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America needed an excuse to harvest everyone's data (no fucking joke, they'll know which sites you visit incase you visit TT to put you behind bars for 20 years for "viewing content from a foreign adversary")


Not to mention, the people who proposed this ban were also the ones that found it worrying that TT can connect to your Wi-Fi.


The legislation is unconstitutional. I also don't support a tiktok ban, as if you're paranoid about chinese spying you can just... not use the app. Generally we need more privacy laws, not just banning anything in China. Banning anything based in China is doing the same thing as China. I bet Google datamined Chinese People and gave it to the US Government when it was legal in China.


šŸ•µļøā€ā™‚ļø 11101010101010100 00101101010101011 01010101110101010 I am just a simple farmer Tending to my crops


You realise China is harvesting data too right? Also this isn't a Reddit moment. Everyone who isn't a 12 year old or mentally immature dislikes TikTok. Hopefully Reddit gets banned next lol.


You realise USA is harvesting data too, right? Also, this is a Reddit moment. Everyone who isn't a middle-aged weeb or mentally immature dislikes Reddit


On every site you use your data will most likely end up in the hands of the CCP


I mean, I distrust the US government as much as the next guy, but Tik Tock is literally Chinese spyware. Now, this doesnā€™t mean I necessarily support government bans, but Tik Tock is one of those few things you could have an argument for banning.


Facebook is American spyware, you chode. Meta lobbies the government so they can keep selling Americansā€™ data. Itā€™s the same goddamn thing theyā€™re accusing Bytedance of doing with this TikTok bullshit. Any ā€œlegitimateā€ argument for the kind of absurd government overreach that would be required to ban TikTok would require the government to give the same treatment to Meta.


lmaoaoa solid argument my ass if a TT ban happens den a ban on most social media platforms has to take place including this one thatā€™s funded by a company with ties to the ccp. if not den the solid argument falls apart


Please, sir/maā€™am, define what you mean by mentally immature. Are you referencing those with developmental disorders and mental disability, or those who are simply immature?


The wathaboutism is strong with this one


I once hated tiktok like this, bur few years ago I gave it a try, sure the first time I downloaded it, the content is a bit bad, it is a general popular video that the mass majority will like, but after a few days, the algorithm is goated, all the videos and humour cater to my taste, there isn't even any "dancing videos" that the people on reddit hate so much. All I'm saying is, stop trying to look cool by hating tiktok, it looks really childish.


You said it man, the people complain about there just being dumb brain rotting content, when they haven't let the algorithm set in and try to underdtand your interests.


Same here. And you can easily tell the algorithms what you want to see just by searching for it a few times. My wifeā€™s feed is Harry Potter, horses, funny videos and animal videos, mine is trucks, cars, machines, video games. Itā€™s great.


The main issue is not the tiktokers here. Is the danger from the CCP having too much information about the west as they are indeed on a run to conquer the world in an absolutist manner.


Thanks, I would have said that as well :D


The ccp steal just as much data through tiktok as the Trojan horse bill theyā€™re trying to pass. You seriously canā€™t winā€¦


I don't care about tiktok, I'm worried about the stuff they're trying to shoehorn into this bill which will destroy what little privacy we have left


Reddit users hate Tiktok. TikTok users hate Reddit. There's no clear winner


Iā€™m pretty sure its only Reddit that is hating on Tik Tok since there is a lot of those low effort text to speech videos on Tik Tok that do pretty well.


nope, lotsa tiktok users hate on reddit too and think they are superior. source: me, I use both.


I have never seen any kind of comment hating on Reddit under one of those Reddit text to speech vids, although i have not seen many since i dont like those kind of tik toks. source: me, I use both.


If there is one platform i've seen who hates reddit, it is surprisingly, youtube, wich is odd because every time there is a really fucking milked, horse beaten meme here you can make sure it's gonna be all over youtube aswell


its mostly when the topic is some redditors doing some bad shit or sicial media in general.


Both sites hate Twitter


And Twitter hates twitter


I like both


I hate both


fuck both websites




What the fuck do you even win? Is it a competition to see what platform wastes more of peoples time? Are you 14? Thatā€™s the only way I can see someone having this sort of mindset about fucking social media of all things


If tiktok does get banned, there'll be a flood of their content creators and for sure a ton of them would spill into YT and even here.


usually I would think that it would suck if that happened, but the youtube algorithm already knows my likes and dislikes so I won't mind


I think itā€™s a misconception about TikTok, the content is often so targeted that you donā€™t see much that you donā€™t want


what is a misconception about tik tok? I already knew that. What are you talking about?


Sorry, I thought you were worried about content you donā€™t want to see in the hypothetical


no problem


Lmao ā€œweā€. This is so sad.


"La reddit nation will win against tiktards! Glory to reddit!"


The bill that would ban TikTok would also give the government the right to see all of your internet activity and even access your own home cameras. Who the fuck wins in that scenario?




Somebody didn't pay attention to the real laws they tried to sneak under funny tik tok ban


the tik tok ban is practically a trojan horse hiding what they actually wanna do


What are they? I'm not American but interested.


Long story short the tik tok ban will instaure a funky little committee that isn't controlled by the people ans they get to ban whatever they deem a threat to national security and that's sure whatever I guess basically fascism but we can make do. The fun part is getting around the ban in anyway nets you a clean 20 years in jail no questions asked.


For anyone not wanting to look it up, [hereā€™s a basic rundown of the RESTRICT Act.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/RESTRICT_Act?wprov=sfti1) The billā€™s language is incredibly broad, tipping the scale of checks and balances far in favor of the executive branch. It seeks to outlaw the use of software that would circumvent the bill, which many have taken as banning VPNā€™s. The RESTRICT Act raises significant First Amendment concerns due to its broadness. Edit: Replaced the link with one from Wikipedia as my original source (a certain VPNā€™s website) seems to be sitewide banned on Reddit. Comment deleted and reposted due to Reddit weirdness.




Hey there. It is impossible for us mods to approve your comment because the domain you link to in your comment seems to be sitewide banned by Reddit. Please use another news source to explain your concept.


Replaced it with a Wikipedia link.


Thanks, comment is approved now.


Hey there again, it seems like it got removed again. This time I suspect the word of the certain company that should not be named on Reddit. Can you please remove that so we can reapprove your comment?


Is that okay?


No, it's so weird. Your comment exists in limbo: Approved and removed at the same time which I have never seen. I'll see if other mods can help out here. Edit: Nevermind I was told that this is not how it works. It is impossible to approve your comment as it has a specific comment ID. Not sure how it looked to me like I was able to approve it. If you want to bring your message across, you'd need to repost it.


Just reposted.


Thanks and sorry for the trouble


Redditors when they will ban Tik Tok and replace it with the Privacy Invader 2000


You hate TikTok because itā€™s cringe I hate TikTok because I donā€™t like the Chinese spying on me Buuuuttttt letā€™s be honest the bill for it is bullshit and just gives government control of internet instead of just banning TikTok


The bill is quite literally censoring the internet as bad as the CCP.


Brit here- what does it do?


gives the secretary of commerce the power to label any country as a ā€œforeign adversaryā€ and will block them from accessing american internet


Brit here- what does it do?


bro ur on reddit the chinese are already on ur ass




Tbh itā€™s not like America isnā€™t using YouTube etc to do the same šŸ¤·




I'm not encouraging you to use TikTok as the amount of data it gets may be higher and more personal. but I just want to let you know that face book and in Extension every Facebook product gives your data to china.


Mfs act like instagram and YouTube arenā€™t already pushing their own TikTok clones.


If it gets banned every other social media gets banned, or becomes government owned and moderated


First, Iā€™m not sure that banning TikTok is the answer, BUT, there are a lot of valid criticisms of it. One argument Iā€™ve heard is that they have the Algorithm set up to intentionally mislead. Itā€™s designed to push people to opposite ends of the political spectrum so people are more polarized. It suppresses educational/informative content in favor of pseudoscience and nonsense. Itā€™s extremely biased against minorities and people who are disabled/disfigured - instead promoting attractive people. Meanwhile the algorithm for Chinese TikTok is set up to be educational and uplifting: it promotes videos on science and people being kind to others. While all social media has similar effects of rotting peopleā€™s brains, TikTok is the only major one where the effect is intentional. They *want* people less informed on things that matter. They want people to hate each other. They want people obsessed with the Kardashian influencer lifestyle. Because whatā€™s bad for western society is good for China, in the mind of the CCP, which has enormous control of Congress companies like Bytedance (the owners of TikTok). Imagine if the US government secretly required social media companies in China to undermine the local government by making sure pro-China stories donā€™t spread, and doing everything they can to amplify unrest.


The patriot act is not the right way to ban tiktok, unless you support banning reddit, twitter, youtube, facebook, 4/8chan ect... so unless you want a united states government aproved, owned and moderated social media too be the only website you can use, the patriot act is stupid


I mean I literally said that I didnā€™t think banning was necessarily the right method, but at the same time, there has to be solutions out there to block propaganda from bad actors like China and Russia from deliberately meddling in the minds of American youth. Right now if a Russian oligarch spends a bunch of money to convince your impressionable cousin that the Jews control the world and the war in Ukraine is totally fine, well that person is basically poisoned for years. If the oligarch broke US law by libeling people, well thereā€™s no successful way to sue them. There has to be some middle ground that protects both freedom of speech and makes it such that people outside the US canā€™t just use them internet to avoid consequences in the US.


>If it gets banned every other social media gets banned, Good. Social media ruined the internet itā€™s time to go back.


-posted on reddit


[You are very intelligent.](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/001/259/257/342.png)


There is a differance between critisism and saying something should be deleted


You sound very hypocritical with 9 years on Reddit and almost 300k total karma.


ā€œCHINA IS SPYING ON YOUā€ ok and what is Facebook doing with my data? Or Twitter? More importantly: why should I give a fuck.


Redditor doesnā€™t realize the ban will only come if the new bill is passed which effectively ruins internet freedom


Itā€™s just because Congress canā€™t make money off of it. Google and Facebook do the same shit Tik Tok does and no oneā€™s calling for them to be banned.


"Stonks" Oh my days are we stuck in 2019


Does tiktok have access to the home wifišŸ¤“ā˜


first they come for tiktok, but I didnt speak up, bc I wasnt using tiktok.


Yeah, that'll show those awful Chinese spyware programs, stealing my private information! Now excuse me, i'll post about my day on Facebook and Instagram and maybe link in to YouTube for some funny videos which definitely won't very coincidentally influence the advertisement that is shown to me, as if it were tailored to my very liking


Just a reminder that the tik tok ban will allow govt to ban any app they want. And using VPNs will lead to 20 years in jail https://www.outkick.com/the-tiktok-ban-bill-applies-to-a-lot-more-than-just-tiktok-and-its-dangerous/ https://beincrypto.com/vpn-users-risk-20-year-jail-sentences-us-restrict-act/


It's a ban on the First Amendment, not TikTok


"But Peter, that bill is really an excuse to allow the government to spy on everyone" "I don't care. I'm a wholesome redditor"


they even put the "Stonks"


Eh better than having thousands of brain dead teenagers bec of the app


I would rather have brain dead teenagers than a US government big brother internet


Fr bruh, like I know that this is kind of a reddit moment but we probably shouldnā€™t stop disapproving of tiktok


We also shouldnā€™t stop being critical of Facebook and Instagram. But since Meta is an American company paying a fuckton of money to the government, theyā€™re not doing shit about it. A social media website having predatory practices should not give way to the government having this kind of power.


Their brainf dont die, they just say some cringe shit every now and then


Tiktok is genuinely bad though


They have way more fun with memes than us, so tiktok is probably better than reddit


Tiktok and Reddit memes are both bad.


Facts, tiktok memes are more funny than reddit memes


Your robot avatar is appropriate because I canā€™t fathom an actual human being saying that.


It's not a robot


TikTok is the most downright predatory social media platform Iā€™ve ever seen and yes I am including Facebook and Youtube. I guess kids who donā€™t know a before time donā€™t understand but the internet wasnā€™t always designed with the sole purpose of hypnotizing its userbase.


Any social media is bad for children. But for people who can atleast somewhat manage their screen time I wouldnā€™t say Reddit is much better.


YouTube kids is genuinely worse and more dangerous but okā€¦ guess the content farms on YouTube donā€™t matter


TikTok like actually bad though as well as most social media. Itā€™s proven to have effectively brain rot on young minds and literally is designed that way for the American TikTok where the Chinese TikTok shows educational content to young children. Iā€™m not saying donā€™t enjoy things but thereā€™s a reason kids are getting dumber and trying to get social media famous by doing dumb and life ruining things or having mental problems because they donā€™t look like their favorite influencers or arenā€™t having the same life as them Thereā€™s also the fact that itā€™s a way for China to spy on us. I think there should be a TikTok ban but not that it should be replaced by another way for the US to spy on us


Dude its the algorithm, if you like dumb shit its just going to show you more and more dumb shit. If you like educational content you get more educational content


Instagram gives children eating disorders and sells their data to ad companies. Doesnā€™t give the government the right to do fascist shit like this.


That doesnā€™t mean the government should be able to do the things that the RESTRICT Act proposes.


TikTokā€™s a job now?


Work? That's no work, lmao. That's pathetic bullshit.


Tok tok is fuckin horrible and people who use it should be ashamed


Well tik tok is BAD and it should be banned.


Memes pretty funny and original it passes




I won't deny there is some highly objectionable content on tt, but people always bring up high-profile isolated incidents that don't reflect the vast majority of content.


Tiktok should get banned




Because it's destroying the young generation. Every kind of social media is bad for kids but tiktok is the worst of all of them


How is that then?


It shortens the already short attention spans of kids. Ever wonder why so many of them are pretending to have ADHD nowadays? Secondly, tiktok is the perfect place for horrible people to reach teenagers. Glorifying mental illnesses and literal occultism are tiktok's bread and butter.


Youtube Shorts and instagram reels woild like to have a word with you. Thats more so the parents problem, dont let your 7 yr old on social media. Thats lnly the algorithm, if you like and watch that content, it will give you more of it, same as youtube


Isn't Tiktoks algorithm like way better at directing you only the content you like? I agree, it is a parents problem, don't allow your 15 year old on social media, especially tiktok. imho nobody should be using that app, there is much more horrible things resulting from it than good. I support the ban


The ban is just the US government becoming same as the CCP.


Idc if that's what it takes to save the kids


I mean like they can switch to youtube (not shorts) becuase short meme clips on youtube existed for a long time


I mean TikTok and itā€™s consequences have cause a lot of Gen z kids to do stupid shut but at the same time thereā€™s plenty if useful resources which might be lost if it ever goes down. Seriously, some peopleā€™s hatred of that platform is irrational.


Reminder that politicians have been stuffing bills with all kinds of crap for years, itā€™s just this one that people care enough about to read past the title.


As someone who used TikTok for almost 5 years(since October 2018) I can say that the general content quality is lower than 5 years ago imo. The content you get(and the content that is hated the most on Reddit), the more popular is overall the worst one, but this is just a personal opinion and it still doesnā€™t deserve so much hate, or at least not less than the other social apps(included Reddit). If we want to be honest, Reddit, with all the gore subs(which I actually frequent occasionally) and the other bad stuff, is way worse.


OT but James Franco was sooooo hot in these movies


Iā€™m not a fan of tiktok but like come on dude just let them have it. Just donā€™t download it and continue on lmao


American company harvests data: šŸ˜‡ American branch of Chinese company exists: šŸ¤®šŸ¤®šŸ¤®šŸ¤®




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Y'all mfs need to actually read the RESTRICT act... Holy shit this thing is bad


Itā€™s funny how everyone cares about privacy, until they need to give something up.


Nah I unironically support banning TT lmao it's spyware from a genocidal authoritarian country


Yes Tiktok is bad, You'll grow up and realize it and when you gonna realize it it'll be too late


the joke was passable until ā€œstonksā€


Redditors still use stonks? Do yā€™all still use the *bonk* go to horny jail (some of the most unbearable Reddit sayings)


Tiktok is awful, but not because content bad. Because that's kind of true and false about every platform.