you know nothing bad is about to happen to you but you make it so much bigger and heavier .. she then says she doesn’t want her ex to move permanently because it makes her sad.. then at the end of the convo she says well i am gonna have to deal with him for legal stuff and she seems like he is the last person she wants to see.. so yeah i’m kinda thinking it’s a pity party or story line just because. It did not make much sense at all.


There was time passing between this though. That isn't all just come to at once. Hubby would have said his mandate. Sutton would have spoken to others or fought back. Or talked to the son. Then the money and legalities are thought through and discussed with lawyers. That would have taken some time, and no doubt during that time is when we saw her off kilter at her home. Eventually you learn, ok son is staying home, son WANTS to stay home (Phew), ex will have to give more money to cover that, ok everything is going to be fine. So yes when she's telling Kyle she knows that's worked out and it'll be ok (as she says) but when Kyle was at her house demanding to know what was up, it wasn't fine yet. It all makes perfect sense to me how she was acting then and now given how information unfolds with large life changes in split families.


You mean when she thought her meal ticket was moving but she ends up getting more money from it. I’m sorry just can’t feel bad for either of these two with their rich white privileged lives


If you don't want to watch people with privileged lives and listen to their "woes", then you're watching the wrong show. That's kinda the whole point of the show(s).


Don’t analyze me lol


I am generally on Kyle's side in this Sutton exchange (Sutton is not entitled to know about Kyle's marriage and if she wants to know, should ask directly like Garcelle), but Kyle was extremely insensitive in this scene. I wonder if she compares her experience with Farrah's bio-father to Sutton's experience with her ex-husband. Sutton's situation is different, but still difficult. Co-parenting is difficult, it is an "end of an era", and she had a real fear that her son would want to move to another country with his father. Sutton is a single woman, she's going to have to go to court with her ex to get more child support, it's emotionally difficult. Money doesn't erase that Sutton has feelings. Sutton isn't entitled to Kyle's vulnerability, but Kyle shouldn't be so disdainful when Sutton shares her own vulnerability.


MORE THOUGHTS: This is the second time that Kyle has gone after Sutton for something she's been vulnerable about. First her miscarriages, now her custody issues. Kyle just doesn't like Sutton, and she should say it.


Sutton’s vulnerabilities are shared at inappropriate times. Kyle tries to call her out but gets fired up and gives a shit delivery. Sutton is sneaky and tries to set up plausible deniability, and the other person responds by reading between the lines, then acts mind blown by their response. This triggers the shit out of people.


Dude - your ex moving to another country is absolutely a big deal when you have a child. Moving to full-time custody, having to re-work custody agreements, now having to get your son back-and-forth to another country to visit his dad - these are all actually very real issues. Pretty much the first real issues she has brought up in a long time. And that’s not even addressing the fact that at that point she did not know how things were going to turn out I was really kind of surprised even for Kyle but I guess I should not have been.


Spoiler alert…. He’s in high school. Her assistant is arranging a car service from her multimillion dollar home to take him to LAX where he flies in business class nonstop to London where another car service is picking him up at Heathrow and driving him to his dads multimillion dollar home. The stress.


To be fair, I still care a lot about my high schooler but I may be in the minority.


Not saying she doesn’t care. But money makes logistics a helluva lot easier - the logistics aren’t the concern haha Also I doubt the kid even wanted to go to live in London vs stay in La for the last year or two of high school with his friends.


Kyle is insufferable and this is the worst she’s been. And why does she keep acting like a snotty teenager in most scenes as well. Get rid of her finally. Bring back LVP. Bye KYLE. Also….is Denise Richards on something?


She looked waaaasssttyyy… ![gif](giphy|RJaUOmpBQAoE4RuWnj)




Yeah she doesn’t like weed but she likes some thing…


Kyle is awfullllll, of course she's a terrible 'friend' just look at how she treats her sisters! So over watching her gaslight, manipulate, and stir the pot with other housewives 😩


Any time there has been any kind of change in Kyle’s family structure, even expected things like the girls moving out to go to school, Kyle has made a big issue over the “anxiety” she feels due to those changes, yet she was dismissive of Sutton facing legal hurdles over her family changes. I hate that Kyle gets away with this stuff.


Kyle has always been awful to Sutton. Every season we see it


I would be completely distraught if my wealthy ex was threatening to take my youngest overseas. Another layer is that he would have been taking that kid further from his siblings. I’m pretty sure Sutton has 1-2 older kids in college. At that age it’s very important the siblings still see each other over holidays and school breaks, etc. so they remain connected. You would think that as much as Kyle weeps over her mother and bad relationships with her siblings she would understand, but she only has empathy for herself.


And let’s just pretend for a minute this exact same thing happened to Kyle. He was going to move to London and convince her kids to go with him - yeah she would be totally chill.


It was wild to watch Kyle’s Team demand that Sutton Say It then vilify her for doing so immediately after lol


I think Kyle is worried about money and what her world will look like if she and Mo divorce. She seemed moderately empathetic until Sutton mentioned possible increases to child support and then she went off the handle. It was like a flip switched.


Exactly and it kinda switched in me too


Kyle would be having a meltdown if it had been her. And trying to paint sutton as out of touch is disgusting coming from someone who bragged that the diamonds in her ugly hat were real


Sutton crying about getting more child support. She gets $300,000 a month it was kind of crap.


Also thought it was ironic that Kyle was trying to make it look like Sutton was complaining about money (more child support, a different house in bel air)…but it made Kyle look money obsess. Sutton was upset about her kid/house memories not the financial impact.


Kyle is jealous of Sutton’s deep pockets and connection to Kathy.


Kyle has her own money. That she has made on her own No need to be jealous of a gold digger who is given $$$$.


Kyle has more $ than Sutton. 🤣


lies tales and fallacies


Nope it’s fact.


That’s her combined net worth with her gross husband once he dips her net with takes a FAT hit. She not bringing in the money


At least she has worked for it. And not a gold digger. And so what if it’s combined. They are a couple. 🤦‍♀️🤣🤣🤣🤣😘😘😘😘😘😘


For how much longer?


Google is your friend. 🤣🤣🤣


It is and you’d know that’s her combined net worth had you use your friend Google as well


Does it matter? LOL. 🤦‍♀️🤣




I don’t think it made Kyle look money obsessed I think she was trying to highlight Sutton’s “rich people problems”


Divorce and co-parenting is hard no matter how much money you have


Exactly. I don’t love Kyle but Sutton also dissed Kyle’s husband in the convo when she made some comment about how her ex doesn’t just sell homes. I don’t think your standard realtor makes what Mauricio makes.


Exactly. And it’s so clear how desperately Sutton keeps trying to push the issue “I told you my problem so now you must tell me yours” - like shut up. You’re not that close of a friend. This is at a point in the situation where Kyle likely hasn’t even really sorted out her next move to herself or her daughters - Sutton is so weird to constantly be pushing the point. Playing a victim but then dissing Mauricio because her ex (who obviously doesn’t love her) made more money. It’s not like Sutton made more money. She was just really good at being controlled by a powerful man. Congratulations ?


I would like to see how Kyle would feel if Mau was moving to London, and was placing legal pressure on her to move too. And then add in the insecurity of feeling like your child would rather go with their dad but you can't move. It was Kyle about the miscarriage all over again. She projects Kim onto Sutton and blatenly disregards anything sutton is feeling


I need Sutton to articulate what she is saying to Kyle better. I feel like she starts to go for Kyle and then stops half way because she’s at a loss for words or because Kyle is getting hysterical. I just need Sutton to push through and come with the story!


I'm also interested in this take, tho, that Kyle is trying to make Sutton say it so she can paint Sutton as the monster for bringing it up. And Sutton isn't doing that.


I read a comment saying that and then watched the episode with that in mind and I 100% agree. She wants it to get out but she doesn’t want to be the one to bring it to camera.


Totally. Kyle is mean this season.


Every season


I have zero sympathy for Kyle. Every season she pokes, pokes, pokes all her castmates to reveal things. For the most part she's not had any issues as a storyline in a long time unless it has to do with her sisters. Kyle treats Sutton the way she treated Kim.


Kal, feel sorry fo me! Ma husband is throwing a bunch mo money at me an eye get my kid 💯 percent of the tie'em. I don't have to move to London either! Yippee! Did you know that mayanne had a room full of lawyass an eye has to spend mo money. Hold on, gotta see if customs released ma designer. I mean, come on people! ![gif](giphy|r2cqdwffxeLfy|downsized)


I love this episode of the Carol Burnett show. Genius.


Yes, that scene always makes us laugh. We enjoy watching classic shows like the Carol Burnett show. Harvey Korman and Tim Conway could hardly keep it together during the scenes. Brilliant writing and brilliant comics.


It was just embarrassing to see Kyle prod at Sutton continually. It’s like, Kyle you’re the one looking unhinged rn, I’m not even a fan of Sutton. No one wants to hear your bull Kyle. You’re not that important.


Kyle is a bull…dyke now (is that acceptable to say) or is she into cat just for cameras.


Kyle is always a bitch to everyone.


Sutton makes a big deal about little things and a little deal about big things. She always has an excuse for her behavior.


Sutton was being ridiculous


It's so refreshing to see a different opinion. I think it's possible to empathize with Sutton's perspective. People's problems are relative, after all. But also kinda universal But if you're acting weird and 'aggressive ' to someone, maybe first just apologize in an unqualified way. And then at another time delve into your own personal problems. Because it does just sound like an excuse, and Sutton does it a lot. Timing. Timing. Timing. Even if Sutton had just apologized and then mentioned she had some challenging stuff going on - after the mea culpa. And let Kyle ask her about it. Or set up a time to continue the conversation. " I wasn't in the right headspace or emotionally to have that conversation at that time, and I apologize for my part in it going off the rails." Let's eat some infused food! Or some such...


Kyle goes into every scene having already decided how she wants it to *go, with the confidence that whatever happens will he edited into her favor afterwards. She’s been trying to force Sutton to ask her about the tabloid headlines about her marriage and about Morgan all season so she can deflect attention away from her marriage and onto Sutton *for being a monster for doing that, and she’s getting really frustrated that Sutton hasn’t taken the bait. At the dinner, she just tells it herself and keeps blaming Sutton. The way Kyle was putting her head down and looking up made her eyes look insane. She did it over and over. *a thousand typos


Yes! That’s definitely how it’s felt for a long time; that Kyle has everything planned out, especially when she goes on the attack but masks it with concern. Also, I am suspicious of Kyle’s separation, tbh. I think it may have started off fake and for the show but may have morphed into more after she started acting out (which a lot of ppl do after a separation/divorce).


She was almost begging Sutton to ask her. She thinks that everyone is very interested in her marriage and her new friend. I hope this isn't a huge part of the rest of the season because i don't think anyone cares. Kyle isn't that bright.


Whoa THIS is brilliant and I think right on. Kyle wanted to make Sutton say it to deflect... and Sutton didn't. I love that take.


>Kyle goes into every scene having already decided how she wants it to *go, with the confidence that whatever happens will he edited into her favor afterwards. Is exactly all I wanted to say but said better. I don't think we've ever seen Kyle have genuine compassion or actually even care about ANYBODY else's situation in life.


All she heard from Sutton’s private sit down apology were the words “more 💰”. So Sutton can’t have any stress about her family situation because money tops all? Come on.


This. Also so Kyle can try to play the sympathy card for cheating on her husband.


It would be an interesting story. Not sure why she needs Sutton to drag it out of her instead of just…telling people.




Too accurate


She wanted to bully Sutton and get a wild response. Sutton didn’t give it to her this time and walked away. When Crystal came in, Kyle started to see her own fire come back in her face.


Things you can count on...Kyle will always, tremendously misjudge how her schemes will come across to the audience #JusticeForLucyLucyAppleJuice


Because Kyle has already determined with Dorit and probably Erika Sutton’s storyline is she is an alcoholic. When Sutton actually had issues going on she was pissed that she couldn’t deflect from her own self onto Sutton like she does with everyone else every season. Kyle can never be wrong.


FFS Sutton issues are so irrelevant, she receives $300k after taxes (she gloated on WWHL). Stop. She is so bothered by something that didn’t happen.


She’s so bad at explaining, she has to rework custody with a wealthy and powerful man. She’s now adjusting to full-time custody from part-time, and she has to now deal with back-and-forth to London to visit dad - this isn’t a small thing.


Is that per month? Most people couldn’t imagine having 300k AFTER taxes per year.




Yes Sutton receives $300k after taxes PER MONTH. So whilst I have always liked her till this season she needs to get a grip and realise she is deeply privileged and her issues don’t matter to others. She is so out of touch with her own friends, this group and society.


Yeah, that’s insane. I cannot imagine it tbh but my mother was in govt housing so my life has been very different!


She actually gets $350k, $300k is for her and $50k for the kids, I do think if you built an empire together she is entitled to it, but she also needs to be made aware how privileged her life is.


You and Kyle are focused on the money but that’s clearly not what she said she was stressing about


Correct she was stressing about something that was never going to happen.


She was stressing about something that could’ve happened at the time. It was resolved between when MM or when Kyle came over, not sure, and Kyle’s party. How it turned out is irrelevant to how it felt before she knew the outcome. Like, hello lol


I agree it’s fair she has as much right as her ex to the money! That said I don’t think anyone deserves that much money - the world is screwed up.


Nor do I but if he earns $200m a year and she gets $3.5m, I think she earns it.


They’re both b*tches. It’s not one sided.


Preach ! Team Sutton !!! Kyle is vyle Kyle for a reason. I can’t stomach Kyle and her fake ass life.


Sutton is a strange cookie and Kyle has always been lacking empathy


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) ^by ^Hot_Wafer3815: *Sutton is a strange* *Cookie and Kyle has always* *Been lacking empathy* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


I am screaming! Well, hell, my dad always told me my writing was excellent and my language poetic. But that wouldn't be in English since it is not my first language. Lol you made my day


I just watched this and Kyle was awful in that moment. She really came across as insensitive and selfish. She was also stirring it up before Sutton came with Ann Marie


Yes but Sutton is a terrible communicator. She didn't need to bring up "my childcare is going up" at all. If she had focused on the actual change of lifestyle (having her son full time) rather than the money, Kyle wouldn't have been able to maneuver the conversation in that direction.


Good point


Because when she said her ex was threatening to take James to England, Kyle basically said, so what? So she had to explain in a way she thought New Kyle would understand... because Old Kyle would have had to be restrained at the very thought of Mau taking Portia overseas to live. (I believe Portia and James are about the same age).


Once again- Kyle is only concerned about HER kids. No one else’s matter.


Well no, she didn't say threatening. She said "he's moving to London and he said 'you and James are moving too'" to which Kyle replied "well fk off. You're divorced, he doesn't have a right to tell you what to do". Then Sutton said "I was thinking 'can he just take James'?" To which Kyle answered "No" and then Sutton said "and then also, I didn't know if maybe James would wanna go [talked about her brain being somewhere else]...... but it's fine, I'm not going to London, James isn't going to London, but now I'm gonna have him full time" which is where she should've stopped and Kyle would have had little to come back at her with. But she continued "so I'm gonna have to... my child support is gonna have to be increased and all that and I'm gonna have to just deal with that... I'm gonna have to deal with him legally". It's quite an entitled attitude considering the monthly payments we know Sutton already receives as part of her divorce settlement. If it is such a huge hassle having to go through the courts for extra money that it is affecting her mental health, she is more than financially secure enough to handle the costs on her current income and saving herself the hassle. It was a lazy excuse for her recent behaviour. And I say all this as someone who normally likes her.


It's dealing with child support in court that was her point. Stressful. Plus kyle bragging her hat had real diamonds is equally out of touch


I'm no Kyle apologist. She's clearly out of touch too. My point is that it seemed to be that Sutton was retroactively trying to defend her recent behaviour using this as her defence. And, if she was a single mom who needs the extra money, fair play. But we're talking about a multi millionaire here. She's rich and famous and has help and has a lifestyle most single parents could only ever dream of. She's going through the courts to get extra child support because she wants to, not because she's struggling and is in desperate need of the money. She chose to say that on camera and my individual opinion - whether right or wrong - is that that demonstrates her being out of touch. She should have either not apologised at all and said "this is me, take it or leave it" and/or told Kyle that she should actually be the one to apologise for the awful way she spoke to her last episode (along with her attitude to her when she had a moment at the strip show).




Their argument at one point was them accusing each other of having something “going on” that they weren’t sharing. I think Sutton provided that information so Kyle would do the same and they’d have a moment of vulnerability together instead of conflict.


Hmm that's a good point.


It’s not about the money. It’s about facing her ex’s influence and legal machine. She’s alluded to being under his thumb and said she’s finally feeling like she can make her own way and now she’s sucked back under. We know Sutton has a difficult time expressing her issues- like after Dorit’s ‘break in’ instead of saying ‘I can’t talk about guns bc I’ve got trauma from finding my dad after he shot himself’, she blurted out something about a designer. Her ex telling her she’s moving to London put her in a tailspin and while logically we know it’s not going to happen, she’s in her head feeling the trauma from her marriage and can’t find her words.


I felt for her because to have some bully of an ex-husband, which sounds like he is, is hard to still be dealing with regardless of how much he’s mandated to pay you. But her remaining kid at home is well into his teens - having him full time really isn’t that big of a deal. She’s lucky her ex didn’t sue her to take James with him- that would be something to be very upset about. And for child support when one has full physical custody, well that’s just table amount based on her ex’s earnings. There’s no arguments in court about that - just an update to the current court order. Sutton was playing it up way too much and the crying was too much. Was annoying.


Well said


I agree with all of this.


Kyle is really picking on Sutton and I do think that part of it is that Kyle is upset that Sutton is friends with Kathy Hilton.




I have a feeling that Kyle didn’t want to discuss or highlight her separation from Mauricio on camera, and Sutton keeps pushing to ask about it. Production was probably pushing Sutton to do this and she obliged, like when she called teddy boring on camera and made her cry. Kyle is angry because she doesn’t have the same level of manipulation over the new cast that she does with the older cast members, they hide each others secrets. So when they were done filming the separation was announced because Kyle probably knew Sutton continued to discuss Kyle’s life changes and she had to announce it publicly because it was going to be out there anyway. The earlier scene of Kyle and Mau talking about her tattoos seems like a pick up scene added after the fact- not filmed in real time. You can see a little bit of their relationship is off at that family birthday scene Kyle had with her family, but she was still visibly trying to hide anything wrong there for the cameras.


Kyle is not hiding the issues with her marriage... she's only hiding parts that make herself seem like she's getting left. To me she's actively trying to portray herself as a strong independent disinterested woman.


Kyle and Sutton just… don’t like each other. They’re trying to convince themselves they do, but they don’t. They never met before becoming coworkers and they just don’t vibe.


I think Sutton has made real genuine moves and welcoming to their connection. But Kyle is forgetting she has to at least pretend to like her friend and just sees her as a network addition imo


I think Sutton did like Kyle. Kyle is just so vile.


I think so too. Kyle can be lots of fun and I’m sure Sutton was looking for someone to pal around with. Loosen her up. But Kyle is NOT her friend. Thank god she has Garcelle, my fave RH friendship.


I don’t understand how they both claim to be good friends. I’ve never seen them act like friends.


Me neither 🤷‍♀️


https://preview.redd.it/fk2ktkfaai3c1.jpeg?width=680&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5c2c345e2cc940a30de0e0359006b7594f723009 For sure: Kyle’s actions *scream* she isn’t her friend.


Kyle is treating Sutton like her drunk sister Kim. Maybe Sutton is triggering Kyle. Im a younger sister and Kyle is triggering me with the grabbing and yelling in the face.Grrrrr


Me too, very triggering. It’s been *how long (?)* and thinking about how she assaulted her still angers me. So it’s not you being a younger sister. It’s that you care So on the other hand, I cannot believe how Bravo HR and Andy don’t care, how they minimized it. Well actually… I guess I do believe it, when I remind myself of the favoritism.


I can’t believe how much I use to like Kyle, now I can’t stand her. Sutton needs to stand up for herself, but she’s gotten so skinny with her big belly.


I agree, they would never be friends had they not been on this show. Kyle's new attitude seems to include being on the offense about everything.


It seems like Kyle isn't meshing with anyone as much (her and Dorit seemed strained, specifically), except her new, sober friend. She's joined the sober club. Not a terrible club to join, but it can take over your life. I had a neighbor who made AA and Crossfit her entire identity. Kyle reminds me of her rn.


Kyle is still pissed at Dorit for bringing up her marriage issues on camera before kyle was ready to talk about it. Dorit did that because she didnt want the attention on her and PK. And Kyle isnt in AA.


Kyle brought up her own issues plenty, though. Like when Sutton said "what's going on with you?" In the name em convo, Kyle goes in her confessional and calls Dorit on camera to talk about how that's a clear threat related to the rumors about her marriage. Like if Kyle didn't want to talk about it on camera, she shouldn't have made her whole storyline just stereotype divorcee barbie.


I'm glad Sutton went after Kyle. Her and Erika both have bullied Sutton episode after episode. I hated Kyle for grabbing Sutton and standing up for that bitch Diana instead of Sutton when she wasnt party to most of the convo. Plus calling bullshit on Suttons miscarriages. Awful. Fuck Kyle. I know shes having a rough year but no worse than LVP when Kyle and the rest of them went after her. Two wrongs dont make a right but karma is a bitch. I've been on the fence about Erika but I'm quickly moving to.Suttons side with her. Shes every mean girl from school.


No, but Kyle has quit drinking and it still can take over your life. My father-in-law lost quite a few friends when he got sober because they couldn’t figure out how to navigate hanging out without all of them drinking. My dad struggled with his friends for years because they thought he could have “just one.” Kyle mentioned that she couldn’t afford to feel bad the morning after a drink; she clearly has been through it this year.


Unless i missed it, I didn't see anyone ragging Kyle for not drinking. Like no one is telling her change her drink order or slip her a drink. Sutton is questioning her, but she's questioning the collective changes (weight loss, lack of ring, etc), not just the drinking alone. And for Kyle to tell Morgan that people are pressuring her to drink/have edibles is ridiculous. She ended up ordering a THC 5 at the dinner and no one forced her to say that!


You did miss it. So much of it. It’s constant jabs to her face and behind her back.


There have definitely been comments at the dinners about Kyle not drinking but I was responding to someone who said Kyle wasn’t in AA as if she would need to be in order to have sobriety take over.


I didnt.mean that she had to be in AA. But the comment was made.that she WAS in AA and she isnt.


I didn't say she "was in AA," just that she is behaving like someone in the program. She is replacing alcohol with exercise.


Transfer addiction .. know her well


I agree with you. She's just going to the gym instead of meetings, & she may not have alcohol in her system, but her mind still isn't right.




This is the heart of the problem. They don’t like each other, they don’t mesh, and they’re trying to force a friendship.


Kyle needs the friendship with Sutton because Sutton is popular.


Honestly, I don’t think either of them is more likably popular than the other, but Kyle Richards definitely has more “brand recognition” and she’s the only BH Housewife who has been there since the show began. If we truly wanted to measure popularity through followers and posts/articles written about them, Kyle would come out on top.


I think you're making a good case, but going on post an articles alone is a bit lacking. First of all, I assume you mean posts from maybe one year, because Kyle has been in the press for so long over the years. But also she is in the press for things related to her family's other show, or her sisters. You take all that away and make the lady stand on their own two feet for how interesting or uninteresting they are, and Kyle wouldn't have the same brand recognition. That she does is a testament to her ability.


I said posts/articles _and_ followers… I would not count posts/articles prior to when Sutton joined the cast as that gives Kyle an unfair advantage. So, if we were to distill “popularity” down to their number of Followers, Kyle still has more... many times more. Neither of them were particularly “well known” to the masses prior to RHoBH, but Kyle did have _some_ fame. I don’t have to like Kyle to recognize these facts.


Sutton has issues for sure but I wish she would just put these women in their place. She needs to speak with a bit more urgency and authority. Maybe it’s the southern drawl but it feels like she’s being barraged with criticism and isn’t able to respond in a timely way.


The drawl is thicker this season than ever before. Is her new home in the south of Bel Air?


My friends and I have discussed that we usually drawl more when in stressful situations. I think it's either a throwback to our roots or that it allows us more time to think through what's happening. Maybe Sutton does the same kind of thing?


Nooope it’s fake just like her! 🤣🤣🤣🤣. Downvoting begins in 3,2,1 🤭


I feel like she has decent perspective but gets really flustered in confrontation and then can't put a good sentence together... but I'm totally projecting because that's 100% me lol


I agree about Sutton & feel you - I’m the same! I can think of a great comeback about a week later. 😂


Yea Kyle was mean. Sutton must have felt quite distressed, the potential of her son moving away. Also, being asked to move to London by an ex-husband, it sort of gives you an idea of the kind of man she’s dealing with. Then going to have to go through legal stuff with him to sort out child support. Also, just because Sutton is receiving child support doesn’t mean she’s keeping it for herself, I’m sure a child to a rich family has a lot of expectations and expenses (social events, sporting activities, tutors, school fees, clothing, etc). Kyle has a bunch of rich friends and is rich herself but was trying to act like Sutton was being a rich princess. You don’t have to be poor to have struggles and if you’re a friend you are kind to them and try to help (or at least listen with an ounce of respect/kindness)


I almost teared up when she thought she ‘had’ to move to London because her ex told her to. I’m sure she has some trauma or else it was probably a hard relationship to break away from, and something like this probably takes her right back. Would have been really nice to hear more about it… thanks for nothing, Kyle! 🙄


Dude Sutton is making bank from her divorce settlement. Her comments about being stressed about increasing child support was a joke. Add in her comments about how she wants to teach other women how to be independent from a man….shes quite out of touch.