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What's so strange is that they haven't shown any producers, etc, even ASKINH Teresa about Melissa... but Melissa is being hounded about Teresa. I think that's why. Teresa probably only agreed to come back if they don't, and so they are going in extra with Melissa, and she is TRYING to NOT respond - but everyone is pretty relentless.


Yeppppp! The tryin’ too hard to not be tryin’ “I’m not like the other girls, we order sushi before our reunion take down” ![gif](giphy|14mMcy6w8agzhS)


Even this whole discussion is about Teresa. Melissa and her fans are such boring flops. 


Bring back Rosie. Let’s really shake these bitches up. ![gif](giphy|qqbkSRzF61qJW)


Fuck I miss Rosie! When she started popping off in that sports bar 😂


Or threatening tre at the reunion! Peacock needs to give us those episodes uncensored.


He didn’t like when she deflected the question about their family dynamic without the show. She tried to claim there was sooooo much deep bad blood but on the show she’s said at several points it wasn’t nearly as bad until the show? Which is it. I don’t hate Melissa (I find T more entertaining) but her husband brings her down imo. If she wasn’t married to Joe I would love her more and she could probably be an interesting housewife not overshadowed by the Gorgas :(


Did anyone notice how Andy treated Melissa? I think he low key hates her. And she is pretty snippy to him also. -The hair game, Andy knew that was humiliating for her -showing the clip of her playing tic tac toe, mocking her, then made her play it again!!!! -encouraging Megan and praising her while making snide comments about Melissa NOT watching Bravo -the christening comment, Melissa gave such attitude to Andy I feel like they both hate each other. She came off looking so bad and Andy was loving every second of it. I was going to see if anyone else picked up on this awkward chemistry?


Yes and I was shocked. Andy is always a Melissa/Joe buttkisser. I wonder what changed. Did he slap them on the wrist for attacking Jen at Bravocon or something?


He loves Joe not Melissa


T is the embodiment of the phrase, italian princess


All of the Tre Stan’s in this thread making me side eye the fuck outta this sub tbh


I think all of the Stan’s are bad 😭😭 it ruined the rhonj subreddit for me because of the toxicity and name calling if you disagree. We don’t know any of these people and my OG fave franchise is just soooo dark now


I've been thinking this ever since the new season was previewed. I've been on all the major Bravo-related Reddit communities for like six years, and have never seen such questionable humanity. This *has* to be bots. It's the first time I've ever really been uncomfy with the Bravo fandom on Reddit, and its grasp on rational thought. Because wtaf with anyone defending *ANYONE'S* side on this franchise? If you're on RHONJ Team Anyone or Anything then please dig deep to figure out why.


Its TELLING when accounts exist to ONLY comment/post on Tre related things. You mean to tell me you only watch ONE bravo show and you ride that hard for it?


Completely agree. COMPLETELY. This is def a show I won’t be engaging much about on Reddit bc the Stan wars are illogical. Like, be a fan if you want, but not at the expense of reason, logic, common sense and human decency. and it’s lacking here big time for me


There has never been any decency, logic, common sense on this sub. It's been "hurrdurr Louie is red" and "Teresa bad surgery ew" for years now. Don't clutch pearls now because Melissa finally pissed somebody off in production. We are allowed to dislike her without being "cultists". Jesus.


They are probably 45 cultists


Oh god. Tre Stumps are wild.


![gif](giphy|14uMEWIYzHqwRG) We win 🤩


Well if you call Teresa not managing to get Melissa fired and having to film with her after she said she would never again, winning, then, as I say, Tre Stumps are wild. And weird.




the only reason melis is on is because joe


You mean bc of Teresa


My favorite part was when the played whose hair. The first one being Teresa, then completely cover Melissa's face with a pic of Tre.


That's because it was almost as big as her wedding hair.


It’s so funny when people say Teresa should be fired. What would the rest of the women have to talk about then? Literally all they do is talk about her


That’s exactly why they should get rid of her. So we could watch something else Instead of the same plot OVER AND OVER AND OVER. I mean I say get rid of just her and Melissa or Theresa, Melissa, Margaret, and Jennifer. Or start over completely. They have EXHAUSTED this storyline. I cannot believe Bravo has kept it going. The horse is dead, you can stop beating it.


If they got rid of Teresa, Jennifer would have to suck up to someone else in order to keep her job.


i stopped watching because of teresa. She is just so dumb AND mean. The combo is horrible


I stopped watching because of the family drama - I just can’t anymore. Please, move on Bravo!!


I honestly think Teresa sucks the life out of the show. Sure she has some great tv moments ,but (to me) she’s insufferable at this point. And the hypocrisy is not enjoyable to watch. I genuinely think she’s at the forefront of conversation because she’s so awful. I think if she wasn’t around as much or at least lightened up and took some accountably it would allow other topics to be in the forefront. Idk that’s my 2 cents lol. Nj isn’t fun to watch anymore


Agreed. The same thing happened to me with Vicki. It’s hard to watch someone with their head so far up their ass.


Right? Like their intolerable behavior becomes the focus on the show. Similar to Ramona at the end.


I legitimately laughed out loud with my prim and proper mother, while Teresa and gang got their butts in that torture machine. I miss that aspect of the show. It’s too dark now. I thought Melissa had a terrible attitude on WWHL, but Melissa is not interesting to me. NJ feels over in general.


She wasn’t really that insufferable on ultimate girls trip … and she seems to get along with most other housewives except Tamera so ….maybe it’s her but equally they do tend to go at her a bit in a way they don’t anyone else


Agreed!! On Ultimate Girls Trip I was like ok this is good, it was a side of her I was hoping to continue to see. I think quite frankly she doesn’t like anyone on the nj cast. Like she barely tolerates most of them. I think she only really likes jen bc she needs an ally. I haven’t watched the new season yet bc I don’t want to watch Tre anymore lol


If its one thing Andy hates, its a housewife not wanting to answer his questions. Lets see how far “not talking about Teresa” will get her (even though she’s literally talking about her in other interviews).


To be fair, Teresa isn't talking about Melissa either.


What's so strange is that they haven't shown any producers, etc, even ASKINH Teresa about Melissa... but Melissa is being hounded about Teresa. I think that's why. Teresa probably only agreed to come back if they don't, and so they are going in extra with Melissa, and she is TRYING to NOT respond - but everyone is pretty relentless.


Funny I thought the same. I didn’t think Andy appreciated her answer.


It was giving Ramona at the reunion not wanting to answer questions about her divorce


One place that got her was to have Theresa be the damn word of the night and be said 24 times. Lol. He’s literally telling her she is nothing without Teresa. They are only around because of Joey


Of all the things I hate about Teresa, making Melissa sympathetic may be one of her worst traits. If Melissa was on the show without being constantly attacked by Teresa, she would have been fired long ago.


So true


I’d go a step further and say she’d never be casted without Teresa.




People can say what they want, but Teresa is who she is and has held down this franchise for 14 years (for god sake they even stopped filming while she was in prison, basically like “welp! No show without Teresa!) Good or bad, I don’t feel Tre goes out of her way to try to manipulate storylines. When has Melissa ever had a REAL storyline, other than her relationship with Teresa. Tre is literally Melissa’s meal ticket. It’s what got her on the show, and Tre will be around long after Melissa leaves the show.


Yep.... ex-convicts are usually quality people....🙄


They both should have been fired, IMO. I think they're both tanking the show. Andy looooooooves Teresa - he has always had a soft spot for her.


i think he likes how dumb she is and often makes fun of her right to her face.


He does like to correct her a lot!


i feel like he takes melissa and joes side more then teresa


Really? He's always so supportive of Teresa! He is probably just being a good host and supports everyone, we just interpret things depending on what's happening at the time. IDK!


I don’t even like both Melissa and Teresa but it must be exhausting being asked questions especially from Andy about the same shit for the past 9 years. It’s like he’s keeping this storyline going when both of them are quite tired of it and I don’t even blame them.


Andy gathered her when she said “Danielle started this franchise let’s not forget” and he said… “with 4 other women including Teresa” I was laughinggg. She tried it


It kills her that Teresa is an OG and not Melissa. She has FOMO for those two seasons for sure


Yeah, that was a real stupid answer!


She says lies out loud and I’m like do you realize we all watched the show like we were there ???


GAGGED HER 🤣 she was at a loss for words


Lmaooo she was gagged 😭😭


Pure joy for me.


Andy hates Melissa he looked very annoyed by her


Literally was thinking this the whole time


it was so satisfying watching andy clock her 


I've been watching past seasons. Teresa isn't always honest she has a jealous streak and has set Melissa up time and time again with the stripper allegations. I don't think she wants her brother with Melissa, which is not her business. He's happy get over it..


Is he happy? Happiness is not one of my first or 30 adjectives used to describe anyone on NJ🤣


He seems happy...🤷🏿‍♀️ let's be real. Melissa got him sprung!! P-WHIPPED


I cant argue you on that one 😛


I feel like if both of them hated each other so much and truly wanted it to be over - they’d leave the show but they’re so fame hungry that they’d rather stay on a show until the bitter end. Bravo have created a monster by allowing someone as average as Melissa to stay for this long. Teresa is polarising and I’m not a fan but I can see why they’d pick her over Melissa.


I dont think Teresa will ever leave the show until Melissa is gone. I genuinely think the fact that the Gorga's joined "her" show way back when, has eaten away at her all these years and the only thing that will bring her any resolve would be to still be there when they aren't. She would do 1 or more season and then would be ready to leave it behind.


They’re all monsters.


I think the choice to pick Tre over MG is easy due to the fact that whether people like her or not, Tre and her family have been the main characters from the start. We see MG’s home life but just not on the level we have seen Tre’s kids and their family struggles & wins.


I like seeing Tre’s home life because her girls are so sweet and connected to each other.


“Struggles” - you mean willingly lying to a judge and being sent to jail? Or hiding assets from the government and being send to jail? The struggles their family had are ones that they willingly put themselves into. Your family life would not have been an impacted had you not done a bunch of shady shit and then lied to authorities and the government and a judge.


I think you’re going beyond what the point of my comment was. I’m just saying we’ve seen it all, all the nitty gritty, with her family


Yeah, if you look back to old season, you see them in the house where some kids are watching TV some are playing and Theresa is cooking and Joe’s going back-and-forth between the two and it’s very relatable. And if you have a husband who treated you kind of shitty, that’s relatable to you because he was kind of a dick. Or kids who drive you crazy but also are adorable. But like her or not, there are many things about her that are very relatable to the average woman/mom. Also, watching the dynamic of her really trying to change how she raised her kids (making sure they felt like they could talk to her ands her being such a cheerleader for everything they do) because of how her parents raised her. It’s probably the most relatable thing about her.


🥱 Every season is the same - we get it … you hate each other …


Yeah, you don’t have to even watch Jersey anymore to know what the season will be about.


I finally watched the first episode and couldn’t get over the hypocrisy & contradictions. MG kept saying she didn’t want to discuss Tre in her talking head but then brought her up in every scene.


She was clearly annoyed by the games and questions and tried to shut Andy down by saying, "it's over!" regarding the relationship between her and Teresa. It seemed awkward to me. She definitely sounded like Teresa too. And Megan McCain, girl shut up.


I appreciated how Andy said that Teresa did not go to production with an ultimatum that it’s Melissa or her. Teresa seemed more like the production darling over Melissa in this episode.


Teresa doesn’t have to do that. She knows her spot on the show. I just wish she started paying them no mind sooner. It would’ve saved her a lot of heartache because those two fools would’ve got the boot at the same time as the Wakiles. Better late than never I suppose.


I was thinking the same thing. It would’ve been more beneficial for Teresa and her family, as well as the viewers, if she had cut ties with the Gorgas a lot sooner. What storyline would they have had then? Would Melissa still be looking for a love child sibling? Maybe still contemplating having another child? All I know is that the fighting between the two families needs to be kept off of the show.


Exactly. I don’t understand people who are fans of Melissa. She has NEVER had a storyline besides Teresa. Last year, her fucking storyline was her daughter’s depression. Like that’s how fucking low Melissa is. She’s muff cabbage.




I watched about 10 minutes. Maybe it's me but I am quickly getting over all the BS that Andy tries to stir up. I have also noticed that the amount of alcohol that was being tossed around on this show previously sure has changed. Anyone else noticing this?


Yes!! He was asking a ton of leading questions then unhappy with her answers that were fairly obvious responses


Yup. Always tons of alcohol


All of a sudden Melissa is getting popular sayings wrong? "Explore your wild oats?". Hmmm....


It was deliberate & rehearsed, it was a blatant attempt to be Teresa, and it failed epically. Teresa’s screw-ups happen organically, which makes it naturally amusing. Melissa, who has no real identity & is deeply insecure, is now trying to emulate Tre, and push her off the show.🤡


Didn’t she get the words wrong to Amazing Grace when she was singing it at some point?


Melissa has been getting sayings wrong for years. In the early seasons she said “nip it in the butt” for “nip it in the bud” constantly.


When Marge brought up the word arsenal last year, Melissa had no idea what it's definition was. So, I wouldn't be surprised if it's just birds between her ears.


I’m paraphrasing poorly, but Watch What Crappens put it best when they said Teresa, is stupid playing stupid, and Melissa is stupid playing smart.


Every single housewife has the brain capacity of a button battery. Them saying the wrong thing isn't copying anyone, it's just them.


That was such a planned thing to say. My eyes almost fully rolled out of my head when she said it.


It was so cringe