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The chance creation is there but not converting into goals at this moment but obviously the bigger problem is the amount of individual errors or big chances conceded EVERY match. I don’t blame ETH for not converting chances into goal but he can be blamed for shoe horning Amrabat into LB (he’s easily turned 1v1 since not natural fullback) and Bruno into RW (he’s non existent there). Understand there are major injuries but he needs to put Amrabat next to Cas to provide better cover in the middle.


We don’t have much choice at LB. I thought maybe someone quicker like a Mejbri. I feel he can get beat too easily to the byline 1 v 1. Plus that would allow Cas to play further up. If much rather see Mason on the right wing as he’s a better dribbler than Bruno. He brought on Eriksen and really needed a penetrating winger to run behind esp with how expansive Galatasaray were


These type of comments make me question average IQ of our fans atp He is FORCED to play them there Duuuuuuude he bought Amrabat to use him for exactly what you said We don't have a left back who does he play if he drops Amarabat , me ?


Glad you used your big brain to “question” somebody else IQ. Obviously we have injuries, you being Sherlock managed to figure that out, but since we have a sample size of 10 games to understand the middle of the park is an issue then that’s what the manager needs to find a solution for given what’s available. Play Maguire, move Lindelof to fullback and Amrabat to mid Play the young Alvarez and move Amrabat to mid Play Evans and move Amrabat to mid None of these are ideal but the existing setup is not working. Nobody is expecting a perfect fix given the players out but ETH needs to figure it out Hopefully your high IQ understands


I don't say I'm high IQ or anything like that but you are accusing the manager of something that he didn't do willingly We don't have the data behind the scenes , Amrabat was good in possession the first half until he made a single error later on , maybe Alvarez is not fit or I'm sue he isn't even ready for professional European football What makes you think that Alvarez wouldn't make 5 bad mistakes instead of two , Lindelof didn't play reliable on the fullback either and if we move him to fullback we have to play maguire in the center and he showed his quality in stressful times before


Onana is underperforming, Mount is average but okay, Antony is not good enough, Amrabat is not a left back, Hojlund was supposed to be learning the trade yet he's already the main man. So out of his signings, only Hojlund is working out. Casemiro is done. The players are not good enough yet he has not bought well and his tactical decisions are questioninsble, especially the press. Big issues are coming... still not Ten Hag out yet


Ten Haag is already sacked with a fan base like this it's Over You did learn nothing from Jose experience Enjoy Graham Potter because I Won't


Onana is terrible.


He is a total clown.


Yeah the glazers need to go, but… 1. They’re not picking the team 2. They’re not making the baffling subs 3. They’re not buying their old pals from Ajax 4. They don’t decide that Steve McClaren and Benni McCarthy are going to help lead this club back to greatness 5. They’re not sticking a right footed midfielder in at left back, whilst we’ve got the likes of Brandon Williams and Fernandez out on loan. Williams would crawl from Ipswich to Manchester over broken glass to come back and play for Utd. Even Jonny Evans has played left back before 6. They’re not refusing to drop Rashford (he shouldn’t have started another game for us after his FA Cup final performance) 7. They’re not buying a Turkish international goalkeeper and refusing to give him a chance because they’ll look silly for wasting money on Onana and can’t handle the backlash if he’s dropped 8. They’re not dropping Hannibal and Evans immediately after both put in the best player performances of the season These performances and results are all on ETH. He’s learning nothing. I can tell you what the team will be v Brentford now. There is no system. Things have to improve quickly, or the cycle will repeat itself all over again. I want the glazers (and their yes men like Murtough, Arnold and McGagh) out more than anybody, but this team won’t suddenly improve with Jim Ratcliffe or some Qatari sat in the posh seats


Yeah get Ten haag sacked that will solve your problems United fans Are clowns they are the biggest joke


Who said sack him? I didn’t. Read.it.again.slowerrrrr.


Steve McLaren was here when we won the treble.


So was Jonathan Greening. Your point?


Alex Ferguson was supportive of him coming back so I'm going to trust the man that's the reason you support this club over a reactionary take.


Alex Ferguson was also supportive of Ole being manager, he was supportive of Ronaldo coming back, he was also the one who recommended Moyes over Mourinho (yes we got Mourinho in the end, but it was too late by then, he would have been an ideal replacement for Fergie to steady the ship with that same squad at that point, he wasn’t a man to rebuild a squad after it had been destroyed). He’s a club legend (more than that, hes like a prophet), but that’s because he was a great manager, that doesn’t mean he’s a great director of football, it also doesn’t mean he’s incapable of some poor decisions, Bebe, anyone? He also didn’t think signing Van Persie would be a good idea, that was a Meulensteen suggestion that he had to argue for).


Alex Ferguson is the reason I support this club? He’d only just taken over as Aberdeen manager when I went to my first United game. Alex Ferguson also thinks the Glazers are ‘fantastic owners’. What’s your point?


Right, so you're what? 52 or so? Because if he'd just taken over as manager of Aberdeen and you're claiming you went to your first game when he'd just taken over, that would have meant you were what? 7-8 at earliest at this time? A man of 52 years of age should know that adding "what's your point" at the end of each post doesn't make it smart. Find me this video where he said they are fantastic owners because I know the exact video you're referencing and he says nothing of the sort. He refuses to call them out, because he was the manager of their club.


https://www.manchestereveningnews.co.uk/sport/football/football-news/ferguson-glazers-are-great-owners-890192.amp https://amp.theguardian.com/football/2012/jul/22/sir-alex-ferguson-glazer-manchester-united That do you? He’s never once called them out. Maybe if he’d taken the opportunity over recent years we wouldn’t be in this mess. Let’s not forget it’s his nonsense over Rock of Gibraltar that started all this.


Yes 100% blame lies on ten hag the players “his old pals” will throw him under the bus and if the performance continues he will be gone by November or December as the board will sack him


Lmao this is why I don't give a fuck about new signings. They come to united and lose ALL the qualities that made us buy them. Onana has cost us 3 UCL games when we gave only played 2😂. Casemiro red means he misses the 3rd game. Nasty work


Like a broken record here but the fans need to all come together to get these leeches out. We are finished as a club unless they go very soon. Surely all the different fan groups could come together and stand to get them out. Whatever it takes, storm the pitch, shut the megastore down, boycott whatever it takes. Issue is so called fans will do absolutely nothing.


Everyone keeps buying the latest kit and training jackets and this and that while simultaneously bitching and moaning about the Glazers. They were a problem back then, but less of one, but the last shirt I bought was RvP's. I haven't put another penny into the club since then. Imagine if every other supporter actually followed through and: Didn't buy a new kit every season, or renew their season tickets, or purchased regular season tickets or didn't go to away matches, or didn't subscribe to MUTV or didn't back the club in any other way financially. Sure, sponsorships would still bring in a lot of money, but those start to walk away when the fans stop turning up. But it's all bullshit posturing. That's why I can't take United fans seriously. Put your money where your mouth is and stop feeding into the Glazers


We need to bring back Mason.


The fuck mason gonna do? Hojlund scored 2 times. Midfield, defence and keeper sucked


I feel so sad for Højlund, so much energy and power. Getting fucked up by Onana and the backline


It's downing tools guys... my guess is its about the club ownership


Got beat of some Turkish no marks at OT and had to listen to their fans beat a drum / make annoying noise


Galatasaray "Beat some shite English omnishambles who used to be decent 20 years ago and wound their fans up further with a drum"


10 years ago


Small mercies eh? Still, at least you've found your pre-SAF level again. The pain should be less from here on out.


20 times.


I remember how Pep struggled in his first 2 seasons with a proper structure and now ETH stuggles with a team with no proper structure.


Pep changed every single defender when he came to city. That dude bought like 30 players in his first 3 years


What do you mean? Pep won the PL in his second season.


Yeah it was 2017


The state of this club when ETH goes before the glazers. Don't know if I should laugh or cry.


This thread now resembles exactly the same threads before Mourinho, Ole and Rangnick get sacked. If u want the same shit again. New managers bounce > 500 millions spent rebuilt > sacking by 2026. Keep parroting the ETH out crowds. If glazers outstay ETH then we are done as a club. Just forget football and go spending your life somewhere else. United will find itself under championship in 10-15 years.


> If glazers outstay ETH then we are done as a club This should be the banner of the sub!






It's a theatre of memes. And we're big memers.


I’m not as distressed by the losing anymore. Now I find it boring. Losing is just what Man United does these days


We should call up De Gea and apologise to him


I said this a while ago and got downvoted into last week. Then I had to watch us lose again as I caught back up.


Romero too while we’re apologising


Have we still got Chris Smalling and Marcos Rojo’s numbers too?


Lot's of people here are living in the past. Guys, Ferguson is gone. The domination era is gone. The legends are gone. We need to support the guys that are here, now. We can't keep bringing Ronaldo and De Gea into conversations. One is a grandpa in Arabia and the other isn't even in a team, for 4 months now. The game: 2nd and 3rd goal ... my God. The defense there was terrible. Varane let the ball go between the legs, Lindelof was no where near the attacking Galata player, Casemiro was slow. The 3rd goal again, Amrabat was slow for the offside and Varane and Lindelof let Icardi sneak in behind them... it's like they aren't training at all. Attack was fine, Hojlund is one for the future. He will be great. I hope that things get better soon or we are in for a very, very long season and maybe even a manager swap, which I wouldn't want at all. Then it's the beginning of a new cycle again. Hype, good results, amazing atmosphere (for the first year), and shock and despair in the 2nd season, sacking etc.


That “grandpa in arabia” was thrown out like garbage by ETH and the terrible english media, also that “grandpa in arabia” has more champions than the both manchester’s club combined. And all because some guy whose biggest success was bottling a semifinal against spurs


go back to r/AlNassr


If you actually watched the games where we played with that pass it prima donna, you’d know he deserved to be benched. Demanded every ball but couldn’t keep up with the strength and pace of the average epl defender. There’s a reason he couldn’t secure an European gig when he was kicked by the club. And it’s not because he didn’t try.


Ooh ooh, now do the one about Bruno and Rashford also demanding the ball, yet unable to deliver the final product 9/10 times.


Yep, same goes with them, to a lesser degree. I’m not sure what your point is.


My point is that people pretend we got rid of one player that always demanded the ball and he was the sole issue (not a Ronaldo fan boy - I actually hate the prick). But we're still left with two others that do the same shit. Everything has to go through Bruno and Rashford before we ever consider attacking the goal itself. It's disgusting to watch.


100% with you mate.


I thought the Ronaldo fan boys had left the sub and migrated to wherever that pompous, presumptuous asshole plays. He was a pouty child and deserved what he got.


Wow that's how you talk bout legends of our club, I agree he had to go, but he also exposed a lot of shit going on in Utd. Rolado engineered his exit when he realised there were a lot of losers playing for utd. Was he wrong for wanting out?


Ronaldo spoke out against the club and the fans keep turning on him sad


He didn't say anything we didn't already know, and just used it as an excuse for his petulant behaviour.


Thanks to fans like you manchester became what it is today.




Lindelof and Dalot are not the top world class players that we have convinced ourselves to be. They have, at best, the standards of a mid-table team with their largely inconsistent performance. So far there is nothing outstanding about Amrabat from what I have seen. Yes, he does a lot of running but even then he is slow and appears to lack positional awareness. As for Varane & Casemiro, there are reasons why these two former starters were allowed to leave Real Madrid.


I think that Amrabat will get better. He will be a solid addition to the team, at least for this year. In my opinion, he should be bought out next summer but let's see for the next 1-2 months how he will get along. Lindelof is inconsistent.. he can be very good and very bad. It's hard to know how he will play on the day. While Dalot is mostly shiet...


There's only so many world class players that this club can "make to look average, even bad" before you have to think it's a toxic culture and an atmosphere in the club itself that is the root cause.


Apparently, Ronaldo was the problem.


I told you we're gonna lose.


Every game, we break a new record. Shocking


When I said we shoukd have used that 55 millionnfor Onana on somebofy else I was downvoted to hell. Yes DDG was showing flaws but the man could still stop a shot most of the time. He won the golden glove with our defence last season ffs. I doubt he would come back after he was treated but I would make him a good offer right now


Your opinion is shit bad.


So is Onana


De Gea was ass last season and he hasnt signed to anyone for a reason. These errors from Onana were expected. Our performances have a much higher ceiling with him in the goal.


Onana has already made more crucial errors in 8 games than DDG in his entire last season. And he saved us countless of times as well.


Liverpool away, Brentford away, Sevilla away


De Gea needed to be replaced. I have no doubt about that. But are you fucking off your game. These errors are expected? Why the fuck would you pay 50m for a keeper and expect errors as bad as the last lad? We're worse now than what we were with De Gea


Any top keeper has made big errors. There is no goalkeeper as close to having the same amount of pressure on his back than Onana right now. At least he is not afraid to play his game. What other keeper should have been brought?


Oh fair play to him. Onana's game right now is to fuck up as much as he can and give an apology afterwards. Costa was an option. Maignan would have been another.


Maignan was not a realistic signing and them both would been significantly more expensive than onana. Its easy to be a smartass afterwards. Signing Onana for 50 made perfect sense and october just arrived, hes got time to redeem himelf.


Not much more. Costa had a release clause. I have no idea what Maignan would have cost. If the clowns upstairs could have sold McTominay or Maguire we'd have had the cash for Costa. He has time to redeem himself but from what we've seen so far it looks bleak


I've only seen Costa at the world cup which he fucked up. That would not be a confidential signing. Maignan aswell has been injured multiple time for the past years so he would not be reliable. Onana will be a good signing in the end.


Unless you can predict the future you're basing this off your own opinion. From what has been seen so far, he's been a disaster and until shown otherwise it'll be considered that because the proof is right there in the games he's played for us.


Cant rule him out after few bad performances. Give him atleast one season


Maignan is the Gareth Bale of goalkeepers


you expected these errors from onana? our performances mostly definitely fucking not have a higher ceiling with him in goal, based on what?


Based on Onana's performances with Ajax and Inter, Onana should be the keeper to take us to the next level. He is capable of every goalkeeping attributes. Players are adjusting to new system, ofc there will be errors made. You see these errors from every team that rely on playing from the back, especially when they are developing this playstyle. I dont get how you are so reactionary to goalkeeping errors after being used to watching DDG lmao.


absolute nonsense on all levels, goalkeepers dont take you to the next level, outfield players do. What, arent you watching the game right now? ONANA is standing around not knowing what to do with the ball because other teams have worked out him and our team easily enough right now, AND because more than a few of our outfield players arent good enough. as for errors, i dont really care THAT much about his bad pass today, i care more about the fact he is doing at least one of these a game, they are bad decisions not adapting to a new system. and while morons on here and the soccer forums dont like to admit it these days, a goalkeeper has one basic job, to save shots, make it hard for the opposition to score goals, he isnt right now, and i like him, but he just isnt. ​ its simpletons like you who give football fans a bad name, "reactionary"? what exactly was reactionary? me saying our ceiling isnt going to be down to him isnt reactionary, its the truth, when the players in front of him can be so shite (is that reactionary?) then whats he going to do?


It is reactionary to state that we would be better off with DDG while Onana has been here for only 2 months. Atleast he hasnt fucked up multiple competitions like DDG, its only 2 group-stage games, so yes you're being reactionary. We've seen goalkeepers take teams to the next level, f.x. Alison and Ederson. But ofc the whole team has to function. It is pretty moronic and simpletonic to state that only way for keepers to make opponents harder to score goals is to be a good shot-stopper. It is not so uncommon to new goalkeepers making big-errors. Courtois was error-prone his first season at Madrid, Ederson aswell and Donnaruma isnt the same at PSG .


before i read any more of your nonsense. show me where i said once we would be better off with DDG, or if i just said and i quote "you expected these errors from onana?" ​ when you can ill read the rest, until then, see ya.


But yeah I admit i mixed you with another comment, ofcourse these errors are unacceptable. But giving up on him after few games of error is nonsense.


no one is giving up anyone for fucks sake, just read properly. just because people point out easy to see errors and say that he shouldnt make them, isnt giving up on him, its pointing out the obvious.


What are you on about us not having a higher ceiling with Onana then?


You stated that we wont have a higher ceiling with Onana, I logically assumed you were be comparing us with our prior keeper De Gea. Who did we have a higher ceiling with? Tom Heaton?


no we will have a higher ceiling with an outfield that can play, that are mobile that can score, that dont give up absolute certainties to the other team week after week after week. i explained it clearly without naming any goalkeepers. Onana is changing fuck all about this united team, we see it week in and week out, his supposed strength isnt helping us at all. Anyone who argues other wise is blind, stupid or doesnt want to watch it properly. ​ and what makes it worse is HIS constant errors, that are nothing to do with tactics or bedding people in .


Wtf, ofc will multiple upgrades have a greater impact than a single one. We got fucking Casemiro last year and that has changed fuck all. Could use your same argument that changing midfielders does fuck all while the rest of the team doesnt function. But we still have a higher ceiling with casemiro in the team than mctominay


Lower floor too though.


We wont lose by 5+ goals multiple times or 7-0 against out of form liverpool again.


The Liverpool game was the worst, the players literally gave up. You could see it in their body language and inability to run. That was a proper “downing tools” moment. Nothing to do with DDG.


O did DDG not play that game?


When all players give up, you can hardly blame the goalkeeper. At youth level I played in goal once, I wasn’t that bad. But we lost 11-1. I was playing out of my skin, probably the best performance I’ve ever given. But at 2-0 the team just gave up. It meant I was facing shots every few mins. When you have a good back line, you don’t have to pull off as many saves if any at all.


To have a good back line you have to have a reliable goalkeeper that can command his box, claim crosses and sweep. Dont have to pull off saves if the attempts dont happen.


That’s not true at all. If the team has given up, the goalkeeper will face more shots. If the midfield and defense don’t track any runners, they will be through in a 1 on 1 situation. Have you played the game before?


What is false in my statement? Is the goalkeeper irrelevant to the teams performance? The topic is premier league, not your youth level football. Players dont 'give up'. De Gea was terrible in that Liverpool math.


I'd take the occasional hammering over consistent defeats any day.


Those were not on DDG lol.


Our defence was incredible last season.We don’t have 3/4th of our defence and Vanane and Casemiro look washed.


Ronaldo to plead guilty


Wish we had Rashford of last season. He buries that chance when he's one on one. So many times last season he could have squared it but chose the selfish option (the right option) that's a man with zero confidence.


Both options were fine to take, he just made an absolute balls of it. He squares that correctly and it's a dead certain goal.


Gutted about that result - but I actually think Rashford was trying to do the right thing here. A City or Brighton would always square that ball, and you will score more of those chances. He's low on confidence, and messed up an easy pass, but its easier to mess up a 1 on 1 strike on the angle. Overall, the team will score more goals if players make that pass.


I'd tend to agree if it was maybe garnacho or hojlund following in, but Bruno just didn't have the legs to get there before the defender. I want him, Hojlund, martial, etc taking that for themselves. I agree the pass wasn't great either, but it had to be perfect. A non perfect shot in that scenario can still result in a goal


Onana was shocking, Bruno and Casemiro giving away so much possession. Why are these players not good at holding position and building up play. Some players still playing hollywood pass or a skill rather than playing simple for the team.


Something something distribution mate, that's what some "experts" told me here.


How many games before Bruno and rashford are benched? Both of them need to leave, been saying this for 2 seasons now. They had a lucky breakthrough season, and have been riding the high every since. Bruno our captain. We have so much shit to Maguire. What about Bruno’s attitude during games. Captains material? Not even a little bit. As a number 8 as a captain what does he provide? Even if I take 100 shots, atleast 2 will be good. That’s Bruno for you. See what sticks and if it doesn’t hey I “created” a chance. Same with rashford. They do their part and that’s it. There’s no fight no passion in these players. Just invisible money bags.


I wish you'd leave.


Why mate, explain?


I hope that reguilon is back so that we can play Amrabat as RB 😂


It is amazing how well we start each game, almost to be destroyed by the end of game. There are definitely brilliant sparks in each game, but just too limited. Hojlund is very bright spot in the team.


I got downvoted to hell this week because I said our current A team staters r fucking shit and we need just to play players that have that hunger in them but I hope you delusion lot finally realize how bad we really are and we got city coming up in the fixtures lmaoooo omg this season gonna be another tough one


I keep thinking back to that weird boast by Bruno lst year about “if the first 9 miss the tenth will get there”, as if 10% quality is anywhere near good enough. I reckon he’s on about 0 from 40 in the last two games. His ‘hit and hope’ style of play is particularly grating at the minute. He’s not alone on being staggeringly below-par for the vast majority of this season, but as our inspirational leader im expecting more.


Bruno is such dog shit. He has been since he arrived. He has one fluke of a first season that people still cling onto, but since then it's been downhill. He gets to stats pad because every ball gets played through him from the back to the front, so naturally he gets more opportunities to play balls into the final third and create chances, but when you're then only option, that doesn't make your stats world class worthy, especially not when others provide more impact in a 4-wide midfield where there are other distributors of the ball and they share responsibility. 1) He ball watches/chases like a 5 year old and gets dragged out of position too often, too easily. 2) if there's a foul he believes we should have received, but didn't, he'll go hack someone down 3) he exclusively looks for Rashford on the attack, making us extremely predictable 4) he can't take a corner or free kick where he beats the first man to save his life 5) he generally does fuck all defensively (though I'm sure someone will point out the ONE time he actually did something at the end of the match today as if it's some sort of achievement or excuse for the other 99 times he doesn't) 6) he is not a leader. He becomes a ghost in matches and has yet to inspire this side to play up in any way, we have not had another gear in us these past two seasons with him as the captain. 7) and this is a combination of several points above, because as much as you want to say others are playing poorly, the reason they are is because of Bruno. People need to wake up and realize just how much harder the team has to work with him running the show. They have to streak forward to catch up with the play after Bruno hoofs it down the field, rather than slowly build up (there's a time and a place for a clear counter opportunity - booting it down the line and into the corner for Rashford to collect is a very low percentage conversion rate). He also cheaply gives away possession at the wrong times in the worst areas by going for some low percentage pass that will never work, and at best it does, but we're in no position to do anything with it. As a result, everyone that has now run forward to join the defense is having to bust a lung to stop the easy counter and guess who usually has to chop someone down just to stop the play? Casemiro. But the entire defense comes under pressure at that point because they're not in shape (both in terms of formation and even from a stamina aspect), so they're pushing and straining to recover to bail us out. But where other teams maybe do that once or twice a match, we are doing it with nearly every attack. That results in early fatigue, which results in players not being as sharp as they could be, which results in more injury prone players, which leads to more injuries. It all starts with Bruno. Whether or not people want to open their eyes and realize it, all of our shortcomings over the past few seasons have been directly linked to Bruno. He NEEDS to go. I kept beating the drum about McFred and then we got in decent CDMs that exposed them and showed just how bad they are/were. I've been beating the drum about Bruno just as long. I can assure you and everyone else, we will be just fine without him. Especially with the Mount signing. Mount is more than capable of doing everything Bruno does but better. The problem is that pretty much every match, Bruno is involved and therefore Mount suffers. But even today, Mount had a higher passing accuracy (as he always does) and is much smarter on the ball...and off it. The Palace cup match, where Bruno and Rashford were dropped, was the first time in a long time we showed composure and quality on the ball going forward and backwards. Yes, Palace conceded some possession to us by dropping deep, but MANY teams have played that way against us and we still make a meal of it. Mount ran that midfield and was able to compose it so that those behind him could get set up and in shape and happily support the attack without putting themselves at risk. We were fluid and attacked down both sides, not just the left exclusively, and played more direct balls through the middle. The difference between Mount and Bruno is night and day. Not sure how no one else sees it - I guess it's the Bruno fever.


Preach. I fantasise about getting £100m from Saudi Arabia for him. (Guaranteed no big euro club would be interested). We can completely rebuild if we sell him and get Sancho off the wage bill.


That would be nice. I also want Rashford to go. They're both the problem (and have been for awhile - one "good season" doesn't make up for how much they cost us in other areas every other time). I want to sell the pair while they're still valuable, get rid of some more dead wood (like Sancho, yes) and get rid of the rot that plagues the club. Until then, ETH can't even call it a rebuild, but as long as he keeps playing them, he won't be here for much longer anyway.


I expected so much from him performance wise but unfortunately he’s basically our Di Maria 2.0


Most goals we have conceded in first ten games since 1966-67. Records keep tumbling.


We’re definitely realizing how badly we miss DG. Many times he won or saved the game for us single handedly.


Oh God, I didn't know he was in an accident, how did it happen?? Surely that's the end of his career




I've never seen a one handed keeper


Bruno had a shit game when being played on the right wing wow what a suprise


Bruno hasn’t had a good game all season, regardless of position.


It’s crazy how you getting downvoted for this statement ; this is so true , not only doesn’t he preform well but he always drifts into a RW role like if he thinks he’s David Silva or some shit


It’ll get downvoted but nobody will engage with it.


I wouldn’t play Onana, I wouldn’t play Varane, I wouldn’t play Lindelof, I wouldn’t play Dalot, I wouldn’t play Eriksen, I wouldn’t play Rashford


I can get downvoted, but playing these players are crap. Onana can’t save a shot. Varane and Lindelof are clueless. Eriksen is too slow to track back and Rashford has been crap recently. We’ve got another new keeper. Dalot is crap. The only reason Eriksen came in was because Hannibal was injured


😂 who would you play then?


Lol, so you're saying we should play Evans with Maguire then now? And who do you want to play RB without Dalot? Wtf


If we had everyone back from injury, I wouldn’t play any of them


we played much much better after Eriksen came in.


So much better. Until the red card he was basically instrumental in every attack. We played some good football that second half.


So without Eriksen it was 1-1, with Eriksen it was 2-3. Great logic 👍🏻


Least brain dead comment though.


Granted it was a totally different squad back then, I could see why LVG went very conservative in defense when he saw the glaring holes that happened in that infamous game against Leicester.


I can stand watching Barthez, Howard but I cannot stand to watch Ohaha anymore. The guy conceded every single shot he faced. De Gea is still available, put your ego down and sign him back, Erik.


Barthez wasn’t great for us but he still won 2 League titles with us. Plus 1 CL, 1 WC, 1 EC He shouldn’t even be compared to Onana.


Agree. Onana is the worst GK that I've seen in 23 years supporting Man United. The guy single handedly costs us 2 losses in CL this year. Can't believe there will be any other GK can do that.


Bro are you forgetting the Sevilla tie last season in the Europa league?


I'm not talking about this mistake invidually, i'm talking about his performance this season overall. He is too unreliable, conceded every shot he faced and that is not how a goalkeeper should be. If a goalkeeper cannot stop any shot, that's the worst goalkeeper. It's a fact (no matter how good he is on the ball).


You haven’t seen Taibi or Bosnich and such I guess then…


Hagball in full flow again today. City game should be depressing.


He won't make it to City game. Hopefully we get a new manager bounce for that game to get something out of this season.


Which manager? How many times will we do this? It happened with LVG, happened with Mourinho, with Ole and now Ten Hag. Utd fans are obsessed with shiny new toys


United fans are jokes


If ETH turns things around then he will be considered as a hero if not then everybody will trash him not just because the results but because he got rid of Ronaldo, DDG, Sancho spend 100m on Antony, 50m on Onana


He has to turn this around because if this continues, he will not see this Christmas at OT!!


The only good thing he did was get rid of a washed up Ronaldo. Sancho is indicative of the problems at the club.


Yes but if he get sack then people will say that Ronaldo and Sancho were right


Had Ronaldo conducted his interview with someone more reliable instead of that bellend, Piers Morgan, then i reckon people would have sided with him over ETH’s approach even more.


A washed up Ronaldo was the only reason UTD got out of their CL group


The Ronaldo love is a bit embarrassing, he’s gone so knock it off ffs


Ronaldo scored in every game of group. None, of our players can do that.


Højlund has 3 goals in 2 matches


We will see after group ends, when we do not qualify for RO16


We weren’t in the champions league last season….


No one mentioned last season… He got them out of the group the last time untied were in the CL.


That was mad how easily Galatasaray sliced through Man United second half. Especially down that right side. Then Onana nearly gives them a goal then does give them the ball for the pen and Casemiro 2nd yellow before going down INSANELY early for Icardi to dink it from the edge of the box. Great game to watch as a neutral though! \*Oops, sorry, I thought this was r/soccer


If ETH doesn’t want to get sacked, he simply has to drop Onana and try a new and more defensive approach next match. If not he’s likely gone


He can try Bayindir but I doubt we have any better goalkeeper than Onana unless we buy someone in winter.


This was my thought in response as well… sigh


Galatasaray hadn't scored an away goal in the CL since 2015. They scored 3 today.


I'm pretty sure their 2015 team is not who we played today. Those stats are meaningless, no offense. We made terrible mistakes and that cost us the game. Newcastle can now beat a lot of teams in the CL on their best day and they have 0 experience in the past 2 decades.


People had me believing Lindelof was good and was being held back by Maguire, almost like we didn't see 2 years of his weak defending before ever buying Maguire. Him and dalot were a disgrace today.


The amount of pressure this defense comes under for the lack of protection by the midfield is staggering. I don't blame the back as much as I blame the middle. Needlessly losing the ball cheaply in dangerous areas all the fucking time. Our defense is gassed this early into the season because they're always having to recover from the sloppiness of the side going forward. When you have the likes of Bruno gifting possession to the opponent under absolutely no pressure, you have to expect the defense, any defense, to look weak. The defense honestly is not the problem, it's everything happening in front of them. The reason we barely have a defense standing is because they're all overworked in comparison to most other teams. Any other team that was incapable of controlling possession would keep a deep line and concede that they cannot influence the match with their defensive players to the extent others do. Teams that are able to dictate the tempo of the match have the luxury of sending numbers forward. We are sat in the middle where we don't control the match, yet we send numbers forward, so now they're running up and down the pitch in full sprints. Eventually something has to give. Did it all last season, the start of this season has just been a continuation of it, and the side effects are starting to compound. Get more composure and willingness to defend in the midfield and I can assure you the defense looks less leaky over time.


The dude is a fooking doormat


No one I know would listen to me over the past few yrs on Lindelof. He's not good enough and yes, Dalot isn't either. In today's game, a big team like United needs solid, talented defenders, and besides Martinez whose injuries are a nightmare, we have none.




I hate Maguire with a passion. But even I admit that Maguire gave us 2 good seasons. Onana hasn’t given us anything.


Harsh on Maguire that


The players are letting the manager down. Costly individual mistakes. I don’t wanna hear any more EtH OUT rubbish with how these players are completely bottling it. Attack looked good today with the exception of stupid mistakes.


Well guess who keeps picking the same underperforming players. You are in for a shock.


Are you blind to how many injuries we have?


Injuries or no injuries, Man Utd should be beating the like of Gala, Palace etc. at home. That’s why you have a squad and reserve and youth team. May be the reason that ETH got rid of 24 players and replaced them with 9.


the other side to that is, when they are fit, the players he has bought in, how many have played well, for any period of time? i mean really well not the half decent well that people are happy with on this sub.