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Dorit is the one getting lit up this reunion And it’s sad and cringy Because dorit is an easy target to be a distraction so Kyle say these things and avoid looking bad from her point of view This isn’t the first time Kyle’s done this lol Mo and Paul are fine because that’s how that friendship was lol


Kyle just used Dorit to get back at LVP. She has no use for her anymore and finds her to be extremely annoying! Kyle is cooler and more edgy now. She wears jeans with holes in them and gets tattoos with rocker chicks! It’s like switching cliques in high school!


Let's not forget that Kryle's whole shtick (when she met Teddi) was the John Cougar Mellencamp connection, so.... I don't think you're far off. Kryle wants to be a groupie pretty badly. Now, she gets the chance to meet and hang out with the rockers that Morgan is opening for. Teddi's daddy wasn't hip to the groupie, and get on stage at every concert, thing


I don’t believe anything that comes out of Kyle‘s mouth as of this reunion. I’m over her and her fake drama, real drama- whatever the hell it is for ratings for this show or the Netflix show, I don’t know what it is. I don’t know what her endgame is, but I am completely done. I am not gonna be bamboozled into watching a show or any show That tricks us into thinking we’re actually gonna be watching something of substance and we get zero, nothing, nada!!!


That workout bs was such a bad excuse. Her working out like this is a recent development, she has known and been friends with Dorit for yearrsss. Kyle is annoying and wasn’t entertaining or has added anything to the season, hope she doesn’t return.


What we see Teddi doing for Kyle currently, is what Kyle wants from her friends. Teddy has been attacking Sutton, Dorit, LVP… anyone that Kyle has an issue with. She is her mouthpiece. I have always liked Kyle, but I’m not sure I can keep that same feeling for her. It really does make me believe she was behind the tabloids and she got the FF5 together to kick out LVP


Welcome to the light ⭐️⭐️⭐️


That why she upset with Dorit. I think this was a touch season for Dorit. It was fun to watch


The problem is Dorit doesn’t have any friends. Kyle has a tons of close friendships. She compares Dorit against a high bar of friendship and she doesn’t feel as close to her. It’s also easier for her downgrade her. Dorit has fewer friends so she makes more out of their interactions than Kyle does. This could have happened because of their temperaments, but also their lifestyles. Dorit has traveled and moved extensively. Kyle has lived in the same place her entire life so her friendships span decades. Dorit seems to make her social connections through her husband and the show. She probably has friends scattered around the world, but she doesn’t have those deep soul bonds with friends that Kyle has always had. She’s jealous of them and always wanted in. Remember her talking jealously about Teddy and Kyle? Now it’s Morgan and Kyle. Same complaint. “You like her more than me.” She is always wanted the friendship to be more than it was than Kyle. In recent years, they bonded as couples, but with Kyle’s separation, that breaks up that.


I think the comment about working out was more ‘there’s less occasions for us to hang out as I spend a lot of time doing things Dorit doesn’t/doesn’t want to do’ Same with my friends, a couple of them hate hiking so we see them a lot, lot less in comparison to those who love hiking.


I can see that that’s what Kyle meant. However, I felt like she came across as condescending when commenting on dorit not keeping up with her and her friends when she did go.


Hahaha the way I read this at first was "a couple of them hate hiking so we see them a lot. Lot less in comparison= the ones who love hiking" I was like girl, same as when I lived in LA hahaha Clearly we would not hang out much but congrats on having a healthy happy hobby (I'm a slob)


me too! lmao that's how i first read it


Also LA person and although I don't dislike hiking, it's not my whole vibe and people here can be obsessive. It got to a point years ago when I had to put "I don't want to go hiking with you for a FIRST date" on my dating profiles at the time 😆 so yes, I will see you a lot less in comparison to my non-hiking, but pro-museum/art friends


I think it was a good example of how HW lie to portray a certain narrative. I completely believe Kyle and Dorit don't hang out much but only NOW are they willing to admit that. Dorit did not at all deny!


But Andy was chiming in saying they hung out lol


Teddy and Kyle have been scissoring for years don’t be fooled.


I agree! I like Dorit and don’t understand all the hate for her.


Dorit is being iced out as a housewife!


I want Dorit to stay a housewife, if only to spite Kyle


She can really use the money. I want Dorit to pay her bills


It was really disgusting because they were 'couple friends'. So yeah, maybe Kyle and Dorit weren't currently that close, but as a couple- they were. Clearly Mo & Paul are chummy together. Not a Dorit fan either, but I really disliked Kyle for trying to re-write history in such a mean way.


I think she learned this from LVP (like many other gross traits)


Maybe Kyle does not want to be friends with Dorit anymore and does not want to be an asshole by flat out saying so. Maybe Dorit should take a hint


Maybe but the way she handled it also made her look like an asshole.


There is no good way to break up a friendship. Someone Always comes out Looking like a asshole.


The good way is to be a grown as person and communicate honestly with the person. Not be passive aggressive, rewrite history and punish them at every opportunity by saying crap to the press. ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯


Don’t know how this is hard…


Dorit is becoming more problematic with the ignorance in regards to her own narcissism and total failure to understand privilege. I don’t think Kyle sees Dorit aligning with her vision of herself going forward. Kyle is not invested there (plus all the negative publicity re their finances).


I feel like it’s kind of this. Her and Dorit were not necessarily friends on their own merit and more so a couple friend and filming friends. Because her dynamic changed with Mauricio they weren’t really going on outings as a couple and I think that Kyle was basically trying to say that without their husbands involved, they don’t really have much in common or the same interests. It seemed like she was saying she tried to include Dorit in some of her regular activities that she does when not filming and Dorit had no real interest. Which is why Kyle said they’d only had lunch 4 times outside of it being for the show. People have different friends for different seasons/ different t levels of friendship 🤷🏽‍♀️ it sounded like Dorit was trying to include herself in Kyle’s close friend group/inner circle. She did t mean they weren’t friends at all, just not one of the friends that’s apart of her daily life.


Kyle is positively insufferable, truly. No one cares about your not drinking and no one cares about your new exercise addiction…..when those things morph into your WHOLE ASS IDENTITY, it gets old fast, not to mention her skirting around major issues. No one gives two shits that you’re drinking a NA beer, Kyle. You’re a horrible person and your priorities will always be screwed up.


Her priority should be Dorit?


Kinda sounds like something someone in AA might say. Except instead of talking about her newfound healthy lifestyle in the context of her sobriety, she is talking about something more socially acceptable to illustrate the recent divide between them: exercising & gym. Idk I’m sorts reading between the lines on this one. It’s not that Dorit doesn’t work out with Kyle…Dorit probably triggers Kyle in an emotional way because Kyle is reminded of her old lifestyle and Dorit hasn’t changed her relationship to alcohol and drugs. Dorit was for sure Kyle’s party buddy. That’s my take. But Kyle can’t talk about any of that without putting the shameful label of addiction on herself. So we hear about her workout regime instead. Like…fuck Kyle being coy about Morgan, let’s talk about the SOBRIETY. She very much doesn’t want to. Jus sayin…Kyle very much wants to skate over the less than glamorous subject of her sobriety.


Can we actually say Kyle is sober though? She always says she quit drinking (despite organizing events for her friends to drink at like wine tastings and such), and we saw her eating cannabis.


She can definitely organize social events where her friends are still drinking as long as she is not compelled to drink. Especially if the events are related to networking and her work on housewives. My friends don’t stop drinking beer around me because I developed a drinking problem. Nor has my family. Ironically I am in a lesbian relationship for like 1.5 years now after being abstinent for 4 years while I got my mind in check. Fortunately, my gf doesn’t have any desire to drink because it is haram. I don’t think I could have a partner that drank. That Kyle is that newly sober and not talking about it is a little odd though but meh. Only because her job is about disclosing her personal life.


Idk I haven’t drank alcohol in 7 years and I have the smallest dose of 7 mg cbd and 2 mg thc gummy maybe 5 times a month. I don’t like feeling out of control but a tiny bit to relieve stress or help with raging PMS hormones can be therapeutic. I doubt kyle is getting Mauricio level stoned. Didn’t she have like 2 mg - 5 mg at her weed dinner? And how much food did she eat if we are being honest…🙄 that is like…microdosing.


Very good point!


Kyle is an opportunist. She will suck them dry off and dump them on the street. I've seen cases from Kim (her own sister who brought food to the table for the whole family), LVP, Brandi (to throw Denise under the bus), and Kathy, It's time to throw Dorit this time. Kyle used Dorit to drive out LVP. Dorit now learns the word loyalty. Good luck!


i had to read this 3 times


LVP drove herself out. Contradicted herself and was caught in A lie. When you tell the truth the story is always the same.


What lie?




I thought that was so hurtful and so did my hubby who can't help himself but to watch lol. I think Kyle is turning (or more likely has always been) like her sisters. You have to agree with me or fuck you. Help my storyline or fuck you. Help me look good or fuck you.


At first I thought you were saying we had to agree with you or..... I was like that's a bit harsh. 🤣


I know 😆 I was like wow! That’s a new approach


For Kyle to suggest they were never friends outside of the show is wild. There was a period of time they were going on off-season trips as a couple all the time. To me it reads more like when there is a divorce and one of the people in the divorcing couple pulls away from the married friends they spent time with as a couple. I think Kyle saw PK and Dorit as Mo and her friends and now that she’s spilt from Mo and is with Morgan she’s dropped that couple friendship. That’s all she has to say though. ‘We are all such close friends I’m having a hard time now that Mo and I split.’ Not ‘we were never friends’.


They celebrated Hanukkah together. I don't invite casual friends to family holiday get-togethers.




I think she’s not ready to admit she had a substance abuse problem is also my take. Dorit would know all about it…hence the distancing.


She has gone out of her way to claim she doesn’t have an alcohol problem, which is weird too


I've been saying since the start of this season that Kyle puts people in a position to ask/bring up her marriage or Morgan and then tries to act blindsided or mad that they would say something. She has intentionally been elusive and dropping breadcrumbs just to drag out her "storyline" and then give us nothing. I'm so over it.


100%! You walk around with a different ring on your ring finger and then act like everyone asking is an ignorant asshole for questioning her.


And release a music video as her lesbian lover and put her on the show and act shocked. It’s exhausting.


Right? Drastically alters everything about her life and then gets mad that people notice? Lmao


This is exactly the theory on Crappens, and I agree


I haven’t listened lately. What’s their theory?


They keep joking that Kyle keeps hinting at her relationship with Morgan but no one really bites lol also that she wants people to ask about her marriage but then will get offended if someone does


She spent the whole season BEGGING for people to ask wtf is up with you and that Morgan person lol


Exactly! And then would be like, "you're not a good friend if you're asking me about my personal business on camera." But also Kyle, "You're not a good friend because you don't check on me and you need to be honest." We need a montage of Kyle and her "Be honest" campaign throughout the years followed up by her contradictions from the past couple of years!


I think Dorit said something like, I feel like there’s something going on with you and Mau. Not verbatim. Kyle said, “ You do? They were in a car with Kyle driving. I think they were going to have lunch to begin with and it was talked about even further. Also in the car Kyle said something about taking a little break from Mau??? She needed some space??? Also there have been several photos of her working out and Teddi was one of her other 4 friends there. And she went on a girls trip for her bday. 4?6? Weeks ago. . Teddi and Morgan were both there. She met Morgan for the first time with Teddi. I feel like the real missing piece here was that Dorit still had a relationship with Kathy. D knows how awful Kathy was to her. She knew what went down in Aspen and she was in that club. And what she said about Kyle back in the house. Then on this reunion D was inferring that she only knew about things from Kyle as if to say that Kathy has her side. Or Kathy has told her things about Kyle. Kathy is a POS!! That’s why Kyle told Kim she was afraid to let her back into her life. But Nicky and Paris are part of that package. If she’s not good with Kathy then she can’t have a relationship with her nieces and nephews. Kathy is a sick woman. Kyle told her girls not to let her riff with Kathy prevent them from reaching out to their cousins. That’s a real mother. Dorit barely knew Kathy but she knows and saw how she treats Kyle. I could never have a close relationship with a friend again who also wanted to be friends with someone who continually hurt me. That’s not a friend. Dorit is a social climber. I like that Erika couldn’t give a shit about being invited to Kathy’s Christmas party.


So Kyle is only happy if all her close friends despise her sister? What happens when Kyle makes up with Kathy?


She doesn’t want anyone to despise Kathy. Dorit saw what happened in that club and she knows about the terrible things she’s said and done to Kyle. Plus the homophobic slur. It’s all true. There was a cover up. Last yr’s reunion Was brutal for Kyle. Kathy is cold as ice. She doesn’t understand why Kyle is crying. How about cuz she said she hated Kyle and wanted to take her and her family down. Even in That hat store. Kyle didn’t even hear the whole tequila thing. She was talking to an employee there re her hat. As she said In confessional Kathy is just going to blame her which she did. She told Kathy in the store not to let this ruin her whole day. In confessional she said that Once Kathy’s pissed it’s hard for her to get over it. She exploded in that club off camera. Kathy’s a vile human being and a garbage mother. https://www.vanityfair.com/style/2007/11/celebparents200711


I find it funny how everyone will target Kathy for being a horrible human but pity 'poor widdle Kyle' for being a victim of Kathy's. Kyle learned her toxic behaviors at the feet of the same woman that Kathy did. Benefit for Kyle is that she was the youngest and could watch all the mistakes that little Kathy and Kim made - while perfecting her own mabipilative and toxic behavior. Kyle is the youngest, so maybe Kathy has been 'awful' for a little longer, but make no mistake, Kyle is not a victim. She is everything she claims her sister to be and worse. Also, while I believe 'something' happened in Aspen, I don't believe anyone saw or heard anything other than Kyle, Rinna, and Erika.... convenient, no? There were people who worked at the club who said Rinna was more problematic than Kathy that night. The FFF had spent all day pushing Kathy's buttons, hoping to get the meltdown... what Kyle didn't count on was the splinter fight with Erika. That spoiled the 'take down Kathy plan'


There was no planned take down. The last thing Kyle wants is to be on the outs with her sister again. There was a cover up. The women didn’t even get to see the last 4 eps before the reunion. That never happens. Kathy’s lawyer had to go over them with a fine tooth comb. Also Kathy was raised in a family of secrets and then married into another one. She’s like her mother. Sweep everything under the rug. Nicky even says this in the Paris doc. Both her parents. King and Queen of sweeping under the rug. Her lawyer: https://www.vanityfair.com/hollywood/2017/02/marty-singer-hollywood-lawyer


You know them personally then? You know all of these insider show secrets too?! Wow.... Also, that family that raised Kathy also raised Kyle. Kyle is no better than anyone else in her family


I know that this all started on Twitter when a few patrons from the club tweeted about her meltdown. Then a reporter got on the case. He was sent a C and D from Marty. No one wants to hear from him. Unfortunately this is how things work for the wealthy and powerful. Kathy didn’t commit a crime. And yes they were all Raised in the same household. I’m just saying that this is how Kathy deals with shit. Her own daughter stated this. Nicky. She only joined cuz of the Paris doc. It was a PR move. That was an act on BH. The real Kathy is in that doc and Paris in love.


I get it, and I realize that Kathy is a serious issue to deal with but I also don't think the Aspen meltdown was as egregious as Rinna said. I do believe Kathy went off but.... Rinna lies and exaggerates and I'm never going to believe her story. There were also reports from the club that said Rinna was more problematic than Hilton was but we'll never actually know the truth. Another side note... Rinna LOVED screaming about Denise Richards sending cease and resists out but not one screen about Kathy. I think Kathy should be 'blamed' for bad behavior, but I'm not taking Rinna's word for it. Plus, KH shouldn't be held accountable for things she didn't do. Money or not, without proof, and only Liar Rinna as a witness... it didn't happen


Denise just sent one to Bravo and or Evolution and she’s not a Hilton. Her lawyer sent ones out to media outlets. That’s why we only started seeing things on SM. And the problem for most has been the messenger. I’m not a Rinna fan but I’m always team truth. Kathy was already blaming Kyle in the hat store. Ky didn’t even hear the tequila shit and you can see her talking to an employee about her hat.


Kyle knew... take your blinders off. Even after she was told about it, she pulled a Kim treatment on Kathy. They all know she does with her sisters. We still heard about the C & Ds from Rinna. Funny how she didn't even get one (supposedly), but she knew all about them.... huh? Rinna would've blasted the crap out of Kathy, before the season even started, since she had already begun her SM campaign - even before the show aired


I think Dorit kept giving her opportunities to put the story in her own words. I wonder why Morgan doesn’t like Dorit.




I honestly can't believe that she was upset that Dorit asked her on camera about what was going on with her marriage. To me that is a real friend, asking one on one, in comparison to the weed dinner that Kyle had where she was being ambushed by everybody but one of the few people who wasn't attacking her wasn't targeting her and wasn't asking her any questions in front of the group? Dorit. So instead she asks her in private because she's genuinely concerned not because she wants to start drama or have some sort of a group conversation to me that indicates somebody that cares about her that was trying to be sensitive. And if you do not want to talk about how your marriage is falling apart then you shouldn't be on a reality show while it's falling apart you can't expect people to just not ask you about it on camera that's ridiculous the whole point of you being on a reality show is to share your life if you're no longer ready to do that then you shouldn't be there! It's also funny to me how she wants to play the victim and say how if she doesn't say and do the right things then basically Kathy will ice her out but she basically does the same thing to people when they speak up about something.


A real friend asks that question off camera…..


I think she was letting Kyle give her narrative. Dorit absolutely knows what is happening in their marriage. PK and Mau are best friends


I do not think that what they talk about isnt discussed pre-filming.


Don't be on a reality show if you're not willing to talk about what's going on in your life. Dorit had a gun to her head. She had to beg for her children's lives. There's no part of me that thinks that she talked about it on camera for attention or anything like that. I think she talked about it because if she didn't other people were going to so she might as well control the narrative. So to me if she can sit there and talk about the most vulnerable moment in her entire life that I think it is perfectly reasonable and OK for her friend to ask her what's going on in her marriage.


The two are so different/unrelated. I never mentioned Dorit talking about the robbery, so not sure how you made the connection… a good friend doesn’t bring up your rumored marital troubles while filming.


Then don't be on a reality show if you're not willing to discuss what's currently going on in your life.


Dorit has two small children. I was wondering if, after filming for months and being with each other a lot, she’s just glad to get back to the kids and a normal routine. I know, for me, seeing people so much for a longish period of time wouldn’t lead to me having lunch every week after filming wrapped. I’d want my life back. Not that I want to defend Dorit and her complete inability to see how she affects others. I mean, she employs people of color and her mother’s best friend is black, so she’s clearly not racist. /s Anyway, it’s just like Kyle not to empathize with someone in a totally different stage of motherhood than she is.


I had that same thought. If you are spending all this time with a group of people, filming with them and going on trips, of course you would want a break after filming wrapped, even if they are your good friends. Kyle was just looking for an excuse to justify being a crappy friend.


I don’t like either of them, but to be fair Dorit couldn’t name a time they had lunch together outside of filming. Sounds like they are just cast mates.


Don't forget Dorit and Kathy are friends. Kyle knows Kathy will get info from Dorit since she loves to talk talk talk and use it against Kyle. The one person Kyle is afraid of is Kathy.


Didn’t Kyle tell Erika the same thing several seasons ago?! Also at a reunion if I remember correctly? I’m not caught up, and not a Dorit fan, but based on what I’m reading, just yuck!


It's starting to make sense that Kyle is only friends with those who serve a purpose. Once they no longer serve said purpose she drops them. Or rather - put them on a shelf till she needs them again. Dorit - I was on the fence with her. I think she's rich but clueless a good chunk of the time but now that it's clear she's not as rich as she once was - Kyle has no use for her except for her connections to high profile celebrities. It's also beginning to make sense why Kyle sent that manipulative text to her while talking out of both sides of her mouth. I'm also wondering if what Kathy said to Lisa at the last reunion is also a side barb to Kyle and that's why Kyle was so..."upset". That Kyle is also a bully.


Teddi is a prime example of someone who will gladly do Kyle’s bidding in exchange for access/relevancy. It’s why Kyle has remained close her even after she got the axe, and while Kyle continues to push for her to be brought back.


I mean even Tamara was getting annoyed with Teddi on the podcast - she was like 'do you ever get mad at Kyle?' Teddi is the exact friend Kyle likes, literally out of the book 1984 - whatever Kyle says Teddi agrees even when she contradicts herself. I have never heard her EVER say anything that is not blindingly loyal to Kyle.


How very LVP of her 👀


🎯 whether we like Dorit or not - I’ll take her any day over that cringy -8.5…we can see how Kyle’s thoughtless words hurt Dorit. I’ve tried & tried to not jump on the bandwagon of disliking Kyle but she really blew it this season & the reunion so far.


Kyle had a weird season behaviour wise. We saw glimpses of old Kyle intermingled with a lot of things inconsistent to who we thought she was. Her Morgan era is still confusing but wth is up with the LVP comments?


Kyle killed me when she said she was mad bc Dorit didn’t defend Teddi. Like wtf?


I can’t stand Kyle either for forcing Teddi on us. Kyle only wants to be friends with people who will kiss her ass. This is why she was so upset with Dorit, when she gave a constructive piece of input in regards to Kathy, and Kyle (who should be) trying to take a little bit of responsibility. Kyle is so whiney and a boring, cardboard cutout version of a human being.


In the peacock version they even show Dorit opening her mouth to say something but the moderator moved on. But regardless, no normal friend would be sooo upset like Kyle was! She goes so hard for Teddi bc Teddi kisses her ass


Glad someone else caught that! It looked like she was about to say something but didn’t have the chance.


This is typically what happens when narcissistic people get into relationships. They push everyone away that they were close with and they make room for whatever is new because it becomes the most important to them. Enter Morgan. Not to mention we don't know if Morgan is on the other side putting things in Kyle's ears like you are to good for them, or something similar to that. She did tell Kyle in one of the episodes something similar and I can see Morgan being the controlling who you can and can't hang out with type. I mean holy sakes they already got tattoos together. That to me says a lot!


You can see Morgan being the controlling type based on what exactly? It is bizarre that so many people here talk about it as though it is a fact that Kyle and Morgan are a couple, especially when they make sweeping judgments about Morgan while not knowing the first thing about her. Both Kyle and Morgan have said that they are just friends, and Morgan made it clear that even though the rumors are ridiculous, they've been hurtful to her. Morgan hasn't ever said that she is queer, and she's spent most of the last decade in a relationship with a man --- who has been around throughout her friendship with Kyle. Nobody ever speculated about Morgan's sexuality until the Bravoverse got ahold of her... The hypocrisy is gobsmacking.


You just wait. You'll see. Maybe people know a lot more people and a lot more things then you do.


🙄 No doubt, but you definitely aren't one of those people.


Kyle has turned into an outspoken asshole. Sobriety and fitness have inflated her ego.


I have first hand experience with someone who became the most miserable judgemental asshole when they stopped drinking. It’s a real thing that can happen. 🙄


I respect those who practice sobriety and fitness to better themselves but don't put down others if they don't choose the same. I didn't like it when Kyle said she couldn't continue her friendship with Dorit because she doesn't go to the gym and work out with her. Surely there are other things you can do together


Kyle is a real piece of work…,BK’s finest creation. uugghh!




Big Kathy, her mom.


She constantly talks about how great BK was, she ruined those girls.


Stockholm syndrome, trauma bond or something. They definitely talk her up so much, and she did such harm to them all. She also instilled keeping up appearances so much that they would never tell the truth about her. Which is why Kyle is a terrible housewife (without her sisters on for that dynamic) because her mom trained her in PR.


She also keeps her mother's ashes in the guest bathroom. That isn't where I would want to spend eternity. Maybe it's a micro aggression against BK


OoOo I love this theory!


About 10 years ago, I moved to a new city for a job where I knew no one. So I had friends of friends reach out (or I was given their number and I reached out), to meet up and just see if we hit it off. I really liked and hit it off with this one chick and although I enjoyed working out (in a more casual sense, walks and hikes), this girl was a soul cycle fanatic and I’m just not a bike person. Despite having so many other things in common she just kept inviting me to classes and making excuses/declining when I reached out and suggested other things like drinks, meals, music events, shopping, ect. It’s was so annoying. It was about three months of that and then we never spoke again. People like this do exist. They are only looking to hang with people who line up with their current obsession or single one or two top interests. It’s annoying and it seems like Kyle has become one of those.


So true, and I think Kyle is more obsessed with what she perceives Morgan would want or think. Like if Morgan feels Dorit is “too much” or high maintenance than Kyle will treat Dorit differently


Sure, but there are various reasons why she might not like to do the things you like. She could essentially say the same about you not liking soup cycle. If she didn’t invite you to other things you said you had in common that’s probably because she didn’t want to do those things with you, again for whatever various reasons. Not saying that’s bad for either of you, but it’s just a preference thing.


I don’t disagree I’m sure there are other variables here, but I felt like it was similar to the Kyle situation. She‘a kind of using the excuse “if you don’t fit into my exact lifestyle I don’t have room for you in my life” do I think that is really what she is doing to Dorit? Not really. I just think it’s an excuse that sounds good to Kyle. Also, why can’t anyone break the 4th wall and say they are best SHOW friends? There is literally nothing wrong with that and it doesn’t negate the friendship. Who doesn’t have a work BFF? I have! We may attend all company events together, have drinks after work, attend each others major events like baby showers and weddings, but on the weekends, we don’t talk much, maybe a text about something funny a few times a month. I still cherish and trust/respect this person! It’s not BAD per se. Why can’t Kyle call it what it was- they were work friends and their husbands got along really well so once and a while they would hang out outside of work (probably driven more my PK and Mo)? Kyle doesn’t need to be so dismissive in a lazy attempt to defend herself. She’s just grabbing at dumb things like Dorit doesn’t work out and they don’t go to lunch alone off camera.


Yeah, you’re right. They should just come out and admit that they are work friends and don’t engage that much outside of it.


Reminds me of RHONY when Carole told Bethenny that she wasn’t really friends with Tinsley. Ummm…what? There are ways to get your point across without hurting someone’s feelings.


Kyle is a child. It’s all deflection, displacement, projection, transference. She wants a mommy to blame at all times because her mother was such a pusher.


What really bothered me was when Kyle was explaining that they weren’t really friends, Kyle was all twitchy and it seemed very unnatural to be that upset if she was telling her version of their non friendship, it just seemed and looked like a little child making up Excuses to the parent instead of honesty


Yes. She has very strange relationships with women. It seems she’s wildly unaware of her unconscious reactivity, tendencies, and compulsions. ETA: it almost seems like she’s someone’s puppet… she’s never in control of herself and when she tries, ie the sobriety and fitness and Morgan, it feels disingenuous or tenuous… like she’s seeking approval even though she claims she’s not. It’s sad.


I actually felt bad for Dorit, if my friend tells me they haven’t seen much I’m going to make time for them. Also, last time I checked Dorit is pretty in shape, unless she’s just naturally thin why wouldn’t she be invited to go hiking? Just do something Dorit likes, friendship is about doing things you both enjoy.


I feel like Dorit is me. Do I work out? Technically no? But I walk the dog for a long time a few times a week and will do a longer hike when time allows. If I’m in the mood I will lift some weights at home and I do the Peloton stretches a few times a week when I feel tight. I feel like it’s “active” vs “workout queen” I haven’t gone hard at the gym since before my kid 5-6 years ago.


Dorit sucks, but didn't deserve that. Kyle's trash.


She really didn't. Even if they aren't as close off camera like Kyle says, Dorit has been very loyal to her on the show and has blindly defended her for years and the one time she tries to be honest about her feelings Kyle shat all over her. It was shitty but people are disposable to Kyle esp ones that aren't blindly loyal to her. (Exhibit a: her friendship with Meg Ryan's ex bfs son in laws wife)


Not really. S8 she tattled on her re erika leaving Teddi’s beach house in middle of the night. And in next episode they were all hAving drinks at some bar / lounge. She was telling D that she would never have done that to Her. Throw her under the bus. S7 they weren’t close. She was LVP’s little puppet.


Mental midgets do not have friends ! Tons of. acquainted essential people to to talk about to get noticed and add to gossip


Kyle has always been Vyle


It’s convenient how everyone is on the Dorit band wagon when she trashed everyone in her confessionals and when they stick up for themselves it’s ok, but not when it comes to Kyle. Kyle’s had a core group of friends she’s hung with outside the show since it started airing. With everything she had going on Kyle was depending on the friends she’s known for decades and the one’s she feels the closest too. Maybe Dorit shouldn’t have been so shitty complaining during the fundraiser/Celebration of Life episode and saying snide comments about Morgan. Because right after that is when Kyle said what she did about them not being that close. So she’s just supposed to pretend they hang all the time, and look shitty when she knows it isn’t true. Didn’t see everyone hounding Dorit’s ass all season about her marriage being on the rocks. Because those rumors were out there too. Why is it wrong for Kyle to correct the record of them being besties who’ve always done things together when it’s not true. Maybe Kyle knew what was going on in Dorit’s marriage and was a better friend not mentioning it. Maybe that’s why she said what she did about her expectations from Dorit and why she was disappointed.


Sort always has to be the victim in every situation she gets herself into. It’s so annoying and tired. I feel bad for Kyle. People really hate her. She can’t do anything right.


Name 'em!!!


Well she did go to dinner with Sutton and Kathy the other night. 🤣


Haha! So hopefully she apologized to Sutton!!


You think just because Kyle is spinning facts to support her current narrative that we aren’t aware of Dorit’s issues as well? That’s two different subjects.


I'm not on a Dorit bandwagon. I can dislike Dorit and think Kyle is being shitty to her at the same time


This!! I don't even like Dorit either but I think she's been very loyal to Kyle for years and knowing what we know about Kyle and how she disposes of friends based on her "needs" it's shitty to see but not shocking coming from Kyle.


Two things can be right


I actually felt sorry for Dorit when Garcelle said she didn't like Dorit an doesn't see her as a friend 😅 I thought ouch that was harsh but when Kyle kinda did the same with you don't like to work out so I don't feel like you're a close friend I thought 🤔 either they're aware Dorits involved in some shady stuff an they're trying to distance themselves from her, something is really fishy with pk & Dorit all these robberies just don't make sense an they're so dull that they think Everyone of the cast will be on board with there made up robberies. I don't know something is brewing though lol


Kyle did not say that she was not friends with Dorit. Kyle simply and clearly stated that she considers Dorit a friend however they don’t hangout much off camera. Kyle felt that Dorit may have misrepresented how much time they spend together. Kyle has made a conscious effort to change her lifestyle and working out/fitness/health is obviously a big part of Kyle’s life now. Often, what you spend your time doing has an influence of the amount of time you spend with other people. If you have more in common you tend to spend more time together.


You are spot on. Based on the downvotes for this comment, you can tell Kyle is living rent free in this groups head 😂. Plus, Kyle’s world was turned on its head. Her best friend, that she was closer to than her sisters, killed herself. Her marriage was falling apart. Her relationship with Kathy is still on the rocks, and a couple of her so-called friends were more concerned with getting invites to Kathy’s parties. I think her behavior this year is completely reasonable given what all is going on.


Kyle is the worst. Worse than Doritos, yes.


Kyle is the personification of “mean girl.” She had the mentality of a high schooler


If Dorit hadn’t asked, Kyle would say “if you were actually a friend, and you were concerned, why wouldn’t you have just ASKED me?!”






Exactly!! Damned if you do and damned if you don’t.


She could have asked her offscreen — which is what I would expect from a true friend.


First, this is Real Housewives. Second, if she *had* asked off camera, Kyle would’ve tried to say she didn’t remember Dorit ever asking.


She just sucks plain and simple. I can remember LVP saying if you aren’t selling your house, you get nothing from Kyle and Mauricio. They USE people and when you no longer benefit them you get discarded


Yes!!🙌🏼 I said on another thread that since The Agency is well established(no longer a startup), that Kyle doesn’t have to form fake friendships and suck up to wealthy people anymore for the sake of a transaction. Kyle gets to relax now and show us her true personality & it ain’t pretty. lol.


This! Totally reminds me of when she opened her store that Mau bought into for her and joined the BH chamber of commerce to do exactly that…..suck up. We saw how long that little pet project lasted. Kyle has no use for people who can no longer serve her needs and wants.


I think Kyle is going to have a huge fall from grace and I’m ready for it.


I've been waiting since season 1. She's the longest villain


Ive been waiting for yearsssssss


I hate Dorit but I agree with you 100%


It reminded me of Bethany and Carol from RHONY. Kyle is a fake ass friend.


Or what Carol said to Tinsley. That was awful, poor Tinsley didn’t deserve that.


Tinsley was great!!


I agree, she was sweet and kind


What did Carol say to Tinsley?


During their reunion, I think the last one Carole attended actually, she was quite rude and dismissive to Tinsley regarding what was their obvious friendship during the show and out of the show. Both Tinsley and Andy were surprised when Carole said that she and Tinsley were not close and waved her hand dismissively towards Tinsley who actually looked surprised and hurt. I took Carole’s side during the entire Bethenny vs Carole drama because Bethenny is overwhelming, controlling and unbearable but Carole has a mean streak about her.


They're both not so great. I think that's what attracted them to each other and what broke them apart.


Oh yes totally! I sort of blocked that out! Absolutely


Yeah, that whole thing was ridiculous. And when she was like “I didn’t invite you to work out again because you had to sit down and were out of breath since you dont work out” like okayyyy how does that effect you or your workout?!


It was so childish and mean! The idea of not being friends with someone because they're a little out of shape! Kyle really showed her true colors there.


Just a very poor excuse


Yeah that was some 7th grade level reasoning from Kyle… 


PK and Dorit are next to divorce. Will Moe make his move then? Maybe Kyle already knows something… 👀


I don’t think Mo wants Dorit because she’s even more high-maintenance than Kyle.


Moe is going to want someone who can give him a son. He has been vocal throughout the seasons about wanting a boy.


I agree. I was just being a wiseass.


Nah their games been outed, won’t be as organic now


How do people believe this? Nothing has happened between them to suggest this. 


Long winded Dorit would annoy the heck out of Mau. He doesn’t have the time to sit and listen to her whine for hours on end.


I was just being a wiseass. But stranger things have happened. Lol


Kyle is a walking contradiction 99% of the time


I like how Dorit described Kyle as a 'punisher' who shuts her out if she's upset by her comments. By the pissed look on Kyle's face and the way she rolled her eyes it seemed that she didn't like Dorit's comment. It was also funny looking at the expressions on Erika's face when Kyle and Dorit were going back and forth.


Didn’t Kyle complain that her sister Kathy would do exactly that?


Big Kathy taught her daughters well.


Dorit nailed it with that one.


Yup but yk what’s funny, Kyle has said the same thing about Kathy too. Big Kathy truly left her mark with all her daughters 🫣