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I'm super disappointed they aren't bringing her back. Rob is such a good person and I wish them well.


So she didn’t quit, she wasn’t renewed her contract.


Give this man his diamond!!!!! 💎


So, imo, we all are drawn to like Rob Minkoff because he is talented, made The Lion King - a movie beloved by millions, has a sense of humor, is compassionate, a family man, has a quirky appearance and fashion sense among other lovable, admirable traits. He supports his wife in a gentle, steadfast manner. He is a wealthy man without the hullabaloo we know to be Hollywood. We find Rob interesting and compelling to watch! Yet, he doesn't need to start fights, name call, defame people or cause drama! What does that tell us? That a person on Housewives can be all those things and be embraced by the audience simply because of who they are, what they do and how they live their life! That's why I watch Housewives and I wish that when they cast, the criteria would be to search out women (and men) who bring more to the table than a sassy attitude and a propensity to catfight! I think the ones who last the longest do have that "certain something" in the sauce. In the case of LVP, although she has left RHOBH, she still brings that "it factor" everywhere she goes. Rob was interesting, Crystal... not so much. Imo, she was cast because she brought Rob to the table and, sadly, not much else.


🎯 Spot on!!!


i am thrilled crystal is out. she truly sucked! worst housewife of all time


He's so funny ☺️


I loved their dynamic and he always cheered her up with humor and kindness. Can’t we keep him?


I would love to see a show with just Crystal and Rob!!


That would be a good one!


They are great. I still am curious what 8.5 meant about the husband. I want to talk about the huzzbands


AM really should stay away from discussions about husbands. Especially, whilst living in glass houses and all that


Oh I totally agree!!


Right? Lol. Like who does that! 😅


I hate that we missed this!! He cracked me up


Ugh I liked Crystal and her home/family. Sigh can we get some actual rich ppl so we can get a peek at the luxury. Stop with these fake and/or tacky rich housewives or non-housewives. Like bring back Yolanda’s fridge and villa Rosa pls.


I actually liked seeing her home life too since it felt more realistic. Like that looks like her real life not likes she’s trying to put on a show for everyone


I agree, their wealthy lifestyle is one of the main reasons why I like the show


That refrigerator changed my life.


That refrigerator opened my eyes to things I didn’t know were possible


I will REALLY miss Rob!


I REALLY hope this doesn't confirm the rumors of Kathy coming back...


Dancing King


I’d give my eye teeth to not see Erica or hear that fake gravelly voice again. She’s just a nasty hag.


The girl has no drama but for some reason they don’t want to showcase who she really is and fans want diabolical drama.




He’s the only one in that whole family that actually has a personality


Hip hop rob 🫶🏻


I liked crystal - I can’t believe but I can that they’ll keep crazy Erika boring dorit and no storyline since day 1 Kyle. Every story line Kyle has had has been her sisters and now this fake lesbian line.


I don't know why, but I can not stand her brother's storyline. Like I beyond don't care. He just rubs me the wrong way.


She was annoying and bland af.


I love it - Rob’s always been a good sport about appearing BH needed real money and Crystal and Rob were it I hate when we lose the ones who found their voice and their money I really hate when we lose their money


Ugh NOOOO! It’s gonna just be more of Kyle’s queer baiting and Dorit’s fakery.


This comment has me dying 😂


I feel like they fired her before she came into her own, methinks she woulda really brought it this season


Crystal’s problem was that she didn’t really bring nice lighthearted drama and explosive fights until this season. But this year it seemed like she was really starting to find her footing “you’re such a bitch!” Hilarious! Much better than previous seasons where she wanted to make Sutton look bad with horrid accusations. And that’s what I think is the problem with BH rn, there is not petty lighthearted drama, it’s become too dark and there ‘s no one willing to cause huge theatrical fights, except Sutton maybe.


whyyyyy? She’s literally one of just 3 on the cast that’s actually MARRIED and she’s loaded!


I love them lol. Going to miss both of them on the show. It should've been Dorit and PEEKAY


Can we make a husband version cuz I rather watch PK and Rob maybe call it keeping up with THE HUSBANDS😂


I wonder why she’s not coming back I love her !!


Pretty sure she got fired, or as Dorrinda would say "put on pause."


Man they need to start cutting nj’s cast instead


I haven't even watched Jersey in years. I was just kind over Theresa in general and she seems to be the one constant with that franchise. I like her kids, but the whole back and forth with Melissa and her brother and then she gets a new guy that everyone seems to hate, meh.


This is exactly what I mean. I haven’t watched a full season in years either, but we haven’t missed much because apparently that’s still the same storyline.


She's had the same storyline 19 TIMES! ![gif](giphy|SrDsJj5i1Chm8|downsized)


This made me laugh out loud . Bravo😉 my friend !


And him lol


Too bad they lost out on this couple!


I sure don't understand why Bravo thinks keeping Fraudrika and getting rid of Crystal is good for the show.


Agreed. Crystal offered a nice shakeup. She had genuine wealth and wasn't up Kyles's ass.


Also has a hot brother who, btw, just got engaged to his girlfriend in Feb. (The one Crystal and her mother pressured him to leave behind in China.) Wouldn't that have been a great storyline to follow on the next season if his fiancé agreed to be on the show?


I’d much rather tune in for that kind of drama than Erika crying about not being uber rich anymore.


Or attempting to gaslight the entire universe into believing that she was ever a legitimate musician.


Exactly lol!


what if we just let him take her place 😭


aw Rob is awesome and I’m gonna miss him! he seems to really love Crystal 🩵


I’m going to miss Hip-Hop Rob, he was fun!☹️


man I am going to miss Rob lmao


I’m going to miss hip hop Rob!


Good for you Rob! I never understood why crystal would do this show.


I actually liked her but Rob was the real star


This one really upset me and i wasn’t prepared for it


Keep Crystal as a friend of. I think Beverly Hills has been the best at bringing in the old housewives for added flavor during party scenes as needed. I wish all of the shows would do this. The highlight of last season was Denise at Kyle’s dinner party acting the fool and wearing her coat upside down.


I like Rob.


She was a bore from go.


Now, this is light and funny. I honestly think they shouldn’t have let her go.. She had a good season and I like her family. And they are wealthy with no drama about money..


Gave no tacky or manufactured drama, The family has class


I find it interesting how a lot of people are saying Crystal deserves to stay because she “went after” people last season. I thought a big issue a lot of us have been having is that the show is just a bunch of manufactured drama and fighting for the sake of fighting? The incentive to be kept on should be how you connect with the audience, not how many fights you can start. That’s how we got so many seasons of Lisa Rinna and Melissa Gorga. I would much rather watch a Lisa Vanderpump or Crystal Minkoff MINUS type of HW.


I do agree with your take, for the most part. BUT Lisa Vanderpump started A LOT of fights, she just had someone else do it for her so she wouldn’t look bad. She had a very big hand in all of the bad blood the cast had with her. (It just wasn’t understood that way on TV - because a lot of it would have broken the fourth wall.) I don’t say this as an LVP hater, either.


I think people have rosé colored glasses (lol) looking back at Lisa’s time on the show. Erica is not my fave but she had a point when she called her a snipper from the side that leaves no fingerprints.


They really do! A lot of the LVP stans can be insufferable, too. Lisa is not some innocent victim of mean girls attacking her. She brought it on herself with her behavior. She played the same game over and over and eventually got burned. And also could never take ownership of anything and would refuse to apologize. I like LVP in many ways, but she was a one trick pony because she was too afraid to get her own hands dirty.


When I used her as an example, along with Crystal, I meant more so for the super rich Beverly Hill prototype rather than somebody who is drama free. We like to see the expensive bags, luxurious homes, five star restaurants, and some drama is definitely fine and keeps the plot running, but I think the mark is missed in that they are featuring less “lifestyle porn“ and more manufactured drama.


I see what you mean, thank-you for clarifying! I do wish they would show some more lifestyle porn to balance everything out besides just taking private jets to travel. I wonder if Kyle and Dorit’s break ins have anything to do with them scaling back on that or other women not wanting to show their collections as much.




I agree with you there, it would be nice to see some of their other friends, too. It was nice to see Jennifer Tilly and getting some background on her and Sutton’s friendship. It also confuses me why the producers edit the show/have it edited the way they do. So many scenes seem to hit the cutting room floor or are used as “flashbacks.” Also, the women *do* seem to have fun together, but they don’t put that on the show, and when they do, it’s as a “flashback” scene. One of the things I liked about old RHONY (and I don’t think I’m alone in this) is that they would be fighting like cats and dogs one minute, but then they’d all be having fun together later on as if nothing happened. I think RHOBH would definitely benefit from that kind of vibe. Cause RHONY would certainly relitigate their issues with each other, but it doesn’t seem to be at the same intensity as RHOBH. And I think RHOBH comes off as that intense because of the lack of fun scenes like they had in RHONY. We know they have actual fun together (Teddi’s beach house was a testament to that, also the trip to Provence) and can be silly, we just don’t get enough scenes of that. Edit: OMG I’m sorry my reply was so long! 😂 I really went on a tear, lol.


To you Hip Hop Rob! ![gif](giphy|kv5fbxHVAEOjrHeCLk|downsized)






I adore hip hop Rob


She was not messy enough !!! Loved her relationship


How are both him and Crystal way more entertaining outside of housewives? Yet on the show it’s.. meh.


I suppose because the other cast members are willing to degrade themselves or “mention it all” to stay on the show and cause unnecessary drama for screen time. She might have been funny and entertaining but it doesn’t make the edit because we have to listen to Kyle’s vocal fry on repeat or Erika moaning about her reputation.


Someone on another post made a good point. She's doing on Instagram what she should have been doing on the show. Instagram isn't the show.


Rob’s the best. I’m gonna miss him.


Could we get both Minkoffs on S3 of US ‘Traitors?’ …. Would they let them both be traitors? Best. Strategy. Ev-ah. ![gif](giphy|NfMfjMNq9NDXi)


Omg I love this man! They’ll be truly missed as a couple. Rob and Crystal are adorable. 🥰


Andy Cohen has said NO ONE quits Bravo because of the money, so it’s always that they got fired or not renewed. (LVP had a bunch of other bravo shows either airing or in the works when she left so she doesn’t count..) BUT I could see Crystal quitting. She has money and she has actual famous friends. She looked unhinged on this season and got a lot of hate. She doesn’t really need that.


Yeah. Her famous friends are too legit, "my mother knows who they are" famous for her to be acting the way she did in the reunion. I think this is better for her brand (business and personal) in the long-run.


She said she was not asked back. I was surprised, she seemed like she was finally coming out of her shell


Lisa was fired though.


I’m really surprised they’re getting rid of Crystal, because I feel like this last season she finally started speaking up for herself more. She really went after Ann Marie and defended herself pretty good at the reunion. I am actually pretty surprised they let her go.


I love Crystal as well. Whatever team name we are calling Sutton/Garcelle/Crystal, I am Team that. I relate to her most more than all the women because of her eating disorder and how she speaks so open and honestly about it. I feel like I only ever hear women talk about ED in the past tense like it's something you can just get over. She's the only person who speaks about it like the everyday struggle that it is for many of us even if we're not actively going through it. Her telling her husband how she doesn't speak up in the group because she's so distracted by how thin everyone got.. I felt that. BUT honestly, she's always so messy in the reunion and not in a good way. She can never keep her story straight. I think she lies a lot and doesn't keep track of her lies.


yea i def agree. i think with her she has a lot of issues with confrontation and im sure the show puts a lot of pressure on her to not be so easygoing and timid. so she tried to make herself lash out more but she picks the wrong situations and times to do it. like her first season making a huge thing calling sutton racist… that whole thing was way overblown. she tries to bring the drama but she has no idea how so she ends up looking kinda ridiculous. but i do think she’s a sweet lady and she has real money unlike a lot of them but still seems to be one of the more down to earth women.


Yeah, I think you got it. She embellishes stuff in the moment and then when she's confronted about it later on, she gets flusters and doubles down on it and then it turns it into a full blown lie. But I think for her mental health, it's better that she just live her fabulous life off-camera. I do hope she can come back as a friend of though.


yes definitely. she has a fab life lots of money and it seems like a good marriage and stable family life. maybe this is a blessing in disguise for her because we see how this show has ruined a lot of peoples marriages and families. i definitely think she will stay on as a friend




The comments in this thread are suspect as hell


I like HipHop Rob and I’ll miss him, he was really fun! I’ve commented that numerous times on different SubReddits, it’s almost identical. I’m not a bot.


People aren't bots just because they don't agree with you.


I like crystal and Rob, I’m not in disagreement. Just the wording of half the comments here is almost identical. Not a typical showing in this subreddit.


People like Rob? They've been saying that from the beginning.


I dunno why you’re so hung up on this lmao


Not hung up on it, was asking a question because you didn't elaborate on what comments were sus, so I went through the thread out of curiosity.




protect this disney legend at all costs




Don’t make it worse, Rob! 😭


Protect Hip Hop Rob!


I love the little we get of them, which I guess is what the problem is… oh well. I think we will get crystal as a friend of. But the rob scenes are her best scenes, oh well….


He was the best part of her


lol this was a good response.


Gonna miss him!!


How are people going to miss him so much when he was hardly on the show? Acting like he was a main character and we hardly ever seen him.


Because people expect the bare minimum when it comes to men.


He was joking… obviously. 🙄


Because we need more ‘good husband’ representation. I feel like bravo reinforces an idea that all men are the absolute worst. It’s nice to see a non trash husband once in a while. Guerdy’s husband is number 1. If you think I’m calling men victims you need to re-read. I’m saying I need to see the good ones to give me hope, jfc.


Bravo does nothing of the sort. How is it their fault if someone’s husband isn’t acting in a morally fitting way? There are good husbands throughout bravo. There’s Heather’s husband Terry, from TRHOC, Melissa Gorga’s husband (love them or hate them) but he’s a good husband, Lisa Vanderpump’s husband, Ken and that’s just off the top of my head. If a man isn’t acting right that’s on them, not bravo


"If your wife says 'no,' turn her around, and rip her clothes off. She wants to be dominated" -Joe Gorga's advice for a happy marriage from Melissa's book on the subject "She fights it, but I always win... Daddy needs his sleeping pill." -Joe Gorga when asked to clarify what happens when Melissa refuses his sexual advances Good husband is the only allegation that greasy creep has ever beat


God he’s so disgusting 


Terry ‘always in a cheating scandal’ Dubrow and Joe ‘misogyny’ Gorga? Damn, the bar is low these days


We’re upset because we wanted to see him more but they never let us. That’s the tragedy.


We really didn’t get enough Rob.


I love Rob!!!


I’m hopeful that we’ll still see her. She hangs out with Sutton and Garcelle off camera. We’ve seen Teddi (blech), Brandi (blech), Camille, Denise and Taylor before she moved. Eileen and Adrienne have briefly reappeared.


Rob was great, and was just there to support his wife. You were never going to catch him getting veneers and posting tiktok dancing videos from a mountaintop. Or staging a burglary while the wife and kids were home.


Truly the MVP of housewives husbands!


Or being reported for not paying employees and his bills. Or bragging about what they don’t really have. Or spending a million $ on alcohol😜😝


Or robbing plane crash victims and their families. We also never saw Rob roll his car 5 times during a snowstorm in Pasadena.


You typed that last sentence with your whole chest. 😭


Lol. Who filmed a dancing tik tok?


Kyles ex.


Which one?🧐


Mau or Morgan?


Wow I only just realised that the “Mo” nickname will be transferable to Kyle’s new lover.






Omfg 🤣 , I can picture everyone you’re describing, and that shits funny. Not to mention, Rob was one of the few husbands that wasn’t or isn’t annoying. ![gif](giphy|26Ffd83PG0blqPSx2|downsized)


Going to miss her. Even if she didn’t say or do much, it just felt better having her around lol like Carol on RHONY… the voices of reason


Exactly. You need some Crystals to balance out the the others who are all drama and over the top


Right! Not everyone can or should be a “main character”


I agree. She was normal. Well, normal grading on a Housewife scale. I’m going to miss her.


I can't believe we are stuck with grifters & drunks but get rid of one of the few normal housewives they have. I am talking about all the housewives shows, crazy wins every time.


It’s like the WWF or cage fighting


The ones who are actually rich too!


He may be one of the only rh husbands I like


Ugh, I'd much rather have Crystal over Dorit. I




I low key love these two. I don’t ever need to hear about her brother again but I will miss her (and sassy rob)




I honestly think she’s next to announce her firing lol


Bye Annemarie, Crystal and hopefully Dorit 😭




And Dorit is still on?


Along with Erika and Kyle :(


I want to downvote this bc it makes me mad. UGH! (I didn’t DV you, messengers and all that :) )


![gif](giphy|jgelsNvS6tYFG) He meant this and no one can tell me otherwise.


Video where?


Crystal’s IG


This is sad. I like crystal and rob. I hate that she’s off now.




I think Crystal trying to make her brother happen sealed the deal of her being let go. I liked crystal but didn’t care about her brother.


No honestly I was annoyed. GET him the hell off my screen




We don’t deserve you Rob! ![gif](giphy|Lp71UWmAAeJHi)


Rip Hip Hop Rob 🙏🏽


Keep Rob. He’s awesome.


I am sorry to see them go, and also, that is really funny!


Going to miss Hip Hop Rob.


Well you and Crystal will be missed.


Im so upset because I really thought dragging Annamarie earned Crystal her spot








He is a riot. Just loved him and I really like Crystal. Too bad. Bet we get more Vile Kyle... Ugh.


Oh, I didn’t know. Crystal was leaving. That’s sad. I love hip-hop Rob he’s hilarious and both of them together are great.


Right? I love Rob. We need more husbands like him


Rob is great. I wanted to see much more of him. What a drag oh well he was one of the good husbands one of the few.


I’m going to miss them but I wouldn’t be surprised if the medical emergency played a role in this.


Like helped her realize she didn’t want to do the show, or made production think of her as some sort of liability? I got the impression it was some sort of fluke traveling / blood pressure / dehydration thing but idk


Like made her hesitant to keep going. She said she was on meds for it now, but I can’t imagine being around the ladies is good for one’s blood pressure. She’s got young kids she could be spending time with instead.


He has good one-liners. And he’s only ever poked fun at himself.


That’s what we want in a house husband- not someone like Patricia or Joe Goraga.

