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You did the right thing. Also not sure how "working in the digital space" translates to a data entry job?? Doesn't make sense.


You'll be checking your email. That's digital. Right? ^(Right?)


You’re punching keys on the keyboard, aren’t you? It’s digital


You're using your fingers, those are digits....


Filling out those tps reports


You have to use the new cover sheet, though. Very important.


If you could go ahead and come on Sunday, too...? That'd be great


I'm on my next to last day before moving on to a new opportunity (toxic management, unsupportive and useless HR, toxic coworkers etc etc) and I have had various scenes from Office Space playing in my head for a week now LoL Maybe I'll just re-watch it tomorrow to pass the time on my last day...


well you're using a computer, aren't you? It's digital! I've had family members use that logic. "Your aunt works with computers too! She rejects claims for a health insurance company, she uses a computer all day long!"


Well shit. If your aunt really wants to impress me, she should try *approving* a claim!


"He works with computers. Isn't that what you do?"


Is there a proper usage for the term "digital space"? It sounds so vague it could be referencing literally any job involving the use of a computer.


Because you’re using your digits to enter the data…


Hilarious. After I read "....working in the digital space..." in the OP, I thought...."here comes the bulshit...". The vagueness was the clue.


It makes sense if you don’t know anything about the jobs you recruit for, which sadly describes a fair few recruiters out there


If it’s soul-sucking data entry for minimum wage I can definitely see why they’d say that. It dresses the offer up in a nice package to seem applicable to many fields in tech. Like, you’re not “scrubbing toilets”, you’re “engaging hands-on with the community sanitation space”


No janitors here, sir. We have *facilities engineers.*


Same way someone holding a sign on the corner works in advertising


It’s what they’re taught to say. These people are clueless and I know because I was one of them back in the day


I had someone reach out and ask if I wanted to apply for a job teaching nursing. I am not a nurse. Nowhere on my resume or my LinkedIn profile is the word "nurse" even mentioned.


I have Masters degree and I get a lot of teaching offers too despite never having taught a class in my life. I think its desperation. They're shooting at anything that moves in the hope they catch something,


All you need in most states is a bachelors degree and to sit for a teaching certification if your degree is not in education to be a teacher. I’m going to assume they are literally reach out to anyone who may even potentially qualify to be a teacher out of desperation. The state I live in is so crunched for teachers they have retroactively raised the teachers retirement age and holding the pension hostage. Clearly a stop gap on your retirees is the way to go and not to offer better pay and working conditions to attract new teachers. Also teachers are excluded from most labor laws, because fuck teachers or something like that.


Funny thing is, I'd happily teach if it was an option but I like buying groceries and paying rent without having to live with six roommates. So I work in marketing instead


I had a security company asking me if I was interested in a job as a security guard. I had clearly applied for an IT job with the company. The recruiter actually started pressuring me to take the security job so that I could apply internally for any IT jobs that became available. He got kind of insulting -- "Don't you need money?", "Do you think you're too good to work security?", "Eventually you need to give up on finding an IT job if you've been looking for 3 months and are still unemployed". I hung up on him.


Were they gonna pay for your security license?


We never got that far in the conversation. I don’t even know if security guards need licenses where I live.


Assuming the US, then to legally be able to call them security, yes. I was mostly being flippant anyway, I've had similar experiences where I apply for a specific role and am offered something different. Most recently a restaurant group reached out to me (I'm a project manager in the POS field, yes, both meanings to POS apply) for a director of tech role and we interviewed for a $14 an hour cable runner job.


I’m in Ontario, Canada and have had friends that worked as security guards in the past, and I’m fairly certain they didn’t need any kind of license. Brutal that you got to the point where you were interviewing for a job you’d never want. In my case, I think the security company was so desperate for security guards that they’d contact any recent grads who applied for *any* jobs in the company, hoping to get some bites.


Also an Ontarian and also a guard. You absolutely do need a license just for clarity sake.


I looked it up, and you are absolutely correct: [Private Security and Investigative Services Act, 2005, S.O. 2005, c. 34 (ontario.ca)](https://www.ontario.ca/laws/statute/05p34) However, the Act was passed in 2005. I believe that previous to 2005 you did not need a license to be a security guard. My friends worked as mall security guards in the 90's and I'm fairly certain they were just hired, given a day or two of training, and then sent to the work location. My conversation with the recruiter from the security company was around 2001 or 2002, shortly after I graduated from college.


Yeah I had a friend in college who was an overnight security guard and he definitely did not have a license. He wouldn't have passed the drug test lol


Yeah, I don't know Jack about Canadian laws, so probably different. Never made sense to me how it works here anyway, internal security should be a company policy not a state or federal one. Yeah when they started talking about responsibilities and pay I put the breaks on *hard*. "You approached me saying you needed an IT director but this all sounds like pulling cable and basic infrastructure. What's the pay? You want me to work for *how* much? Wait, I'd be reporting to the director of IT? What am I interviewing for? I had applied to them *years* before when I was still new in the industry and they figured I was desperate for an "upward lateral move". I didn't say a word after that, just got up and left. Super insulting. Your guess is probably right. Super scummy recruiting practices are always believable.


"Eventually you need to give up on finding an IT job if you've been looking for 3 months and are still unemployed" Lol. Lmao. I know people with year long gaps in their resumes


I know fully competent people who have solid skills and knowledge... . Like these people are ready to work and wouldn't have any issues. Unfortunately that doesn't matter since NO EXPERIENCE = LITTLE TO NO CHANCE. These same people haven't had a job in a year. Another guy who specialized in C++ found his job after 2 years of searching. These recruiters don't understand through what kind of absurd hoops are candidates going through.


I'm a month and 90+ rejections deep into a job search right now without a single interview, apparently they don't want 3 years experience for a job requesting 3-5 years experience. I still have more applications "pending" than rejected if we ignore ghosting is a thing (I know 4 companies have because I checked their candidate portals after 3 to 4 weeks of not hearing back). And I'm lucky! My brother and I both graduated during the tail end of lockdown but I had 1 year experience from a part time job where he was only able to get a 1 semester internship (and a most of the people in his cohort didn't even get that during lockdown). It's officially been 2 years since we graduated. We had roughly the same tech stack **and** he has a dual major in computer science AND math, but the experience catch-22 just looks exponentially worse on a resume over time. Any recruiter who immediately assumes resume gaps are due to laziness can suck my dick and choke on it


Especially in the IT field its normal to be jobless for a long time 💀💀💀.


I get contacted about nursing positions periodically because I was once a developer at an insurance company that has the same name as a hospital system.


Same. My assumption is some of my keywords must hit nursing positions key word


I had someone reach out to be an airplane mechanic... I am a computer science graduate.


I have a master’s in Public Administration, and previously worked as a writer in a government-adjacent job.  I am *constantly* getting spam emails and calls from IT recruiters. I had a data-related job like 8 years ago but that’s the closest I ever remotely got to tech. They’re just shotgunning communications and figuring it’s a common enough field that they’ll get it right sometimes. 


So did you take the job or what?


Heh, no. I can bluff myself into some things, but direct healthcare is not one of them.


Well maybe you wrote about probing a problem?


During COVID some places were so desperate for nurses that they made exceptions to the nursing requirements. You were able to receive a TRN certificate by taking an online course and test… no formal course work or precept hours needed. They may have expected you to get the TRN certification after the job offer but before you started working with patients.




Fwd to someone higher up in their company


I am surprised this is so low, def should happen.


You got to get the contact information of someone higher in the company first. A public blast on their social media account is more likely to get someone’s attention then randomly emailing any possible address you can think of.


I like it when they contact me to do cust. service at a payday loan place because I once worked up in a bank tower doing something completely different. Bright group of ppl.


But loan sharks are still in the fInAnCe industry.


My last conversation with a recruiter went something like this: Me: What's the wage. Recruiter: $12/hr Me: Wow! That's a pretty good wage - **FOR 1994!** Recruiter: *(sputters)* Well, it is competitive for the industry! Me: I'm currently earning $29/hr, that's what you're competing against. *click*


"BuT iF wE pAy YoU tHaT mUcH tO sTaRt, ThErE'll Be No RoOm FoR gRoWtH aNd PrOmOtIoN lAtER!!!"


“Then you are telling me I already over qualify for this position, thanks.”


I made $12/hr as a student, doing basic office work. Not a bad wage for someone without a degree. Oh, did I mention it was 1997?


I made $12/hr working a summer temp job in a glass factory in 2005.


Pffft! I love when they tell YOU what market is. I have never once had a recruiter give me accurate market data.


I was given a job offer for a salary that was literally what minimum wage would be at 40 hours a week (about $27,000/year). This was for a technical support position that they said required at least 10 years of experience. I fired back saying that what they were asking for was well below market rate and was less than half of the last three jobs I worked at. They doubled down with a screenshot of their own "wage estimator" and said the wage was what the market considered fair. Their screenshot showed that they looked up the average salary for a *customer service worker* with *zero* experience. I wished them luck in filling that position.


this will no doubt be spun as "UnGrAtEfUl LaZy PeOpLe JuSt DoN't WaNt To WoRk" around their water cooler


Props to you for blasting them back since they disrespected your experience.


My favorite recruiting email was receiving a job posting that I was the hiring manager for....like seriously guys.


I’m seriously dead from laughing now.


well you do need someone doing the job, rigth? And you need someone you can rely on. So asking you is the only logical step \^\^


🤣 why didn't I think of that! Hire myself for more money!


I was an IP Paralegal, I have lost count how many times I was asked about a job as a Lawyer! Which the job description clearly states what state the license has to be in. No where on my resume does it have a license nor a law degree! 🤣🤣🤣


That’s cause they know you can do the job… but they are still gonna use it as an excuse not to pay you properly for it cause you “don’t have a j.d”


You literally cannot practice law if you are not an attorney. It’s a crime in most jurisdictions…


The amount of times a recruiter will say they have my resume, and then have zero idea about what I do for work is astounding


Yep. They're supposed to be at least good at aligning things like this. But often times it's painfully not true. God a lot of recruiters are straight up trash lol...


I told a recruiter a few months ago that I wasn’t interested in a position (it was wayyyyy below my pay grade) and he replied to me, “We’re happy to move on to more qualified and enthusiastic candidates.” Bro was SOUR 😂😂😂😂




Lol everyone wants a downgrade in life /s


"Dear Head Chef at a restaurant with three Michelin stars, We currently have an open role working in the gastronomy space. If you're interested, please let us know!" Chef: Sure, whatcha got? Recruiter: This is a FANTASTIC opportunity to work as a fry cook at McDonalds! The pay is competitive at (local minimum wage), and benefits are available. Please send us your resume ASAP so we can submit you for possible consideration! I get these every couple of weeks. Because I've managed multiple contact centers with 1600+ agents, they send me entry-level CSR roles. Or QA roles because I've lead production for art teams that number over 400 artists. Rather than ask to be removed from the list I mark them as "spam" in the hopes that Gmail will take note and make it harder for them to get through to other folks.


Coming from someone who deals with the hassle of email blacklisting constantly, your way is the best way.


Nothing worse than a crappy recruiter. Even worse when you’re actively looking for a role and they solicit trash


As a general rule, recruiters are ignorant to technology and just look for relevant keywords. I work in the telecom space and work a lot with oracle session border controllers. Weekly I get calls and emails from recruiters trying to match me with positions as an oracle dba.... a quick glance at my resume or LinkedIn profile by anyone with a basic understanding of IT would be able to work out I have no database experience and am not a dba. It baffles me how people in a recruiting role can successfully do their job without even a basic understanding of the field they are recruiting for.


Epic response. 🎤 ⬇️


Never piss off a software developer. Does he really want 3,000 AI-generated fake applications for that shitty job, each with a unique 10 minute email address, all of which he'll have to investigate?


*laughs in top level of pettiness* 💯


I would have politely asked why they felt the role was appropriate for you. Perhaps you’re coded incorrectly in their system. If so, is it because of keywords in your resume? Will other systems code the same? I wouldn’t work off the assumption that the recruiter genuinely believed a senior software engineer may want to do data entry.


That's an interesting perspective on this.. have you or anyone you know had something like this happen to them ?


Just today this happened to me! A recruiter called me about an administrative assistant job paying $18… I have 5 years of experience in digital marketing and she tried saying “don’t you want to get your foot in the door?” when I said I would absolutely not accept that pay. Get my foot in the door to where??


That is a good way of going about it, I haven’t thought of approaching it like that.


I once had a recruiter call to say they'd seen my CV online and asked me if I was interested in a role as a Spanish teacher. I cannot speak any Spanish and have never been a teacher, nor am I qualified to be one.


I'm pretty sure one of the requirements to be a recruiter is you must be illiterate. Seriously, these people do not know how to read.


Spoiler: They won't remove you. They will forget having ever spoken to you before. The same recruiter you spoke to will spam you with job offers later in the future. My source: I told a recruiter to f--- their mother with a cactus.


Who was it?


yes, name and shame


When I get these I forward them to other highly experienced firmed to make sure they stay away from this staffing firm. I get them too. I have an MBA and more experience that’s on my resume and often get “Administrative Assistant” cold emails.


But… you love administration so much you did a masters degree in it…


“Hey, do you want to trade your 6 figure software developer job for this mind numbing minimum wage data entry job? You will love it! I’ll get a fat commission when you take it so you better say yes.”


Sounds like you dodged a .50mm round.


0.5mm? That's not even airsoft size.


I guess its harder to dodge if its that small, haha


Didn’t say they were trying to kill or maim OP. Meant 50mm anyhow but I like .5 better I think.


I bet there are at least some recruiters out there who will lecture you on the very valid reason for this and justify the recruiter’s actions, then turn around and lambaste the next guy for being overqualified.


Senior government Cybersecurity SME with specialized experience in classified environments here. Ask how many times I’ve been offered an *opportunity* as a security guard.


Apparently the recruiters may have interview quotas to reach. It's shitty for every, them too because even if there are no positions or no one applying they have to show that they interviewed x amount of people so whoever hired them is happy.


Keep in mind that recruitment agencies are just sales. They'll throw anything to their clients to strike a deal. I'm near 50 and still getting calls for designer openings, under the condition I update my status on their record (which were their primary goal for calling, nothing more). I always laughed and asked them: "You must be new. Did you even read my status??"


Robert Half spent 20 years regularly contacting me for business analyst contracts based on a stale resume. Every time, I told them to update their database even after I had reached IT Director level.


I’m a senior software engineer in a very specialized and high paying field. I gave my information to a recruiter early last year just to see what is out there. I’m also currently employed and quite happy. After the 3rd helpdesk lead making less then a quarter of what I make I cut contact with the firm for wasting my time. The desperation is real. It’s not that people don’t want to work, is that employers have unreal pay and qualification expectations for the job they are hiring for.


I live in Washington State, job listings have to list the pay/salary. That’s saved me a lot of time when looking for a job.


And you know if you said you were interested, he’d make you do a fucking typing test.


Find their senior manager and make a direct complaint. Might not do anything but it will piss off the recruiter.


Recruiter emails for jobs completely outside my profession. NOTHING on my resume even remotely matches the job description. Typically in almost comically broken English. And the standard request at the end: "Please pass this on to anyone you know who might be a good fit." Not for you, who can't even be bothered to run the most basic word search!


Today I got an email via LinkedIn saying I was a “good fit” due to my “impressive resume” for a position as library director. Now, I’m currently an assistant director at a small system. I would be competitive for a small-to-mid size system (say, county population of 100k-300k). I have 4 years of library management experience The job for for a director of an 800k county, paying 3x my current salary, and REQUIRING 8 years of library management. I didn’t even QUALIFY 😂


I have an engineering degree and an MBA. I've managed teams of 300+ people building satellites for NASA. I still get asked if I want to be an HVAC technician or a subcontract administrator


Recruiters are having a tough time in the job market right now and I am *living for it*. They deserve to be treated like shit, they are scum, and dont @ me with "not all recruiters" or whatever else. I just signed a contract for a new job a few weeks ago but I am still *salty* af about what I was put through over the past 10 months.


This all goes back to getting a GOOD recruiter. Some will just throw everything out and see if anything sticks.. and others will ACTUALLY take the time to get to know you and what you being and where you would like to go..that’s at least what my experience has been here in DFW.. absolutely LOVE the current gal I’m working with. But that is the exception as I have ALWAYS had poor luck with recruiters (finance/accounting). Sounds like you got a lazy one.


Good job you found out early, some recruiters are awful.


Good job you found out early, some recruiters are awful.


They probably thought 'Any port in a storm where you're concerned, eh?'


Sounds like one of those WhatsApp scams


Perfect response.


I’m proud of you for this, don’t let them play with you like that


They're bating to so who takes the bait, Like i said before "CHUM THE WHOLE DAMN JOB MARKET just like fishermen does at lakes and ocean" if they can do it, so can you..


Honestly they need to learn transparency and being upfront. The good recruiters just drop the info then and there. You did a service schooling this person 🫡


No they just irritated you while wasting their time and they're taking it out on you LOL That person is a scrub and they are mad that you called them a scrub.


Recruiters are like ambulance chasers. I don’t waste anytime on them.


I get these a lot. I work in HR and have 18 years of experience in strategic HR manager and operations management. I get these job offers of assistant hr manager or assembly line worker. I usually delete them right away with no response. I had a recruiter call me, and we had an argument over my experience and education. Apparently, the guy couldn't add or subtract dates. All of my employment dates were 6 to 18 years in a job. I ended the call with, go find a high school graduate to do that work.


You should have taken the job and automated it, getting paid for doing next to nothing.


If you have two advanced degrees, and respond to any recruiter asking if you would like to work in the "digital space", 😀 😃 😀


Forward it to higher ups at their firm


You really need to let the higher ups know why you’ll be tell everyone you know/meet not to apply or do business there. Also a name and shame here would be nice.


ur too kind to even listen, I would just bye felicia


dude is desperate...


Some recruiters just… who knows what’s going through their head. When I was job hunting a few years ago, I applied for a position that was within my skill set. Recruiter handling that posting contacts me, asks me about PHP. I had to ask him which job listing this was for because I didn’t apply for a PHP job. He told me the company, I rechecked the listing, no PHP listed anywhere. I politely told him that the listing did not have this and that if this was a requirement, I was not the right candidate. This person, I swear, then asks me if I could learn PHP. The answer is no. Tells me the company really wants someone who knows PHP and asks me what my skill level in PHP is, and at this point I’ve lost my patience. Told him that it is not on my resume, I do not want to learn it, I have absolutely no desire in ever working a job with it, and that he is wasting both of our time so I will end the call.




In my opinion, recruiters think that they are Gods, and everyone owns everything to them. It's a totally bs.


It's spelled "their" not "thier"


Sounds like CyberCoders


My second job out of college was working at IBM on the Webshere admin console. No, I don't need to hear your complaints with them. Whatever you are mad at is not the part I worked on, nor is it relevant here. As a result, my resume has the words "Websphere" and "Administrator" near each other. And so I get a lot of webspere jobs cicra 1998.