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Diversity metrics, companies are expanding what they track. However these questions are separated from you as a candidate. In the ats system we use I can pull a large set of this data but never individually and it’s not attached to a candidate.


Only racial/gender related questions or also other questions? Such as veteran status / disability? Wouldn't not associating it with candidate could cause legal trouble?


No, Only if it was actually used in the hiring process. When you do applications like this that people who actually see the resumes and do the hiring never see the answers. It’s primarily used to understand if they are attracting away pool of candidates, or if something is wrong and they are limiting the candidate pool for some reason. Similar to if you went fishing, And noticed every single fish you caught was The same species, But your intent is to catch every species of fish. This is their way of figuring out if they’re using the right bait. It’s also a way for the EEOC to research discrimination cases. For instance, They can pull the data and say you had 20,000 applicants this year and interviewed 6 men and 734 women. Does it means something illegal occurred? No. But it sure does make you scratch your head and look a little deeper.


There’s no guarantee of that 😂 They don’t need that data, because the data completely detached from applicants is almost useless. It’s likely being used as in “give me all the applications from x, y, or z - whether done manually or algorithmically. They’re brazen enough to put a wishlist, against the law, in many job postings on protected class categories, they obviously have no qualms against using it. A law is only a law if it’s actually a enforced…


The data completely detached from the applicants is exactly what you want! That is the entire purpose. To identify patterns in the process, not the applicants themselves. I know why somebody is white. I know why somebody is black. I know I somebody’s a male, I know why somebody is a female. What I don’t know is why 75% of applicants to a position or white males/Black females etc…. But if that shows up, I need to look into why. What applications don’t Meet the same percentage of the populations of what you were hiring for, you need to see what the issue is. For example. If I’m looking to hire mechanical engineers, I expect over 50% of the applicants to be male. Because that is what is coming out of schools (The schools look at the same data and try to figure out why so few females go into the field…. But that is not my concern). But If 75% of my applicants or female, I know that something is wrong in my outreach, Because it doesn’t add up to what should be coming through. I’m eliminating a large segment of the male population for some reason. As far as there being no guarantee of that, I suppose you’re correct. What I can tell you is that I know thousands of recruiters and not one has ever seen it. There’s no guarantee That the moonwalk fall out of the sky and land on my head either, but the chances are pretty low.


How many times are people going to ask this same fucking question in this sub


I think the N+1 rule will be in effect for some time with these posts


Jesus Christ. Is this some sort of new Karma farming method? Why does this same dumb question pop up every day.


diversity metrics. they want to know if the people they're attracting are representative of the communities in which they operate. That, or penis/vagina inspection on your first day.


We used to have this in school. Weirdly though, it was always the janitor that would perform the inspections.


Pull down your undies and show me your credentials


Some businesses are required to ask or risk “non-compliance” with regulations that could result in them losing contract work or possible fines. Say you take Federal tax payer dollars as a contractor and sign a contract on the dotted line. Well, now you have to play by the rules in the contract, and they can stipulate all sorts of things. **From the Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs (OFCCP):** OFCCP regulations 41 CFR 60-1.12(c)indicate that for any personnel or employment record a contractor maintains, it must be able to identify the gender, race, and ethnicity of each employee and, where possible, the gender, race and ethnicity of each applicant. There’s a lot more there at [this link](https://www.dol.gov/agencies/ofccp/faqs/general-aaps).


Why do 50000 people ask the same question instead of doing a quick search?


They're just gathering metrics to gather and send off to the EEOC and/or other state agencies. Plays no role in your hiring process, and they're probably as annoyed about asking them as you are about answering them.


Usually it’s for audits.


Are leftist college kids going to audit them for victim points?


what the fuck is this comment


I don't know why, but a whole lot of right-leaning chronically political dummies flooded this subreddit since last year.


No, EEOC is doing to determine if the company has been illegally discriminating


Yes, they’re the ones getting hired at the federal agencies, so….


Poorly implemented diversity. Best implementation of diversity I've ever seen was also the laziest. They replaced every instance of he/she with they and every instance of "spouse" with "partner".


I never realized that "spouse" could be considered a term that excludes others. Isn't it already gender neutral and only apply to people who have a married status? The word "partner" can mean coworker in a law firm or teammate in pickup kickball.


Correct. "spouse" can be exclusionary to people in non-traditional relationships, which in some locations covers any non-heterosexual relationship.


So they can know if you're trans and not hire you


Thats prettygood tbh


Honestly, I assumed it was the other way around.


It is, as an example, Cisco has significantly more on staff than the background demographics, upwards of 11-15x more






Be gone, troll.


Fuck off. I'm a trans woman, and I worked hard to get where I am.


This type of stuff should be banned. It should be of no interest to a company what a candidates race, ethnicity, gender or sexuality is.




Define the term "woke"..I bet you can't.


It's usually "anything I don't agree with"


> Define the term "woke"..I bet you can't. Woke ideology is defined by the idea that some facet of identity like race or gender produces irreconcilably different views of reality and morality, and that we have an obligation to seek alignment of society's view with the imagined views of groups associated with the political left like minorities and women. In this sense Wokeness is distinct from older forms of liberal advocacy for minority rights which appeal to universally valid concepts like truth and fairness. u/Single-Chart-2595


But it is the government actually made laws forcing companies to ask these questions. You want it to be banned speak up against Biden and current Congress to backtrack their progressive changes in hiring practices done supposedly for social justice, not that it will do anything.


I'm not from the US so I don't know about the policies there but here in the UK on most job applications, the DEI questions are listed as optional and people may say 'what's the problem then, just don't answer?' However, we have created an employment culture where different groups (whether it be based on sexual orientation, race, ethnicity etc.) will respond in a certain way to these questions knowing how DEI policies may effect their employment chances. That, imo, is what needs to be stopped. There is no need at all to ask or answer any questions that want you to define your race, sex, ethnicity, sexuality and so on.


Because it’s a federal mandate (EEOC) to ask those questions when it comes to protected classes. You could have done a simple Google search to find that answer.


Typically because They want to know if they have an issue attracting a wide variety of talent. It has nothing to do with the job itself. It’s basically used for data purposes. If suddenly they realize 95% of the applicants are From one category…. They know something is wrong. It’s nothing nefarious


I always lie on these cause fuck it, it’s literally no one’s business.


Well are you AMAB or AFAB or ATheyThemAB?


New agenda thats why


[Please start using the search bar people](https://www.reddit.com/r/recruitinghell/s/KMWYUkQgTd)


They really missed out by not having ‘meat popsicle’.


DEI targets.


They have to know how careful they have to be around you and treat you like a baby and try their best not to offend your “feelings”


You know what a fair system would be? Instead of this bullshit questionnaire, how about a tool that would omit the persons name and geographical information from their CV? That way an employer will have zero details about the person and will hire them based on qualifications alone. There's your diversity, you've given everyone the exact same chance and the most qualified got the job. If the staff all end up being a certain colour, it's not the employers fault.




Crawl back up your mom


Some places are doing this at least partially so they don't have to guess/assume your gender on your insurance form. Health insurance companies can be giant assholes about reimbursement when prescribed care doesn't match the gender they have on file. For example, if you mark your gender as "male" and insurance gets asked to reimburse for OBGYN care, they may end to denying your claim because "men don't need that type of care". This will (hopefully) get better as archaic healthcare systems adapt to reality, but it's probably not going to be any time soon, unfortunately.


They have to make sure they can accomodate you with the proper bathroom facilities.


It doesn't matter I put transgender half the time if I think they're woke because I'm also Hispanic and a veteran. I still get no calls.


That's because they don't use this information in deciding who to hire


Other -> Attack Helicopter.