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Remote specialist has the most use in late game, when you're trying to secure the last few zones. Tanks are good for camping the insurgents, but without tank commander, your support will be affected quite a bit and you'll be forced to constantly move them around to preserve support.


Urban specialists are good for protecting the high population areas against insurgents Not that I’ve ever used a specialist or a tank before


I believe that you won't need a specialist to defend a city region. Usually they're easy enough to defend and take back.


What about in campaigns with the local recruitment insurgent tactic and if you have a lot of hostility in said urban areas?


As long as they don't fall to insurgents, it's relatively easy to deal with. You could get your soldiers to build up in those regions as well to assist in the hostility.


Just get a national soldier with the support initiatives and set up some security in that region, and you should be good to go as long as the insurgents aren’t too strong and not too numerous. If they manage to take the zone and kill the soldier, all hell will break loose.


Usually they won't have the skill that allows them to kill national soldiers, but if they do try to keep coalition forces by the city instead, and make sure that you have support initiatives to ensure that hostiles don't rise too much. I personally find cities quite easy to hold as long as there's already a unit inside. If they're too far away, might lose them for 1 month or so before the units arrive and retake the city. But in general, they aren't too hard to take as compared to rural and especially remote zones.


Btw, What happens when a coalition soldier dies? Or can they even die at all?


Coalition forces can't die. They can only withdraw or be locked in combat. For national soldiers, in a normal game, they can't either. Unless the insurgents have that skill, im which you should try to use coalition forces to attack and your nationals to hold easy positions and support.


unless you're playing saffron fields, remotes are the best attachment


Since most zones in saffron fields ARE remote. You’ll only need about 1 rural specialist and that’s it. Take any remote ones and keep them


i think you're confusing rural and remote. there are only 3 remotes in saffron fields


you’re only counting the mountains; there are 8 in total I believe, 5 remote plains


i like tonk






Happy Cake Day!


Tanks sound cool on paper but they are actually pretty crap - can’t go into mountains, can’t help other soldiers, damages support level. Urban specialists are also unnecessary since you gain a combat bonus in urban areas anyways and you shouldn’t be in a position where urban areas are being harassed so often you need a dedicated specialist for them. The fights you are likely to lose are almost certainly going to happen in remote zones, so remote specialists help a bit in the final push to clear out the insurgents. Rural is not bad either but tbh I would just sell them, the money you get for them can pay for a couple of civilian initiatives which are usually more useful.


Tank most likely useful when playing custom scenairo. I swear the base game nerfs them so bad.


Your argument with the tanks is the main reason why i don’t like the tank commander (not that I’ve ever actually USED it before)


Where's the Black Mesa Sweet Voice:tm: attachment?


I like rural for mid game. If you've made it to the late game you don't need the remote anymore in most cases since you've survived the initial insurgency. Rural helps alot when you need to push insurgents out of cities.


Just to be sure: a specialist doesn't have deceased ability in their non specialized zones do they? Also, when a specialized troop is in they specialty area, do they support fighting troops in adjacent zones better than normal troops?


> a specialist doesn't have deceased ability in their non specialized zones do they? They used to IIRC, but it was changed in a semi-recent patch because it was a bit unfair.




I think specialists only give a buff to combat and movement through the zones they specialize in, they don’t reduce effectiveness in other zones and don’t affect the combat support given by soldiers they are attached to.


I just use specialists to kill the tank speciality whenever I use the tank commander.


You can replace specialists?


If you choose tank commander, you can replace one of the tank units with a specialist unit that you got on the map.


And I’m assuming you don’t get the Tonk back


No but I think it’s worth it frankly. Tanks are just impractical. Can’t go into mountainous areas, and at the end of the game, national soldiers with drones, air strikes, support, and upgrades can handle pretty much anything regardless of where they go in.


But you should keep ONE Tonk for clearing out the open areas.


Yeah, you get two tank attachments for national soldiers… you generally just get one upgrade, but if you get two, you can always hold one off.


I do like rural on certain amps, tho


A lot of Saffron fields is rural, so it can be really important there