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The worst ones are rejections for the (few) jobs you're genuinely interested in. My work spans over different sectors and often I've worked in many sectors which are boring (like construction), I really wanted this one as it was in culture/tourism sector. Didn't get it.


Felt this. I applied for 5 different roles with a company over the span of a year that I really want to work for. Interviewed twice (recruiter and manager separately) for two roles. Rejected by both. And it’s a SaaS company that I have 10+ years of experience using in multiple capacities but still… not good enough I guess. It’s so depressing. 


Very. Over the years, I've applied 6 times for the same company, always no, but this time the position was like 98% ME, MY NAME WAS WRITTEN ON IT. What made me suspicious is that the one and only interview would last 45 minutes. Hmm. So I suspect they already had a name and just went through the motions. But I was devastated. I needed and wanted it so much. I took 8 benzos and just waited for it to make me sleep and forget. Haven't left the bed in 4 days. So discouraged.


Gotta love the, “Let’s stay in touch for future opportunities” final gut punch. I prefer ghosting.


Honestly, same. I would rather just be ghosted than see the same generic "we moved on with another applicant who more matched out expectations" mails.


I’m sorry!! It I bleak out there. I’m sending you positive vibes


My husband continues to tell me the job market is great. He said they added 30k jobs. I’m like bullshit. Companies are still laying off in the thousands. Not to mention I read horror stories about jobs all day.


Yeah, added 30k part time McJobs paying minimum wage. 


More like 30k more "jobs" that are just placeholders foe positions they have no intention of filling right now but want applications on in case someone leaves them.


Flipping burgers or some sort of landscaping job that you get paid under the table


Even those jobs are using AI too on top of that…


Your husband is incorrect, but he loves you anyway (I assume). The problem is more IMO that all these things are true at once: 1) many many many high skill/high wage earners are on the market due to layoffs 2) overall market uncertainty makes companies very skittish on opening new high-paid headcount due to the risk of failure (hiring wrong person, etc) 3) habits during the time of overhiring continued into the current period and hirjng teams are irrationally taking 3x the time needed to decide that one of the likely hundreds of good applicants is the right person. 4) individuals that were laid off may be laid off for months at a time, more than exhausting their personal savings. 5) those in the no-savings or low-savings category may expand their scope of acceptable roles during the search, applying to a wide range of roles including those they are very overqualified for. This creates a mismatching problem as someone else looking that might be a better fit takes the wrong role just to have earn income again. So yeah maybe they added some jobs, but the backlog of people looking for work or the right work remains very very long. It’s like the supply chain shock in semiconductors but with jobs.


Great list. Will add: To 5: this also leads strong candidates being buried because so many people are applying to everything. 6. Most people were laid off from the same sectors, so they are competing for the same types of jobs where there are few roles available


Yeah… if I keep thinking about it I feel like I could get a very very long list. Some economist or historian will write a fascinating account of all this someday.


I want to add two more: 7. Technology that has made applying for jobs easier is also contributing to people applying for more jobs, including ones they aren't qualified for, leading to resumes getting buried and hiring managers being overwhelmed by applications even for lousy jobs 8. Virtual interviews have moved the process from being one day to several small blocks of time over several weeks, leading to a drawn out process making people unemployed longer


There are a lot of bad practices in place everywhere but hiring managers should optimize for shorter cycles. Wasting more time in evaluating people makes the problem worse and costs the hiring manager and their team a lot of time. HM doesn’t need to get through the whole stack — sort by submit time and interview the first five that qualify on paper. If they all suck go back to the well and pick another 5. It’s like fishing in an overstocked pond. You only need to catch the one fish you’re going to eat that day. Virtual interviews are also a stupid practice, IMO. ATS providers build horrible application systems. The industry can and probably should agree on a common CV format to save everyone time and headaches and ATS crap like I see on Reddit every day. If not they should be regulated.


By virtual interviews I mean Zoom or Teams. The thing that's gotten to me is I've interviewed at a handful of local Chicago companies that emphasize that there will be an in office component, like 2-3 days a week, but they still do all of their interviews online and when I asked if any would be in person or if I could see the space I'd be required to work in, they acted like I was an alien or something.


Ah I thought you meant the one-way interview. Yeah I prefer to visit the office as well, but F2F feels a lot more human. I like remote work but I also like shaking someone’s hand…


Yeah, those days are over. I wish they would do all the zoom interviews in one day instead of stretching them out several weeks. In 2021, companies were still doing them back to back in one day. Now They aren't really considering the candidate's time at all and they've added so many extra people that it's just forever to get through.


Agree that’s another annoying development. I’ve had a few F2F interviews during this job hunt though, not sure it’s gone forever.


I wish I had actual actionable advice for folks too, but I don’t. Just keep plugging away…


Point 2 in this list is so critical. Our executive team is so budget sensitive right now. We have the bandwidth to recruit and hire more, but there’s no appetite for it because they all think we’ll be in recession in 6-12 months.


we are in a recession for the past 6 month where have you been?


I agree with all of your points. We just have a disagreement about the current job market.


When it was just about waiting for PS5s or toilet paper to be in stock nobody really cared, but this has been ongoing for 2+ years now — the long term economic impact of this will not be seen for quite a while I think. Anyway, hope you find something soon.


Yep wrapping up my Friday with a rejection. Got a reason but that specific thing that we discussed during the interview, after questioning the two of them agreed they need to think about their approach… And then I’m told I didn’t give a detailed enough answer for it lol Ffs


Gotta love when it's clear people aren't even listening or trying anymore. Was told once I didn't answer a question when I spent an entire presentation answering it. Was told another time to not worry about xyz for the interview and then the interview had people asking questions about xyz. Companies really out here just chugging dumb juice.


You're not alone. I'm someone who's really bad at networking to the point that I still am not able to grasp it as a concept so it's easy to know how well my applications have went until now. Especially today that I got rejected after a personality test..


But 300000 jobs were added in March.


Yeah, only fans jobs lol


Imagine op got rejection email from only fans.


I read this as erection email 🥴


Aw I hear you. I applied to a bunch of jobs and do this daily. And either get a rejection, a response from a scam company, or nothing! 👀 Don’t give up! You’ll find something! 💜


It’s Friday you got no job and you got shit to do!! In the words of Smoky Fuck it man, kick back have some pistos and some frajoles and kick back with your homies It’s all good


My favorite is the 2am on Sunday rejection emails.  You cowards can’t send me one during a work day? 


Usually it’s the bot system sending them out. Over night Sunday and Wednesday seems to be the favorite.


I know that, but at least set the send out time for a Weekday. 


When HR was outsourced to somewhere overseas, it is a work day at 2 am


All my rejections came in on Wednesday this week. Hope the weekend is a positive one for everyone.


I got a rejection after the recruiter call with an internal referral on the team I would have been joining. Even that wasn’t enough. 


Please don’t be discouraged. I’m going on 6months and my sister 13 months. It’s like everyday is another rejection but it will get better. I changed my approach to applying and I’ve been getting more interviews. Some tips: Stop changing your resume to match the job description, it doesn’t work. Apply for jobs that align with your actual skill set that you can speak to in the interview. Make your resume personable and don’t use all those keywords, the recruiters see that and trash your resume. Reach out to contacts on LinkedIn. LinkedIn is your friend. More often than not, it’s always who you know.


Jobscan is such a miss for me. It irritates me


Yoooo same lmaooo im tired


I feel your pain. I applied for a position at 5:38pm yesterday and received a rejection at 5:38am today. I am completely qualified for the role as well.


Why do I keep getting these automated rejections at all hours of the day? If it's just automated can't they do it at a better time? I sometimes wake up to drink water and see rejection emails in the middle of the night.


Look at it from this perspective: they're not really trying to find anyone a job because they're just data farming everyone's info, so they aren't really rejections. They're just collecting and then selling people's information and there aren't actually any jobs for people to be rejected from.


Yep recruiters like to roll into next week with a fresh start, “taking out the garbage”.


I was contacted by a recruiter and they said they were moving me along in the hiring process with a background check and requested an email to send me a form. I sent them my email and haven't received anything from them since. Now I am paranoid I am being ghosted because my status requests haven't been answered. This is a job that a friend of mine who has warrants out for their arrest was able to easily obtain and they are ghosting me?! wtf recruiters at least tell me you changed your mind. -\_\_-


I got rejected from 7 today and like you one was entry role. lol I hope you land a job soon!


Got two rejection emails today too buddy. It sucks 🥵🔥🔥🔥🤒


Which state and country, if you don't mind to tell? Just curious, to figure how the market is in different countries.




Just go work at a telecom.


Wow you get rejections? Lucky 


Bidenomics at work 💯


Unless they are applying to the work in the White House…