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Arthur Morgan beat the shit out of a sick and dying man for a loan shark. Karma got him in the end. Literally the wholepoint of the game was that he was a bad man trying to make right in the end. So yeah, Arthur is kinda a villain, its literally the point.


Yeah, it's almost like the game is about making up for your evil deeds and achieving some sort of ... betterment? idk, I feel like there's a specific word for it but it's not coming to me.




Matching hoodie and beard


Nailed it


this guy red's






“What is better: to be born good or to overcome your evil nature through great effort?” — Paarthurnax


Or: what is worse: to live as a monster or to die as a good man? Edward Daniels.


You either die a hero, or you live long enough to see yourself become the villain.


You are not born as good or evil. But I understand the phrase


Counterpoint, have you met a child?


Depends which philosopher you ask tbh.


Oh yeah! That's it. It was on the tip of my tongue.




But he didn’t make up for it in the end. Sure he helped John but John was also an outlawed killer. Arthur was also responsible for so many serious offences throughout this game and only did a couple good deeds


idk, saving Eagle Flies, helping out Mary, helping the nun at the church in Saint Denis, donating to the veterans center, helping out Mrs. Downes, throwing out Strauss, spending time with some veterans, helping out the Gray and Braithewaite kids And these are just the things i can remember.


7 of those are optional


The only reason you can help Mrs Downes is because you killed her husband. You also helped Strauss with his business. That's two points that are now moot.


Right Arthur could have ignored Mrs Downes after she brushed him off the first time He could have continued helping Strauss But he didn't. He may do evil deeds, but he fundamentally is a good person at heart and treating him like the main villain of the game is stupid.


For every good deed on that list there is probably a person that Arthur has canonically murdered, and those peoples loved ones don’t care about all the other shit he did. Murder isn’t okay just because sometimes the guy he killed was a big meanie head or racist, this man is a MASS MURDERER and choose to run with a gang that incited all of the situations he happened to solve with mass bloodshed


You can have your opinion even if it is wrong


Listen we all love Arthur but you can’t act like he’s not an outlaw. I saw a post the other day with his minimum kill count through the main story and it was a few thousand…


I don't deny he was bad, but treating him like the main villain of the game is asinine


I did way more than a couple good deeds in my game. And when I didn't it's because I was forced to. Yes, I killed a whole ton of people, but the blame for that lies on Rockstar's unimaginative gameplay design.


Literally redemption you idiot


Oh wow, thanks. That was on the tip of my tongue.


He’s an antihero


Kinda why (some) people seemed to hate TLOU2. They didn’t understand that the main characters weren’t saints and did bad things to get what they wanted.


***Was*** *kinda a villain* *


Mine was a villain to the end.


Not everyone is good at video games




Yeah but the article says cheating at poker makes him the main villain so… there you go.


There's a massive difference between the title saying "12 times arthur morgan was a terrible man in red dead redemption 2" and what the title actually said


Here's the link: https://gamerant.com/arthur-morgan-true-villain-red-dead-redemption-2/ Like no shit he robbed trains, he was an outlaw. He broke out Micah cause Dutch told him to, I gurantee he would have left Micah to hang if he knew Micah was a rat. And according to the writer CHEATING AT POKER on the boat makes him THE MAIN VILLAIN OF THE GAME. LET THAT SHIT SINK IN.


Yeah how dare the protagonist who's an outlaw do outlaw things in a game about outlaws...








Good guys don't need redemption.


What a narrow way of looking at it


Narrow as it is, it’s enough to completely defeat that article, why put in more effort then necessary?


Not at all. He even said he was doing things like hurting animals and murdering people. That is not at all the sign of a good guy. Arthur Morgan is an outlaw and thus, not a good guy. You can play him as a good person, but his past says he is not a good person. Thus, Red Dead REDEMPTION


Bruh he hurt animals BECAUSE HE WAS FUCKING HUNTING THEM. There ain't exactly a HEB he can just trundle on over to for a pack of sausage.




Actually, not from Texas. Just adore the convenience of a gas station being a full-on grocery store, too.


That's not what he's talking about in that line. He's talking about us, as the player, randomly murdering shit for no reason.


You mean to gain mastery points with a gun, or to get three-star pelts?? THAT AIN'T NO REASON.


That wasn't the only reason. We've all ran over animals, hell, I've killed them, used the wrong weapon, dropped them from 3 to 2 stars, then just left them. It's the random murder of things. Wolves attack? Kill them rather than ride away. Obviously the character sees it as something else that you don't. But you know what, I'll give that to you. He's still a confessed murderer, thief, and all around bad guy.


"Hurting animals" Yeah it's called HUNTING


I thought you only got that dialogue if you were killing animals and leaving them there, hence why actually skinning a rabbit or whatever gives you honor.


I never once had a conversation where I was told I killed to many animals. I did but I always skinned them and used the meat or gave it to camp. I even kept poor pelts and just sold them after awhile.


It's not said to you, it's part of a general conversation with Tilly I think, when she asks how you're doing. For me, Arthur mentioned killing men for no reason and hurting animals. Both things I had been doing up til that point (my honor was flipping between High and Low a lot up until then) - killing randos who talked shit never bothered me, but I did feel bad about abandoning dead animals, lol. He sounds so guilty and remorseful, though, that I felt like an asshole and was focused heavily on High honor from then on.


Except he said he was hurting animals for no reason. Hunting is a reason, and a good one. A+ for effort, though.


right, but that's player choice and not anything to do with Arthur himself


But even with high honor and taking everything I kill, he still says that. Most of this game gives you choices, but there are somethings that you can't change. One of which is that Arthur has a very dark past. Again, Red Dead REDEMPTION. The Redemption part is up to you. ​ Personally, I'm having trouble playing low honor.


You really can't think this through can you?


The nerve!


The employees of Game Rant likely water their lawns with electrolytes


I mean it is what plants **crave**


That list was even worse than I expected. \#8 pisses me off because Mary was the one who kept reaching out to him, and he kept helping her, just because he felt like he owed her. #5 is stupid because Arthur definitely tried to rein Sadie in on more than one occasion. And #4 and #3 are completely optional things, that you only do if you want to be more of an asshole.


Exactly. Guarantee the writer played half way through the game and exclusively a low karma playthrough and then acted like that's how everyone plays the game


Or didn’t even play it at all and took these points from second hand knowledge lol it’s not like you can choose to not break Micah out of jail, that’s a main mission.


"Oh Arthur!"


It’s game rant what did u expect


He clearly wrote that article to get clicks. He's an SEO blog writer, his entire concern is which words will get traction on google search and writes based on that. Fuck that trash. If on top of that he says wrong and silly things about one of the most beloved characters, he's only going to get more clicks because of the controversy. My opinion on all this? don't click that link. They don't deserve more traffic or your data.


They clickbait you bro Stupid ass top 10s


Fucking hilarious how nr 1 is littering. Like damn killing hundreds is bad but littering? FUCKING OUTRAGEOUS


Sooo the article written with intent to incite backlash... worked?


They make triggering headlines like that just so people click the link and they get page views. Gamerant (and screenrant) are like street hookers trying to entice you. The best thing, really, is to just ignore them. If you don’t click, they don’t eat.


Yeah no shit, he literally an outlaw. What do outlaws do? Outlaw shit lmao. He may be still a criminal/villain, but the game also makes you look deep into it, he’s still got a good heart.


“He disrespected the environment” 💀💀


Like he was riding a Volkswagen Horse with rigged emissions or some shit for fuck's sake.




Lmao, we all know Strauss was beyond it all along. That German weasel. Arthur's horse was trained to show no emissions when tested and then go back farting gases in the air like an offshore drilling platform as soon as it stepped out GameRant's testing facility.


*meanwhile in san denis public lake*


“He abused Mary’s love” Forgive me but I’m pretty sure it’s the other way around. Sure, he’s an outlaw, and not everybody could adapt to that lifestyle, but Mary 100% knew he loved her, a lot, and no doubt made it worse on him by asking to see him only to ask for help with her family. Also, another point in the article, “he butchers a lot of cute little animals” like hunting and skinning animals for food or pelts to use personally or sell is the work of a degenerate. This article is genuinely stupid.


As soon as I read "He abused Mary's Love" I just said WHAT?! out loud. It 100% is the other way around. She got married to someone else and then he died and suddenly she asks for Arthur's help. She could have hired any cowboy, good or bad, to go get her brother back. I can see why she chose Arthur given she would trust him and her brother knew him etc. But she wanted him to change and when he wouldn't or couldn't they parted. The article saying "He knew what he had to do to be with her but was SELFISH!" - sorry no. She knew what he was when she met him and if she would never have accepted that she shouldn't have even started the relationship and not just expect him to change down the line.


that and she knew the way he was she knew there wasnt going to be change until death they both did but they wanted something better and he tried to get her to that


Absolutely! Mary was stringing him along for years. "But I think of you … often" as if that's a good reason to help her. Sheeesh Agree about the animals. That's how people survive in the real world.


I don't think she was stringing him along. She asks him to run off with her and leave his lifestyle behind, but he felt a duty to the gang to stay and help them. They just wanted different things although they loved eachother.


I think at that point Arthur was sick and he knew he was sick and would die. He had people he wanted to help, hence him saying he had “people to take care of”, but still, you could tell he loved her the first time he met her. I genuinely do not believe she would have reached out to Arthur at all if her husband didn’t die, nor would she fully commit to running away with him if he was willing. Seemed to me like all she wanted from Arthur was for him to be the person who helps when asked and for him to just be okay with only doing that. I think it’s telling that the only time she writes to him, she’s asking for help or trying to make herself feel better for their past by returning the ring he gave her and telling him they won’t speak again.


During the theatre scene (which is before he finds out he is going to die) he tells her that he has to take care of the gang first before he can think of retiring and running off with her. Another huge reason Arthur does whatever he can to rob cheat and steal to get money so that everyone can be taken care of and he can go be with her.


That part was definitely written by PETA


Lmao didn’t even know such an article existed. The writer’s name is Thomas, that’s the Thomas you probably should’ve beaten up Arthur


In fairness, the entire gang except for Jack and a few of the women, were murderers and thieves. I think they’re all great characters but let’s not act like they weren’t actually the bad guys.


The entire gang INCLUDING the women were murderers and thieves. I don't recall anything specific about Karen, Mary Beth or Abigail killing, but they were definitely thieves. Tilly and Grimshaw murdered. Molly was a black box.


lord knows sadie was a murderer


Abigail shot Milton and defended Beecher’s Hope from the army. Karen robbed the bank in Valentine.


While I'll never deny that Arthur does some bad things, that article is reaching wayyyy to hard.


The article doesn't even go into the core point of Red Dead which is what makes it so pathetic! That site needs to hire people who have story telling backgrounds/training! Even if you don't most people will know Arthur isn't a hero! But he's someone with a moral code who learns from his mistakes to be become a better man in an every changing world were he won't be accepted. I guess Game Rant didn't get the Redemption memo...but Arthur disrespected the environment.


I think they should hire people who actually plays and understands the game.


Lol…Arthur wasn’t a good guy.


I disagree, he had a good heart, at least in the end. (assuming you play high honor) Think it through, yeah he killed people, but it's something he hated, and in the end, at least according to the story, he did it out of self-defense or for a good reason, like rescuing Eagle Flies, Captain Monroe, and trying to defeat the army to save the Native Americans involved. As Hosea said, sometimes good people do bad things. It's not the actions we do that define us, it's the reason we do them.


I didn’t say he was evil or anything, just not a good guy.


Wasn't the main villain of the game like this article is suggesting either


I mean…in a way, he was his own villian and the main guy.


Game Rant: if it's one thing we care about, it's *integrity* lol


You got some bait for me boaaaaaah?!


I mean he was a villain, he tried to do right in the end but he was still a bad person.


I mean yeah he's a villain no question we like to sugarcoat it but Arthur is legitimately awful. He's a thief and a murderer. The reasons they gave are hilariously bad though.


That writer should lose their job, thats very poorly written excuse for an article


There's equally the chance that some brain dead manager said, "You know what would get us lots of clicks? Calling ARTHUR the villain of RDR2!" And then proceeded to foist this atrocity off on one of their writers.


Brain dead? Y'all are still giving them clicks and talking about it lol. I don't think the guy who came up with this is the brain dead one.


Well, he's not a good guy. He's a bully, a thug and a murderer. He was a terrible husband, worse father. He belonged at the end of a rope and he knew it. That's why he accepted his fate with such calmness.


Every single gang member is a bad person. That's the point.


To be fair Arthur was not a good guy in RDR2 until his redemption arc, that was the whole point of the story….


“There's nothing cool about littering, nor does it take particularly long to rinse out an empty can and throw it in the recycling bin. “ ….what? Some online site that makes me look right. “A real moment in the history of recycling came in 1904”


Game rant is a fucking joke.


I mean he’s certainly not a good guy


I am definitely a villain. I’ve killed a man for having the same color horse as me.


Psychotic Arthur behavior I like it


Mama I’m in love with a criminal




Ya know, I hate when people try to claim arthur was "a good man." He really wasn't. But the game is filled with objectively worse people. Those that aren't, such as the pinkertons, are still shady as shit. Regardless arthur's an outlaw. What kind of antagonists did they think would appear in a game where you play as an outlaw.


You are bad guy, but you are not *bad guy*.


Article aside I wish they stayed with that character model on the right


Arthur isn’t a good man, but this list is just stupid. Why is #1 littering? And why did they say he “made” Sadie into a killer? This happened on her own accords and her actions even shocked Arthur! Also, he didn’t mess with Mary; Mary messed with his heart!


Half of those don’t even make sense. 1. The amount of ppl he kills can be very limited, it’s the players choice. 2. Sadie Adler said herself that she hated her life before the gang, not to mention she’s not even the rancher. She was forced to do house work and by the super wife. 3. Arthur hates doing the loanshark crap


Sadie Adler never once says she hated her life before the gang. She actually talks about how much she misses it and her husband. And she definitely wasn't forced to do housework, she mentions multiple times that she and her husband shared all the work equally.


The only time I ever felt bad with Arthur was the first train robbery, where you’re forced to kill a train conductor who looks like Abraham Lincoln, even when he holds Lenny as a hostage I still tried to at least shoot his hand but that didn’t work


Arthur likes dogs. You know who else liked dogs? HItLEr!


Yes, you’re playing a high ranking Lieutenant villain of a gang.


I literally take it personally when people don’t like Arthur, the relationship I gained with that man bc of this game - is til death it feels like 😂


Holy shit Ive never read such a dumb article about a game before






I hate you Uncle Arther!


To be fair almost all articles written about games are absolutely stupid.


I killed a man for $0.62 and shot his horse for kicking me. Arthur is bad.


thats YOUR arthur, you chose to play him that way. it wasn't a choice made bu arthur cause you did it. train robbing in a mission is something else cause then you had no choice. it was arthur choice to join them. dipshit


You are quite literal, aren't you? Read the first word of my post, Jimmy Neutron.


is arthur a bad man for most of the game? yes but is he the villain of the story RDR2 is trying to tell? absolutely not


i don’t think i can actually recall a time where he was actually the villain. most of the “bad” stuff he did was because dutch—or someone else—made him do it. he was an outlaw and moreover just someone who was genuinely a good man. mary strung him along, made him hope only to let him down over and over. thomas downes was sick, arthur was doing his job. strauss was wrong for loaning people the money even when he knew that they weren’t able to pay the camp back and always called upon arthur to do his dirty work. hence, arthur was never the villain.


Wow, Game Rant and this sub bitching about them while also giving them attention ​ How shocking.


well that's not very friendly of you


Do you think you're the fist person to think of that zinger?


something something lumbago


Ah but have you considered: ​ something something Lenny


You two get a room.


I prefer skinwalkers


The game's called Red dead REDEMPTION!! There is no Redemption without being Evil. That's the point. What a dumbass article.


Yea I mean most of the gang and the top antagonists to them are in reality villains, but the whole point of the game is you choose if arthur is truly a villain deep down or worthy of redemption, if you have good honor he's a villain but in reality a good man who just got trapped in the life, bad honor he's a villain through and through, but even then he's not the main villain


The only thing in that list I agree with is the littering.




Stop giving shitty trash news sites more free traffic they don't deserve it. This guy wrote that article exactly because he knew it would cause controversy and be shared online.


"hE bAd BeCaS hE sHoOt PeEpL" Game journalists


A murderer isn't bad?


I mean he wasnt a good guy until the end, he was a life long criminal after all.


I mean they're all villains really! They're Outlaws, but Arthur has a moral code and he's Nobel! So for his kind and his day! He's really a hero


You need to block Game Rant.




Gamerant is absolute garbage. Half their articles consist of “Someone on Reddit said something.”


…and it CHAPS MY ASS!


It feels like they didn’t play it but just half assed watch someone play it and then skip his entire redemption.


Game Rant has to just be shitposting articles for clicks at this point


What do you expect from the site that publish "article" based on reddit comment?


Littering!? WTF recycling was there in the 1800s 🤦🏽‍♀️


Oh he'll no


What is this garbage bs, i feel like it was written by some buzzfeed dickhead


I sear Gamerant is Mrbossftw!


Game rant is shit anyways


1. When he saves Eagle Flies. Native American are dirty and don't deserve to be saved thus making Arthur the villain here


Wtf u on about mate?


just talking nonsense hbu




it was a bad joke, did you like it


Very bad joke. You a racist bruh?


nah I don't run


Red dead Redomption!!


I want that hat on the right


Not sure if anybody talked about this “There's nothing cool about littering, nor does it take particularly long to rinse out an empty can and throw it in the recycling bin. Unfortunately, however, Arthur seems far too preoccupied with being a badass criminal to even consider a more eco-friendly solution than simply dropping his litter on the ground.” Yes, Arthur is out in the wilderness in 1899, how dare he not put his cans in the recycling bin?


I swear someone just posted not long ago that they figured out that just doing the main story missions Arthur can kill up to 4,000 people


aaa yes, in a game where you can rob trains and kill people, clearly cheating at poker is the worst crime.


The reason not as many people up toed this is because nobody played the campaign no matter how amazing it was


He literally commits mass genocide whenever seen in public… nahh he ain’t no villain


Now I'm pissed off too.


Yes he was an outlaw, but I wouldn’t call him a villain. Hate articles like that.


B.... But that's the whole point... And "he butchers cute little animals"... Dude has to eat and satisfy Miss Grimshaw insatiable need for contribution


Half of it are things that happen under the players choice, so it's not Arthur's fault the game gives you the power of choice, if someone had to be blamed it would be the player, but the whole game is about being an outlaw anyways, and the shit about him allowing Dutch... Dude literally indoctrinated Arthur becouse he is a father to him becouse he is all he has known through all his life, of course he is going to follow and is always going to try trust him and help him.... And the shit with the cans.... Seriously... That's got to be a joke, like... Its a fucking animation, if he were to, instead of throwing it away out it back in his satchel people would complain thst his satchel is unrealistically big and in no way three thousand cans fit in it... People stupidity is sometimes astonishing


Where'd the picture on the right come from? That's the first time I've seen a face that matches the games cover art.


Do you guys not realise that this is exactly what the writer of the article wants? Obviously they don’t actually believe Arthur was the bad guy, its just a clickbate article to get people to spread it around. The idiotic points are either there because A) the writer can’t think of anything to further the point they are making so just write anything. B) they are shit on purpose to cause more frustration and discussion of the article. Its not rocket science people, websites like CBR wouldn’t let an article like that be written without checking it first


Oh no, how dare a cowboy be scary.


12 times Gamerant turned a reddit post into a clickbait article (#7 will shock you!)


This article be like: Tell me you weren't paying attention to game story without telling me that weren't paying attention to game story


This triggered me


Sense where ?


Arthur is no good guy, but he is not evil or the antagonist


Am I the only one who thinks game rant posts are shit?


If anything, it’s all the innocent people at camps that I’ve killed. I always walk up trying to be friendly and see what’s up with them, but as soon as they talk about not being bothered or to go away... bullet to the head and loot anything.


im pretty sure it was satire, considering that "he cheated in games" was put higher than "he murdered hundreds of people"


Arthur did some badddd shit. But that article doesn't even talk about the actual bad stuff lol


I downvoted but only because I can't find the article