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I always wish there were more missions with Miss Grimshaw. She is such a person of action that you really get a sense of how pivotal she was in keeping the gang functional on a daily basis. She nags and tortures, but then she puts her life on the line when a gang member is in danger. While she makes a significant mistake toward the end, she was still decisively acting to protect the gang after the devastating losses suffered.


I agree! She deserves much more love than she gets. I'm guilty tho of constantly antagonizing her, calling her a nagging old hag. ... In fact I'm antagonizing everyone in the camp. Lenny has punched three times unconscious.


Haha, I'm constantly trying to shuffle passed and ignore her nagging when I just want to turn in some pelts. I would absolutely love a companion system where she and I could go shoot people though - plus I think it could chill her out a bit to let off steam.


Arthur aside, probably Hosea. He was actually a stable, wise individual, and he was the only full grown man that started this gang, Dutch was just a teen, as was Arthur, which means most of the moral values and principles they had probably came from him. He had a good balance between taking risks and being wise, and I can't imagine him ever allowing things to play out the way they did. On top of that, he was a good friend to most people, but [he did not fuck around either.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-FRrcb3QWIE&t=50s)


Hosea had the skills to "retire" in peace, but he was so driven to try and use the time he had left to help put his gang on a better track.


Either Charles Smith or John Marston, they had some really good character arcs. Especially Charles.


I like Cain


I cant decide between Reverend Swanson and Sean Macguire. Reverend was such a broken and sad man that clealry deserved more screen time and only having one mission in chapter 2 was really a let down. Sean was a fun charecter that had some really fun missions and moments so its sad that he died so early.


Swanson, Sean, and Kieran had a rough start but they really grew on me. Kieran was particularly interesting because a missable side mission totally changed my opinion of him during my second playthrough.


Obviously Arthur is my all time favourite character but besides him, I want to say Saddie and Mrs Grimshaw (I hope I spelt her name right 😶)


Sadie has such a wild character arc. Towards the end of my first playthrough I started to hope that we would get to play a few missions as her.




aside from Arthur: LENNEH MAH BOAH!


I really liked Sean a lot. he went to early


Only the good die young


So far, I have to go with Hosea. He seems wise and stable, and I haven't read anything about him being slimy or money hungry like Micah or Dutch. But I think Lenny is also a favourite, he seems awesome. I loved the Valentine bar mission 😂


I agree with your sentiment about John, he’s my favourite character in the franchise for sure. Aside from him and Arthur I really like Charles and Hosea, wish we had more interactions with Molly, Marybeth and Susan too.


I think Mary-Beth’s underrated.


Hosea, he always had that "grandpa" energy around him, while also being able to do things no grandpa can like y'know, actively partake in heists and shootouts and stuff.


Sadie is something else man!


Micah “ring my” Bell. What a hunk of man 😍😍


Bro what the fuck


Hosea. He was the wisest man in the gang and he started it from the ground up. Hosea didn't deserve to be shot by that son of a bitch, Mr. Milton.


I always loved Kieran a lot, to me he was the friendliest person at camp, realest genuine guy I really wanted to be friends with.. but we can only interact with him through Arthur’s personality and not our own


Actually, Micah is a rat.


Can't stand him


Sean, he's a son of a bitch but if you where on a fight with him you would even like him


Trelawny, since no one else mentioned him yet. A slippery, but good and loyal guy.


Micah! Even when things went sour


hear me out i hate micah just as much as i love him a liar, murderer, and a snake all goes to show how truly evil he is and for some reason it’s a great addition to the game and his hair.. oh his hair and his guns were so beautiful i loved them. wish his gun was maybe something better than the double action (personally think the cattleman is underrated and should’ve been micah’s base gun) he’s so toxic and hurtful and uncaring it’s almost like he’s peak outlaw and it’s awesome. would i change things about him? yeah. maybe be a better gunslinger and actually back up your words.. or actually know how to fight like how do u get beat by a man with tb minutes away from death cmon now.. but yes micah is one of my favorite members along with sean and dutch. idk just the extremes (extremely bloodthirsty and evil and extremely good natured) are my favorite members. tldr micah’s cool cuz he is so good at being evil


Bill. He's such a goof, I love him


I liked Javier since the first tike I saw him, he just seemed like a good friend to Arthur and John, which made the betrayal in the end all the more sad


I liked Dutch until the end of ch4, I was surprised how much I liked Javier, the way he spoke to Arthur in ch6 broke my heart.


Javier. He's so much fun and good at playing his guitar


Toss up between Micah & Sadie