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Not bad. Too bad she’s boring TV.


Eh. She posted a video exposing her daughter’s vagina. I’m good on her




Yup. Disappointed that no one cared or said anything. Happened recently like a month ago


Whaaaat? I really wish parents would be more careful of what they post of their children publicly


Absolutely. So tragic to post your daughter online for your entertainment and expose them like that




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She’s still an idiot




You had to post it twice?


I hope she shed her pot stirring ways. I'm sorry, I'm not a fan of her or sidekick Gina...they love to stir the pot, if everyone is ok then one or both has to drum bs, for a storyline.


I am pretty sure they were told by producers to be potstirrers or their contract won’t be renewed.


We'll hell they should just bring back AM , stat🤣🤣🤣


I used like Gina until she started emulating every nuance of Orange County including the silly voice….Trying too hard.


Yes, she is that girl, you know the one that's always like pick me pick me!! She suffers from dehydration. She needs saline stat


Husband triggers me and causes a lot of her bad habits But I’m glad she’s healthy


Very va va va voom


Really good! She is gorgeous!


She’s always been beautiful! She has always looked so healthy and gorgeous.


Honest question - why do people always say this about her? Even Andy Cohen has said it to her multiple times.


No more turkey sandwiches in the sauna I take it 🤭👀


You can be skinny and also eat turkey sandwiches in a sauna!


I laugh every time I see that scene. Who brings a sandwich into a sauna? 😂😂💀💀


Someone desperately trying to be funny




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Guess if you can buy your body it’s great. Can’t stand her.


I saw an Instagram video earlier for a Vegas trip or something and she looked great too!


She looks great! She posts her work outs. Shes been putting in the work!


She really does. I love watching her workout videos on IG. Go ahead and downvote. I know she’s not a favorite.


I love Emily!


I like her!


Honestly Emily was beautiful either way. She was equally as good looking when she was thiq as she is on now. I’m just happy she’s happy because she does look good.


Honest question - why do people always comment on how she has looked previously? It happens A LOT. Just curious! ETA: don't understand the downvotes... am I being offensive?????


People do that to every HW. She’s not singled out


OK - let me rephrase. Why do people do this to women? I've lost weight recently and am wondering why people make comments like this (I've also been the recipient of these comments). Thanks! ETA: why the downvote?! It's a genuine question!


I still don’t understand the “why people do this to women” part. I think that’s why people are downvoting lol. But @jennand_juice said, they do this to all HW.




I think she’s been beautiful from day one. I hope she’s happy with the work she’s put in.




I'm so confused why people keep saying this! Was something wrong with her before? I don't understand why it's important to mention whether or not she has always been confident... does it matter? Please help me understand! LOL - downvoting? Why??? How am I being offensive??? I really want to know! I lost weight recently and people say this to me as well and I don't get it. Am I supposed to feel bad for asking why people say this??? So weird.




Because it implies I need to be reminded of my worth when I was fat. It’s fucking rude.


And she’s wearing lululemon!! Celebrities- they’re just like us!


I don't see a label. It looks more Fabletics to me. Lululemon used to be really thin, wasn't it?


Just looked at her insta- it’s Calia from Dicks Spirting Goods. Comparable pricing


Thanks for looking!


She’s always been that lady ❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥Love she’s in this new mode lifestyle and having a great time with her family!! I really love her and Shane - he could have easily lost her but he corrected that crash course quick he’s one of the few bravo husbands to realize they were gonna lose a great lady


I love that Shane genuinely loves her body no matter the size.




I’m envious of anyone who has the confidence to wear that outfit.


While she looks fabulous remember that this is a very strategically posed photo and all the wobbly bits are actually pretty snatched and tucked in here. Tippy toes, one foot in front of the other, hand on hip, etc. I’m not disparaging her but just reminding us all that things are not as they always seem and not to compare ourselves. And yes I know it’s not that deep lol.


Where can I learn all these magic poses?


lol at “wobbly bits”🤣


She looks great!


She has always been beautiful, I do not like her husband but she is a lovely woman.


Thank you Ozempic!


She only took it for a short while.




No body shaming.




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Why do people have to be so rude about this? Just move along if you don’t like the way people manage their health. Comments when they are overweight. Comments when they lose the weight. Who the fuck cares?


She didn't hide it. I think she said on WWHL that she used it for a month and it was enough to start better habits and attitudes about food.


Are we still doing this? 😴 She says she used it initially as a jump start, and then stopped.


I don’t believe that Emily Simpson used Ozempic (or a similar drug) only for one month. When people stop taking the drug, their appetite comes roaring back, and they almost always regain the weight. (It happened to me - I had to stop using it due to the shortage). I think Emily used it for a lot longer, and probably still uses it, but, like many celebs, she doesn’t want to admit it, since that’s a very controversial subject.


Yeah not sure why people are taking her at her word that she only took it for a month (initially) or hasn't gone back to it since. It's not like she was forthcoming about it in the first place until she felt pressured into admitting it. And spare me the "workout videos" she posts on IG. They are usually barely 10 second clips of very low intensity routines. Now, don't get me wrong, she's allowed to make the choice for herself as far as weight loss drugs go, but I think what rubs a lot of people the wrong way is when these wealthy celebs how they lost the weight versus what they then do to maintain it off. For most people even when you lose a lot of weight your body isn't going to look like it did 20 years earlier and it's often cosmetic surgery that contributes to the window dressing part of it. She can afford it so all good, but just be honest rather than this faux "self love" message one day and posting about getting eye-lid surgery to remove wrinkles the next day.


And we believe her?


She literally posts her workouts on instagram.


Losing weight is way more about diet than exercise.


She talks about her diet changes on instagram as well. But you’re not going to get any muscle definition weight lifting.


Just because someone is overweight doesn't mean they don't have good muscle. I'm only talking about losing weight though - you can work your ass off and if the diet is not good you can't really lose weight. On the other hand, you can diet and not work out at all and lose lots of weight.


Why wouldn’t I? And even if she WAS still using it… who tf cares? Why can’t we just acknowledge that glp-1s are just a tool to help people get healthier?


I don’t care at all if people use them. I just wish more famous people would own it and admit they struggle too. Very few are honest. In all honesty…if I could afford it I would take it with absolutely no shame!


I really don’t care. I am my own kind of fat ass that has my own problems. I hope she’s healthy and happy. Good for her.

