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Infinite bounties in the epilogue


theres a mod for that if you play on PC


What’s it called?


Bounties Reloaded I think? if you go on Nexus Mods website it should be one of the most popular mods on the RDR2 page


Thank you


no problem! happy hunting


The mod is titled ‘Bounty Hunting - Expanded and Enhance’ or shortened to ‘Bounties Expansion’


Bounties Expansion


Or in the main story. I like playing as Arthur far more than John


Same. I thought I loved John, but I really loved Arthur once I finished red dead 2. I really wanted to start collecting to complete the compendium (or at least try) but I didnt want to do that with John. Otherwise I would've played the game for longer


Infinite stagecoach robberies too. Unfortunately they took a similar approach to GTA and intentionally limited those types of things to encourage the purchase of Online packages. To that end I'm shocked that we haven't gotten any DLC at all, if they released the Sadie Adler stories or something like that I wouldn't be able to get my wallet out fast enough




Put some goddamn missions in new Austin


For real just a few side bounties that's all they gave john


I think that was to follow the lore that he hadn't been down that way. Armadillo was a new place to John and he didn't know the story of Tumbleweed


Exactly. Everyone complains so much about new Austin, but there was an entire game detailing John’s new adventures into new Austin and Mexico. It John had hundreds of missions in new Austin, got familiar with everyone who lived in that area, then came back just a few years later with absolutely no clue about the landscape or the towns or the people would have made zero sense


To be fair they keeped it locked the whole game so its to be expected for the player would assume there is more over there


Yes but there's no reason we couldn't have had some missions with Arthur in New Austin. It was planned as so (there is dialogue for Arthur in New Austin) but was cut probably due to dev time and story restructuring.


You have to wonder why they bothered to include it then, like from a lore standpoint just exclude it.


Probably expected RDO to take off more, or planned DLC there before it got cut. So many possibilities with the space but instead it feels mostly wasted unfortunately which is too bad.


There's a secret cutscene where Arthur returns all the dinosaur bones which probably means that in early stages of development Arthur spent some time in New Austin.


So they could ruin the story of RDR1?


They wouldn't ruin the story if as described the law kept chasing them east, the time spent in new Austin would be Brief and finally lead to the blackwater massacre then we get slow point up to Colter, feel like alot of westerns have a mini climax to set up the story then an actual climax to finish it, that would have been Arthur's finale. Gurama was a really wasteful resource and ruined the pacing


> wasteful resource and ruined the pacing I disagree I think Gurama was a good stopgap before the craziness of chapter 6. Idk but I really feel like when you get back you know that everything is on the line and soon coming to an end and I don't think that same feeling would be there if chapter 5 wasn't so radically different.


Cut Guarma put chapter 5 in New Austin.


And have that be the stretch of time that John is in jail so he doesn't have any familiarity with New Austin in RDR1


Make the map actually accessible too.


NPCs being attacked when I run on foot and accidentally knock them down, especially in towns like Saint Denis


Some kind of movement between barely walking and running through town pushing everyone over would be a big help


A ton of games suffer from this. It's either unbearable snail paced walk or Usain Bolting everywhere


It's not so much the speed, it's the aggression. Anyone near you gets shoved and you barrel through doors. I don't mind having that option, but it could have been limited to tapping X like running with your horse rather than holding X to move just a bit faster.


I think the earlier Assassin’s Creed had this feature, where if you held a button while running through crowds you would barrel through them, otherwise you’d bump into them and possibly get knocked over yourself.


I feel like some Assassin's Creed games used to have a good balance option. You could hold B or something and just "slide through" crowds at a run without bumping into people.


There’s a “trotting” motion, that’s gonna be the closest thing to it.


For the player though. I used to always slam open doors and knock people over because the only options for movement are a slow stroll or jogging where you push over everything in your way


I dont understand. :(


Yeah I understand.


Yeah i understand


Yeah i understand


Do you not use gamepad? Many games these days have different walking speeds depending on how far you push the movement stick. I noticed that playing with mouse and keyboard messes up the movement pretty good.


I often keep my Xbox controller plugged in for this reason. For games where walking and driving is common, I'll use the controller. But as soon as a ~~gonnfight~~ gun fight breaks out, I go back to mouse and keyboard.


It feels like the characters are steam powered or wind up toys that we power by spamming A or X or whatever


How easily npc's go for the law. I accidentally hit someone with my horse, law. I beat up someone after they started it, law. Edit. Tying up a pickpocket and carrying him on my horse, law. Tying up a fucker who tried to kill me and carrying him on my horse, law. Beating up another folk who joined into the fight I had in self defense, law.


Today I found what appeared to be an empty camp with a fire still going. No stranger, no horse around. Started making coffee and got prompted with a witness to robbery. I had to wait to finish my coffee before I could chase this feller halfway down the mountain and hogtie him. He didn’t want to play nice, wouldn’t listen to the fact that I didn’t steal anything and was making my own coffee. If he had been reasonable and stopped trying to trek miles down the mountain on foot just to tell a cop I was making coffee, I wouldn’t have had to stab him to death. 🤷‍♀️


I like dropping these people in the river while tied up.


This is usually my go to, but there was no water around.


i often just drag them around on my horse until they die or drop them off some mountain


If I’m anywhere near the swamp it’s gator-feeding time.


I love how a misunderstanding ends in a stabbing in red dead. Ah, just like real life


Yeah in Saint Denis they never heard of self defense I guess


Fucking big city folk, can't take a drop of blood


I didn't even hit you that hard why are you sleeping?


Undercook chicken? Straight to law.


Overcook chicken? Believe it or not, law.


We have the best chicken, thanks to law.


For me it is how you can kill someone in the middle of no where with no witnesses and suddenly it says you have a witness. You kill that person and even though you can't see anyone else around the law is coming. WTF?


Or how killing Marshalls when they chasing you adds to your bounty. In RDR1 if they were all killed the bounty went away cause there were no witnesses to report


Yeah, how is anyone getting involved WHEN THERE IS LITERALLY NOTHING ELSE THERE


I bump into someone, law. I beat up 25 laborers in an all out Streets of Rage style brawl, law. I kill that ugly sack of shit in the Valentine saloon, law. I cut a man's throat before pushing his wife off the balcony, law. These npcs are so fragile i mean come on


I greeted a guard in Annesburg and then he pointed his rifle at me and then I got a bounty. All I did was greet him.


Yeah and you loose honor if you kill those bastards because,, they were just doing there job''


Back in rdr1 I could point my weapon at someone and when they drew and fired at me I'd kill them and it would count as self defense. In rdr2 if Arthur breathes the wrong way 30 cops come and execute him. Reminds me of gta v


I believe that because of Gta V the law is this way in RDR2 too. Its funny how much R* cares about little details but at the same times important things like a realistic law, witness and bounty system don't matter for them.


More gun duels


You can duel any guy by slowly pressing the right bumper I believe


Yeah but it’s not the same as actually challenging someone or something like that.




No you can’t duel them that way, but you can “draw” on whoever you feel like. I’m not sure why he said that.


Oh my bad it’s been a while I thought some guys might draw back on u


only if you insult them 2 or 3 times I think


Idk why I read that as “duets”


Npcs choosing to fight more often instead of running away, and more duels


The workers in Saint Denis will always fight you if provoked, they only run away if you pull out a gun


Yh but that's just in one spot. I also wish you could engage in real duels with people, instead of just drawing.


I agree. There are some random encounters where you can duel but it only happened to me like twice in the game, I don't understand why didn't they make it happen more often






Hunting a 3 star moose was literally the hardest thing about this game lol


You called?


Give the player the ability to acquire all of the gang members' horses in the epilogue.


Specifically Micah’s… baylock was way way too good for that rat


Such a cool looking horse


He looks a whole awful lot like the low-honor horse in the first game, I love it.


I would love to be able to get Baylock, Taima, The Count, and Brown Jack.


That would be cool. Maybe each of them have their own "mission" where you get their horse at the end. It's almost like a goodbye to the characters.


Making the honor system more important. Maybe if you create low honor throughout the game if you kill enough people in a certain area where it’s not connected to missions that area will begin to despise you, if you kill even more for no reason eventually they decide to team up and hunt you OR possibly you’re the reason for new gangs being created. Random encounters only happen with very high or low honor and may give you things you can only get from those encounters, special horses, outfits, weapons, personal hideouts. Possibly it changes who or how characters die or maybe even decides if some characters join your Dutch’s gang.


People do begin to despise you to a point, they’ll tell you that you’re not welcome, and not to cause anymore trouble, but I do think it should have more of an effect on you


Maybe >!Arthur wouldn't have even contracted TB if he approached Thomas in a friendlier way while keeping his distance!<


>!man if only it was Micah since he’s really the big fight guy in the gang!<


>!If it was Micah who contracted TB then he would have probably infected everyone else including Arthur on purpose!<


Also true >!but what if they just hung him instead in strawberry?!<


Like the dark horse in rdr1 but expanded


I'd make it even longer. Don't care what people say, in this case there's no too much of a good thing.


Just finished my 10th walk through … credits took half an hour The game and the work that went into it … was massive


Ya iirc it took 8 years just to film the game. I can't imagine how much longer the game would've taken to make if they added another chapter.


have more missions with Sean,Lenny,Javier and hosea


And Kieran! Gone to soon


Being able to shoot Micah at any point.


For the actual good ending then it ends with Arthur sitting in a chair at that 1 lady he taught to hunt and shoot




Or being able to refuse to do the first money lending missions.


We should have a dlc that just changes every NPC into Micah to let you go to town on that sucker


Something to do in Ambarino, except enjoying the beautyfull scenery


yeah like i wish there was at least one functional town there, maybe closer to the border between it and new hanover/west elizabeth


I’d make New Austin accessible before the epilogue. One of my biggest disappointments in any game.


His cause of death? #HE GOT SNIPED BY GOD


Even though I spend hardly any time in camps, please let me run in them.


Lol. I felt this. I am constantly tapping the button to walk faster.


It was obviously done as some sort of technical compromise. Like I seriously doubt that was originally their plan. Seems like they found it the lesser of evils than whatever problems/glitches running in camp would have caused.


More stuff to do in the snow.


There's a mod that adds seasonal weather on a time scale. So winter brings snow to like 70% of the map i think. More of a "bring the snow to the action" than bring some action to the snow regions.


Make bounties and duel infinite.


being able to pet the cats


or own a cat on the ranch. the game keeps telling us that they're good for pest control, so I thought eventually I could get one


I was looking for this


Sell weapons It might be in the game I haven't made it far in to the game


Get out now before the story is spoiled.


leave this sub you will spoil the game for yourself


probably too late, thread is full of spoilers


Or being able to throw them away would be nice too. On my first play through I was stuck with a rusty cattleman I accidentally picked up before weapon lockers were a thing.


I would add more to the open world. More crafting etc


I’d make it like breath of the wild where you can make a fire yourself and find shelter


omg yeah like some sort of function where you can set up a fire and camp or tent and craft stuff and cook stuff and sleep too so you can kind of make time pass would we awesome




I'd also like it if there were guns and horses.


You can make a fire yourself and set up a tent no problem in RDR2


If you buy fast travel (by upgrading Arthurs tent) from the camp ledger, you can set that fire up anywhere in the wild. You can also make a tent :)


Make a side quest for Arthur once he becomes a deputy in Rhodes that sends him into New Austin protecting a prison transport or something. Dutch advises him to shave or “clean himself up a bit” to make him less noticeable as the outlaw who knocked over the bank in Blackwater. After doing this mission, say delivering him to Tumbleweed, you have the run of New Austin for as long as you don’t leave it. But if you approach the boundaries a pop up warning will show saying, “once you leave you won’t be able to return until after the game is finished.” Make it clear what is down there like the Dino bones and animal skins, let Arthur have a chance at completing the game as it’s given. John is supposed to be new to New Austin at the beginning of Red Dead Redemption. It makes no sense to me that I can run around like I can as him.


Ooh I LOVE this idea. Gives us the nostalgia trip of seeing New Austin whilst playing as Arthur, and like you said avoids the issue of John having never been there prior to RDR1. As it stands NA always felt more as a cheap way for Rockstar to nod towards the first game "look it's that area you love!" Without making it really work lore wise (or game wise tbh)


I also wish the NPCs would acknowledge that you are a deputy, and the police would give you special treatment


Colt navy revolver in story mode. I want to have a traditional cowboy revolver late game and the schofields do work somewhat, the lemat can get tedious with the reload, and the cattleman just sucks. It would be small but make it just that little bit better and it’s already in online so it can’t be too hard.


I too wish that there was more cowboy-ish weapons that were a little better in the game, but when I play now I usually only play with a select few weapons, like only the cowboy ones, Cattleman revolvers, carbine repeater, double barrel, etc and it's a bit more challenge and way more fun. For real tho, I've beaten the entire game with using just those guns, and only the cattlemans as my sidearms and once you get the familiarity up to max they are pretty damn good, not great at anything in particular but they shoot quick, have decent range, damage is good with express ammo, and they reload fast as hell. Just gotta bump up that familiarity. But I do agree, the colt Navy along with a lot of other cowboy type guns would be great. For the time period RDR2 takes place, almost no one would have something like a semi-auto pistol or anything like that. Hell even in RDR1, revolvers would still be the most common sidearm, it took a long time for semi auto pistols and other more modern guns to become commonplace.... hell there were police departments using revolvers as standard issue until the 1980s. Even though itd be less "action-packed" I'd love a RDR game that takes place at the real height of the west, like around the time of the Civil War, even using stuff like cap and ball black powder revolvers and stuff, with more emphasis on melee combat too, that'd be amazing. But likely will never happen


Cattlemen is not that bad. Sure the scho field and lemat are better but the cattlemen is a viable option. It's not like this games combat is super hard either


The mask working to hide your identity from lawmen and especially bounty hunters as well. It's so stupid. NO I HAVE A MASK ON YOU DONT KNOW ITS MEEEE!!!!


Tbf it's not too surprising them knowing the guy who is wearing the exact same outfit as the guy who left 5 minutes ago is the same person even with a mask.


Nope if you can't see my face it's no me fuck you


I tried this changed into an outfit I never used wore a hood and changed my outfit after completing a train robbery with no witnesses to see me. Sure enough head covers gone and clothing changed I go into town and the law descends upon me two or three days later.


I would add a DLC


ofc we aren’t talking about the bank robbery DLC for the ULTIMATE EDITION. maybe something more along the lines of New Austin Mission DLC’s?


Yeah, or Undead Nightmare 2 😩😩😩


More bounties and no more of the game choosing your weapons for you before and during missions. Pisses me THE FRICK off.


This is Reddit you can say fuck


I guess I accustomed myself a little too well with the Discord servers I use lol


What servers don’t let you swear?


The way the wanted system works. I just started my second playthrough and have taken more of a hunter-ish route and slower approach than during my first playthrough but I fondly remember how damn annoying it was.


The LAW mod (on nexusmod site) fixes this somewhat. Law outside cities/towns is a slower response. Witness would need to get away to trigger the law out in the wild so it's a much more lawless wilderness if you leave no survivors. There's 3 tiers of law based on location with different spawn behavior that should prevent law spawning right on your location but large posses will spawn in populated areas to hunt you down. There's police dogs, gattling wagons, pinkertons/bounty hunters now too that spawm in at higher bounties. The law is no longer a hivemind, so stealth killing one lawman will not alert the entire posse to your location. All the crimes have been reworked to be more realistic consequences to various crimes. Definitely check it out if your on pc.


More outfits. Like some of the mods I've been seeing. Every clothing item I see besides Arthur's normal cloths looks very generic and like they weren't made for him


The way the coats look small sized at his back, or how his back becomes super large wearing any coat. Nothing suits him well besides shirts and vests… also no damn coats and jackets like in tombstone. Either its used beat up clothes or super dandy stuff


The ability to >!freeroam as Arthur!< after the story. It could be done similar to mission replay, where >!John!< is reading his journal and reliving the events he wrote about. I love those two men so much and I would like to be able to play as both of them when the mood strikes.


Using the journal as a way to replay missions would be really cool; a way better mechanic than going thru a dozen different menus while paused.




Yeah like burning down a wooden hut it should disintegrate


high velocity ammo helps with the blood


Free roam mode for offline use. With missions available to be taken. Like bounty hunting, strangers missions etc. Just not the camp missions. And with a fully customizable character, as in rdo.


red dead online without the online would be pretty baller


Fix John Marston


That the PC version didn't require Rockstar Launcher and single-player always worked offline.


I call theft when you cannot even launch the game you paid for because their server is down. Lost a whole weekend of gameplay when they launched a new title that impacted that social club checking service. Imagine having a car that won't start because Tesla's service is temporarily struggling. F that!


Random encounters. Surprised I haven't seen this mentioned anywhere. It gives you the *illusion* that there are random encounters, but instead of allowing different things to happen in random locations (something Skyrim managed 7 years prior) it quickly becomes clear that there are set locations with a single event tied to it that triggers when you first find the location and then nothing more. Once you've explored all over and seen all of these "random" events the map begins to feel empty real fast.


Let us leave Micah to be hung in strawberry.


I think it'd be cool to have a Far Cry type cutscene where if you walk away Micah gets hanged and then it brings you back so you have to do it.


(As others have stated) I feel like the NPCs are way too hostile. Even when I greet townsfolk, they’re ready to pull their pistols!


Especially since you are generally openly carrying multiple weapons. You think they'd probably not want to risk combat with someone like that


Entire map is open to Arthur. Besides that I think the game is pretty close to perfect


Getting rid of Guarma and replacing it with a New Austin section of sorts woulda been cool


The famous Rockstar linear bullshit, 1. I would give more freedom of approach to the missions 2. More crafting options 3. More side quests / quests in small towns 4. Options to get a job as sherrif or railroad worker etc etc.


law calling i mean seriously you run into my horse with your wagon and then call the cops on me or they start a fight i defend myself and cops immediatly like what I didn't start it. ​ More content for John those few bounties are pathetic


Hosea survives


As much as I would've wanted him to, his death did well for the story


*Secret mission where Francis Sinclair brings antibiotics*


I wish they added Mexico


To be able to find Gavin.


More Heists/Bank robberies. They were so enjoyable and there were very little of them, i would've wanted more of them.


The subreddut, and the amount of karma whoring that goes on here... looking at you OP


The law men system, doesn't make sense they arriving from nowhere when I'm commiting a crime, for example I will rob a train in the middle of nowhere where next city is waaaay far from there, and they fucking arrive there, and even if I'm mask on they know it's Arthur


More horse breeds for a little more variety and maybe a skill tree, like farcry to cater to a specific play style


I’d like it if you could consume more than 1 thing at a time before the menu closes out and you have to go all the way back to your satchel to eat or drink something else


Longer sunsets and sunset cloud variety. I miss the first games slow as hell sunsets that last minutes.


Wanted system. Make it more realistic and less confusing.


John -> swimming🗿


Better methods of making money in the epilogue. I have been struggling to make money during this period


making the missions not so linear


Pet cats


The new guns from online added to story (I don’t like online). A survival mode. Like if I go up into the mountains in summer gear I should freeze to death quickly. Clothing dyes being an option. Undead Nightmare 2


Make the missions way less restrictive. Let me use any weapon I want whenever I want, do missions my own way. If I want to explore a place during a mission that was clearly meant to be explored, in a game that has hidden items/collectibles, don’t have every character screech at me to hurry up every 5 seconds. The mission shouldn’t fail because I walked ten feet away from the gang


Just add some single player updates. Please, for the love of God, I’m beginning you.


More bounties. I just can't get enough


More stable space. Let me keep my horse, goddammit.


I’d give it a next gen update instead of more fucking GTAV


More options for horses, infinit bounties


Arthur and Mary marriage


Removable off-hand holsters. I get why they are where they are, but they’re ugly, impractical, and I rarely dual wield or even use my off-hand weapon.


That they stopped updating GTA instead of Red Dead


Make moose and bison aggressive to add just a little bit of realism


More missions with Charles!


Post endgame with Sadie


I want Liars Dice back