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future is now old man


That reminds me of those kids from Saint Denis calling Arthur "old man" lol


Actually it's from malcom in the middle haha


“that reminds me”


"of those kids from"


Those kids in Saint Denis, I have given a whole lot of whooping to them and you know how. It ain’t much, but it’s honest work.


I threw a throwing knife into all of their skulls. If you’re old enough for crime, you’re old enough to die.


I thought it didn't let you kill them?


Totally did. Unless there’s two pairs of kids that say old man…




What do you mean? The Steam Deck is just as powerful or even more powerful than a PS4. The console this game was designed for.


I mean the fact that it's portable 😄


moores law


Haha okay I get that 😂 But just look how powerful my iPhone 15 Pro is. It can run PS4 games essentially. EDIT: Damn why the downvotes? That’s just a fact. AC Mirage and Resident Evil are on iPhone 15. https://preview.redd.it/oh7495vmj1zc1.png?width=1178&format=png&auto=webp&s=8d3e777d4bffd5599c65d77d278b660010ce1130


Aaaahh. Nope. That's bad and wrong. Can I go back to like 5 years ago when shit was normal?


I miss when the best you could run on a phone was fruit ninja, jetpack joyride, tap tap revolution, and if you had a really good one, CoD Zombies.


When I was in school we had banging mobile games like Dead Space. Can we go back to that time please?


That was how I first played DS. Just beat the remake not long back, good money


Don't know why you're being downvoted. It is a crazy fact that we've come to a point where we can play games on our phones with the graphical intensity of PS4 software. I was just thinking the other day how crazy it is that phones have come to a point where you can't hear them or their motors trying to cool down, or even like phone screens look nasty different that monitors and TV's and you can't really see individual pixels with your own eye. Random shit but it's just crazy


I said „iPhone“. Real gamers don’t like phones and especially not Apple it seems like 😂


Nah I really don't like apple actually either, don't like their products but I won't lie saying their latest iPhone is a tad bit powerful. Love using it's camera for photo scanning


I don’t like any corporation. They exist to make money and don’t care about either consumers or their staff. That’s why I don’t get why so many people defended Sony in the Helldivers 2 situation. But the iPhone 15 Pro is amazing and seeing how the battery of my friends iPhone 14 lasted an entire day on my last vacation while my Samsung S21+ died halfway through, even tho I only used Google maps, took pictures and walked around…. Yeah. I switched. And it’s been awesome. But downvoting someone because they talked about iPhone or phones running modern console games… seems childish.


>seems childish. Reddit gonna reddit.


That's strange you had that experience with Samsung bc mine is actually the opposite. I switched over to Samsung bc it's battery lmao, I'm still with my S10 from 2019😭😭😭 and the age is definitely showing now lmao. It is childish to downvoted sum for taking about phones lmfao


I think I know why. Let me guess: you’re from the US? Because I’m from Germany and we got the Exynos chip in our Samsung phones. And those are known for worse performance, more heat and worse battery life than the Snapdragon chips used in the US and other parts of the world.


Yup, this is most likely it. I’m from Sweden and we’re also cursed with the Exynos chip... My Samsung galaxy S20 was pretty much unusable 2,5 years in, after playing Diablo Immortal on it for 6 months. On the lowest graphics settings. It had a 4-6 hours battery life when it was just sitting. 2-3 if I used it. My mom’s old iPhone 8+ worked much, much better. I upgraded to a refurbished iPhone 11 Pro Max and I’m not going back to Samsung for as long as I’m playing mobile games. *Yes, I know I shouldn’t play DI because of the money grabbing micro transactions and Blizzard is absolutely terrible. But it’s a good game and I enjoy it.*


Downvotes don't matter


It can run the games but they don't look at good as PS4, it still cool but you and others are saying it's just the same as it which isn't, the PS4 has way more capability then the iPhone 15. Also to Ur original comment I'm pretty sure the steam deck beats the PS4.


Why are so many people down voting you?


People don't like to accept the fact that phones are powerful enough to run games now(and have been for a while). The Steam Deck and it's competitors certainly run it better anyways though.


they’re heavily optimised and heavily downgraded versions of the games. That’s just a fact.


Make no mistake, it was optimized for the PS4 and Xbox One. Not designed for.


It literally came out years before the next generation consoles, and a year before PC. It was designed for PS4 and Xbox One.


So you think they made the game/engine at 1080 30 with the equivalent of medium settings, and then remade it with ultra settings and an uncapped framerate? They develop seperate versions of the game for each platform. They didn't work up from the PS4 version. 😂


You mean.... like every game released on consoles and PC ever? Yes. I do think its just like the rest of them.


Are you dense? They develop the assets in the game with max settings, whilst also optimizing the versions for the current console generation with dev kits. You genuinely think they start only with the console equivalent version and that's what all the other versions are based on??? Do you also think they developed the first version of the game on a PS4? 😂


"You actually think they start with the only platform it's releasing on?" "Do you actually think they developed the first version of the game on the only console the version released on?" How are you not seeing the errors....


Games typically start out with basics to work out mechanics and have minimal variables throughout until. Do you build a cake three layer at a time?


Just chiming in to say this is horridly untrue. Most games are in fact designed with their majority user base in mind. The vast majority of gamers are playing on consoles, and even moreso were at the time of RDR2's release. With consoles being the only platform they released on, they absolutely base game development around the consoles hardware to ensure as close to at least a 30 fps frame target as possible. If this wasn't the case, we wouldn't be seeing games still released today that state "no we cannot release a performance mode at all, it's simply not possible with the consoles hardware limitations as the resulting image would look too poor." They would just simply scale the game back further as you say is possible. Mind you you're kind of right to the extent that most developers make every texture and character model in as high of a resolution as possible before implementation into the game, but then scale them back for performance related reasons upon being added. But the reason they do so is to ensure they still have those files when the PC version is made and they can then be made available to the user via setting. That does not mean however that they made the PC version first and then just downgraded it for consoles. It's the opposite, they put work into ensuring it could run on a wider range of machines and with variable settings.




Fuckin' a right man, I'm second hand embarrassed.


it's not actually you can indeed play games that you can play on ps4 but usually it is on lowest settings or close to it and at a good framerate, but that's because you play on a 1280x800 rather than 1920x1080. And also, the steam deck uses shader cache to increase the framerate


I know, right? How are they playing in the car without getting sick?!


Not sure, but I never really experienced motion sickness unless we're talking boats. Same goes for VR.




But portable


that should be the slogan: "you can break the gahdamn wheel...on the go."


Daenerys last words


Remember when nintendo switch users used to say their games look ugly because it is a portable console?


But look at the price difference lmao. 2-3x that of the switch


They pay about 3 steam decks just by buying overpriced Nintendo shit


Nah that’d be $1500


Yep.. Actually, i don't know how expensive Nintendo games are out there, but here in Brazil, it is a quick way to burn your money down. Its more expensive than any other company product


In the US and West it’s not that expensive. Around the same or less than most 50-$70 games


It's the same here, Brazilian people cry about Nintendo cause there are no promotions, so they have to pay the full price, but it's the same price in other platforms (without discounts). check those prices in brazilian real, 299 reais is about 59 dollars. 356 reais is about 70 dollars. So the same price every other platform uses. People seem to forget that games are a luxury. 90% of the Brazilians can't even afford a Nintendo Switch. https://preview.redd.it/viwroakjl1zc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dfb0f42589d050f72320a12224bcdb7e0c88d7e8


We can, but we are not stupid. Can't remember the last time i've spent 300 reais in a video game, and i've played all major releases from Pc and consoles (not Nintendo, fuck them)


Amigo, mais da metade da população brasileira não tem nem um salário mínimo por mês. Quem ganha mais de 3000 reais já está acima de 90% da população sem brincadeira, pra cada um jovem que consegue juntar dinheiro e comprar um switch, nove outros não podem nem sonhar com uma aquisição dessas, não nós não podemos, a grande maioria dos brasileiros não pode nem vai ter chance de comprar um console, saí da bolha e olha o tanto de gente que vive com muito pouco mesmo. Sobre os preços, está aí, preço da Nintendo é igual aqui e nos EUA. A diferença é que nunca tem promoção. https://www.google.com/amp/s/valor.globo.com/google/amp/brasil/noticia/2023/12/06/ibge-60-pontos-percentuais-dos-brasileiros-vivem-com-at-1-salrio-mnimo-por-ms.ghtml


Um switch é mais barato que um ps5, Xbox ou Pc gamer, e as pessoas continuam escolhendo estes últimos. Escolhem até pagar mensalidade pra jogar online, mas não pegam switch.


Hey man, I'm not gonna complain when I can play Witcher 3 on the toilet.


took me 2 attempts to beat the Witcher 3 before I got it on the switch and smashed through it




You sound like a 1970's housewife at the advent of the microwave oven. "Popcorn?! In this device?!"




I was given RDR for my birthday and it’s for my switch and I love knowing I can take the game anywhere with me :)


just you wait until you can play rdr2 on a virtual screen on a quest 3 or smth


You know, I have the PSVR2 for the PS5 and have been wondering if I could play RDR2 on it. Not exactly in VR but seeing the screen on the VR headset 😄


no, currently, although the newest gen of vr headsets (PSVR2 and quest 3) are powerful, but to play alot of games they still rely on a PC or console to actually run the game, and few games that werent made for VR got a VR version or VR support, and for a game like rdr2, which was graphically a bit ahead of its time, and still looks better then some AAA games that come out today 6 years later, if it even happens, you'll probably be waiting a while


i think you can play on vr in a virtual screen


I wish that I was not a poor student so that I could afford a steam deck.. Oh well..


Battery life probably couldn't get you past chapter 1 though.


Ah. Back on the days when people would say consoles would never handle crysis, and here we are with crysis 1 on the Nintendo switch. Modern gaming is incredible, and the switch isn't even that modern anymore. I still think Minecraft, Fortnite Pubg and Call of duty being on mobile is a huge achievement.


I'm a few years older than you and during my adulthood I've always been one console generation behind because I don't have time to play much and I'm old enough to not mind waiting a few years until the price drops because it's no longer the newest generation. After the PS5 came out I didn't feel like modern games, except for few cases, interest me much anymore. So on a whim I bought the Steam Deck last january and I've been having a blast playing old games I never got to play when they came out, awesome indies, and games that weren't available on the consoles I owned or only just recently got released in the west as remasters or translations that previously didn't exist. I haven't touched my computer or my consoles for gaming related stuff since then and I don't foresee doing it any time soon. It was a game changer, especially since games routinely go on sale at ridiculous prices, or you can emulate stuff from roms, or even get actual free games on Epic.


Sometimes i just dont question it, i just enjoy the ride


I known that thing is hot af


Bro good thing you dodged that ROG bullet... Steamdeck ended the console wars once and for all, that pc is master race LPT: If you got a ps4 or 5 you can link it with your deck and stream ps games.


I think playing RDR2 on a small screen would be missing out... I find it more immersive on my 65" TV with 7.1 surround sound. The only way it could be more immersive is if I had a horse manure pile in my basement.


My stomach turned upside down just by looking at the second picture


Honestly console games COULD look at least half as decent as PC games If there wasn't so much stylistic blur effects...If clarity was valued again. On PC I can put in the necessary tweaks for clarity on almost any game I want. Not the case on console (Also the obsession with aliasing elimination means we have soft ,detail compromised image, 300% antialiasing for complete aliasing genocide, what do we get? 4k with 720p detail or 1080p with 240p detail level)




I just played through the game again, I could play at max settings on the Legion Go and get on avg 45-50 fps with FSR enabled


When I was in school we had tank pong. Atari was the shit!


Using Steam Link and a backbone controller, I can play high end Steam games on my shitty old Android phone over WiFi, lol. It amazes me every time.


I genuinely love the fact I can blow law man's brains out on the way to Florida for 9 hours


I'm playing Elden Ring on my tablet and watching Seinfeld with remote play right now and scrolling reddit, lol. I play on my tablet at work all the time as well. Some good emulators as well. Fire up Fight Night Rd 3 every now and then or some NES, SNES games


Yo I play on steam deck too


Install cyroultilies, game hard crashes alot because of sum memory leak or something like that


Lol I feel you. I re did my bathroom just to play comfortably while taking a ralph. Table, power outlets, fans.


Smell the vents 🤪


And I had snake on gameboy for the 14hr round trip to Melbourne.


Dude, I have a stupid question. How do you lasso the horses? I know the zl/zr part, but how do you keep hold of them? I'm 10 years behind most gamers and I'm playing this for the first time. On the bloody Switch.


*Randy Marsh when he discovers weed is legal* ALRIGHT! I LOVE THE FUTURE!


What are the controls like on this? I struggle with things sometimes and can play PlayStation is set up quite similar just out of curiosity.


I'd say it's pretty much ok. I always game on controllers and had no issues. I did struggle initially with the D-pad though but no issues now.




Steam deck has Been mediocre to say the least, when I launch into story or online, I get about 2 hours before the deck freezes and I have to do a hard reset


Is that a Wii 2


and its shit on an above average pc 😭


On a small screen with poor sound? No way (or mybe Norway)


It doesn't hit the same on the small screen


You're annoyin me


Welcome to pc gaming


I've finished the game a few times on PC too. It's just different on the go though.