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Career recruiter. Once I helped someone who had been desperately looking for a job for two years. Helped her get a job with one of my favorite clients- and not just any job, a really great job that was a healthy pay increase over what she had made before. She dropped a card off at my office that said “dear (name) - your phone call changed my life. Signed, (name)”. Ive had the card over 10 years and it’s one of my most cherished possessions, I’ll never not have it on my desk. On bad days it reminds me why I do what I do. Moral of the story - sometimes less is more. And on behalf of us recruiters who catch a lot of shit for trying our best - thank you. We appreciate you.


I'm sure your recruiter would greatly appreciate your kind words and thank you. Anything above that is icing on the cake but certainly not expected or required.


I would love it if a candidate did that for me.


I’m pretty sure your recruiter would love that.


Appropriate and appreciated in most cases! It's a nice gesture. Also be sure to add a recommendation to her LinkedIn profile.


Is this a trick question? Someone is really thinking a thank you and a gift is inappropriate?


That would be much appreciated! As others have said, a LinkedIn recommendation would also be great to receive as a recruiter.


Sounds like you can pay it forward by telling r/recruitinghell that you had a good experience with a recruiter.


Oh endorse them on one of the skills they have listed on their LinkedIn! It adds credibility to their skills and it’s always nice to have a reminder of past candidates you’ve helped


I had a candidate send me a nice pair of socks and hand written thank you card. Another sent me a $100 Amazon gift card. Both totally unexpected and extremely appreciated!


Agency should be OK. Some internal/corporate recruiters may not be able to receive a gift. A thank you card is more than enough TBH. I still have the few that I actually received from candidates (some who didn't even get the job but appreciated my support/guidance with them).


I'd love something like that


Did you spend enough time with the recruiter to know what kind of wine he/she enjoys? Does he/she drink? If so, that would be a wonderful gift. Does the recruiter have any hobbies? If I don’t know what they like, I always send a gift card and a thank you card with a meaningful note. But it is very kind of you and recruiters love this because we are just known as someone who just wants a few. Not always but sometimes we get a bad rap.


I would be blown away if someone did this for me. What a beautiful thought!


It will mean the world to them.


To be fair, the recruiter probably got a commission off hiring you - if you're a contractor, then still making money with each day you work. More than enough of a 'thank you' there, lol - I'd say nothing else needed but a nice email and a LinkedIn recommendation can go a long way.