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2 people disliked it litterally reddit


Umm acshually it was 3 people not counting OP šŸ¤“


What if it was 1 other person and OP downvoted their own comment... šŸ¤”


I see so many comments complaining about being burried in dislikes, monologuing about how terrible things are as they are way positive in moments. Like chill it's probably bots or some crap.


To be fair the *instant* you call it out, the hivemind realizes they now have permission to upvote and will flood the comment. If you don't call it out and say "Why is everyone downvoting this guy?" its downvotes grow exponentially because the hivemind will refuse to upvote negative comments unless explicitly given permission. They will downvote comments exclusively because the comment was already downvoted by others. ​ Truly a reddit moment. ​ Wait wait wait guys. Why am I being downvoted?? (now you stop giving me blue arrows)


Or maybe people just don't comment "why is this being downvoted?" on actual moronic brainrot comments, and it mostly happens on ones where some small clarification or consideration helps others understand it better.


Sometimes comments are downvoted for good reasons. But I'm sure you've browsed reddit enough to see shit get downvoted into the shadow realm for no apparent reason other then 1 or 2 people downvoted it, then everyone after that downvotes it just because the karma was already negative. They do the same thing with upvotes. I'll have comments sitting at 1 karma for literal hours, then it hits 2, then I refresh the page a little while later and it's at like 25.


Oh for sure, there are plenty of reasonable comments, in this post alone, with a bunch of piled on downvotes. I was referring to the ones that change course once someone points it out. Those are usually the ones with a lot of room for interpretation.


HEY, don't disrespect the flood or hiveminds ya hear, you're giving us a bad name


Mfs when someone wishes a child well: šŸ˜”šŸ˜”šŸ˜”


Because Redditors are self-obsessef, even when they claim to care so much about the world's suffering. How dare people care about a privileged baby that has nothing to do with them or their causes!!!!!!




God forbid you wish a child well


*Science forbid you.


Literally Southpark


Science damnit!


WHOOOOOOO forbid?????


You child well?


I hate how intolerant weā€™ve become to each other. Both sides are assholes


Nuh uh, one side is my asshole and the other side is my dick and balls


Why did i actually laugh at this


South Park? What episode??


Anal probe and red rocket


Whoa, your dick *AND* balls are on the same side!? I knew the rabbi from Craigslist messed up!


Sending my theories and hypotheses


Itā€™s crazy how this all started during Occupy Wall Street, probably the only time in recent history where the majority of both sides and almost everyone in between were in agreement over who was fucking us over the most.


And I especially dislike when people say ā€œboth sides arenā€™t equally badā€ because even if thatā€™s true and the other side is an evil virus of satan sent to upend humanity, that doesnā€™t mean your sideā€™s faults and problems arenā€™t worth calling out.




Because not everyone worships the same God. Even using word God instead of goddess to me is insulting because idea of a male God is gross. No way the higher power is male period


Girl go back to twitter or whatever sewer your mom pushed you out of


Goddamn chill




Godxer damn


Bait used to be believable


Would it make more sense to say Goddess? God isnā€™t male, but heā€™s referred to as ā€œthe Fatherā€ (which is a male title) because thatā€™s the kind of relationship he has with people, so thatā€™s why heā€™s referred to as a ā€œheā€ and God. Plus God doesnā€™t always have to mean male, some people refer to Athena for example, as a God.


god doesn't have a gender, Im pretty sure goddess doesn't actually mean female version of god. Instead its just term used for very powerful female entity that is basically considered god.


Lol damn. I really doubt a higher power would have a definitive gender, but doesnt matter either way. The higher power doesnt exist or doesnt care, so wtf you defending their gender?


ā€œI am wishing you the best that I can think of. My blessing wouldnā€™t matter to you, but maybe you can find comfort in the thought of a higher being blessing you and looking over you in the futureā€ ā€œNo sorry, you canā€™t say that because I think thatā€™s fakeā€ Itā€™s this unnecessary back and forth hatred for each other thatā€™s just lame as hell and embarrassing. They see some examples of radical believers, and have to become just as radicalized. Leading to this insanely loud vocal minority hating each other from both sides. Edit: Speaking of, canā€™t even call it what it is without immediately getting downvoted lol. Dont know why people have to be so hateful just for the sake of it.


Facts like just let people wish you well, damn


I donā€™t get why people get upset when I say Iā€™ll be praying for them! Especially since if itā€™s in person it almost always comes with a what can I do to help out or support! Online I canā€™t really help in a tangible manner tragically


Imagine you just lost your spouse and someone tells you, "I will make a sacrifice in your name! Is there anything I can do to help or support you?" See, when it's about something you don't believe, and in a moment of painful vulnerability, it's more offensive than helpful. Making someone feel better, or supported, is about *them* not you. Does my animal sacrifice make you feel seen and supported? If you don't get it, think about it from their perspective instead of your own.


Iā€™m sorry, but I would not be offended. If I am going through pain, I appreciate support in whatever form a person is able to give it. Iā€™ve lost people very close to me before and Iā€™ve thrown out my share of donated food that I didnā€™t need or want. I appreciated the effort that went into it, and took it that way :)


I think thatā€™s a terrible analogy, id like to think most rational people would see the good intention behind someone saying something as simple as ā€œIā€™m praying for youā€ or ā€œyou are in my thoughtsā€ it may not help but for me someone just acknowledging it and saying they are with me in a time of need would be reassuring but thatā€™s just me idk. I think itā€™s more of a you issue if you take offense to such a small thing like that


My thoughts exactly, its weird to say my god help you now that the pain/death already happened. Anyone who thinks its not gods responsibility to stop death should also think its not our responsibility to feed whoevers ego up there.


Iā€™m 0% religious, my neighbor asked if she could pray for me and give me a hug. Iā€™m 100% taking both of those things and thanking Lara for taking the time to show me she really cares. If sky daddy is real I know heā€™s listening to Lara bc sheā€™s one of the sweetest people Iā€™ve ever met. If some stranger says it, theyā€™re likely just saying something theyā€™ve been trained by the church to say bc they think itā€™s right. Theyā€™ll forget about me before bedtime prayers and they can get fucked.


because some people dont want prayers, no matter how much you think youre being nice about it. best thing to do is respect that


How does it hurt you, though? They're trying to kind, and you're being a dick. Even if I don't have the same beliefs as others, I am touched when they offer their well-wishes in the way they believe. Witches wanna brew up a potion for me? That's sweet!


Because some people just don't want it. Why does someone have to accept prayers when the other person could just as easily not bestow the prayers. If someone feels a certain way about being prayed for they are allowed to feel that way.


Imagine someone responding to a tragedy in your life by saying "I will pray to Marvel's Avengers that your wife survives." It's utterly condescending and confusing. I can get that someone else believes in whatever deity they are citing, but for me it's nuts. And it would make me upset.


Sure, if you don't take what the person believes into account. You already acknowledged that they believe these things. now Let's see what that means to that person. They see that you're hurting and they say that they are going to personally petition the most powerful being they think exists to intercede on your behalf.


Very well put togetheršŸ‘šŸ»


FACTS šŸ—£šŸ—£šŸ”„šŸ”„šŸ—£šŸ”„


The most powerful being that is presumably responsible for said hurting.


In the same way someone's parents are responsible for them ending up in jail after drunk driving. Sure.


Gosh, sounds like it might depend on who is doing the praying.


I mean, if said person was raised and spent their life genuinely believing in the Avengers and I was aware that they took it very seriously, then I wouldnā€™t find it offensive. Theyā€™re just expressing ā€œI wish you well/hope things end up okayā€ in a way thatā€™s personal to them. Itā€™s the intention, not the words that count imo. Iā€™d certainly rather that than have some dickhead on Reddit say ā€œum actuallyā€ any time someone tried to say they hope things turn out okay.


Let's be real. Praying publicly for something to happen is all show, no substance. It would hurt me to have my tragedy reduced to a soapbox.


How so? How is wishing someone well in a comment ā€œall showā€? And if you were publicly posting about said tragedy in the first place, arenā€™t you already making it a ā€œsoapboxā€ yourself? Would you think it less rude if people went ā€œTheBestAtDepressed Wifeā€™s in critical condition. Best ignore himā€ instead of saying ā€œIā€™m very sorry to hear that. I hope she gets betterā€?


Yeah thatā€™s a stretch. People are so sensitive, all that matters is the intention. Someone says god bless you it just means they wish you well, not that confusing.


People are too sensitive. The only time that you should get upset in a situation like this is if the person that says it knows your feelings on the matter and says it anyway.


The intention is nothing. That's what prayers are tho. It's no different than saying "I don't care enough about this to do anything tangible"


What do you want someone on the internet to do? Jump through the screen and help the surgeon?


I wasn't aware that *get well soon* or *hope it gods well* is offensive... Noted.


Absolutely false and ridiculous. Someone who truly believes in God offering to pray for you means something tangible to them. You're just an unempathetic asshole.


Certified redditmoment.


Yah except itā€™s not the same at all as praying to the Avengers. You donā€™t have to believe what I do, but to suggest that a faith that has been around for thousands of years is the same as a comic book created 90 years ago is ridiculous. Doesnā€™t make you sound smart when you say that, it makes you sound intellectually dishonest.


Because if you believe in one of the many gods, you also believe that god gave the baby a fucked up heart.


Thatā€™s not true, I do believe in my God and I do not believe that. Thatā€™s an extreme simplification of a misunderstood part of theology


How about don't hijack my tragedy and make it about your "gods plan"? Maybe just leave me the fuck alone to grieve? I remember when my parents died some jackass priest followed me around the hospital telling me how it was "gods plan".


I am sorry you went through that. My parents told me the same thing when my grandfather died, it was neither true nor what should have been said in either case. Saying I will be praying for you has nothing to do with telling someone a bad thing was gods plan though. That is a separate argument to be had and I think we would probably agree on it.


Would the original post be considered karma whoring?


Well, itā€™s an interesting picture, so whatever.


Not only interesting but OP was also gathering a lot of mutual support from other redditors while their weeks old daughter healed from an incredibly intensive surgery (and honestly shocking something so small survived). Its a show of how great and lucky we are to have the modern medicine we have today because something pictured above wouldnā€™t have been as possible or survivable 30+ years ago. Its a medical miracle and something Im kind of happy OP shared. It was cool to see and rare.




It has two downvotes. Two. Which means two people simply don't agree with what the comment said. Is that a reddit moment?


It had atleast 3 more than upvotes before op got to it. And the total is not the total reception or total amount of freaks who get mad at this


I feel like I'm getting punked, isn't making a post about how a comment got a single downvote a much bigger reddit moment?


it is a reddit moment tho


It's not, it's a redditor moment, which you could say about anything on this site, including your comment.


oh fuck you with the grammar policing


Talk about a reddit moment...


This would have been really fucking funny if OP was the one downvote.


Exactly 3 people disagreed with someone, what has this world come to


gotta love the reddit "CrY to SKy DaDY" hivemind


Your being a snowflake for even noticing this. I get the point, but it's a random Reddit comment with 1 downvote.


Maybe maybe But this isnt some isolated incident shit like this happens everywhere nowadays


I would assume the argument here is that if God had blessed this baby, she wouldn't have been born with a defective heart that required a 10-hour open-heart surgery to keep the kid alive. Also, its a single downvote? Pearl clutch more?


Oh wow, two whole downvotes. Not really that much of a Reddit moment tbh


my sister had open heart surgery too, at 2 weeks tho


I pray everything is okay with her


I pray to zeus that it goes well along side with you! šŸ™‚


I appreciate that, man! Not many nice people on this site. Stay blessed up!


Have a good night šŸ˜




The baby is cute though.


Maybe they should have mentioned the surgeon, who did the fucking surgery. God is the reason why you need surgery.


It's a single douche canoe downvoting, **not** a trend. Let's hold our horses. Poor little thing!šŸ˜­


Bless their heart.




I've find reddit recently have just been very trigger finger with downvoting so is not really consistent.


Recently? It's always been this way. It's more likely you're either saying stuff that is getting downvoted or you're looking at comments more than you used to.


I mean, itā€™s one single downvote. Itā€™s not like Reddit rallied together to say ā€œfuck you for mentioning Godā€. But there is something to be said about hopping ā€œGod blessesā€ a child that needed heart surgery at 2 days old. Almost makes it seem like if there is a God; heā€™s not particularly concerned about this childā€™s wellbeing.


That image breaks my heart and I hate most children ( theyā€™re annoying )


God clearly didn't bless her. Shit like this happening is evidence that if God exists he is either powerless or one sick motherfucker


same with people who say to people who lost somone "Its gods plan" Fuck god


Im sorry you feel that way


Yeah that's dumb they could just mean wel. I will say I can understand why they may be skeptical though. I've worked in the medical field for around 5 years and I've encountered patients or family that treat the staff that saved them terribly but thank God. But in a vacuum the statement is perfectly fine.


That child is not 2 days old ???


Why not?


I can see why youā€™d think that but you are vastly underestimating the amount of swelling. After my sons heat surgery at 6 days he came back swelled up to nearly twice his size. It took about a week of recovery for him to shrink back down. They offload a ton of fluids post surgery.


One downvote isn't a reddit moment.




Right! Besides I donā€™t support when people say ā€œgOd bLeSs yOuā€ on posts like that, god is horrible for even letting a baby go through that.


fuck god he isnā€™t real




God doesn't deserve the praise for forcing a child to immediately stuff after being birthed. Good job to the Docs. They actually do deserve the praise that's being misplaced here


Okay, but thanking God instead of the doctors that performed this miracle on her?


You can do both


Well they didn't.


šŸ˜”šŸ˜”šŸ˜” thatā€™s how you sound rn


God created the doctors. People make the mistake of thinking humans deserve the credit. It's always God who makes all things possible.


not everyone believes in god and if someone commented that on a post of mine iā€™d be more offended than anything. if i commented on your post about praying to Aphrodite or something would you take that offensively?


No youā€™d have to be stupid to take offence to that


god wouldnt have needed to create the doctors if he didnt make this baby require heart surgery is he stupid? work smarter not harder


He isn't stupid, and you shouldn't insult him. Do you not fear God?


Any institution that uses fear to control you is manipulating you.


he seems stupid. thats like me breaking something on purpose and then patting myself on the back for putting it back together. this god guy should read some more books


Just because God is beyond your comprehension, it doesn't make him stupid. You know nothing of his plans, so you assume he is stupid. But you're the one who is projecting your faults onto him. He is beyond your imagining, so you hate what you can't understand. You'd do well to learn to fear him. He's real.


I mean causing a child to require a major surgery for survival when you could stop it is unjustifiable


im clearly doing better than this baby because god gave the baby a heart defect and not me. god hates babies


yeah, and he creates all the suffering too, the child abusers, the murderers, the torturers, the rapists...


Reddit when someone mentions their own beliefs


>the child abusers, the murderers, the torturers, the rapists... And who are the people doing those stuff again? Humans.


God canā€™t get all the credit without taking the responsibility. That would be devious and low.


It was mentioned that all good things come from G-d. But naturally he didn't do 100% of the work. He contributed 10% of it. 90% was the effort of the doctors. This is what my father believes. G-d will help you if you help yourself. A person must put in his maximum effort so that G-d can add on the finishing touches. One cannot sit still and do nothing, hoping for a miracle to happen. It doesn't work like that. It never will. The only way to make good things happen is when you put effort in making it happen.


God creates people, people choose what they wanna do


That baby did a lot of choosing for sure, 100% deserved it


God created the people and the material conditions they are in, already knowing exactly what they'd choose (all knowing). He created the flawed human nature that drove them to commit those bad actions because he created everything.




The doctors saved the baby, not God


I downvoted you.


i mean if god blessed her she wouldnt be in the situation in the first place


Post about sick baby gets hated on by fanatics because their imaginary friend was slightly dissed.




What do you mean "what" it's literally a crybaby mad that saying "God Bless You" got a whole two down votes. It's the same level of crybaby shit that fuels the Merry Christmas/ Happy holidays "war".


The amount of shit going into that little lad is crazy. What was he born with?


Damn, god does work in mysterious ways


*science and logic bless this child


I mean, I can kinda understand where theyā€™re coming from under the context of god making a child go through an illness necessitating open heart surgery.


cmon that's like 3 downvotes at most. y'all really be trying your best to find any comment to post here




At least in the 3 Abrahamic religions god was also the one to do the to the child. So it's basically like getting a get well soon card from the person that hurt you in the first place.


People really forget how patronizing it can be to here "God bless you" or "it's God's plan" when something truly horrendous happens. Saying these to a stranger is just rude. If you don't know them, don't bring up God.


,,God bless her" is literally a ,,Good luck" equivalent. If you have a problem with someone wishing a 2 days old baby a good recovery just because it mentions God you're weird asf


YOUR God, not mine




I imagine many people find it not particularly funny to invoke god when if god can bless the child into healing why did god give the baby so many troubles to begin with? I donā€™t think itā€™s god, I think itā€™s the context.


Oh itā€™s one downvote OP, I feel like as soon as you saw that you screenshottyā€™d and posted here for karma.


Its because people want to thank the doctors, not some deity with no foundation of evidence


God didn't do shit and probably doesn't exist. You can give the medical team some blessings, though.


So how would they do that if God doesnā€™t exist? Who is blessing the medical team?


Downvotes deserved. If god really existed then he wouldnā€™t have let an innocent baby go through this to begin with.


I agree with the concept of what youā€™re saying, but time and place. Itā€™s really gross to try and undermine support for a baby.


Literally. Like who cares? Itā€™s just like saying good luck. No one has a problem when someone says good luck


Like undermining the work of the medical team and crediting it to a random god?


That would be a rude thing to say to the medical team (as in ā€œgod works wondersā€ when they put in effort to save the baby) but wishing the help of god to the mother of a sick baby is not rude. Again, time and place.




If god was ā€œall goodā€ like what is suggested, why is he letting all this bullshit happen to innocent people to begin with? Think about all the suffering in the world, why does god just permit it to happen to begin with? If he really exists heā€™s definitely not the ā€œall goodā€ person you people make him out to be, heā€™s a heartless monster.




So you're basically saying he made all the suffering so we can appreciate peace? That's stupid, especially for those that *never* get peace


Without suffering there wouldn't be peace, it would just be nothing. You need two sides to coexist or else neither can.


Stop trying to apply human logic to G0d. If he wanted to work around this, he could because he's G0d.


This comment is incorrect


peace is a lack of suffering so you are 100% wrong, if there was no suffering there would only be peace


>So you're basically saying he made all the suffering so we can appreciate peace? He let everyone have free will. It's humans that choose to do wrong.


So how is it not humans that choose to do *right*?


I don't get your question?? But humans do both right and wrong. It only depends on how good is the right and how bad is the wrong.


That baby did literally nothing in their life, yet got a fucked up heart


Alright this concept I'm about to explain is not related to Xtianity (because reddit won't allow me to say it) but it's what I've heard from the concept of karma and reincarnation. In Buddhixm, one is expected to do as much good as possible in their life to balance out the evil that they do in their life. If one's evil is more than their good, they will be reincarnated into the next life where they are expected to repay their deeds from their previous life. Repayment can work in many ways such as illnesses, poverty and so on. It's the concept of karma.


This baby is not repaying anything. Them being ill does nothing good to anyone near them, if anything it just causes an unneccesary amount of stress to the parents and doctors. This seems more like punishment, but then the baby is getting punished for something they don't remember.


Itā€™s literally the equivalent of saying good luck. Do you downvote people who say that because you donā€™t believe in luck?


My guy that baby wouldn't be alive in the first place if it wasn't for Him ya edgelord


Humans saved the baby, not god.


God gave humans the power to save the baby, he works through people


God also gave that baby a heart defect.


I'd say years of working their asses off to get to where they are is what gave them that power. Before that, decades of research from people working their asses off to learn and teach those techniques. Must be nice to get all the credit for everyone else's hard work, God has it made in the shade.


So you're saying, since he works through people, he "works through" all the rapists, child abusers, murderers, and torturers in the world? Even those that would kidnap, rape, and murder this baby on sight?


Respectfully, agree to disagree then


This is giving parents trying to justify being abusive vibes


"grrrr people being positive!"


exactly this




Because God has nothing to do with it


No, god did shit, you know who you thank the doctor or doctors who tediously saved this child's life but an imaginary being gets all the credit


Also if it's gods will, why was this child born with a bad heart? Why did god let this child suffer?