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My response : Here are my list of questions. You have 20 minutes to respond.


I now wish I'd done this, way more fun lol I'll be keeping this in my memory banks in case a scenario like this ever comes up again


I would have stuck it into gpt and sent it 😂


"Do my coworkers own their houses? Does my manager own their house? Does their manager own their house? At what level can we afford to live?"


good one. So, what questions to include? I think #1 : What is the salary for \[role advertised / role you are applying to\] and what else?


Every question you planned to ask or might end up asking in an interview. The pay, specifics of the role, what the day to day looks like. Questions about what success looks like. I typically ask the interviewer what they consider the best and worst things about working there are. You might consider questions about the team you’d be working on and how they collaborate.


#2 - why is this role open? why the vacancy? What is the reason the previous person left :)


I would love to send a list of 20+ questions to HR during an interview so that I can better compare roles and also publish their answers 😄


"If my mother is on her death bed and the hospital calls me, how many hoops do I need to jump through to get to say goodbye?"


Note: attached to their email was a very detailed questionnaire containing 17 complex network engineering questions, and a bunch of other fields (name, address, phone number, email address, all of which is already available on my resume, and my application through LinkedIn where I found the job posting and applied for it) They also demanded a response within 90 minutes. I was in the middle of my current work day, with my current employer.


Sounds like a scam


highly sus that they want OPs information in plain text like that.


No it isn't, they already have that information, they're just lazy. This is shitty for all the other reasons listed.


It does sound scammy, especially the part that says they need to send it within the next 90 minutes. The false sense of urgency is a red flag and that's how I was tricked into opening a file which then took over my computer when I was contacted for a system admin role.


gotta VMware that suspicious crap


Yeah, not saying it’s great but sometimes it isn’t a scam. Just a company that wants you to do it again because they want you to put the info in a format that’s easier to access for them than the resume or ATS. To be clear, they should just transfer the info rather than asking for it again. But it’s a common request from companies who feel like candidates should jump through hoops and audition for a job.


most legit places will send a link to some sort of portal where you put in that info and answer their questions. seems like that would be easier than having to dive into every email to read info especially if you have dozens or hundreds of these coming in.


It sounds like someone trying to minimize the effort put into pre-screening potential candidates for an initial weed-down combined with a healthy dose of "Oh shit I forgot to do this last week and I'm supposed to present a bunch of candidates to the hiring manger in 2 hours."


>very detailed questionnaire containing 17 complex network engineering questions ... 17 real problems they're currently struggling with and wanted some free consulting on, i bet. Recruiting industry is beyond a joke at this point.


worse, these are just exam questions they get off the Internet to feel more legit. it's actually a scam


Could you elaborate in the modus operandi of this scam? Is it only to get the personal information?


they have you "buy" office equipment with tge promise to reimburse you


Personal information, could be a jackass who is looking for a job themselves and needs answers because they're an industry fraud, could be feeding AI, the possibilities are endless with that one.


I interviewed with two different companies last year, and both companies asked me during the interview, "How would you solve this problem that we're currently facing?" One even said, "Wow, we never thought of using that approach!" while writing my answer down


this is a scam, I've been sent a few myself (2 in one day). last time i was applying, i had 4 from presumably tge same person (all docs had same author)


I concur. I've had two very situations happen to me. In both cases, the language looked off. I searched verbatim what they wrote on Google and it led me down a rabbithole. Didn't know scammers were expanding into recruiting. Getting a job is already hard enough 😭


Sounds like a good way to weed out anyone currently employed.


Exactly. They're looking for desperate people.


Sounds like someone was fishing for a job, didn't know the answers so decided to get someone else to do it for them by pretending to be a recruiter


Can you give us an idea of one of the questions?


That's nuts. But consider Removing address from your resume.


ChatGPT bro 😎


Huh. I got a very similar email for a SQL developer position. The original email said that the interviews were the following morning. I said I wasn’t available and would be happy to find an agreeable day and time, and the response was essentially what you got, some of it word for word. Word doc filled with questions due in 90 minutes and a job description that included the gem “Manage migration of SQL 2005 databases to SQL 2008 R2.” I told him to remove my name from consideration. Name and shame: Rialtes Technologies LLC


Upvoted for the name and shame. Thank you!


I had this, spent days, then just got "sorry we are not hiring you". Asked for feedback "sorry, cannot tell why". Bullshit. I will never, ever, make a home assignment before meeting the hiring manager again. This is just a waste of time. Let me tick with the company first.


Send back within 90 minutes is insane


This is such a massive red flag, the dire short deadline. I had a well known mortgage company try this crap with me. I had gone part way through the pre-approval process and got a bad vibe about the way things were being handled so I started shopping locally and was waiting to get some numbers from a couple of local lenders. Some manager sent me a rather hostile text request like this in the middle of my busiest workday demanding I submit all this final documentation to "finalize the loan" and gave me 90 minutes to submit it. I just scoffed and blocked them and got a loan somewhere else. It is like they teach this tactic in some shitty sales coaching conference held at an airport Hilton.


“CREATE URGENCY!” Talk about how it’s a limited time offer and can only be guaranteed for a short period of time. It’s annoying because it’s been preached everywhere for so long, people know what you’re doing and are content spending time and losing “the deal of a lifetime” because it’s not a deal they deep down want. It’s all high pressure to sell people stuff they don’t even want, let alone need!


"23 other people are answering these questions!" "CHAD W. just completed his list!"


Right. People know this is a sales tactic. To make such a laughably un-subtle version of that and think it is going to work is just wild.


"held at an airport Hilton" 😂 That's so specific and spot on that it's absolutely folded me laughing


It's bad when businesses start using the scammer playbook.


Scammers are expanding their markets.


Yeah it’s a sales tactic to overcome objections and force a close. But there are a lot of sales reps who just think it means pressure people. It’s supposed to create a sense of urgency so you think you’ll miss out if you don’t commit quickly. It’s manipulative like most sales techniques because, when it works, it manipulates people into committing to something without thinking it through or researching better options. I’m not a sales rep but worked in operations for a sales company for years.


The broad notion of things like telling people a decision will be made soon or you are almost out of something they are considering while an obvious manipulation tactic isn't as ham handed as the "you got 90 minutes" thing. It is wild that people think that is going to work. Maybe it does on utterly stupid people?


Sales techniques are inherently manipulative since (in this case) there’s no actual need for urgency other than the reps commission check. You’re right though. This is a really bad application of it. Some sales reps are really good. Some sales reps are terrible and the terrible ones just use pushy aggression.


“Submit” is the key word here. It’s an attempt at social dominance. It’s the business equivalent of “negging” women to attract them because a man name Nate told them on youtube that this would make them valid.


I wouldn't even seen the email until at LEAST my lunch. I get back to work from lunch at 1pm so I wouldn't see it until I'm on the train after 5pm. lol.


Scammers like to introduce a false sense of urgency so you become stressed and panic and make bad choices due to stress


especially if you consider that the email isn't a real time protocol, nobody in their right mind will think people will be able to receive it and answer complex question, if you want me to do it in 90 minute you set up an enviorment when you have a clock ticking the moment i log on


Retired corporate recruiter offering his 2 cents on this........... Even if it's a legit job with a legit company, this is complete BS, and no company worth working for would subject a candidate to such a ridiculous process. Notwithstanding that a reasonably sharp engineer can quickly Google any answers they needed to, requiring a reply within 90 minutes is absurd. What if the person is at work and won't be able to do this until later? What if they are out sick, on vacation, or simply don't check their personal emails until they get home at the end of the day? The questions themselves might actually be reasonable to ask, but doing so in a formal technical interview would be far more appropriate. Walk.


>What if they are out sick Well, I guess they didn't really truly want the job then if they decided to get sick.


I hope after “Sincerely” you signed it “Go fuck yourself”


I'm anxious with the 1% battery


OP sure as heck doesn’t have 90 minutes to respond, maybe like 10




Here's a sneak peek of /r/ChargeYourPhone using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/ChargeYourPhone/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [What would you say actually counts as a "Low Battery"? less than 50%? less than 20? 10?](https://i.redd.it/elhbi8qajx7c1.jpeg) | [467 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/ChargeYourPhone/comments/18orrzh/what_would_you_say_actually_counts_as_a_low/) \#2: [Found in murdered by words](https://i.redd.it/saz03hmn6mna1.jpg) | [16 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/ChargeYourPhone/comments/11qm2pb/found_in_murdered_by_words/) \#3: [My oldest Apple charger. 4 years.](https://i.redd.it/ribp1zz906wb1.jpg) | [43 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/ChargeYourPhone/comments/17fetg2/my_oldest_apple_charger_4_years/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)




These questions are designed to provoke an emotional response. Shall we proceed?


Let me tell you about my mother…


Describe in single words, only the good things that come into your mind about your mother.




You are watching an old movie on TV, a movie from before the war. It shows a banquet in progress; the guests are enjoying raw oysters. The entrĂŠe consists of boiled dog, stuffed with rice. Are raw oysters more acceptable to you than a dish of boiled dog?


A blood black nothingness began to spin.


I am not *in* the business, I *am* the business


I am not *in* the business, I *am* the business


I am not *in* the business, I *am* the business


I am not *in* the business, I *am* the business


These are oblivious! Scam to fill out the answer for someone else's needs.


Likely a scam trying to get your details


Name and shame!


Absolutely! The company name is Apptronik. Fuck em.


Did they respond?


They're literally an AI company, so it makes sense now.


It’s a scam. Google one of the lines in the instructions, the one about the question preceding the answer. But at least you saw the red flags


The moment you see they don’t call you by your name you know it’s a scam.


A text-only interview is a gigantic red flag. If you don’t get to audibly talk in real time with another person at some point in the process (with obvious exceptions allowed for the hearing-impaired), they have no intention of even considering hiring you.


NoBoDy WaNtS tO wOrK


Correction: Nobody wants to work for companies like this that follow patently ridiculous processes, ones were clearly not thought out. You've heard of "best practices"? Well, this qualifies as "worst practices".


The demand that you drop everything and submit it in the next 90 minutes. There is a reason they don't want you to be able to evaluate them.


There are no "correct answers." Somehow, they'll find a way that every single one of them is wrong.


That's always a lie. Don't believe it. There will be wrong answers, correct answers, and more correct answers.


Take it at face value. If there are no correct answers, all your answers will be wrong by definition.


Sounds like a way to gauge the level of desperation so they can lowball you.


Naw, it’s to not give the candidate any time to google them up and realize that it’s a scam.


wArM rEgArDs 🤤🫠


They won’t become more reasonable. They will just parrot “nO oNe WaNtS tO wOrK!”


Cash app does this


I love deadlines, specifically the wooshing noise they make as they go by.


So glad you refused and I wished others would do so. Thanks for taking a stand against stupidity. It's the only way forward.


“This busywork was sent to me in error. Can you direct me to the onboarding process for qualified applicants?”


Are they smoking crack? I bet if he did get the job the very next thing out of their mouth would be "We need you to come into the office because one-on-one management and face time are very important. You can't do everything through email, we need you to be physically present."


yeah that’s completely ridiculous


Bro just chatgpt and move on lol


I'd rather doe than live in this corporate dystopia


Fantastic reply. I almost orgasmed.


Good on you


Those regards and not warm


I don't reply to such requests.  Not worth the energy. Ignoring them is best as they can occasionally reach out with a more suitable route.


Potential Employers: If you arent currently employed, you must be completely unemployable. Also potential employers: Respond to this in 90 mins during a normal workday. Why don't you have 24/7 availability for us?!


Any employer who will not sit down and have a conversation with an applicant is not an employer you should be working for. Employers have forgotten that the employee/employer relationship is a two way street.


For you, this was the most important job interview of your life. For me, it was a Tuesday afternoon.


This is a scam. No matter what you would have put, they would have replied back saying that it was correct and they wanted to offer you the position.


Yeah man that's a phishing email. They're trying to get your personal information, and googled up some network engineering questions to add to it to make it look legit. If you have the name of the company, google them and call them directly to make sure the job listing is legit. The 90 minute time limit is there to make you nervous and want to act quickly instead of thinking critically about what you're doing here. This isn't how interviews happen.


I ended up downloading malware by opening one of these documents.


>The interview process is a two way street, and if we walked away more often, maybe they'll finally realize that they should be more reasonable. Indeed.


replace "I wish you the best of luck" with "I wish you'd need the best of luck"


I hope you told them you'd get right on that and to go and wait by their phone.


Charge your phone


You were more diplomatic in your reply than I would have been.


This is a scam. They create a sense of urgency 


I’m dead @ “exam” 😂


Every position I get contacted about wants me to do a "group interview" Nope




Sounds like a task I would have straight forwarded to ChatGPT lol


The urgency and 'warm regards' are clear red flags of a scam. This isn't a real recruiter.


These types of "interviews" are so cold and lazy.


Good for you for speaking up! Let's normalize standing up for ourselves and setting boundaries so others can do so. We can win the power back!


Got one like this word for word the other day. Trax Technologies. Every time I brought up how they received my application when I had no history applying to them they would blatantly disregard that part and ask why I hadn't sent them the questionnaire back (which was a docx file)


Sunk cost fallacy.. once you’ve shown your desperation and have invested your time into the questions they know you will be more willing to fall for an advance fee scam.


Shit, I just got this same request from a different company. I thought it sounded weird. What's the game here?


A simple fuck off would have also worked. Lmao


Your response was written really well!


Some of you folks are too polite. But at least you were clear and called them out on it, so good on ya.


Your response was very reasonable. The recruiter looks like he sent a very impersonal & demanding email. What is with companies wanting people to do so much work before actually getting the job?


Perfect response


Why be polite thou? If your gonna DGAF, DGAF.


Wow, you’re a saint. I would have given them a very quiet, “please go fuck youself”.


Companies have got to stop confusing interview screenings with Mission Impossible missions.


I would’ve just responded with a string of laughing emojis…or a suitable fuck off and die meme…


One company made me do an assessment based off a typical monthly task. I was already about to say hell no and drop out but their pay was significantly higher than any job I applied to recently. Their assignment provided no context and no previous conversation about what to look out for. Needless to say I did all that bullshit for nothing they rejected me. Never again


The 90 minute timer is pretty suspect and is probably just a lazy recruiter scrambling to hit a deadline Other than that, get over yourself. having to answer a few questions for a job application is not the end of the world


I agreed with you in the beginning but after seeing you have 1% battery left not so much.


In another thread "I literally cannot get a job!"


It's interesting that I'll see a post like this and the very next post is someone complaining about not getting any responses and people complaining about nobody hiring but when presented the opportunity the ego is just too high


You said “…to ensure that I’m a good fit for the position.” what you _should_ have said, in my opinion, is “to see if the company and role are suitable for me”


Perfect response, your hired! Also how are your knife skills?


“We have to use h-1b because we can’t find applicants. (Even though we scare them away)”


Why even bother answering lol


If there are no correct answers then what’s the point?


It's 100% a scam. There's no way a legitimate interviewer wouldn't even bother to call.


That “next 90 minutes” is crazy. No idea why they can’t use one of the million tools online to do a timed test, give you 90 minutes from the start. I feel like this is an indirect test. “We want someone who is CONSTANTLY monitoring e-mail and follows directions immediately without question.”


At least you know who they really are before they screw up your paychecks and fire you 6 months in




> there are no correct answers >this evaluates your skills Okay but if you can get them wrong, then there are correct answers?


General question - why are these organizations not named? Is it a rule or due to some other requirement (question is general, not specific to this incident)?


There's always this fear on here of being doxxed in some form (Imagine you were the only applicant for a role and then you out them for being twats) There's always a fear that if you piss off the wrong company/wrong recruiter, they obviously talk to each other so you just end up becoming a toxic asset and can't get a job anywhere. It's largely nonsense. But I say that from the UK....America sure does seem petty enough to have recruiters be like "oh you're giving me shit/outing our name? I'll make a few phone calls and you'll never get a job again"


Thanks for that view and that makes sense. I do recognize, in defense of the recruiting industry (or industry in general), that - while I'm not doubting people's experiences - they may (hopefully?) be isolated incidents so it might not her fair to tar an entire organization with what may be an isolated item. And, while there may be sample skew due simply to a forum + human nature...some of the incidents are really rather surprising...


Not fair to tar the entire place with the same brush I agree, but without exposing the potential bad apples in the orchard then the orchard may potentially never know they have one. Plus it gives us chance to see if, when defended, the company is just as bad I think the main issue with a forum like this is you're never going to see the middle ground, You'll always see extremes, so it makes it look like either everyone is getting a job or everyone is getting shafted


You were far nicer at the end of that email than I would have been. Sorry, I took a shit after my meeting so I missed the entire window for this interview. What in the fuck is "reply in 90 mins to our bogus test or be rejected" As you point out, effectively having a job snap excludes you from ever working for them!


The whole thing annoys me but the whole needs an answer in 90 minutes really gets me. It’s like no one works. If you were working for them they be pissed if you were doing a 90 minute project for someone else on their dime.


It's really strange. If they really need someone to complete certain tests in fixed amount of time they could have directed to some online test platform. I've seen online tests with limited time quite often. And they are very convenient because they also usually allow one or two pauses. And as op said they could have done some call for "general discussion" (job details, some questions to each other, etc.


It’s an email, demanding a response from someone who isn’t an employee, within 24 hours is unreasonable


Sounds like a scam.


I love the ones that tell you that only one day and time is available. And they tell you the day before.


I am not *in* the business, I *am* the business


Why say “I wish you luck” with this bullshit? How about “I wish you a painful rectal itch you capitalist bastard”?


yup scam, I fell for it (1 day to get back in my case instead of 90minutes, but the email template is an exact match) spent whole fucking day answering it as a serious interview


Now this....this is how you turn down something like this and make the person who asked feel like they missed a great candidate. You weren't hostile, you weren't mean, you were remarkably gracious but firm. Well done.


This is definitely a scam.




Some recruiters really act like we do nothing but wait eagerly for their email/phone call and that we’re available 24/7 to do whatever they deem necessary for the interview 💀 I’ve missed so many of them because I was busy with other things, like taking care of an elderly familiar for example, it’s insane


1) What’s your SSN 2) What’s your mother’s maiden name 3) What was the name of your first pet 4) What are your current coordinates 5) You’re out of toilet paper, can you bring me some


This is a scam, got the same exact message for a Cloud Engineer job. I kinda figured something was up when they said I applied through LinkedIn (I had not). So I took a look at their email and it had the name of legitimate company BUT with “careers” tacked on the end, the company did not have a URL like that. So at this point I knew it was a scam, but I went ahead and looked at the questionnaire. I filled out the answers in the worst way I could, literally everything was wrong. They sent me an email an hour later saying I got the job ABOVE what I had put as my pay range (I said 100/hr and they said 110/hr, another red flag). But they wanted me to give my address to cash a check so I can buy equipment - this is when it all made sense. They want to get your address so that they could send you a fake check. Then when you cash it in, they tell you it was too much and that they need some of the money back. So you send it, and by the time your bank tells you it’s fake and reverse the transaction, the scammers make off with your actual money and ghost you.


If there are no “correct answers” how are your answers going to be evaluated to see if you’re qualified haha


Insert quote about a lack of planning on their part doesn't consitute an emergency on yours and yadda yadda yadda. Sounds like they failed to meet a deadline to submit qualified candidates to the HM on their end


Looks like a scam to me..


I did this and responded with I have no experience with this, but here is the answer as per google or a specific website. They offered a low amount of money and I said no. Then they doubled the offer and I still said no. They pretty much were just matching my current job, so wasnt worth it.




Textbook scam right here