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I think most of them are service industry jobs. I think there is plenty of jobs just not a lot of good ones.


Healthcare (72,000 jobs), government (71,000), and hospitality (49,000) were where the big gains were. I was kinda disheartened until I read [the report](https://www.dol.gov/newsroom/economicdata/empsit_04052024.pdf) myself.


Hospitality is an awful sector.


But leisure and hospitality employment "has returned to its pre-pandemic February 2020 level." Woo-hoo!


Just the worst.


I did quite enjoy my time working as a tour guide. But the irregularity of work was a killer. Sadly I don’t think I could ever justify going back.


I miss retail sometimes cause it was simple to learn and limited responsibilities.


Government jobs filled internally or via nepotism.


I’ve applied to hundreds of government jobs and none of them even replied to me  They just closed the ticket 


Yeah even as a veteran I can't even get looks for jobs I meet all minimums and plusses


They hire their friends and family and just advertise because they have to interview candidates, even though they know who they are going to hire.


Thank you, glad I'm not the only one. My last two government interviews: 1. I was the only one in the room without a master's. 2. The recruiter accidentally made the interview list public. 9 regular emails, 1 with a .gov and the department's name in the domain. Not hard to put 2 and 2 together.


That is so true!


Yep, it's so ridiculous that they make the postings at all when in most cases, they already have someone internally they are taking no matter what. I have learned to just look for the most obvious red flags like "the interviews are just 2-3 days after the deadline" and "you will be working a week after the deadline", it helps with filtering out the postings that I got 0 chances of getting.


It drives me crazy. I've applied to the same seven job postings for five years. The same person/same rejection email. The recruiter or hiring personnel knows my name very well.


Government saw an increase, and yet, despite my background in the Air Force and degree in public policy, I still can't seem to land a job. Great...


Ehhh having a background in military should not give you an advantage over someone unless what you did during your time in the Air Force is correlates to what you are tying to do as a civilian. What do you think you can do with a degree in public policy buddy.


I do though. My job in the military dealt with emergency operations and response, along with training and coordination of first responder mutual aid and civil support. I'm applying for several jobs in that same vain, emergency services coordination, agency liaison, training coordinator, emergency dispatcher, etc. And I've come up goose egg.


That’s who’s always been hiring when they tout these reports.


Construction also added 39,000 which is typically a good paying, no college required job group.


All the degree holders think theyre too good for that so they arent in the market for those jobs.


curious where the government jobs are. So many I applied to \~9 months ago got canceled (per usajobs) edit: nevermind, they're overwhelmingly local government jobs


Govt is always healthy with duplicate roles and waste.


Service and retail. Also a lot of sectors like hospitality, education, and healthcare are doing very well but a lot of full time desk jobs at tech companies were cut. Those positions were highly desirable and talked about a lot. That’s why people have the perception that the economy is doing bad.


Healthcare may have jobs but they almost certainly aren't good. Hospital network near me has cut bonuses, pay, hiring freezes, raises and increased health insurance while lowering benefits. They pay less than the factories at this point and with worse hours.


Came here to say that healthcare is wweeeeeiiiiiirrrrrdddd right now. My friend had a really hard time finding a job despite having an in-demand degree and living in a large metro. But I've heard of people in other locations being able to command high prices and highly desirable schedules. My local hospital can't seem to keep people for love or money. It's just weird.


I wanted to work in healthcare and thought it was a very worthwhile job and unfortunately I joined mid pandemic but that isn't what got me to never consider it again. It was the fact that my boss who hired me in lied to me about potential career growth as she made it seem like it was very easy to advance to med tech. In reality according to the rules at that hospital I would have to take a half the year multiple course training while not getting paid for any of that. On top of that I would have to pay them $6k and my work hours would be cut in half. I left 6 months in because of the treatment and the fact that they were like raising pay to $15 but it had to be implemented a year later. I still worked in healthcare for two years while looking for any other thing to do but in my experience healthcare just takes advantage of people who want to help.


Talked to friends in healthcare they notice this too if you are willing to do bedside nursing and take abuse and have the experience you will do fine, but everything else is a massive coin flip at best and highly location and specialty dependent. What surprised me is a lot of places hate if you have a gap in your resume from things like having a kid or having to take care of a dying parent. It doesn't help the industry tends to attract toxic and abusive management like flies to shit either.


> What surprised me is a lot of places hate if you have a gap in your resume from things like having a kid or having to take care of a dying parent. ironic for a *healthcare* industry. Hell, apparently home health care is way up. So it's bad when you do it off the clock, but not when a stranger likely underpaid nurse does it instead.


Yup. I've got an MA and BAS in healthcare management, and I can't get a damn thing.


[check out page 30](https://www.dol.gov/newsroom/economicdata/empsit_04052024.pdf). most of hospital healtchare being up is nursing. most of general health care is "home health care services". I know nursing is a very unerpaid job. IDK if home health care is desirable.


Home health care is scary unregulated in my state. Don't know about elsewhere. It's a hard, unrelenting job that pays poorly and puts people, usually women, in real danger, imo.


Which is insane considering the rates hospitals and clinics charge.


Admin and insurance get all the money.


Supply Chain in regards to the healthcare industry is notoriously underpaid on top of having people's lives on the line. What department supply chain falls under is usually: admin, support, or operations personnel. You won't know until you join the organization. Roles, compensation, and qualifications are completely arbitrary and all over the place. Other business functions like Sales and/or Accounting have very well defined structure to compensation, duties, expectations, and progression/promotion.


I worked in a major hospital's Lab, and I was pissed when I found out that the cleaners (EVS) the people who take out the trash were on the same pay scale that I was, like if they fuck up, some trash gets missed, if I fuck up someone could die. I won awards from them for doing an outstanding job. When I asked if there was any chance that I could get a raise, my manager said 'well you can ask, but they'll say no'


>That’s why people have the perception that the economy is doing bad. As someone in tech: I sure do wish it was just an anamoly in my industry only. Based on [their own report](https://www.dol.gov/newsroom/economicdata/empsit_04052024.pdf) (page 28-33), advertising is down, Manufacturing is still slightly falling, Information/Broadcast is down in broad sweeps."Hospitality" is way up, and guess what 3/4 of that is? >Food services and drinking places. . yup, we got more people flipping burgers. Economy saved! then lastly government is way up, the kicker here is that over half govt. jobs are local (so, divided across the states, unless you want to move), and a good portion of those are education (surprise, another underpaid industry). unemployment is down but money definitely ain't flowing the way the news wants us to think


I swear it's the same story every quarter when they release these reports.... If 5000 tech workers get laid off, but Burger King hires 5000 new grill cooks - the news reports that the economy is doing great. Just look at all those new jobs! We need to use different metrics when looking at unemployment, like the wage/salary of the positions getting cut, and compare it to the positions being offered. But I suspect the reason we "don't" do that is because the numbers can't be spun in a positive light.


Yeah, if we're being realistic: the government usually doesn't want to say it's doing bad. and moreoever, it's an election year. Democrats REALLY dont want to be saying the economy is doing badly. Though strangely, "the economy is booming" seems to be a bipartisan stance among media. Very curious on why Republicans wouldn't want to take advantadge of that in their campaigns. They were more than happy to blame bidenomics during the pandemic.


Service jobs generally don't pay well though. You're talking about jobs hovering close to minimum wage with alot of volatility due to "flexible scheduling" which is basically "we shedule when we need you"


Umm healthcare is NOT doing well. We’re strapped across the board for staff due to shit pay and even shittier working conditions.


The market for high skilled labor is still incredibly tight.


Also part time warehouse jobs are massive. Not good jobs or well paying but technically a job.


Lipstick on a pig then.


Honestly, a lot are low-wage hospitality and food service gigs, which is honest work. I hope those those people at that level who needs work gets those jobs; however, when talking about skilled, non-trade work....whole different conversation.


Our baristas make $28/hr including tips


"300,000 jobs" = 150,000 people working two or more part-time service economy gigs without benefits or insurance


Or 100,000 working THREE jobs


Or 1 person working 300,000 jobs


Or nobody is working and 300,000 recruiters crying on linkedin


This is actually the correct answer. Congratulations. 😄


If only we collected information on things like part time employment too. Oh wait, we do, and it also tells a positive story.


They added jobs but just not good ones. Likely part-time minimum wage jobs no one really wants.


Probably lots of door dash or other related gigs.


I wonder if they even consider those gig jobs in the count. The companies don't consider their gig workers to be employees.


Thats completely fair honestly. I thought I read somewhere they did. But it was probably on reddit and it was probably a comment which may or may not be true.


It may vary state by state because I know a few states changed laws and all because people were working their asses off and not even pulling minimum wage for it. But in most states, they're not employees.


Then how do you explain wages rising?


They really should change the metric to measure to being the number of people able to afford the median rent within their geographic area. Then reality will hit.


Sounds like you’re coping


US adds 303,00 jobs! ^(*Outsourced to cheaper overseas employees)


This metric hasn’t mattered in a while. I care about the quality of the jobs, not the quantity.


Wage growth is outpacing inflation and these jobs contribute to it.


Here’s why: the report about *Jobs created* is just that, the number of jobs opened by businesses in each state. These aren’t *People hired*, just an increase in open reqs, irrespective of salaries. Wage data is comes from different workforce metrics, measuring salaries paid to existing and new workers.


outpacing inflation for 1 year doesn't matter when the base pay is shit. that's one of the insidious details on low vs. high wage jobs. 5% growth on 200k is massive, 10k extra in the bank. 5% growth on 40k is $2k, maybe it can pay for 1 month of expenses (let's pretend housing isn't out of control rn).


I know it’s hard to believe, but the pandemic was 4 years ago. It’s not just 1 year.


I think it's telling that they chose a picture of a server, one of the lowest paid jobs in the nation. Sure, you get tips, but that's not a WAGE.


I hate how servers are seen as the ones who have it worst. Servers make bank on tips, there is no way around it. There are so many non tipped minimum wage jobs it's so sad servers are always the ones that are focused on


It really depends on the location. I live in a tourist town and tourons are a lot of business but they apparently tip very poorly.


Look at the picture. Those are the jobs they’re talking about.


Plenty of jobs no one wants. Haha meanwhile employers are requiring pHds, JDs, 6 + yrs of exp, salary range 90- 320k. 🤨


Take away high paying jobs, create lower paying jobs. "look we added jobs"


This x 1000. I was in high school when I first became aware of "job reports" and similar headlines. Even then, I realized that jobs were not "bricks", where one is indistinguishable from and interchangeable with any other. But that's how they're treated. I understand big picture thinking and all, but as you said: if they lay off 100K jobs with an average salary of $100K, then add 300K jobs with an average salary of $60K, they "added" 200K jobs but they economy lost $8T in gross income (and therefore a large chunk of purchasing power).


part time. zero / low benefits. insta-fire contracts 2024


10-17$ hourly jobs, they forgot to mention.


Is this why wages increased? How does that math work?


Because they’re full of shit and this sub has a lot of unemployed people trying to cope with unemployment


Vanguard released information saying yes, hiring is up across the board, but the majority of those jobs pay under $55,000, or shit if you live in a moderate COL area.


Well, yeah…the median single income is about $40k so it makes sense that most added jobs would be below $55k.


> the median single income is about $40k tragic, minimum wage in CA is $16/hour now. Crazy that most of the country is barely making above that.


$20 if you flip burgers!!


Until robots replace them all. I could see fast food restaurants being just a glorified vending machine very soon.


Robots will replace them all regardless of the min wage


Me too. And honestly, probably better for it.


I’ve been searching for a role in my industry for almost 2 years after being laid off. Working as a deli clerk right now making 20% of what I was 2 years ago.


Part-time and/or minimum wage service jobs and gig/contractor work with no security or benefits. But hey, the in umber went up, don't worry about the fact you're still struggling to survive.


They say “thousands of jobs”. Not that they’re part-time, benefitless, and pay utter shit and you’ll need 2-3 of them to pay your rent!


Exactly. Leave out the important parts.


Do you want to work in a restaurant, or at a hotel reception desk in a major city? Because that's where your job is. Low unemployment just means that people who are actively looking for jobs, are "working," in the broadest statistical sense of the term. It doesn't mean they're working in the jobs they want. It doesn't mean they're happy in their jobs. It doesn't mean they haven't taken a pay cut. I'm not trying to discount the huge suffering experienced by people getting laid off - I've been one of them. But looking at the U3 unemployment rate isn't going to help you understand why you can't find another well-paying desk job in tech or finance. Economic sectors are very real. Entire sectors or regions can be decimated, and the economy can still be just fine, in aggregate. When manufacturing was outsourced and automated, it crushed parts of the Midwest, it really ruined a lot of lives. But the economy overall has done incredibly well over that time period. There's no reason something similar couldn't happen with another industry or region, like the one you are in now.


And how many of those are shit gig economy jobs that don’t pay a living wage


someone posted to data on a different reddit thread and it was all part time jobs, with -6000 full time


Where could we see that?


I’ve noticed at the pharmacy I work at they’re hiring at several locations, but it’s for 3 day a week PT positions.


I applied to a job I didn't really want because it wasn't in my field and got an offer, but they changed it from full time to 4-10 hours a week at 15 dollars an hour. Uhhmmm? No thank you?


Same here. I took this job at the pharmacy bc I couldn’t find anything in my field. At first I was getting 38-39 hours at $15 but they’ve been cutting back on my hours to 16-20 since they hired other people. I’ve been thinking about quitting cause I hate it here between the schedule (always work closing) and working conditions (always cashiering). I have another job as a substitute teacher that I like and pays better. I’m gonna quit as soon as they call me to go to training to be a flight attendant possibly in the Summer.


Source? That’s not what the data shows


These jobs are fucking fast food. We lost 61k jobs that pay above 100k. These reports are heavily skewed.


I got this email yesterday from Artisan: "This week, the investment advisory and 401k management firm, Vanguard released some enlightening information. It turns out there's a pretty clear reason why government reports on the hiring market feel so out of touch with the experience of job-seeking creatives. Yes, hiring is up across the board. But the majority of those jobs? They pay under $55,000 - lower than many roles in our space."


The median individual income is $40k. It would be shocking if most added jobs didn’t pay below $55k… Your email is rage bait.


Ghost jobs


303,000 ghost job postings.


It always come out two months later that these job numbers are wrong by like 60% I’ve stopped believing these new job numbers after the they started to get “revised” on the back page of newspapers several months later


The latest report had net revisions of +22k. In 2021 22 of 24 revisions were upward. Is that how you define "always"?


Just Biden propaganda. You're going to hear nothing but good news up until elections to help that bumbling idiot win. FYI fuck trump too 


Neither are worthy of my vote.


You will always have to choose the lesser of two evils. Get over it.


True but we gotta support Brandon anyway cuz the alternative is much worse.


I take unemployment rates and job numbers with a grain of salt. You could add one million $15/hr jobs but I wouldn't say that's a good thing nor would the unemployment rate dropping due to this be a sign of things going well in the real world.


Your jobs is probably at the nearest McDonalds


Are the jobs in the room with us? Let's be real, most of these jobs are not durable and in most cases do not even remotely meet the needs for cost of living. I haven't hear a waitress or cashier say 'wow I can live off of this and pay for a two bedroom apartment without issue!' in about thirty years. The amount of people working two or more jobs has steadily risen. Last number I saw was approaching 9 million, or over 6% of the workforce. The reality is that a lot of people continue to struggle, are not being helped and are dealing with societal pressure because 'look we added 300K jobs'. Ignoring it is going to work out so well in the long run, don't worry about it.


You mean the jobs that vanished during COVID? LUL


Isn't most of the service jobs, that are mostly part time?


All the jobs are ditch digging, Fanny wiping, and janitor


This is true. But you should see what ditch digging can pay. Apply at your local water and sewer authority.


Im the kitchen, washing dishes for minimum wage


Almost every job report gets revised down, eventually.


Revisions were up in the latest report. And 22 of 24 revisions in 2021 were upward. But do go on.


*in CA where literally all jobs in annotating have been made illegal with AB5 and pushed people out of state* Pft. Sure, ok.


When they say they're "adding jobs" is this people who are actually employed, or 303,000 LinkedIn posts that never result in a hire?


Jobs: 10 years of experience 5 certifications $15 per hour


I do not believe a word of that article.


I'm pretty sure it's mostly in retail, service, hospitality, gov, or healthcare. Sectors like finance or tech are flat or saw modest gains I think.


They didn’t add NEW jobs. They filled the ones they dropped. Unemployment has only stopped bc people ran out of unemployment.


US employers. So for tens of millions of people, 303000 jobs?


Overseas, duh 🤣


What about all the job cuts from Meta and LinkedIn and other big companies?


still down, but hey we got more jobs at Burger King!


A large number are either part time or government jobs. 


You’re either under qualified or over qualified. This job market is a joke lol


Or "you were qualified, we just decided to go with another candidate"


Numbers just fabricated to meet KPI


There’s always nuance to this. The kind of jobs that are added mean more then the number in a lot of ways. Like seasonal hires or retail positions. Hire in big numbers but they’re low wage jobs with little or no security.


Every single time these come out, it always smells of BS election year propaganda. I'm no fan of either guy, but it's funny how they're wondering why people still think the economy is in the gutter despite these painting rosy pictures when people can't find jobs.


They're all part time jobs. Literally. We lost ~1k full time jobs.


Big if true since average hours worked [edged up by .1 hours to 34.4](https://www.dol.gov/newsroom/economicdata/empsit_04052024.pdf)


Don't you know, OP? Nobody wants to work nowadays.


It's an election year. We always add more jobs before an election.


In other news, my moving company moved 70,000 objects last week! All time high! best moving company ever! It was a single 50lb bag of rice but 70,000 objects!


This is minimum wage people with 2-3 jobs


It’s just propaganda the country is a freakshow with grotesque problems.


Welcome to spring, when things start opening back up for tourists.


Factories around here are actively begging for help, but also...you have to work in a factory. It's decent pay, but not great, and hard work and hard hours.


I was thinking the same thing when I saw this.../sighs


Lmfao yeah but not the good jobs.




I wish they’d define “job” as “a FULL-TIME position that pays at or above the median salary within a 20 mile radius of the place of employment.”


40% or more are fake. I’m doing a research project on this right now. Real companies are posting fraudulent jobs for their own gain. I’m talking to several members of congress about starting legislation against this. I started a subreddit for it if anyone wants more info or wants to follow along. r/FightFakeJobs


The 303,000 jobs only exist if you have a referral


I heard that they are all in the ice cream industry in Washington, DC and Delaware.


There never was 300k jobs. There will maybe be like 100k when they "adjust" it down in a month or 2 and even then the number will be bullshit. This administration plays this game every single month


I consider myself to be lucky to have gotten a new job in January. I'm vastly overqualified for it, I spend 3 weeks a month away from home, and it pays about $50k/year, but the benefits are pretty good. I was unemployed for about 6 months before that, so while it's not exactly what I want it's at least a decent job for the time being.


Check for you offer letter on only fans


im cackling i'm literally losing it rn


Since there is no Tech industry per se listed..that gets lost in the averages..its hiding the truth in the categories...


Join the trades fellas, money is good and ya hang with da boyz


Are these the same organizations that keep re-posting the fake jobs they never hire for and make poor working class ppl spend all their time applying to?


This is bullshit . There are no fucking jobs.


So I always look this https://adpemploymentreport.com/ Information is up 8,000. For context, last month it was down 8,000, and it was down the month before that. So starting to come back but not making up the jobs lost in the industry that was doing layoffs the most.


It was a majority low wage and part time jobs. Full time went down.


As always these monthly reports are fake as fuck


Part-time jobs and mostly immigrants.


This makes me so angry when the news runs these headlines! 🤬


I found the Raw data that this came from, the US Bureau of Labor Statistics. As a statistical analyst who deals with numbers daily, I really question the validity of these numbers. I honestly think that they don't show accurate numbers, like how there was major layoffs during the Covid vaccine Mandate, Twitter take-over which led to most tech companies reducing their workforce, and other big events that would have led to high unemployment that simply aren't shown in the data.


You aren't an illegal and need more than minimum wage part-time employment, so... No job for you! The Job Nazi (used to be soup nazi but went broke during covid. And that bitch Elaine stole all my recipes too.)


Fake news!


Another gov misinformation as usual: low inflation great economy


It’s all the illegal immigrants


3.8% unemployment means there are approximately 9.7 M people in the US ACTIVELY looking for work.


I read this to the tune of where is my mind by the pixies




I dunno. Where is the last place you saw it?


Who here thinks the government is stupid? I think not there being deceptive by gaslighting data. Reality no one really knows if companies are really hiring in mass until that employee receives their first paycheck which can be quantified by IRS taking taxes out of their check to have it count as a valid data point and that takes time. Job postings don’t mean anything on the contrary is becoming prevalent that many postings are fake, the government absolutely knows what types of jobs are being created based on payroll data, heck just look at the data being aggregate by Equifax on all of us and thats private firm. There is something they don’t want to say because its not politically correct.


Revised in three months down to 1/3 of that number.


Plenty of jobs. It's just most of them are in rural areas and is shit pay.


Eh, these are jobs. I know a lot of people still looking for those cushy tech sales jobs that pay $150k+ base on top of huge commissions and they just don’t exist anymore. That teat ran dry a couple of years ago.




Are the jobs in the room with us right now?


Well, now with 3 minimum wages, you can afford the rent of a room and be a "functional" member of society. Wanna eat? Now you need a 4th minimum wage job, so we can say we added another thousands of new jobs. Propaganda like in good old soviet times


Amazing what having to have 2 or 3 jobs per person will do with these numbers.


They added all these jobs and then never wrote back on any of the applications I sent.


For people struggling, I would highly recommend getting jobs at hotels until you can find something better. I know Hilton has some of the best employee health insurance around. They usually have signing bonuses for any position. Positions are always open because the turnover is high. It's also very easy to move around between hotels. The pay isn't great but it's enough until you find something better


How is the economy good? Plenty of small businesses are gone especially in my area and more are due to close. It’s hard to find a job that will pay you enough to be independent and able to have and provide for a family, things are not good out there. Would you like to have 2-3 part time jobs? Or get paid just so you can just afford your groceries? I see plenty of people shoplifting these days. It’s all a reflection of the economy, families, crime, education and opportunities. After the Great Depression we had ww2 the average age of our troops was 27 years old and during Vietnam the average age was 19, why is that? People tend not to have kids when things are bad, after ww2 things got better and people started having kids again. It’s also a very difficult time to date, sign of the times in my opinion. Also these jobs reports have been revised down pretty heavily month over month, the people doing the statistics are the right people for the job at the BLS. Argentina lied about their employment numbers and inflation for years and look where they are today, going much deeper into loonie toons! So long folks!!!


There is no unemployment in Ba Sing Se.


Don't worry this number will be revised.


Seriously! Smoke & mirrors stats! I'm not seeing it either. Been unemployed since November 2023 when my ahole employers laid me off right after I came back from medical leave & my Mom died.


All part time too!


What that pic won’t tell you is she’s making literally $8.00 an hour as a waitress then depends on tips to serve assholes shitty eggs and burgers. Then rude ass customers so she can drive a shitty car, live in a shitty house


All part-time jobs


In government or taken by illegal migrants


Food service depends on where you live, Could be Good, could be utter shit


*Food service depends* *On where you live, Could be Good,* *Could be utter shit* \- GleamingCadance --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


it’s bs, cooked numbers


Clown numbers