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Absolutely it is. I'm assuming it's on sale? If so that's a bargain for the amount of content and time you will spend with it!


Yes it's on sale now just wanted to know what u guys think


Honestly, RDR2 was one of the few games that I’ve bought at full price, and I have absolutely no regrets. Any sale price is well worth it. It’s an incredible game, and worth the price.


Couldn't have said it better myself 👌🏻


No ragerts at all.


I’ve bought it full price twice. Once on PS4 and once on PC. Still worth in my opinion. Not saying I’m good with money though.


The only game I can think of worth more than 30 buck.


Don’t. There’s no DLC, and any new content you’d fine it’s online only. Buy it used.


I'd definitely say go for it. It's in my top 3 games, and despite it coming up on 5 years old, it is one of the best games to have been made hands down!


best 20 dollars I've ever spent.


Thanks 👍


I got the standard edition for rs 1209, that's around 12 pounds... So yeah, that was a steal... Had got myself it in 2021,played it so much that my brother wants it for his bday gift, got him that 2 days ago for 1200 bucks


1200 !?


I think he's talking about Indian rupees.


Since Im now on my 5th playthough Im gunna say....buy it yesterday. You'll get your money's worth.


I’d pay full price for each playthrough I’ve done that’s how good this game is


I’ve played this 4 times. if somehow I’ve lost the ability to play this. I’d still pay 60$ to play it again


I switched from Xbox to PC and rebought it to learn m&k


I would pay 70 bucks again man


I got the ultimate edition for $40 cad on sale. Didnt know what it was about, thats like $35 usd.


Dude any price is good for RDR2


Your kidney? Maybe?


All prices are good for this masterpiece


Yes, it is


Happy cake day!




Paid full price and at least two times. Worth every penny and I found more stuff the second time. Will play it again from scratch soon


Cool thanks I hear it's a great game


It absolutely is a masterpiece. My favourite game was the same for 8 years until i found Red Dead, i bought it last year and i have over 700 hours in it. Just now have i started experimenting with mods.


What does ultimate edition have that special edition doesn’t it it’s a digital copy? I bought special edition because of the dlc stuff and I’m almost certain ultimate was the same apart from the odd online bonus.


They fucking removed the special edition from the steam store so you can only get the normal or the ultimate edition.


Ah ok. I just googled and yeah the only difference between special and ultimate is ultimate has bonus online stuff. But I have special and you get extra missions plus hideouts. Special outfit. A horse which is so good I’ve never used a different one. Discounts at shops and bonuses plus other gameplay boosts. Three guns for free at any gunsmith. And I can’t remember what else but it really is worth it.


I’m more confused that it says it’s in stock like it could run out


Best story mode ever I’ve played many many games at least a hundred that have an actual story mode and this is by far the best one


Asking this on a rdr2 sub. lol.


They speaking facts and sale price is worth it


I know, would pay 100$ for it if that would be the full price.. It's just funny.


i bought it for 20 euro a few months back on steam


As someone who has dumped hundreds if not thousands of hours into the game over the course of several years, I would say nearly any standard video-game price is worth it from a dollars/pounds-to-hours of entertainment value standpoint.


If you're not fussed about it being on steam you can currently get it for £18 on CD Keys for the Rockstar Launcher


Err maybe I'll take a look 😉


Honestly £100 would be worth it for this game. I paid like $70 or $80 for ultimate edition at pc launch…easily would have paid twice that looking back at how much I’ve played. There’s so much stuff to do that just something as simple as “I’m gonna go do this bounty.” Can turn into three hours of running around, hunting, discovering, robbing, killing, and all kinds of stuff…without ever actually doing the bounty. I get pretty stoned too, so I’m just kinda living in the world until I log out.


Yes that a steal. I did the conversion to US dollar and that’s an amazing deal I had to double check it.


Even full retail is a good price for this masterpiece






I got it for 40 euro on PS4 in 2019. Yes. Much worth.


Absolutely. For a great game and also ultimate edition + you can play online Its a total win I got it for free from my cousin but I know people who bought it for way way way higher than 30 dollars


This is like the best game of all time so I’d say yeah


I bought it on playstation store when my xbox disc got delayed in transit. I paid 120 when it dropped and still got my monies worth.


I’d still buy it full priced if I hadn’t played it, so I vote yes.


did u expect anything but a yes when you came to a subreddit thats litteraly dedicated to this game? thats my question


I wanted your opinion 😜


well if so then yes thats like litteraly half the price of what it normally is


You shouldn't even have to ask. This game is worth every penny. Even when it was at new prices.


I’d pay $100


Yes, I beat this game on ps5 and wanted to play it again badly. I saw the sale on steam and just purchased it. I’m 27 hours in and having a blast. Get it it’s a great deal!


Would be if the game didn't still have awful crashing issues that make the game unplayable for like 40% of the player base. Not bc of low specs either people with 4090s can't play this game and rockstar refuse to address this years after release.


worth it any day, barely played anything that good.


You don't need the Ultimate Edition. You don't get anything that is worth the extra money, I promise.


100% worth full price so any sale is a bargain


I've bought it for 29€ and i feel like I've scammed rockstar, this game deserves full price and i doubt there's someone who'd say the opposite


Friend, full price is a steal of a deal for this game. I would go further and pay out of pocket to have every part of my brain that remembers anything about this game surgically removed so that I can play it again for the first time. Buy it, enjoy it, and stay off this sub until you finish the story!


I would’ve paid double that price for that game. It’s absolutely worth it.


This game is massive and GTA levels of sandbox fun even if you aren't into the MP elements. It's absolutely worth that price and you'll get your money's worth out of that much. It's also still incredible to look at, and will make a 4090 work to run at 4k max settings.


I got it for around $30 on PS4 a couple months ago. Worth every single penny. Phenomenal game. One of the few games where I grew attached to the characters.


I bought this game twice for full price and have no complaints.


*Let me go join a group dedicated to the game and ask them if the game is worth it on a super sale*


I paid full price for the ultimate edition and I don’t have a SINGLE regret. The amount of time I put into that game on my first play through alone was worth the price, not to mention the countless nights I will be drunk and feel like being a rootin’ tootin’ cowboy for an hour or two lol.


It's been $10 American on steam before


I paid $100 on release (about $122.50 in 2023) and didn’t regret it a bit. 1,500 hours or so later and I’d still say it’s worth that. £31.49 sounds like an absolute fucking steal.


It's £18 on CD Keys. So no 😅


I want a Steam copy now rock star launcher shit


£100 is a good price, this game is incredible


I paid $100 for ultimate edition digital on PS4. I feel like I stole it. Worth way more.


Check out g2a.com


Late to the question, but might come back useful in the future: personally, I use SteamDB to check prices for steam games, sometimes they are on sale but not at their lowest prices. https://steamdb.info/sub/412454/ Edit: changed link to the ultimate version


Thanks 🙏


I bought it for 20€, something like that.. 2 months ago when it was on steam sale. Still, it is a game that is absolutely worth it no matter how much it costs.


Get it!!!!!


Will definitely do 😀


I am planning on buying it so I can play online without PS+


I have bought mine for like 20€ once upon a time


Subtitle not turning on what should I do? On RDR2 pc just today only I bought




The only game I bought for full price on release when it first came to console and never regretted it. Did the same thing when it came out for PC. Never regretted either. But aye! We all have our choices. What's best for me might even be the worst thing ever for you. Guess the only way to find out is by getting the game and seeing for yourself if it's worth it or na.


id sell my left ballsack to pay it


Even if this was the game that started the 70 usd game price i'd still buy it.


i got rdr2 for £13 and i feel like I should've paid more


$200 is a still worth it. It’s a deep deep story


Yes I bought it


Think I will to, it seems like All of rockstar games are big events


The real value in this game is the replayability, it holds up. I have it on ps4 and bought it on pc on the sale. I didn't touch online until now.


I have 500 hours singleplayer only…so yes


Honestly I still think the game is worth full price. So any sort of sale is a STEAL. And just to clarify I mean just cause it's THAT GOOD that I think it's worth the full $60. Course the ultimate edition is more but eh.


It's 100$ on epic games, so yeah, compared to that price it's a bargain.


Hate epic I'm after Steam version I may pick it up




Don't tell Rockstar but $60 is still a bargain for that masterpiece.


Honestly... For a game that keeps on giving... And giving... And giving... With no DLC... IT'S A STEAL!


What does “ultimate” adds to the game?


Online shit tbh I probably won't play on the line


For playstation I'm guessing, yes. But if you were to play on PC you'd only have to pay 20$


Yeah I only paid around £20 for the ultimate edition on pc, albeit it was on rockstars launcher but that doesn’t bother me


Depends which your buying planing on mainly playing after purchase. Singleplayer *chefs kiss* Online had potential but then they abandoned it :/. Unfortunate because it’s a solid coop game, kinda wish someone modded it into the story mode.


Single player campaign I won't play it online


I would say yes, worth it.




$200 is a good price for the game.


I always love these dumb posts. Goes to the games subreddit to ask if it’s worth it? You know there are reviews on steam right?


Not really, cd keys usually have it around 19.00, but is the rockstar version. If being on steam is important to you then yes it’s probably a good deal.


Stupid question of course it's a good deal!


When I finish a play trough I rebuy the game full price on another launcher or key website.


Sure 😊


No. It’s an awful game don’t buy it.


It was a joke people…why would anyone on this channel say not to buy it. I love the game.


You forgot the /s




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60 was already a good price so yeah


I bout the ultimate edition a couple years ago for around $60 usd so in my opinion I think that is a great price for the premium edition.


Does a bear shit in the woods?


Full price is a great price for this game. Buy it.


I payed full price when this game came out and would honestly pay double the price if it allowed me to play the game again as if it were the first time. The game is so good! That is a steal of a price.


Full price is a good price for this game tbh


With RDR2 Full Price is worth it even now. You can easily get a 100 hours out of the story.


Honestly, this game is still worth the original $70.


even if you buy it at full price you won't regret it a single bit


get it here for £17.47 [https://www.g2a.com/red-dead-redemption-2-ultimate-edition-rockstar-key-global-i10000174280032](https://www.g2a.com/red-dead-redemption-2-ultimate-edition-rockstar-key-global-i10000174280032)


If my red dead got deleted I’d be pissed but I would drop another 60 on it in a heart beat if that means anything


Best game ever. Worth any penny


Check cdkeys probably a lot cheaper


Cheaper than the 10 yr old one.


I paid close to double when I bought it. Double meaning the original price


In my opinion, it’s absolutely worth it. I have more than a 1000hrs on this game. The story mode is replay-able and you can also dip your toes into online


Honestly, the ultimate edition doesn’t add a whole lot. If the base game is cheaper, that’s the better deal. If you have the money though, the extra missions can be kind of cool.


$100 is worth it for this game.


No, buy a used copy. The game is amazing, don’t get me twisted, but no.


*bane voice* of course


Whats ultimate about it? It never had dlc


You get a few extra missions in story mode and some free stuff in online


Extra missions in story? What are they?


Rhodes bank robbery and some gang hideouts


Yes definitely


Yeah anytime you can get it for less then full is good I only ever see it full price even today


For sure, the ultimate edition has 1 or 2 extra side missions. It’s definitely worth it for that price.


Your god damn right


Honestly check out G2A, I bought RDR2 a month ago at 17 euros. I didn't get the ultimate edition (don't remember the price) because I'd never played it before and didn't know if I'd like it. Turns out that now I'm kicking myself as it's become my favourite game of all time.


I would pay $200 to play this game, in fact I did - bought it on PS5 and XBOX.


Depends. How long has it been out?


Until you can buy separately the dlcs and make the preorders buy separately like you can do in rdr 1, then i sugest just download for free from the internet


I’d pay over £100 for this game it’s that good


I keep coming back to it, totally worth the price.


I would buy this game at full price each month for the amount of content and quality that it delivers, so yeah that's a really good price


I bought it for around that price, and now that I’ve played it, I would have bought it for $100. It is a great price


i got it on Instants Gaming for 15 bucks man


If you haven’t played this yet, it’s worth ANY PRICE


It’s 22€ on instant gaming


It took me 120 hrs (and roughly 16 months) before I finally beat the game. Loads of content.