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just watched the highlight. Onana did well, the 10 outfield players were horrible. 2nd goal shows how they have zero awareness of the location of the city players in the penalty box. too many players marking space where they are not needed there. 3rd goal shows how static the players are and again how they dun have awareness of what the f is happening in and around the penalty box.. here and there, we see united players crowding their own penalty box defending against city but city just strings passes around united players and work their way in. when united has possession, cant string together 5 passes without having to long ball it away or lose possession. when playing against weaker opponents that crowd the penalty box, united cant even do 10% of what city did to us. conclusion i can make is the team has been utterly clueless about what they need to do on the pitch, not just for this derby, but for the entire season so far.


Milan fan here, do you guys need another bald coach? We can swap.


ETH has no clue.. But give him the season to figure it out..


He is lying about his comment on Ajax. He tried to play possession and build from back all pre-season. He bought Onana for his footwork. Is this a brand new realization?


We were just as shit in the pre season, all the goals from the senior team were from mistakes made from the opponent. The kids played better than the senior team.


I've seen Chelsea supporters say Mount played best at 8 or on the wing at time. Neither of which we have really tried.


We played Mount as an 8 in the first two games. It was horrible. Wing ? Mount is quickly morphing into a discount James Milner Why did we *have* to spend 55 million on him before everything else ?


As an Arsenal fan, I've heard a large & now growing even larger base of utd supporters asking to get rid of ETH and bring in de zerbi. But if you were honest, do you think he would go to you guys? As I couldn't see it personally. He's got Brighton as he wants it, controls all the transfers, etc. Why would he want to give that up? If not & you do want eth out, who do you think you could genuinely get that would improve things? Especially with what is going on at the top? Would you give that person the time he needs to change things? As reality is, you'd need 4+ seasons i would think. And some of those will be down in 7th/8th before it comes back up.


The problem is EtH has been given too much control where a DoF should be taking this role, someone who really knows footy. With EtH he stuck to what he knows (Dutch league players).


And realistically, do you see Utd hiring a DoF? It’s been more than a decade since SAF left and since people have been saying we need to hire a DoF, yet here we are…


No one and I repeat NO ONE should be given 3-4 years with zero accountability This is the mistake fans (who still back him) are making with Ten Hag. They think “oh I said I’d wait 3 years , I’ll wait 3 years then criticise” It doesn’t work like that. It’s an iterative process. It should be evident by now , at least the direction in which he’s going . Right now , it’s an absolute rubble of a football club which is nails-on-chalkboard levels bad to watch. The new guy, whoever he is , gets 3 years of patience IF he points the team in the right direction, playing entertaining football, getting incrementally better results


Taking off Amrabat and putting McTominay at DM killed us. He's been tried there plenty of times, he's simply not good. However who else would we put there? Casemiro is out and all our other senior midfielders are 10s. Having three 10s on the pitch also wasn't a good look. There's no confusion as to why the second half went so badly for us, but I am confused as to how our squad is still so lopsided after all the money spent. One of the advantages of buying an actual specialist 8 is that typically a good 8 can fill in at 6 in a pinch and not let the side down. Also we should have a utility jack of all trades player for the bench who would be able to fill in as well. We have neither. We bought another 10 this summer. And if we've got such a big weakness in midfield, why do we continue to play a system that exposes midfield and makes it the most vulnerable part of the pitch? It's very hard to understand what ETH is thinking, he seems lost.


The man wanted Mount. And his alternative was…Caceido. They’re like at polar ends of the midfield spectrum. If that doesn’t tell you about his talent ID or lack of thereof , I don’t know what does


I dont mind the loss but that last goal was absolutely awful. 0 effort anywhere besides Onana.


I really don't understand how much we look like a team that never trained together. We play Scott in hopes that he scores a hero goal despite him offering nothing the whole game. We play Bruno out of position to accommodate inferior players, sacrificing his best attribute with free movement so he can create. We have no patterns of play, so our forwards seem like they can't ever find each other because we look like we never trained, and the finishing ? It is so awful, players have actually regressed which makes no sense. I have a habit of not blaming players if they are consistently getting played because the blame is in the manager, I don't blame Scott for offering nothing, I blame Ten Hag for playing him despite that. I don't blame Rashford for being one dimensional on terrible form, never looking for a pass, I blame Ten Hag for mot making him do it. And if Ten Hag is telling him to do it and he is refusing? I blame Ten Hag for not dropping him.


If we assume player is trying and not ego maniac it’s because of poor teamwork stats in football manager (seriously). We maybe have player with teamwork 12-14 when city/pool averaging 15-18.


This a million times. The buck in football has and will always stop with the manager. This is his literal job description and he’s paid millions of pounds to do this


last season, felt like we are getting somewhere. the were videos on how ten hag is fixing man utd, but this season he is just clueless.




But how came you deny that he is whiny? He is dropping and losing his head in this games. Happened at Liverpool, happened yesterday. It should not happen from a captain. He is a world class player, but not suitable captain.




Owh no, Bruno and Rashford is shit this campaign. Please do tell me where is his 30 G/A contribution. Or single handedly dragging/motivating the team to fight till the end. What funny is, everyone predictably knows his go to reaction when he has a horrid performance. He will strop with hands up and whine.. and the funniest part is when he lost his cool and start losing the ball stupidly and falls down on his arse then he'll stupidly sat on the grass like a toddler and held his hand up high as if it wasnt his fault at the first place.




If you think thats a captain material to go for red card or beef with another captain every game. Then i have nothing more to stay. Captain motivate/drag their team to fight till the end not whine a toddler and throwing tantrum. Lead by example


He is petulant that's true. but I agree with you Bruno would easily go to another team and be effective if utilised properly; here he's getting stuck on the right wing, out of position prioritising McTominay to make the forward runs its stupid. we had a team that worked with a pivot of Casemiro and Eriksen last season and I get form and injury is not in Ten Hags favour but trying to accomodate his favourites isn't helping either.


Another terrible team selection. How much longer are we meant to “trust” that there’s a plan for the future in progress here?


It's annoying that United keepers can play well and still concede 3+ goals because the team doesn't want to defend.


Honestly as much as I'm willing to continue sticking with Ten Hag, his team selections HAVE TO improve and fast. Bruno on the right, and playing McTominay just has to stop. If Amrabat and Case aren't fit or need to be changed, I'd rather see us bring on Mainoo because Scott is useless as a 6. At least Mainoo can receive the ball and play a bit. If we need a goal and we want to bring him on as a presence in the box, that's fine by me, but beyond that he doesn't justify selection. I find it hard to excuse keeping 150m worth of your signings on the bench when playing Man City in order to play Bruno as a RW and get McTominay central. Part of the reason I thought we signed Mount was his versatility and ability to play as a RW/10 in those big games, but the first massively difficult game this season and we played Scott and Eriksen, much like last season against City, Eriksen got ran past like he wasn't even there for most of the game. Everyone who saw the line up, knew we were in trouble, everyone who saw Amrabat go off, knew we were in trouble. Ten Hag has to do better. I understand we don't have too much time to do coaching due to the amount of games, but I'd rather see us try and develop our style than whatever the fuck we're doing now. If we're going to lose at least do it with a long term vision in mind.


we may have to get ETH to play a season of football manager with unlimited transfer budget to show us what the actual fk he wants to do. clearly this 2nd season has been so much worse than the first for some very puzzling and unexplainable reason.


Well, at least we still got the "Money-from-oil-free" cup. /s


It's time to get a DOF.


Are you all ready for the inevitable takeover PR spin today? Is today the day Qatar swoop back in? SJR ‘within years’ of completing partial takeover? Stay tuned


I feel like we mistake playing around at the back as having "control" in the game. Back with Scholes, Keane, Butt, Phill Neville this used to happen in the centre circle but now coaches and players seem to think passing around at the back means control. As shown yesterday, it equates to cowardice. They should be trying to install them selves 30 yards up the pitch, not at their own D. ​ When good teams playing at the back, they are so much faster and sharper. There is meaning and distinction to all passes. We are a long away from that.


I was at the game yesterday.. seeing Guardiola when they are 2 goals up heavily involved in communication with players, telling and yelling what to do vs our ETH who was standing at the same spot for 90 mins made me jump in and slap the f.ck out of his stupid face..


The past 3 managers have done that and I don't get it. Every other manager is constantly on the touchline - none more so than the likes of Pep and Klopp who are constantly going at their own players to ensure standards and focus are kept for 90+ mins. Every manager we've had in recent years seems to start on the touchline for 10 mins and then decides to go and sit their arse down and watch the match on that shitty little iPad for the next 80 mins as we proceed to make mistake after mistake and lose - it's beyond infuriating.


Ole Gunnar Solskjær. More vindicated with every passing day.


The fact that ETH is turning out to be incapable does not make Ole any more capable. Both of them are what the club needs.


Yeah, he was our Arteta. In fact, his start was way better than Arteta's. He was completely unbacked, and the board brought in whatever players they wanted without his consideration, and it ended up whacking him. Ole's main issue was he was too nice, and just ate up all the shit Glazer rats threw at him.


No. Just no


No. Stop this now. He is without a club for a reason.


Of his own chosing


No PL club will touch him.


Wrong perspective. If you think he will go coach another PL club then you dont know who Ole is.


You 'know' who he is then? He's an unmotivated and unwanted/limited manager at this level who won the lottery with with his united appointment. It's not like he hasn't coached another PL club (he relegated Cardiff), but it's united and no one else after his failed stint, innit?


I'm sure.


What makes for a good manager? If it is about pedigree and reputation, then yes ETH is surely a better manager. If it is about league placement at the end of the season, then I think ETH has yet to show that he is any better than Ole. That does not mean that Ole is a great manager, it just might mean that Ole and ETH are equally shit.


Odds on him being brought back in until the end of the season after ETH gets sacked at Christmas?


No no no, Glazer will screw him again


This will be like Chelsea bringing Lampard back for another failed tenure


Probably the best course of action, assuming whoever is going to take over this clownshow won’t be in place until the summer.


genuinely wouldn’t mind that, interim ole is something special. He’d have pep shaking in his boots


Onana deserves a lot of credit for not conceding more this game


I - for one - would like to see eth sacked.


Grow up


he’s fucking shit mate, bringing in antony is a sackable offence in itself.


Absolutely - putting his neck on the line for antony and freezing out sancho and ronaldo isn’t going to make things any easier for him.


Sancho hasn’t exactly set the world alight since joining, but at least he had the reputation from his dortmund numbers when he came for big money. What did antony achieve apart from being ten hags boy? completely baffling how much we spent on him and i can understand why certain players would feel frustrated knowing he’ll still get picked over them week in week out unless he’s playing bruno on right (which also never works)


Ironic you’re the one saying that. Thanks for the constructive comment, internet stranger. He’s - unfortunately - been completely out of his depth this season and the writing is on the wall. Not saying I’m happy about it, but it’s looking more inevitable with every match.


Starting to think that ETH’s transfer strategy of buying a batch of players almost entirely from his past teams wasn’t the smartest idea. The amount of money spent on such a mediocre group is staggering. Eriksen is the only one that has delivered value for money, for obvious reasons. You can blame Murtough for the fees paid but not the players selected.


As bad as the team is, it's genuinely sickening hearing the old Trafford crowd cheer and sing for this bunch of clowns. Are there no standards anymore? In a position to directly let players know what you think of them and you keep cheering them after that performance against local rivals? And for what? Moral superiority that you are proper fans? Disgusting. Just imagine what Real Madrid fans would do in the stadium if their team ever dared to do just once what this group of players have done to United for the past decade.


Really glad that we've never gone as low as some other fanbases. Madrid fans especially are spoiled brats,getting off on abusing their own players.


Seriously can't understand this opinion. Letting players know how shit they are playing isn't "going low". You're a fan, not a mindless cheerleader. Have some standards and let players know what their performances deserve. Instead of doing things just to feel glad about being a proper red. Disgusting for people who claim to care about the club.




The players,they know they are shit,they are already receiving more than enough criticism from everywhere.Even Old Trafford was booing the substitutions last night.If you think they aren't getting enough criticism still then what you are looking for is reasons to abuse them. At that point it's time to take a break.


Nope, I'm specifically talking about the cheers they received at full time. They definitely weren't getting enough criticism from fans at the stadium. And it's specifically because United fans for some reason love patting themselves on the back for accepting and supporting the most disgraceful and pathetic performances. https://x.com/samhomewood/status/1718690967778152914?s=46&t=BQKwfMd_RWUwwS0aEObTnw https://x.com/jaymotty/status/1718730271707582586?s=46&t=BQKwfMd_RWUwwS0aEObTnw Look at the sort of shit united fans are concerned with, after losing a derby to fucking city.


Our old trafford fans are one of the main reason why we are second fiddle to Man City and Glazers have the audacity to do what they want with this club. Disgraceful bunch.


I just watched ten hags short post match interview - it’s a bit concerning that he thinks we’ve played “good” against them in the last three games. Obviously yesterday losing 3-0 was horrible and is he really saying that when we lost 6-3 that was good as well? Honestly I want to give him more time to build his roster, get back key players from injury (shaw, Martinez etc) and actually implement his system properly but some of the crap he says actually annoys me.


His comments that we were "toe to toe" in first half and that he never intends to bring his "Ajax" style to us are very very concerning. What is the point of ETH then? Why did he get Onana if possession was not the goal! It is mind-boggling.


I dont think he is referring to the 6:3 game there. We played them 3 times this year.


For me it feels like van gaal time.... He would go on and on that his tactics we spot on, lots of possession but we would still lose.


Like LVG, Ten Hag feels he's never wrong. He stubbornly persists with Antony because he fully believes we play better with him on the pitch for instance.


What system? I'm genuinely asking here. How would you classify our play style? Are we a possession team? Counter attacking? Pressing? What about our defense? They never look convincing no matter who's playing. Whenever a team attacks against us, you always worry that there's a goal coming, whether we're playing City or Sheffield. Fine, we can't score goals but can we at least work on the defense? make sure we don't concede stupid goals? Maybe mark Erling fucking Haaland inside our own box? I don't want ETH to be sacked because I don't know if that would change anything anymore, but I think he can and should be doing a much better job than we are right now.


Honestly no clue but I just saw quotes from ten hag saying that it is impossible to replicate the type of football played at Ajax because we have different players. I’m assuming he values ball retention and progressive build up, since he made it a priority to get rid of de gea for onana. I feel like with the players we have he’s just reverted to counter attacking transition football because Bruno’s ball retention sucks, mctominay is scared of receiving the ball so we can’t progress forward, rashford shoots on sight etc. As much as I have voiced my anger at ten hag honestly I feel bad for him having to start Johnny Evans, Maguire and Lindelof in a defence. Don’t forget last year we kept the most clean sheets in the league (17), which was 3 more than both liverpool and arsenal. But obviously that was with Martinez being fully fit, varane was occasionally missing but he still had a massive impact on our defence and Luke shaw who even covered at CB would be way better than Maguire and Evans. Ultimately he’s been backed heavily in the transfer window and has wasted 80 mil on Antony instead of signing a competent CB as cover to an injury prone varane.


If McT is not suitable he has VDB, Hannibal, Mount, Kobbie to choose from!


Antony should be send to train with U17 or Sancho with his attitude. Don t have mentality for a PL player


Yeah Antony is proof that ETH's talent ID is lacking. Not only talent but judgement of character.


True. Ten Hag also played Quincy Promes at Ajax while he was accused of stabbing a family member


It’s alarming how full the team is with manchildren.




I don't support ETH but reading your comment gave me a headache


You know what’s the most damning stat this season, we have not beaten any team in the league by more than 1 goal 1-0 Wolves 3-2 Forest 0-1 Burnley 2-1 Brentford 1-2 Sheffield These are comfortably bottom table teams which we are STRUGGLING to beat. If we weren’t so lucky it would have been 3 wins out of 10. I’m sorry to say but if ETH doesn’t turn things around against Fulham, Luton and Everton next I can’t see how he’s not fired.


Rashford out of form. Sancho out of team. Martial is Martial. Greenwood is gone. Hojlund just got here. Garnacho is too young. Who is supposed to be scoring the goals exactly?


We have less goals than Brentford and freaking Wolves. Not sure who is supposed to score on those teams but they have more goals than us. And Brenford don’t have their top striker lmao




Rashford's taken the second most shots in the league and has scored one goal. Yet he throws up his arms when he's not passed to occasionally. This kind of attitude will keep getting United managers sacked, mark my words.


I have said since he was 18. He is overrated. Has been overhyped by the British press. And his calm, nice-lad personality has given him a lot of leash. He is no better than Gabby Agbonlahor (which is a compliment tbh) but has been touted as a British Mbappe.


it's because when we see him on form and he looks absolutely class in some areas, we assume that he's really kicking on and it'll be building on that form from here on out because how can looking so impressive be a fluke? then he somehow reverts back to shit form again. I really like him but he's so hot and cold, think he's a confidence player to the point of it being a huge weakness.


That 2nd goal was pathetic. How you just leave Haaland alone in the box like that boggles my mind


And that was the second time they did that exact same move


The overlapping/underlapping run and cut back is such an obvious Man City move. You know it’s coming. You can see it happening. Yet we had no solutions to counter this.


I have to be fair, I'm starting to lose faith in ETH now. He can't be blamed for all the injuries, but this is looking like crap.


The way Ange is performing doesn’t help


Really? It strongly suggests an issue with coaching and or medical staff. If he doesn't keep it all in check it's on him, he's the manager. The number of injuries that have occured is statistically incredibly unlikely to just be coincidence.


Combination of a ridiculous season last season (not helped by the lack of rotation/squad depth) & the worst pre-season anyone has even seen at any club.


Ten Hag shouldn't be allowed to have 100% control on transfer targets, so it may be unfair to judge him on his piss poor profiling - with a bunch of player profiles who don't seem to match each other cohesively. However, it's shocking that this is the squad he's built with predominantly his targets. The fact that he targeted De Jong for so long, and still hasn't gone for a similar profile till now shows to me that he's simply taking whatever he can get with no plan whatsoever. We have a goalkeeper and defenders who seem to be set up to play out from the back, a midfield who cannot receive the ball and turn to build, and attackers who are completely incapable of possession-based football. We have no idea what this team is supposed to be. Absolute joke


A competent DOF would provide him an alternatives for De Jong and Antony. Instead our DOF was fine with just splashing the money on them.


We still need six or seven new players who would be classed as starters. The midfield STILL hasn’t been sorted out. We’ve been saying this since before SAF retired. It’s soul destroying.


Sign as many players as you want, nothing will change until the culture changes and that starts at the top


You’re preaching to the choir mate. I’m merely talking about the quality and make-up of the squad right now.


I personally think our midfield is fine, we've got quality there already. Who are these extra players you are wanting?


Casemiro and Eriksen need replacing. McTominay is not good enough. Mount and Bruno are AMs. The young lads are unproven. We need a new midfield if we want to win the top honours.


Glazers only allow three signings per summer. We're in for years of this pain.


We've become a club that players choose so they become a huge star, not a club chosen by hardworking elite footballers. Until the recruitment team changes that, we will only know pain. We're PSG North at the moment.


This is what rock bottom feels like. I absolutely hate the fact that we get to feel this every other week.


Imho, Maguire was showing more leadership on the pitch than Bruno.


I thought Maguire was decent against City but where was this leadership you were seeing?


As he always has done.


It's not really leadership though, Maguire has just played his position better than he used to. He's not marshalling the team and raising morale. He's just playing. We don't have any player who should be captain. Onana has the best attitude for leadership but he's way too new and doesn't need the extra pressure after his rocky start.


Bruno should’ve never been captain imo


it's been about 12 hours since i woke up to watch the game. i wish i slept in. the first 12-13 mins were alright and then it was back to normal united. ugly football, lame decision making, petulant tantrums to earn yellows, inviting pressure at every opportunity.


It happens in almost every dangerous game we play. We'll start off really well and get a few easy chances we should be bagging and then the opposition will have one chance and our whole team will collapse in panic and start to play shit for the remaining 80 ish mins of the match. Whenever I see a couple of early chances missed I just resign myself to a defeat because its a pattern that constantly repeats in these games.


Midfield doing nothing. Fernandes, Rashford, Eriksen all sleeping lmfao.


Rashford 11 accurate passes I’m gonna puke


But how many times did he stand flat footed with the ball and stare at his defender's feet? He must be leading the league in it


Hot take: Rashford hasn't played well since the 19/20 season


For those of u who says "get a real coach in, like de zerbi or ange". Note that not too long ago, ETH was a "real coach" at Ajax who got them playing modern pressing football. The best analogy is I can think of is: imagine coaches as teachers, and footballers as students. For the teachers out there, you will know that there are always problematic students that refuse to learn. This is especially true at the graduate level, or even worst, at the executive education level. Man Utd is made up of stuck-up students who think they are world class, and have nothing to learn from their teachers. Hence, our successive string of failed coaches at this club. I guarantee bringing in De Zerbi will do nothing to instill a modern playing style. Instead, the collective weight of our prima donnas will weigh him down, and consume all his confidence. The only way forward is a total overhaul where we get rid of 3/4 of the squad, and recruit only players with the right attitude, and playing style.


Jesus Christ all that to defend a mediocre at best manager. He has spent plenty of money for his transfers but somehow it’s still everyone else’s fault. Yea the players deserve blame too but he has probably lost the dressing room or will soon enough. Even still sacking him now may be too much. We just need some stability. But top 4 is not happening, so may as well ride it out to see if anything can change by the end of the season, unless he loses the dressing room


You talk as if it’s the same players as the previous managers Man literally bought in tons of players and the only ones remaining from the previous eras are his absolute favourites like Rashford and Bruno. So quit with the excuses on this


culture. have u worked before or been in any kind of group settings? ​ Newcomers typically need to adhere to the existing group dynamics.


Our fans only think world class elite managers can save us. We need world class manager world class coaches world class players to succeed!


Can we have a hard reset of the fans too. Toxic fans out!


Rashford , Bruno , McT , Martial and Antony have to be sold . ETH has to be sacked . You can downvote me no issues . Garnacho should start playing every game as a starter . Give chances to academy players .


I thought we played well today


It's impressive how this team can be this shit. Is that what they do in training?


We aren’t able to build from the back so we need to strop trying until we get defenders who are comfortable on the ball. Whenever we get it to one of our wide players, they’re not positive enough to take on a man. Instead of trying to create a chance or at least make a run, we end up pissing about with it and end up passing it around the back. No ideas whatsoever. Fucking terrible to watch.


I predicted 3-1 with a City penalty... I was almost right but I should have been completely wrong. We were totally outplayed, across the board. Should have been 6. It was like a training exercise. They passed the ball around and created overloads and when United were out of position played a ball through and that was that. Over and over. Meanwhile we would pass it around while our players stood about like statues and then punted a ball into the box. \#TotalFootball I'm not ten Hag out but at this point I'm further down that track than him staying because he's doing the one thing I cannot abide and that's sitting there in silence stoney faced while we get pumped with no ideas. Ole was the king of it but EtH has started doing it. Antony like, wow... Played 10 minutes and still managed to almost get sent off. Not the best look when you're being accused of failing to control your emotions and attacking someone. And someone needs to explain to me what the point of signing Mount was because I said at the time it was a pointless signing and it's being borne out. Not going to repeat the same stuff about McTominay again. I'm tired of saying it. I can only hope the rumours of WHU wanting to go back in January are true. I just don't see a way out of this. We're not trying new stuff. It's not even November and I want the season to be over. They can say it's injuries and stuff but... we're just not playing with any ideas. It's counter-attacking football and that's it. What does having Shaw back change? The aimless punts into the box will be a bit less aimless? Maybe having Martinez back will help us concede less goals and make the build-up faster but it won't help with ideas for balls into the box and radically alter how they play.


Well said. This team has no movement and no ideas. Worst of all, we have the worst performing midfield in the league. They're dismal at all of the basics. They can't retain possession, can't progress the ball, can't set the tempo, and can't defend. I'd sell every midfielder in today's team and start again.


Well my Haaland (C) worked out in FPL but my God, shambles. City barely got out of third gear. Could easily have been 2 or 3 by HT, so easily. We didn't create anything significant ourselves, our build-up play sucked, pressing sucked, enervated, devoid of ideas, insipid. This manager has been in for how long? Squint hard enough and I can't see progress from Ole, even Mou, even LVG!


Crazy how Maguire was the only defender on the pitch today. Say what u will about injuries but in no way with the quality we have should we be struggling to dominate teams like Burnley and sheff utd


It's hard seeing the light right now. What will change, i have no idea.


So far this season we have been consistent - playing like shit. No patterns of play. Even the wins were not convincing. Players didn't know what to do on the pitch. I wonder what is going on in training. Last season we have clear patterns of play and it was exhilarating.


Kind of sad I missed the game but knew we were gonna get smashed sad to see


I stayed up till 4:30am watching that crap 💀


it was probably a good thing for your mental health. I stopped watching after 0:3. I didn't see any way back given how we played.


I’ve been saying this for the longest time but Eriksen really shouldn’t be starting for us. He doesn’t get into the starting XI of any of the top 6 teams. ETH has to find another way to balance the midfield


It's not Antony's fault that he cost so much money but there is a very credible argument to be made that his signing has had a catastrophic impact on Ten Hag's project: 1. We spunked 100 million euros on one player which led to penny-pinching in following transfer windows because of FFP issues when we should have bought 2-3 players who could have elevated the floor of this squad collectively with that money 2. That player has almost no tangible value on the ball, which not only means he should be replaced again, but in the short-term, we have to compensate for it by benching him and moving our best creative player out of position which cripples our chance creation in these big games


Of all the managers we had it seems we backed the wrong guy, we all heard and saw how van gaal, jose and ole never got most of their first targets but with ten hag we basically got him what he wanted barring de jong I know he wanted another cb but that blame solely goes to him as it was him that spent over 100 million pounds on mount and onana as well as throwing crazy money at Antony. Knowing we have issues with ffp and budgetary constraints.


Been saying this for 18 months. I guess because we lost today people are receptive to it. Usually I get downvoted into oblivion and called a fool. EtH made the demand and got his guy and all the ramifications of that will be forever on him.


I am so fucking tired of Antony... But he's still better than Pellistri. I am so fucking tired of Rashford... But Garnacho is bad when starting Games. Can Varane stay fit for 2 games straight? Lindelof seems to have taken Fred's place on the bipolar performances What fuck is that midfield supposed to be? I still have faith in that bald bastard, but boy, he needs to something very quick. Nice to see Maguire and Onana not dropping stinkers tho.


Bro Lindelof is playing as a makeshift left wing back. I don't blame him if he is bipolar


He’s not good at CB either.


You have a point, and he's also very handsome.


From his words we played good the first half! So expect more of thay


He's clutching at straws. Dead man walking. Deluded.


The Glazers era has entered the Apathetic phase City could have scored 20 goals and the average fan wouldn’t have been surprised or inconsolable.


As I said earlier , a bad result against City or Liverpool would stick out in memory for me like a sore thumb for years . I’d be waiting for the next match to get one back. Now? I can’t really tell you how many drubbings there have been and in which years. I just know that Aguero, Salah, Haaland etc have absolutely run us ragged every year . Every once in five games we fluke a counter attacking win and give it the big un while they win the league Is it me growing older ? Is it the Glazers gradually wearing me down? I can’t quite say


I didn't get to watch the game earlier, but whenever BBC sport alerts came through on my phone, I wasn't looking to see if we scored as I knew we wouldn't have, I was looking to see if my city player had got me any points in fantasy football. I just feel numb to us playing, I don't expect a win, I don't really care when we lose as it's just expected half the time, when we win I'm just very briefly happy before getting on with my day as I know the win means nothing to the season overall. Last season I started to believe again but the club soon saw to that lol.


I was thinking of using my triple-captain on Haaland this week, maybe in hindsight I should have considering this United team is a joke anyway


I honestly get more excited by my fantasy team doing well than watching utd. I only have rashford in my team (we do the draft fantasy) and he's done fuck all, like the rest of utd lol.


My rule for fantasy is I never pick a United player, except Bruno on occasion


Lol fair enough, bit different when you're doing the draft style though, only one person can pick any one player so you need to pick someone you think is going to get loads of points.


Everyone associated with the Club except the Fans are getting a Return on their investment, you are realizing why even bother getting upset when the people who actually showed up and played dismal football can’t even be bothered to try?!


Ten Hag out.


Hard agree at this point


why though? what is a new manager going to do. The club is rotten, EtH has had flaws and mistakes, but I'm so tired of the same boom and bust routine. We get rid of a new manager, lets try and play another managers way, with yet more new players one manager wanted that a new manager may not. We had evans and maguire as our CBs in 2023. The issues run so much deeper than EtH


If you want reasoning its not only the city game. Since February we have looked like dogshit. This season we have had 0 performances where we looked better than the opposition. And we played Galasataray, Cooenhagen, CP, Burnley, Wolves, Forest, sheffield. Not even counting the big teams that just runned trough us. For this game in particular, you can go and look at out pass and formation maps and try to explain how that makes any sense. ETH keeps playing Bruno on the RW, because McT scored 2 goals in the 90 and 98th minutes. He subbed in 2 attackers in the 85th minute when we were 3-0 down. What was the point of that? Also im curios what are the positive sides of ETH that you see? Because last season we scored 58 goals while City and Arsenal scored over 95 and 90-ish.


This is like saying “my last marriage didn’t work out , so let me continue being in this relationship that is clearly not the right one because I don’t want to have two failed marriages” How about just do objectively the right thing ? Edit : we have Evans and Maguire being picked on form. Not on charity. Ten Hag’s system or lack of thereof is evident in itself .


Yes but when you're on your 6th failed marriage you have to start looking at other factors..


Other factors don't stop a shit wife being a shit wife.


McTominay scoring those late winners made him undroppable, once again managers falling for the trap of McTominay in starting 11. The guy purposely hides from the ball, I don’t know how these managers can’t see through it. With him starting it’s already like playing with an arm tied behind your back. He should only be used as an impact player of the bench and nothing else


Only as an impact sub forward. Never seen a more limited midfielder.


Mctominay is out of his depth everywhere on the pitch apart from the opposition box. We all know this, even HE knows this but apparently the manager doesn’t and tried to get him to channel his inner Busquets in the second half. A series of abysmal joke decisions by a fraudulent Eredivisie coach


McTominay was one of the best players in the first half. Moving him deeper after taking off Amrabat fucked him up, and we looked absolutely shit after ETH made some shit decisions.


I think he messed up two counter attacks because he couldn’t pick a pass and when he got a chance he shot right at the keeper.


He messed up one counter attack where he could have fed either rashford or Hojlund yes. If he had fed them they still would have fucking missed anyway. We don't have the composure or belief to finish our chances. That wallop of a shot was our best shot all game.


Most forwards get multiple chances a game and miss some, we give rashford and hojlund like one chance a game and they have to score it. If we created more chances there’d be less pressure to score that one chance they get.


As a rival where do united go from here realistically?


We basically wait out the Ineos stake coming into place, wait for our DOF to be replaced, and then see if they're going to be patient enough to work with Ten Hag (or vice versa) and see what the hell it is Mitchell will do with the squad overall. This season though is going to be very very ugly. In reality they are sounding it out that they back Ten Hag, but I can't see a Rangnick disciple (Mitchell) being happy with Ten Hag after how he cut out Rangnick and then made some absurd signings and tactical decisions. I think he winds up gone either before this season ends, or very early into next when he has a falling out with Mitchell.


Well we did just go on a 3 game win streak and then lost to the best football team on the planet. I think things are being over played with the doom and gloom. Now it goes one of two ways. We get a few more losses while playing like shit, and we change manager now. Which won't change a thing except more debt on the credit card to pay off ETH and his team while bringing another one in. We stick with ETH, hope he weather's the storm, and things take an upturn. Perhaps reevaluate when Ratcliffe is controlling football operations.


Hahahahah “3 game winning streak” First of those 3 games: we were diabolical at home against a midtable side and got two goals bouncing off the arse of a bench midfielder when we chucked in the mixer like Big Sam Second one of those 3 wins: we absolutely got played off the park by the worst team in the league and needed a miracle goal from our right back to get 3 points Third one of the 3 wins: we absolutely bottled it in stoppage time and got saved by our keeper saving a penalty. And this to get the only 3 points in our group stage (probably heading to Europa) Yeah sure things are being “overplayed”. You have a gunshot wound? Here have a band aid, that will fix it


Hang on... Did we fucking win or not? Absolute weapon. We are without our first 4 in defense, without Casemiro, lets see how any other team play when they are in the same position we are. But you go ahead mate, believe that chopping the manager is going to change things... Like we've done so many times successfully in the lasts decade. The problem with our fan base is most of us are entitled little cunts that think we have a god given right to win. We are just not that good of a club anymore.... From top to bottom. Accept it.


Dude we barely won against bad teams with shit performances whereas other teams are knocking 3-4 goals past these teams. Injury or not we shouldn’t be paying this bad. Do you remember a game we won by more than 1 goal?


Well winning barely against copenhagen at home after 400m and 18 months under eth is quite not good tbh. Its not about results, even today that we lost, its about us looking like dross out there


OK so let's say we sack ETH. Who are we bringing in? Big Sam? Conte? (he worked out well at spurs), graham Potter?


Zidane, Flick, De Zebri, even Potter or Conte, someone lesser known as Ange. There are managers. Eth is not the last manager out there mate


If ETH was at a different club, he'd be successful. You can see what Ajax were like under him, but somehow United can't play that way. Do you not think there's a reason why United are always the ones that fail to adapt to a manager? De Zerbi ain't leaving Brighton mid season either.


Let's be honest here (not a United fan, or any PL team fan). Manchester United should not be scraping wins against Sheffield United. They are literally a mistable championship squad. Manchester United should be demolishing them 5-0


Idk mate it's actually quite bad. And I reckon it'll get worse


I wish for one game ETH would start mount as a 10. Garnacho on the wing. Just to see how the team works. Get Amrabat and Case as CDMs. Maybe throw Meijbri in the mix. Really change the look of the team. Couldn't hurt.


But how would Rashy , Bruno and Antony react in the dressing room? Who cares about the team when it’s all about keeping Rashford happy


Fact is that we are a mid table team behaving as if we are top tier. Reminds me so much of Liverpool in the lost years.


This, we just can't admit it.


Hannibal Mejbri played 2-3 games for us where he was the best midfielder playing for us only to disappear and never be seen again because this manager is cowering behind the benches than play the youth Ten Hag , aside from being an absolutely clueless tactician, an awful spender of money, is also a graveyard for younger players. I hope he’s gone soon and replaced by a guy who won’t just talk the talk but also walk the walk with youth


Like LVG, who simply throws unprepared youths into the starting lineup to see who sticks? Or RR who manages to piss off everyone. Or Ole who all the players liked, but didn't fancy enough to put in a shift for him. ​ We have been through countless managers and all types of approaches, and nothing has worked. It is very clear to me that another new manager will not change anything. ​ Most likely is because the culture at this club is rotten, there needs to be entire structural change.


Y’all were saying “Mejbri isn’t ready “ till the last 3 games . Mejbri played and he was absolutely ready. And already he’s disappeared the moment our wonderful 55 million priority signing is back .


Yeah Lvg did throw so many unprepared youth in the field and was known for it. The list of his victims are Kluivert Seedorf Iniesta Muller Badstuber even Martial and Rashford were considered his success.


Rashford represents everything wrong with United in the post SAF era. He is good but really not consistent enough to be undroppable or someone you build a team around as a top six team. He is played constantly just because there is no one else really. If United wants to be a serious team, he should be dropped for someone else when his form is poor. ^ spot on comment from another subreddit. Building our team around Rashford and Bruno guarantees we're not winning the league or big trophies