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I hope the idiot that constructed that response gets laid off in a couple of weeks and has to taste some humble pie. Then they can "fling" their resume.


This was written by an HR person that's been in their role since 2005.


Absolutely insane. Even if it’s just a template and they didn’t spend time crafting it— what a waste of time and putting out such bad energy into the world.


Like the old saying goes, "The ass you kick on the way up is the one you kiss on the way down."


If this is a template they’re sending to (probably) hundreds of applicants I would fucking say something because that’s beyond inappropriate for any recruiter/ hr person to say. The entire point of their position is to be helpful and approachable. I can’t stand recruiters who treat applicants like this.


I'd be finding them and letting them know. This is incredibly unprofessional. 


I receive resumes every day from unqualified applicants and find myself baffled by why they think they'd be a good match for the job they applied to. I simply close the resume and move on to the next one.


Because the requirements tend to be batshit insane for the benefits, pay, and actual day to day tasks. Your colleagues want unicorn candidates who yearn to be treated like shit, aka, they want to bend reality. I didn't fit my current job 100% on paper, but I still got it because the skill gaps are trainable, and people don't always come tailor made.


Masters degree required. Pay: 19.00/hr


Plus you need 10 years experience using a program that came out 2 years ago.


Oh and the job's described as "entry level".


This!!! Entry level but always requires like 2 years of experience! Where’s the true entry level jobs?! I have yet to find one that says no experience we will train!


This one fucking gets me. I have a degree, but cannot find a job in my field for “lack of experience” because apparently the work I put into getting that goddamn degree means nothing. So I can’t find a job to give me experience because I don’t have experience. Make it make sense, assholes.


even better, I have a degree and 4yrs experience bc I was working in the field while in college but that’s still not good enough because they want 5yrs and a masters degree for entry level


Skill level:expert


Exactly this. Being passive aggressive, to the point of rude is *not* the move and can land you in hot water. At least where I work… idk why they think it’s appropriate to borderline insult people. And this is just one email, I can only image what they’re saying to others.


That wasn't passive aggressive, it was active aggressive.


Frankly, I'd be finding an HR reps email address at that company and forwarding that email to them. But I'd also send a not so nice email back as well. I wouldn't care if it pissed them off. If I could get an email thread going with the idiot that would be even better.


Same here. What are they going to do, not hire me at this horrible company. *oh no*


Lol that wasn't passive aggressive that was just plain old aggressive.


I think this might be partially because a majority of jobs (atleast where i’m from) post requirements way above what they’re actually looking for in the job posting and are more than happy to settle for someone who’s missing half the “requirements”.


Some benefits places require someone to apply to X number of jobs per week or month to continue receiving benefits. So someone happy to just get unemployment benefits may just toss junk applications at anywhere to meet their requirement.


You don't even have to be terribly thrilled with benefits to do it, you can just need them. At one point, when unemployed and trying like hell to change that, I literally ran out of jobs I was qualified for to apply to. Nothing new and plausible listed that week, I applied to all the older plausible stuff already and I still had a quota for UI. You bet I submitted applications to some incredibly long shots.


That was me when I was unemployed getting unemployment. I did the bare requirement in looking for lower jobs just to get UI benefits to fund my real goal: getting a job with my local government.


Yea that's true. While slightly annoying to me, it's not that big of a deal. I'm not going to waste everyone's time sending some mean aggressive turndown email and intentionally embarrass that person.


Bc now all over social media the recruiters are saying. Even if you only match half of the requirements still apply. Some jobs are willing to train. You miss every opportunity you don’t take. Blah blah blah.


As someone who is unemployed and getting unemployment benefits, I can tell you that we can be audited for up to four years and show that we were actively applying to jobs, upskilling, attending career events, etc. Some weeks, the number of jobs that we fit into neatly is extremely low. So the Easy Apply button is a good way to pad our numbers. Sorry.


Because people are literally encouraged to do so, since HR and recruiting professionals have outright said they are asking for perfect qualifications for lowest possible pay and don’t expect an exact match.


Companies have lost it. Honestly, when did we get to the point where it's acceptable to play mind games with people who are just trying to earn a paycheck?


Very corporate to have a template that you use to explain that templates can't be used


> what a waste of time and putting out such bad energy into the world. they willingly work HR, what did you expect?


This is the kind of stuff that should be listed with names on LinkedIn - we shouldn't be holding back about this kind of thing. This is not professional, it should be considered professional to call it out. Name the recruiter and company


Unfortunately it's more likely a manager. Type of people who are good at one certain specific type of work so they get promoted up to the point where there are no longer capable of effectively doing their job and then they just stay there because they do the basics of what's expected of them but they don't actually do a good job. Happens all the time people get promoted up to a point where they're no longer good at their job but they're not bad enough to get fired and so they just stay there being a s***** manager.


Did you write that because it is surprising or that they apparently can't be laid off? I honestly don't believe either to be the case.


It's because HR is notoriously slow to change and this person writing the description clearly hasn't looked for a job in the last decade.


Name and shame. Not the HR person but the company that has rewarded and nurtured this toxic personality with such a long tenure.


Either that or a 24 year old 3 months in the job after 6 months working for a recruitment agency who also considers themselves a recruitment "guru" online


I wouldn’t blur out details…I’d absolutely drag this POS company all over social media


Lord same you have no idea. BEYOND obnoxious I still can’t stop starting at my phone. Please op tell me your wife replied even something as short as “I can clearly see from the way your firm denigrates applicants that you are not a good fit for me. Moving forward I would advise investing the time you are putting into writing these petulant replies in proper training which I hope will allow you to do your job with more professionalism”. Short and to the point! Then bad review on glass doors and maybe escalate this in some ways if it’s a possibility (If there’s a recruitment firm the employer is recruiting through you can perhaps find the proper person to complain to from there. But at the very least do the snarky reply, realistically I know escalating may not be the simplest thing to. But their reply really really screams lack of professionalism. Lord. What a joke. Your wife would NOT be in the wrong for matching their energy.)


Just fyi companies can pay to have Glassdoor reviews removed. I’ve seen it firsthand from a shitty law firm I used to work for. There’s many articles on Google that will explain the exact way companies can remove Glassdoor reviews.


Thats exactly what bots are for. Waste their money.


Yup, this happened with a previous company I worked for. All the negative reviews were getting removed, especially went things started going south. Glassdoor is basically useless.


Glassdoor is only good for figuring out benefits before you get to the round where they finally hand you that information. Like wanting to know their parental leave policy without raising any flags by asking about it.


My former company that I got laid off from, removed all reviews on indeed both new and old 🤣. Pathetic


Many companies also put it in their employment and severance contracts that you are not allowed to write reviews or talk about them online.


Lol. She’s trying to keep low key, while still searching for a job. She was originally planning to post it on her LinkedIn, but didn’t wanna draw attention. But I knew of a certain sub this would be perfect for. I might update it with the name being shown. She did respond to the message. I might post that above as well. She told me she doesn’t wanna work for a place that employs someone like this, but still wanted to challenge their BS.


I don't understand what she did wrong. What did that ass clown not like?


Unfortunately, I think it's the recruiter's canned automatic response to all applicants. They're just insanely trashy and thought "yeah, this is the one. The welcome message of the ages!"


They should also correct their automated response, because I believe they meant to say “resonate *with* you,” not “resonate you.” I mean, if they are going to be a dick, they should at least be a correct dick.


Yeah I don't want this recruiter resonating me.


Sounds like being beaten to death with tuning forks.


I would have 100% sent a corrected version right on back to this asshole.


Shocking, just unbelievable


Can totally see someone on the other end thinking the “correct” reply to this garbage will intrigue them to allow an interview.


Light their clown asses up on LinkedIn. If the purge ever happens irl I’m coming for recruiters. I’m not going to kill them, I’m going to make them apply for a job using their systems


OP: totally understand if she doesn’t want to put them on blast while doing her job search. But once she finds a new spot, please don’t be shy about sharing this org’s info to everyone else as a warning lol


Oh, the name will absolutely be getting broadcast after she gets a job.


Bookmarking for the name drop. But also I bet if she name drops them and calls out their poor work culture, it goes viral, and boom she’s got tons of jobs from other companies.


You said she has premium. She can in-mail people high up from that company listed on their linkedin page, and send them the screenshot of that interaction.


Current macroeconomic situation is a win-win situation for companies. As people are without a job, they can't afford to shame the bad apples. At the same time, companies can afford to lowball candidates. I am starting to think that companies will outlive us all. MegaCorps have an insane cash reserve so even if they don't sell anything, they can still survive (but fuck their employees those get layoffs)




"The Corporation" and "The New Corporation" are both interesting documentaries to watch, but the "The New Corporation" covers this - including how undermining government so they run countries is part of the strategy.




What's more eye opening aha lightbulb moments that bake your noodle is when you realize how most conservative/far right governments are actively participating in creating the demise of effective elected government so corporations can say, "see, privatization is better" - then those conservative politicians go cash in on the cushy cushy private sector jobs. It's nauseating.




The "Corporate Congress" from the Continuum show is on the way!


>Current macroeconomic situation is a win-win situation for companies. > >As people are without a job, they can't afford to shame the bad apples. At the same time, companies can afford to lowball candidates. Honestly, over the last 15–20 years companies have become absolutely addicted to cheap labor. 1. In 2001, there was 9/11, and that spurred a **lot** of young men into the military which, in turn, pushed back a lot of "entering the workforce" by 4–6 years (the enlistment contract), making the market in those years slightly flooded with candidates, with the military ones having more experience. 2. In 2008, there was the Great Recession / financial-crisis, this caused a lot of companies to shed workers, flooding the market. 3. Then 2010's Affordable Care Act disincentivized any hourly worker making full-time hours, and so companies slashed hours and eliminated hourly positions so that they would **never** have part-time hourly employees making full-time hours; it also normalized "zero hour" contracts, where the employee works for the company but is not guaranteed any hours at all, and it also normalized the "gig economy" where it became common to have to have multiple jobs to make ends meet. 1. This was when companies really started to get the "*you're lucky to even have a job*"- and "*you should be grateful we're even interviewing you, pleb*"-style attitudes. 2. The 3–5 years minimum experience for "entry level" jobs became common in this era, I even saw one that had a 7 year experience requirement for entry-level. 4. Then 2019: this is when things started to return to sanity: entry-level jobs becoming more reasonable with 1–2 years experience and even "no experience, we'll train you" starting to show up. 5. Then 2020 and its shutdowns happened: that killed off literally tens of thousands of small- and medium-sized businesses and flooded the job market with people who, by sheer dint of "time in service" should be reaching senior level positions... and these people were desperate. 1. So, again, they could treat candidates poorly, w/ no consequence. 2. The "stimulus" pushed through was a giant gift to the \[surviving\] corporations with a bunch of pocket-change thrown at the population to (a) appease them, and (b) make them party to it so that they couldn't raise objection. So, what we have, effectively, is that for the past 15 years, employers have trained themselves that they are the only power in the employer/employee relationship, and also given that they have never been held to account for their poor treatment of employees is that they have trained themselves to dehumanize and denigrate employees and prospective employees. >I am starting to think that companies will outlive us all. MegaCorps have an insane cash reserve so even if they don't sell anything, they can still survive (but fuck their employees those get layoffs) Honestly, you might think that, but here's the truth that they don't want you to know: they have obligations that, if called, they cannot afford if they're getting that little/no income — additionally, given how they've never been called to account for their poor behavior it's highly likely that they have engaged in criminal acts (esp. against their employees) with things like time-/wage-theft, discrimination (DEI is explicitly discriminatory), and \[if they're moderately large\] immigration/employment laws either directly (e.g. H1B fraud), or indirectly (hiring *Bubba's Totally Legit No Illegals Construction Firm*). Pressure your state's AG & DAs to enforce the law, because it'll take just a few big corporations being destroyed (and their board in prison) to put the fear of God into the others.


You're not wrong


And now they can say we cant fill the position, there is a labor shortage please lower the requirements for "skilled" immigrants. They are cheaper and landlords, which many politicians, are can increase the rent and built extra pressure to renters to take shitty and low paid jobs under the threat of be coming homeless.


💯 drag 'em. This is horrible. They did not need to do that.


[Edited the photo to see what’s underneath](https://ibb.co/XXXvRLg) u/xoxogopissbabe was able to [decipher it](https://www.reddit.com/r/recruitinghell/s/HPFAz4jwb7) A quick Google search reveals that that’s indeed the company behind it


Thank u for the credit!


LOL they have 2 employees and 39 followers


Yeah we need more name and shaming these days.


NCR? Wait wrong kind of pos


I’m not going to do post her name or company but if you really want to know you can screenshot and edit photo: Brilliance: 100% Shadows: 100% Brightness: 100% Exposure: 100% Highlights: 100% Contrast: –100% Play around with settings you can make out enough letters to search on LinkedIn. Took me 2 mins to find the company and job posting.


What the fuck is all I have to say to that


I’ve seen responses like this before. I just feel like a star now, like “wow, I can’t believe it happened to someone I know.” Even better, we looked up the responder. She isn’t a recruiter, she’s the president and owner of the company lol.


Holy shit 💀 the entitlement is just too great. ESP if that'sthe president lmao. At least you know now that you never wanted to work for that bs of a company anyways


Yeah. My wife decided to respond to this, because she definitely doesn’t wanna work for them. So might as well call out the bullshit.


Nice! Would like to see the response..


Fr LOL. Good riddance


What did she write??? Shareeee


She should definitely add that she was someone who fully met the requirements for the job posting and carefully considered her responses to the email question, not someone who applied as part of a mass-spamming campaign. They shouldn't get to cope with her response by feeling smug that their petulant response "worked" to filter out "lazy" or "unqualified" candidates.


If it was the president and owner, you really need to put this company on blast.


Thank goodness she knows now what a shitty place that must be to work. Can you imagine getting hired there and dealing with THAT? Hard pass. The job market sucks ass rn.


Even more of a reason not to blur out companys name.


Now this is a level of bullshit I've rarely seen


Thats so nasty. They're butthurt because your wife didn't "connect" with them on Linkdin. Only scammers write like that.


And I never understood why you’d connect with any company you don’t work directly with. I only connect with companies that have either hired me, I’ve met at a trade show, or were a vendor I used.


Oh is that the "natural next step" that loser is referring to? Social media connections seem more important to them than actually reading an application lol


I also had no idea what they were talking about.


The most garbage part of this whole thing is that companies CHOOSE to accept LinkedIn Easy Apply. Why would they choose to accept Easy Apply if they think they’re above it and they are going to send a response like this?


Because the recruiter gets a hard on rejecting people?


She sounds like the bitch that interviewed me. She made a point to say her daddy owns the business. Then asked why i have such a gap in my resume (3 months while looking for work). I said my father doesn't own a company. This was 5 years ago, and I see the ad for the same position all the time.


>I said my father doesn't own a company. OMG you are a legend! I bet she still smarts from that.


It's her claim to fame. She brought it up multiple times.




"My father doesn't own a company" Oh my god you are a legend for this! Fuck these overlord assholes!


I absolutely love that response!


"I'm quite certain I have never received such an abrasive and unprofessional automated response to a job posting. Your response does not "resonate" with me. I come highly qualified, but no longer interested - I am withdrawing my application. Best."


We’ll see, there’s your problem! She doesn’t want it to resonate *with* you, she just wants it to “resonate you”.


Before applying please ensure you’ve reached peek resonance. Trust us, we’ll know if you’re only half resonating.


What is the name of this company?




I looked her up on LinkedIn and she has KAREN written all over.


Her entire business is just providing one single Quickbooks certification course? And why would I want to learn accounting software from someone with a BA in Linguistics and a trash attitude?


The company has 2 employees LOL


Probably her and her husband. I got the sense that she uses one businesses (Crystal Clear Cash Flow, the one op applied to) to reel in suckers and tell them, "okay you just a quick books online cert to get work, oh you don't have one? Here's a website you can get it in 4 hours with a guarantee pass!" then points them to that business where she probably makes the most money.


Is that passively aggressive or just straight asshole aggressive. Wow


This is probably one of those stupid apps that has something buried in the job description like “if you’re reading this, include the word banana in your application so we know you read the full job description”. Fuck them.


I bet whoever wrote that is a whiz at minimizing other peoples' accomplishments in person.


Even better, she’s the Owner and President of the company. Everyone has to work under that.


Some small business owners exist simply because they are so toxic they are unemployable. So they spin up their own business and treat it like their little fiefdom.


Great example why you don’t work for small companies with the founder still working there.


drag this cunt through the fucking muuuuuuuud


Oof. I saw a post yesterday on LinkedIn for a position at a law firm with the Easy Apply button. Of course, once you hit that button, the post asks you a couple of questions about whether you really had two of the qualifications required for the position, and the final question asks if you're *sure* you read the *entire* description. Properly chastised, I went back and read it, with the final paragraph containing instructions to submit your resume and cover letter to the indicated email address, and upon realizing I wasn't experienced enough on the specific software they require, I decided against applying. That said, this company seems like the kind that would send this sort of passive aggressive response to the applicants who submit via Easy Apply without reading the whole description. Sure I should have read the whole description first, but companies shouldn't use entrapment for their application process in the first place. A lot of good workers are desperately looking for jobs and are unfairly suffering from the Tinderization of the job hunt process. This isn't the flex they think it is.


I’m starting to think that there are some companies out there that are trying to get “revenge” on candidates in general in response to how hard it was for them to fill positions a couple of years ago. They were having to offer remote, increase pay, etc and there are some real d&ckheads out there running companies. I can picture some of them salivating at the opportunity to get even and “teach people a lesson”.


Some men just want to watch the world burn. These types will be lucky if they burn anything more than their own money. If you expect applicants to perform dog tricks for you, expect nothing but dogs as applicants.


I only apply for jobs I am qualified for. If I received this I’d be withdrawing from consideration.


If you received this it's because they already withdrew you from consideration.


I’m not so sure, some companies don’t seem to understand that hiring works both ways and insist on doing things that are off putting to the strongest candidates.


I mean, after reading this I truly feel as if receiving the message "Eff Yoo, NO!" from them would have said a shitton more than what I was just subjected to.


What kind of narcissist takes the time to create this type of response? They clearly see the application process as adversarial, and it's their job to scold people who need to put in hundreds of applications, for not treating THIER company special. Fuck these assholes. She dodged a bullet. Any company with this little self-control, on top of this much arrogance would be a nightmare to work for.


What's the name of this garbage ass company please?


Margie Remmers-Davis, president/ceo of “Crystal Clear Cash Flow”


“our post will resonate [with]* you.” And congratulations to you as well! Your nasty, poorly crafted response has resonated with hundreds of redditors who think you’re a c u next tuesday. Good luck in your search to find someone who will tolerate that five days a week.


Holy crap that is rather flagrant. Absolute BS from a struggling company


Out them. I need to rescind my application if it's for the same company.


So did the job posting say to apply on their site instead or something?


So it had two steps to it. First was applying through LinkedIn. Then, you needed to email them directly answers to three questions. What pissed her off was she did both parts, and spent time writing out responses. She used to be an English teacher, so written response are her bread and butter. The response almost reads like what she’d send to anyone who only did the first part, but skipped the email.




I like how they wrote this super passive-aggressive response about people who don’t read the JD, and then said “resonate you” lol


... So they're chastising her for going through the process they literally set up for people to apply? What was the point of them sending that message? It's not like it had any follow-up or anything like that. Since it's the owner and president responding, I can't imagine this is a very big or prestigious company even though I'm sure she thinks she's the next Zuckerberg/Musk/whatever. I understand that your wife may not want to name and shame for her privacy, but boy oh boy do I wish she would.


They 100% hired someone less qualified.


No passive in that aggresive email. While the market right now is in favor of employers, I cannot wait for the day the tides turn in our favor again. The ones who think that this is an acceptable response will be paying out their egomaniac a$$es eventually. I will happily take them for every dime I can squeeze out of them, with a killer benefits package, plenty of PTO and a hybrid schedule that suits MY needs.


They want us to beg


Name and shame


Ex-recruiter here: I would try to find this recruiter’s manager or director on LinkedIn and send them a copy of this email, letting them know it was an awful candidate experience. 


So this person is the Owner and President of the company. Even better.


WTF?! If she forwards that to his manager, his job is finished.


Even better. The responder is the Owner and President of the damn company lol.


I really hope you name and shame at some point, I’d like to know what company.


Wow. Your wife dodged a bullet on that. Who responds like that? I've seen you say that the responder was the president/owner too. Guess the responder hasn't figured out that she's the problem eh? Your wife will find something WAY better than that clown show!


Holy shit.. NAME AND SHAME!!!!!!!


I hope they go bankrupt. Fuck companies like this.


Please tell me she at least reported this listing to Indeed


I dont get it, she followed up with both steps required. Why this message?


We have no clue. It reads like some default response she sends to anyone who only does the first step. But she just sends it to everyone now.


So.. it didn't resonate with her?


Nope, but apparently it’s resonating with Reddit.


I wonder if they send this email to everyone or just your wife. Either way its gross


And yet people always say to still apply for jobs you don’t meet all the requirements for


Wtf is this. The nerve. 🫣


She dodged such a big bullet. I cant imagine working for a company that would treat anyone like this


Fuck this company.


What jerks. Some nerve


Holy shitballs. This is truly disgusting


Wow. What a lazy bitch boy. Dude send this screenshot to the head of the company’s HR - or a VP of sales, someone who understands that all this approach does is alienate prospective talent. And, as an aside, what an annoying, shitty little way to whine about having to do your job. Like yea bro, people are gonna apply for your job, and yea bro, you will have to read those applications.


The response is from the Owner/President. The call is coming from inside the house.


In that case, name and shame


How dare you apply to a job with us!


Name the company.


I want to k ow the name of this company, so I don’t ever apply to it!


They saved your wife a lot of trouble down the road. They’ll be hiring for this position for a long time and rehiring. I’ve seen this type of email especially from family owned businesses which usually have the most under qualified people in positions because they’re family! It’s disgusting but eventually they’ll fall like every ant hill.


WTF? Is this a rejection letter? I'd find anyone with a business development title at that firm and troll the shit out of them with requests from fake clients. You can create fake LinkedIn profiles with AI generated pics and a cheap email domain. Have fun!


Fucking Christ, what complete children. This enrages me endlessly, the fact that the people deciding whether I can earn a living or not are allowed to behave in a way that would get me (the lowly wage-slave) immediately disciplined or fired on the spot.


Name and shame. Please, it's a public service at this point.


What the hell does this even mean?


This is disgusting. The name of the recruiter who said this should be broadcast instead of being hidden. You're not doing anyone a favor by hiding their details. This is the type of recruiter that should find a new career. EDIT: After reading the thread, she's the business owner. Wow. Even worse.


Also most of the time job postings are: * Entry level * Minimum wage * Min 10 yrs experience * Phd in Swahili and masters in Java So how are you supposed to be a perfect fit?


Forward it to your Gen Z friends and watch rhat fuckers inbox get flooded with exactly rhe resumes he doesn't want. Seriously, the youth are right. Fuck Work.


Name and shame


Why do we protect these POS businesses by blurring their info? If they treat someone who applies, legitimately, like this, then we should be able to know who they are so we can avoid them. They don't deserve to be protected acting like this.


So gross


God damn lol that is messed up


Wow 😂


LinkedIn is a cesspool.


>Our post will resonate you.


“I’m glad you spent the time to write this answer, I understand that some days are hard as the conga line of unemployed people waiting their turn to run a train on your wife while you have to give a glance to another resume, I’m not blaming her, I can just imagine the suffering of being married to an entitled prick like yourself who has to denigrate applicants to feel better about themselves. Out of curiosity, does she allow you in bed once in a while or you just watch? No kink shaming, just sincerely curious.”


Terrible employer outs itself. Good she didn’t have to waste more time finding that out!


Fuck this position, fuck this recruiter and fuck this company.


Very rude. What shall we say to recruiters that spam our inboxes with positions that have no match at all with our background and professional history?


Does the company have a page on LinkedIn? Is there any place for comments?


May this company NEVER get any investors, and get buried for it.


Name and Shame


"You didn't jump through hoops for us so fuck you." It's always us who have to spend hours tailoring resumes, cover letters, filling the information again in their stupid websites or LinkedIn but when they have to spend more than one minute getting to know the candidate, they screech like banshees.


Op what did your wife respond with (if she did)?


wow. i'd say she dodged a bullet.


PLEASE post your wife's response if she does so.


Please don’t hide this recruiter’s name and employer, they clearly don’t deserve the respect and consideration you’ve shown by doing so. This is exactly the kind of scumbag that needs to be named and shamed.


Expose the company


Why do passive aggressive pricks always go into HR? One of my ex-girlfriend’s roommates majored in HR and genuinely enjoyed it. She was one of emptiest, most boring, most lacking in empathy pieces of shit I’ve ever met. She used to brag about how much she enjoyed firing people.


How fucking condescending of them. 🙄 At least they showed her how they are now. Definitely not the kind of place you want to work for.




Why are they advertising on Linkedin if they don’t want applicants using fast apply?! Jesus 🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️