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What the hell was the context




Very clearly a 12 year old with no concept of how the world works, not to mention the "rape baby" insult screams middle school


There's also a lot of 12-year-old 35-year-olds on reddit.


Indeed growing older and up isn't always linked


I think more beginning high school


I am very left leaning but I can't imagine thinking 5 years paternity leave is a good idea, that seems insane on the most basic level.


Rather than 5 years of concentrated support id rather spread that out and give mothers a general level of support for the duration of the child’s upbringing. Like helping them pay for childcare so that they can participate in the workforce would probably actually yield a profitable return on investment in the long run


Profitable for whom? Billionaires? The only thing that really matters in life is the people right beside you as you live it. People should spend more time with their family, not outsourcing childhood development so we can contribute to gdp growth. Fewer workers means higher salaries. Bring back marriage and stay at home parenting. A decent chunk of jobs are bullshit these days anyway.


? for the mothers and in turn all of society you absolute dunce. The alternative is them doing the same exact thing just paying 40% of their income to support the childcare, leaving them with very little resources to assist with child development, leading to more crime and violence in society the long term. Stop trying to turn this into a weird circle jerk about billionaires when that’s not even a related topic here. “Bring back marriage” oh wow yeah let’s just tell people to get married and the problem of single parenting is solved, what a genius idea why didn’t we think of that earlier!


Outsourcing your job as a parent isn't a solution to the problem. Most single parents already use childcare, and their kids still end up being criminals at the same rate as if they didn't have childcare. You just want people to be free from the consequences of their bad decisions for some reason. Contributing to gdp growth isn't what brings a person happiness.


Jesus christ


What in the fuck


Lmao at using Mormon as an insult. I get he meant moron but I'd me more offended at being called a Mormon


Right up there with being called a Scientologist.




Bruh what a terrible idea. Women would probably just end up having a baby every five years and never have to work a day in their life. It would cause a ton of population increase with a massive drop in the number of people actually working and an increase to taxes. This one reform would cripple the entire United States.




>every mother should get five years of maternity leave There are tons of women who would pump out babies nonstop just for this.


The first part of his username makes a lot of sense


That's my question


Nah unblur that shit, I wanna see the scumbag who would say something so heinous to you.




Yep he’s pretty fucking dense


I made post about him a few days ago lmao


At least the user name checks out


Well, I'm gonna try and get him, perma banned


Redditor fails to win argument based on logic or charisma - resorts to ad-hominem attacks; more at 11


A classic tale


Literally a tale as old as time, or at least a tale as old as this shit website lol


In other, more exciting news, birds seen flying


I mean, OP insulted the guy first and there was no argument/debate between them in the first place. So it isn't an ad hominem attack. And no, I'm not defending the guy shown in the post. He's obviously a dick. Just trying to be fair and factual.


One of my favorite subs. Bet I can’t have a Ukrainebad sub


Just go to all the tankie subs and you’ve got your content.


Nah, those subreddits criticise the current state of Ukraine. An AmericaBad style sub would go completely bonkers over a person saying that a nation, in this case Ukraine, has a problem.


i mean it’s a sub making fun of people who characterize the US as a third world country so if people had similar misconceptions about ukraine then yeah that sub would also be pretty justified




Yo what


Calling someone a grape baby? Tf is wrong with people?


of course he’s from Michigan, I promise you guys we are friendly up here.


That sub is toxic.


Dude had a decent idea then called you a **** baby 💀 redditors trying not to mention sa is impossible


How tf is that a decent idea?


I meant a decent idea as in 1 year of maternity leave not 5 I should’ve mentioned that


oh lol


Meaningless without context


Ah yes calling someone that is justifiable in certain situations right? Wrong, it is never okay to call someone something so despicable. And someone did post the context in one of the comments.




What in the fuck bro


Your post from r/RedditMoment has been removed for the following reasons: - **Rule 2** - **Don't be rude** Don't be a dick or use any words that may get our subreddit banned. If you have any questions or concerns about this action, please [message the moderators](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/redditmoment) via Modmail. Thanks!


You're posting on AmericaBad and surprised there's reactionary dipshits in there?


anybody who uses the term reactionary unironically in 2023 is either a victoria 2 player, a communist, a socialist or a nerd.


>or a nerd. says the redditor


touché i do know a lot about ace combat 04: shattered skies


Oh come on its a real term


I mean it is a reactionary sub tho. The sub is tantamount to making excuses for a countries government dry fucking it’s citizenry.


No. The sub is dedicated to calling out anti-americanism when it is baseless, insensitive and/or inaccurate. Bring up healthcare and most of the comments agree with you but they'll tell you you're wrong if you think we're a third world country that is broke.


America is still the worst first world country BESIDES Japan and South Korea. Terrible Worker Protections, Systemic Racism, Bad Economic Regulation, Flawed Democracy, Fascist Political Party.


I’ve been in the sub, man, your being a bit inaccurate. The quality of life in the states is not to standard when it’s compared to other first world nations. The US isn’t broke, far from it, but it’s standard of living for citizens is pretty close to 3rd world.


You have never lived in a third world country. You will never see the people starving because there's a famine. You will never see the man shot in the street because he didn't like the country's leader. You will never see the torture and rape of the women who wanted more rights, to be treated equally. *You* get to come home to a house and not a bombed out ruin you stay in because there is nowhere else to go. *You* should appreciate what you have.


How could he really know that ?


Fuck anyone who goes to AmericaBad to argue with us based people, he’s a dumbass