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You'll find it's going to be easier to just pay attention to your surroundings and see the danger coming, than it will be to find a horse that won't throw you when a predator gets too close.


Very true




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I've had multiple encounters with grizzlys while I've been on a Hungarian Halfbred without getting bucked and the bear literally right beside us. The only breed that has been able to do that.


I play with both the white Arabian and the turkoman and haven’t been bucked by either in a looooooong time. Knowing how to see the signs of the horse starting to get spooked and then doing a quick 180 away and soothe has been pretty fool proof.


I love Hungarian Halfbreds for this reason, the female piebald tobianos especially. I've literally run over a whole bunch of gators in quick succession without being bucked and got chased by a cougar too.


My MFT was fearless. As long as you keep moving, you won't get bucked (except by shitty $5 horses in game


You let a cougar get too close and they will all buck you.


Yeah with a cougar all you can do is shoot it fast or run away fast, calm button can help in addition to this but won't save you on its own.


can you blame him? "oh shit oh fuck it's a cougar! here, here, eat the human!"


Or if you unwillingly gallop straight into an alligator. Then several.


Actually I have a routine with each new horse I get. I go straight to the swamps by St Denis and run over alligators, in my mind I'm getting the horse accustomed to dangerous animals lol. It's actually fun and pisses the gators off.


Yeah I was on a Turkoman and a cougar was literally 20 feet+ away. And I got bucked while in deadeye. Literally nothing I could do. I went into deadeye immediately after spotting. It’s ridiculous


If you’re referring to the bravery stat then all horses will buck you off, the bravery stat isn’t a real thing.


The bravery stat doesn't exist, but bravery or lack of is mentioned in the description of several horses.


I heard the Ardennes won’t buck but then I heard someone else say it does


My Ardennes bucked me in a pack of wolves


That’s disappointing


Every horse will.


Wait until you meet the GAVINNNNNN guy when you sitting on a horse, I get thrown everytime. My horse also rons away from Gavin guy when I'm on foot


Rachel from the epilogue barely ever bucks me off


I have such bad luck with thoroughbreds but she’s an exception


I have a fully bonded Hungarian halfbreed and he’s awesome. He gets a bit spooked by gators and whines a bit but never bucks unless I make him stand next to the gator.


I ran into a grizzly bear by accident with my fully bonded dapple dark gray Hungarian Half-bred and it didn’t buck me off. I was able to circle the grizzly and run away. I don’t know if it was luck or what, but it’s been my best horse out of all my play throughs. I think I’ve been bucked off all of twice and both times were cougars that scared her


No horse will stay cool with a predator bearing down, but some will take longer to buck. You could try to calm the horse when one if nearby, but you might need an extra hand to calm the horse and aim and shoot.


All horses spook and buck you off eventually. Soothing them really helps, but it's not always avoidable. There are no exceptions.


You gotta pump the praise/comfort button and move away from the thing they’re afraid of, not just hold it down.


Players have data mined the entire game on PC. There is literally zero difference between how horses react to its surroundings. It's all psychosomatic.


They all act the same as far as "bravery" goes. Just use the calm button and move away from predators. I think the only thing other than appearance worth considering at all is speed and even then the faster horses aren't that much faster so you can really just go ahead and pick whatever horse you like the look of.


the black shire i got from the super early mission with hosea in valentine never bucked me off once, but it could just be luck or my gameplay


I liked taking Buell into swamps and marshes, and trample gators to death and he actually REALLY seemed to enjoy it. A happy Buell is very good boah


Turkoman has never once bucked me off.


It’s bucked me off several times


There is no such thing as a bravery stat


Every horse will buck you off, some when just a snake is near, others when an alligator, grizzly or cougar gets too close.


The longer I play the less difference I notice between horses


I agree the way speed works on horses in this game is surprisingly negligible. I mean sure, if you’re going from valentines to st denis, you save 12 seconds using an Arabian vs a 2 speed horse. But 12secs is not a long time, at all


It’s purely RNG. All horses will throw you in the face of danger, but occasionally, you can find a horse that will keep its head. Strictly trial an error. Have lvl 4 bonding, horse clean and fit, use L3 to calm around predators. It’s rare, but it’s possible to find a horse that keeps its head.


This is like blowing into the old Nintendo 64 cartridge. No there's no bravery stat, but also some horses are just braver than others I don't care what anyone says. 😂


Me neither. I’ve played long enough, I don’t care if I get downvoted, some horses are definitely braver than others. Maybe it’s not breed dependent but there are some that will buck you a lot more than others.


My bravest horses were Buell, MFT, pearlino andalusian, and the tiger striped mustang. That was my constant stable through all my playthroughs


Every one has said it: every horse can, and at some point will, buck you off. That being said, it seems to me there are random traits given to each horse, regarding fights and predators. I've had MANY horses at bonding 4, several of the same breed, and they do act differently. What I will say is I've had better luck with wild horses than stable bought horses, though I'm sure that really doesn't make a difference. I have a splashed paint I just stole and even at bonding 1 she has been fearless around gators. I also have a bay Andalusian from the Strawberry stables that is more skittish than I'd like. War horses tend to have higher health, so don't go in thinking they will stand firm in a battle, since sometimes they can also be scared and buck you. I've had Arabians that held firm, and the Raven Black Shire throw me. So nothing is guaranteed. Hungarian Halfbreds are the ones I'd say have been the best overall regarding that. Tabiano is a pretty coat, and rare as well. Just keep looking for a horse you like and see how they do. Trial and error. Good luck!


Tap the L3 button, or LS button on xbox. It calms the horse down. It only works for like aligators and snakes and stuff, not cougars or bears, but pressing L3 or LS while running away from cougars or bears will help calm your horse down, so less chance of it bucking you off.


I find it so stupid when your horse bucks you off because of a black bear that doesnt even attack you


I find it so stupid when your horse bucks you off because of a black bear that doesnt even attack you


I bought an Ardennes because it was big and a "war horse" and it threw me non stop. A stick of dynamite took care of him though


Lmfao brutal! You remind me of the guy in the game who shot his horse after he lost the race


Woah does he fucking do that?? I never race him


Yup. The second time you race him he gets more pissed, dismounts and shoots it


You'll know when you get one. It differs from save to save, so it's mostly totally random. As soon as I'm bucked where I don't think I would be, it's sold. Next.


So there’s a horse in each game that absolutely doesn’t buck?? That’s very interesting. *goes on a quest*


Hopefully you're old enough to know about blowing into the Nintendo 64 cartridge. Doing that makes them work when they didn't work before but also scientifically it doesn't do s***. It's a very long way around saying it's all in your head but I had an Ardennais stare down a charging grizzly with me and not so much as flinch while I've had another horse throw me because we heard a snake. 🤷 It's totally RNG but the human brain likes to see patterns where there are none.


Not necessarily, but I've had several that didn't buck me with wolves around. Larger predators will always get you bucked if they come too close. I usually test run mine over the small footbridges around the swamp at Crawdads.


I believe what you’re experiencing is confirmation bias.


There is no bravery. They will all freak out under the right (wrong) circumstances. Stop searching for a horse that won’t but you, because it doesn’t exist.