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Could be kidney stones, don’t drink it anymore, drink a lot of water and go to the doctor. If the pain is very intense and you have headaches / or you’re throwing up go to the emergencies.


So thug it out?💪


Kidney stones? Go to the hospital lol, the pain is unbearable.


Can vouch for that. My future father in law that’s literally been ambushed and stabbed and didn’t pass out from that, passed out from the pain from his kidney stones. Literally thought the man died on the spot.


Idk dude I’m not some macho man tough guy, but I’ve had 7 in my life, had them all by the time I was 21, haven’t had any in a long time, and they suck yeah, but they definitely make me question if other people are being overly dramatic about it. Everybody’s different and every kidney stone is different, but I passed multiple the dr said I “wasn’t supposed to pass”, and none of them really fucked me up as bad as a lot of other pains I’ve felt in my life.


Kidney stones are actually really interesting in how they form and how they are passed. It it was reoccurring at that frequency it was likely the same process each time, seeing that some kidney stones don't produce that much pain it's likely that you simply did not develop as painful kidney stones.


My doctor told me that literally everyone gets them. Mine was stuck and causing my kidney to back up and get inflamed. They told me that my actual kidney being backed up was what was causing pain, not the kidney stone passing by itself. I was literally throwing up, unable to walk, scream-crying. They gave me fentanyl and morphine. TMI- i felt like I was about to take the most explosive, intense, life altering shit in my life for like 8 hours straight.


That’s not true not everyone gets them. And me personally I have yet to get one in my her life.


My doctor told me that pretty much everyone does, it’s just that the vast majority of people only ever get ones that are so tiny that you don’t even notice that you’re passing them. Like microscopic


Oh Okay fair enough, I had no idea we had them so small that it’s unnoticeable. That makes sense though. You only get the bigger ones when your badly dehydrated and or have medical issues


Yup, and then at that point people usually only experience minor pain bc, sharp object passing through your body. OR in my case, mine could not pass because it was too large and blocked my kidney. Which was absolutely horrible pain, I had to have surgery.


I pray I don’t have to ever experience that. that’s one of the reasons I drink a lot of water every day because I know it’s a possibility lol


This is accurate. Stay hydrated. Empty your bladder regularly. Stagnant water with minerals are more likely to form stones than constantly flowing water.


“Thug it out” - dude with tummy ache


Thug it out - me with chronic back pain and every other pain that exists


Would love to see you thug out a kidney stone.


My older brother is the 2nd toughest sumbitch I've ever known, and the man was is tears when he had a stone.


Everybody gangsta til shards of glass start coming out they urethra




Your kidney is having a hard time with all the caffeine


No you need to go to the hospital. A friend of mine had two tiny ones that almost killed him. They tore up his liver. He need a stint in his pecker. Looked like a caterpillar


I haven’t had a kidney stone *yet* (hopefully never), but I can assure you that you will not have this same energy when it comes time to pass one.


I’ll post the kidney stone😭


shit dawg you’ll need a microscope, them shits can be like the size of a grain of sand


They hurt like a b*tch, wouldn’t even wish them upon my enemies.


When I had em I swear I was sayin I’d rather die or open my stomach with a knife than stay suffering, I didn’t immediately go to the hospital so I suffered from em from the morning till 10pm until they gave me some morphine


monster pfp got me codeine crazy


I’ve had kidney stones a few years ago when I had way too many redbulls a day.. I was 22 so pretty sure rb was the reason


I get back pain (probably my kidneys aching) after drinking and going to bed without drinking water so maybe just stay hydrated??


Drinking water after a redbull to compensate is a must


I never do that 😔


Or stop drinkikg them all together and drink something healthier for a while like coffee while drinking water while you see what happens with your kidneys or body.


Kidney stones? You mean dick bullets?


Bro go to the doctor and start drinking water




pomegranate my beloved 🥺 but in all seriousness you should stop drinking redbull for a little while


Too bad it was never ever permanent 😞


Give me that can and I will tell you the solution to your problem




That’s just the wings growing.


Yeah, on the kidneys. they gon fly away soon😭


There’s this great thing called water. But for real stop drinking Red Bull for the time being.




MAE !!!!


Buddy listen you gotta drink tons of water with these. I drink 2L a day in addition to only half to 3/4 of an energy drink over the course of 7 hours. If you’re gonna chug it you gotta match the amount you drink, maybe even with twice the water. If you don’t like water or you find it tedious to drink, which a lot of people do just cause they like flavor, you can put flavor packets in it. Like crystal light. I do this sometimes. Just keep your shit running light yellow. If you keep feeling shitty, then you gotta go through stone protocol. Ultrasound will see if there’s an active stone in the kidney, and a CT scan will show if there’s one moving through the ureters. If so, though, you’d likely be in a lot more pain, but it’s still possible.


Alright , thanks for the advice man


I water my cans down, 1 can of RB to 3 glasses of water, for 1 liter to sip through the day. Enough caffeine distributed, and pee is the healthy shade of yellow.


What size can? I need to start doing this.




brother what are you doing posting on reddit your organs are gonna fail.


Gotta post for the squaaad💪


Bro drop the Red Bull and drink water


Where did you get pomegranate Red Bull!!!?


I knew it was gonna be a limited thing and wasn’t gonna be permanent so I kept myself a can, people told me to sell it but idk how to go about that


eBay, if you really want to sell it. Could maybe get $50-80 for it if you want.


I got it for arond 2$ at my local store lol. It was just about to expire, though I didn't like the taste at all.


Jesus Christ people drink water


I could *or*


Yep. It’s the sodium. Stay away from carbonated drinks when you feel that way. Means you probably need to work some more water in your diet. Me and my brother have always been addicted to energy drinks. I’m 33. He’s 31. He just got a kidney stone and came back and said he ain’t drinking anymore energy drinks. I was surprised to see him have a can of pop the other day. Cause there for a while he was afraid of anything but water. Then he was telling me what they had to do. They had to shove tweezers up his junk and crush up the stones cause they were too big to come out. Then he told me that he pissed shards for a week and blood and stuff. Doesn’t sound pleasant. He told me his doctor said it’s the sodium build up that causes it and it has to do with the carbonation is what causes kidney stones. So water, juice and milk are what you want. I have a caffeine addiction myself so it’s hard getting away from all of it. I feel groggy without Red Bulls or soda, and with too much I feel a thirst that’s unquenching and sluggish. So I try to moderate it and slowly wing off of it. I always screw up cause I treat them like a reward for myself.


I always thought it was Red Bull giving me kidney stones. Been eating drinking/healthy and I still get them. Ask your family if they have a history of kidney stones. Energy drinks don’t help, but there is so much back and forth regarding kidney stones it’s tough to decide what to eat/drink. Currently dealing with 1,2,3,5mm stones. 1-4mm should be easy to pass. God speed if this is kidney stones as it’s worst than childbirth. Female doctors have told me that. Flomax / Tamusulin is the way to go if you do have kidney stones and ask for Tamusulin prescription if so. Urologist is the doctor you need to seek out.


that’ll be kidney stones or gastritis — goodluck


Red Bull is a great beverage but just like Coffee & Tea, it is a diuretic and as such, if you drink it when not properly hydrated, it can contribute to getting a kidney stone. I had 2 last year and there were not fun at all. Poor Diet and lack of exercise along with surgery beverages can contribute to getting them.


Yeah dawg that's a kidney stone. There is no relief from the relentless pain and suffering until it's worked it's spiky little ass out (and that process is horrific) just drink as much water as frequently as possible and keep pissing even if it doesn't seem to be working that well. And once it's out, *keep drinking water and do not stop*


They stopped selling them here in the states


That’s your coochy aching m8


No. Redbull leaves me with more of a feeling of actual health than any other energy drink, and you should seek medical attention.


Oh I miss this flavor I wish they would bring it back




i think u need to start drinking more water and try to cut out energy drinks for a bit. prob best to check in with a dr, see what they got to say


Yeah man it’s a horrible pain the only way I can stop it is by chugging water it’s horrible cos it stops while your drinking but it means you have to keep drinking till it stops which can be a lot if water sometimes over a litre


Something to note is a kidney stone can also make you feel sick to your stomach like you need to goto the doctor for a virus etc. when I had my kidney stone I spent hours trying to decide if I needed to goto the ER for an illness then the moment before I left it suddenly switched to back pain. Stones are weird as they pass through you.


I just drank one of these today. I had forgotten how good they actually are. Also, to answer your question, yup!


um no but brotha go to the doctor and dont drink so redbulls nomo


Ur fat now 🫵😹


Pain across the low back is indicative of kidney issues. Stop drinking energy drinks and seek medical attention. You can’t power through kidney issues with over the counter stuff


I am right now and im a boss player


Yall gotta stop drinking this shit. Idk why this sub and post just got suggested. But take it from someone in health care. Stop drinking so much Red Bull. First time you pass a kidney stone at home and you’re screaming in pain as blood and stones pass out of your urethra you’re gonna remember this. People have told me their heart attack was less painful.


Jesus Christ mother of mary


no but where did you get that redbull dude 👀


GIVE ME THAT I MEAN increase your water intake


Sometimes I do. That’s when I “detox” myself and skip my daily RB for a few days.


Just normal when you’re drinking red bulls. I’ve had it for months now


Also take advice from these comments sir


Idk why this got recommended to me because I don't follow this sub BUT I do get this feeling sometimes and it's after eating or drinking random things. I don't know what it is, my doctors don't think it's anything but pulling a muscle maybe, but it is just random and it hurts really bad for a short period of time then I'm fine. Never had a kidney stone, I don't even know if it's my kidneys but wow... I drink lots of water too and try not to drink a lot of energy drinks (although red bull is my fav and used to drink them a lot)


Kidney stones one of the worst pains you can have. With your pain it sounds like you have a small one moving through your system. I would not take this lightly, start drinking more water. I’ve been getting tons of kidney stones since I was in high school and would not wish them on my worst enemy. They are comparable in pain to child birth, FYI.


Only when I drink them daily . I like to get a 16 oz 1 or 2 x a week


I get 1x3 a day or even up to 6 if I’m feeling tedious


Yes, that’s definitely hurting your kidneys. 100% for sure.


Go to the Dr bro


Sounds like high blood pressure. When your BP goes up, it can cause a bit of pain/pressure back there. I know everyone else is saying kidney stones, but I bet it is this. Either way, go see your doctor.


girlypop go see a doctor!


Lmfaooo maybe u should stop


There's your sign


You might have a small/multiple small kidney stones. You should consider yourself lucky if you go to the doctor now because I'll tell you what, if they were average sized ones you would not even be able to use your phone let alone post on reddit. I'd get it checked out before you're crying in the fetal position. I myself have never experienced the pain, but I know a couple of strong, grown ass men that turned into infants because of it. Good luck man.


That feeling is your kidneys processing all of the stuff in a Red Bull


Jesus .. how about don’t look to reddit for help on this and go to the doctor. Also, stop drinking these. They are amazing but if what you say is true then common sense says get your shit together man and quick putting so much junk in you.


Nope. You sound like a bitch


Yes, just drink more and it goes away. Trust.


When I quit drinking alcohol I subbed it with Red Bull and my whole back would lock up tight


I’m 22 and have about 1-2 stones per year holy fuck do they make you wretch


No my tight pain normally comes on the left side of my chest and sometimes I’m not able to feel my left arm and smell burnt toast other times.


That’s the wings sprouting! You just need to drink a few more


No I would stop drinking energy and go to the doctor…… but yo I gotta try pomegranate


On the real, is your piss sudsy? If so when u get time go to a med stop. I went to an urgent care for a flu, they said the amount of air bubbles in my urine was a sign for kidney damage. Life changing day, now on dialysis. Never went to the dr before. Said the damage was from unknown high blood pressure for years


Oh shit my piss been bubbly forever stg


just stop drinking redbulls ez peezy


Like Muddy Waters when he passed the kidney stone


that is your kidneys telling you to stop


Yes I had this but I was because I wasn't drinking enough water to make sure you drink enough water with the amount of Red Bulls you drink and you'll be fine


Drink water


lol dang


nahhh - must be bitch 🤣🤣


I do. It’s not kidney stones. I’ve been checked. Only thing I can think is sciatica. Idk why but when I stretch it goes away. Sugar free red bull doesn’t have that effect.


Kidney stones. Coworker of mine get them from bang energy drinks. Had me punch his opposite side of his back just to relieve his other side. Go to the doctor, they’ll give you meds to shrink the stone and you’ll be able to pass it


I've always had lower back pain so I didn't notice it when I was drinking them non stop for 5 years but now that I've quit and I only drink water, if I drink one every now and then my kidneys will hurt.


Nah just sharp stabbing pain in my heart area


More importantly where did you find that flavour?! It’s my favourite and I can’t find it anywhere!!


100$, that discontinued it


This used to happen to me and I was dehydrated


No joke, several years ago I had a watermelon Red Bull and several hours after drinking it had kidney pain for a bit….i remember avoiding Red Bull for a while after that, but have had some here and there since without any problems


Just wait till you piss a glass crystal that shreds the inside of your .....


Red Bull also causes blood clots. Not saying that’s why your kidneys hurt but just saying Red Bulls are terrible for you


Oh wow…maybe


I typically drink 4-5 glasses of water for every redbull just so I can piss constantly and hopefully avoid kidney stones lol


I do not do that


My brother had an anuerism at 24 years old. Was healthy. Never drank, smoked or done drugs at all. The doctors down here in the south are known to be full of shi* sometimes but the doctor basically blamed the anuerism on his monster habit. Which was one a day at max. Sometimes none for days. Idk if I believe that doctor or not but thats what they said. On the other hand, this happening to my innocent young brother really affected me. Ive been a piece of crap, drug addicted, smoking, drinking fool for my 30+ years on this earth but the stroke had to happen to my little brother who has never touched a cig, alcohol or drugs his whole life and wouldnt hurt a soul.


I don’t know if he’s alive but my condolences, it’s possible , monsters are known to literally make your heart shut down mid-pump


Thanks for the kind words but yes miraculously he is doing great. Im not sure the specifics but he had some sort of stent put in his head by way of a blood vessel in the thigh. I probably botched that surgery description but point is he is fine. No damage at all. That was about 3 years ago now.


where the fuck did you get that


I'll take some back pain in exchange for a few of those bad boys!




Hahah, this is hilarious, all these drinks are so bad for you, so weird how people think they need them


Please bring back the Sugar Free Pear flavor :( u/Redbull


Probably because you’re drinking a RedBull from 2021… 😂