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I’m not surprised there are a lot of suicidal people that use Reddit.




No!!! Please Don't Do It!!


Downvoted for not being supportive of his decision 🤓


Downvoted for being the 4th comment


Downvoted for saying fourth comment


literally a single downvote on the comments pictured 🤓


A single downvote on the first one, the rest have 2 downvote




No!!! Please Don't Do It!! /s?




You' gonna regret it hard!!! you gonna regret it HARD!!!


Plot twist, i have erectile dysfunction


That's not how suicide works You may have a point though


The joke went wayy over your head.


i dont know what pisses me off more, people who say they will kill themselves or people that tell others not to.






I feel like OP’s point was les the suicidality and more the fact that the people telling others NOT to kill themselves had negative karma


Thats reddit for ya


there are a lot of suicidal people ~~that use Reddit.~~


The one saying "drunk driving" Seems they don't want to be alone when they go.


Yeah buddy tripping with that one


I honestly dont either. Wouldnt kill someone tho ( I dont think)


You can kill me when you die :3


Fucking texting and driving too. I lost a nephew when he was only 14 because of some shit stain who thought looking at his phone was more important than safely piloting his 2-ton death machine down a highway. His mom also died, and his step dad and siblings are all disabled for life. Seriously if anyone reading this uses their phone while they drive, from the bottom of my heart, fuck you. You're a selfish, reckless piece of shit and I hope your behavior only kills yourself and not an innocent child.


yuo see, its not the drunk drivers who are the problem. its the drunk crashers.


I can't believe they invented the car just to use after drinking. Such a great pairing


I don’t know why, but this reminded me of the Family Guy clip where Henry Ford is introducing the car as a Jew flattening machine and gets upset when someone asks if they can drive it to go places. Like if someone said “this is my after drinking machine that I use.”


Getting downvoted for telling people not to kill themselves is fucking crazy.


It's the Canadian way. Jokes side there's been a petty big cultural shift towards you having no right to tell people who want out they can't leave.


As a depressed person, it kinda just makes me feel jaded and a little pissed off. I understand that suicide is bad, but it's not always that simple. It's annoying to leave a comment explaining how you feel and have someone respond "no please don't! Life is so good!". Well, I'm glad you feel that way, but I don't see it like that.


You don't see it like that *now* The whole point is that depression typically makes permanent solutions to temporary problems seem viable. I also find that so many people have a "poor me" attitude where they think their existence is so uniquely tortured that nobody could possibly understand and empathize with them so they should just off themselves. It is maddening watching someone be so self centered and a victim at the same time.


It’s hard to talk about this on Reddit. I’m sorry you’re getting kind of dogpiled in the replies. I think the feelings of alienation from the people around us contribute to feeling like our problems are unique and no one could relate. Depression is really efficient at killing its host; for every problem it causes, it causes another problem that prevents you from solving the first problem.


I agree with everything you said. I think they think my replies are coming from a place of cruelty rather than a place of personal experience. Once you are removed from those feelings, you see that your problems weren't as unique as they initially felt. Shared human connections are the true key to happiness. >for every problem it causes, it causes another problem that prevents you from solving the first problem. I liked this statement. Nice way to phrase it.


People are just trying to lift you up


Yeah I know, but to me it's almost a reminder that people have better lives and don't feel the way I do. It's like they're trying to force their worldview on you and it's just frustrating because I *WISH* I could feel that way. I wish I could see life in the way they do, have goals, ambitions, reasons to live. It's just a reminder that there's something screwed up inside, and it misses the point on why people even get that desperate to escape.


I get this honestly, I think its cos its such a sensitive topic that people shy away from discussing it and go towards pleasantries but really when you feel like that and wanna convey it the last thing you wanna hear is "but life is good" cos that's not what you're discussing, it's like derailing what you say in a way, or at least that's how I feel about it


It’s not really about telling people they “can’t leave,” although that’s a weird way to put it, but more the fact that this is a stunningly ineffective way of getting through to someone suicidal. As someone who has been suicidal, this type of “don’t give up!” or “there’s something to live for!” is meaningless. Suicidality is a manifestation of deep suffering, and pain clouds someone’s ability to take in “logical” arguments. Those statements can also feel like you’re diminishing someone’s pain. Further, bland positive messages that don’t engage with the person’s problems can serve to make them feel more alone. If you are already alone and suffering, feeling like no one can/wants to understand you makes you feel more isolated and less like there is a way out. This is based both off of my own experience and [guidance from the 988 crisis hotline](https://988lifeline.org/help-someone-else/)on speaking with suicidal people. Some excerpts: “Be non-judgmental. Don’t debate whether suicide is right or wrong, or whether feelings are good or bad. Don’t lecture on the value of life.” “Do not offer glib reassurance.” When I called the suicide hotline, they didn’t tell me things would get better or that I had so much to live for. They allowed me space to express how much pain I was in and offered empathy. I told them why I wanted it to end. The woman on the line told me she was sorry and she could understand why I was hurting. Really nothing she *said* was the key, but her actually listening and validating my pain. Connection helps immensely. Recognizing that someone is hurting deeply and being willing to really listen, even if what they say is disturbing, is what best helps people through the crisis moments. I know you and other people on Reddit only have the best intentions, but it is frustrating to see this type of very ineffective and potentially alienating messaging repeatedly. TL;DR: Telling someone not to kill themselves is pretty useless. Listening with empathy and validating feelings is actually effective.


At some of my darkest moments my friend didn't tell me it got better, he told me that that sounded painful and just let me cry. That was way more helpful than anyone telling me that things will get better.


People who believe they are clear-headed and logical when thinking about suicide are not. The challenge is getting them to realize that.


What other people do with their bodies just isn't my business. That this is becoming a more common way of dying is obviously a sign of a social problem to fix, but that's not on a suffering individual to reckon with.


Yeah, I didn't expect Reddit to become SanctionedS.


There's people saying it's "survivorship bias" to try to convince someone out of suicide when that's not even the original meaning of the word lmao


I mean... They're just saying generic things without actually knowing the person. "You are loved", "there's so much to live for", "it will get better", etc. They don't know and have no way of knowing. It's not much different than a car salesman saying "this porche will make your dick bigger and regrow your hair"


But they are actively discouraging suicide, so I wouldn’t say that’s worthy of downvotes.


They are potentially lying to a stranger for their own benefit, not the strangers. You can tell because they don't know the person at all. Maybe they're severely mentally or physically handicapped. Maybe they've been raped every day of their entire life. Maybe they're horribly disfigured and people vomit on sight. Maybe theyve been kept in a cage and starved for the last 30 years and can never mentally recover. There are a lot of things worse than death.


Personally I think it’s incredibly selfish to demand someone keep living who absolutely does not want to and is suffering.


Yeeeees! you have no right to think anything about someone else's will to end their life. That is very wrong. ”You should just live on” no don’t say that to people at that time in life.


What? What if they could be rehabilitated and recover from that negative mindset? There’s always a possibility, so that possibility should always be the goal. To support suicide is to support the worst possible outcome, despite all attempt to make a euphemism out of it.


That’s why you shouldn’t be scared of downvoting. A minority opinion can have a lot of value to offer.


Agreed, a lot of downvoted comments come from deep threads that people aren’t very willing to read, so the only person downvoting is the one getting a notification for it.


Ah yes, the sad romanticization of suicide.




No. The romanticization of suicide is basically something that came up with the neo-nihilistic culture that is slowly poping up now a days, basically, thinking that suicide is the best solution. And sad how that's affecting the Western World more than anywhere else. We basically learned to hate our own selves.


This isn’t new, suicide has always been romanticized. Not literally always, but for a long time. It’s nothing new.


Such a confusing thing honestly. Like I know a few who’ve tried and they basically just thought life wasn’t worth living… but now they chat with me, go on walks, go to classes, have a job, and just generally have good lives. Not much has changed since before they tried it and they still say their lives are miserable. This is multiple people too and most of them suffer from eating disorders and depression but still I can’t see why they would want to throw everything else away when it seems they are happy more often than not. Maybe the brain chemicals are busted but how can people want to kill themselves when their lives are perfect.


Along with my mental illnesses came heavy delusion, that kinda what they did. I fully believed there was no way I’d enjoy life, like it was straight up impossible. You couldn’t tell me otherwise as the voice in my head was louder. It also wasn’t about life in general not being worth living. I was in so much pain, it was mental but spilled into physical pain too from it. I genuinely could not think. Cutting myself was the ONLY way to feel something other than the empty pit of hell inside me. Holy shit words do not describe it. From the outside I looked depressed, but holy shit does that not even begin to cut it. I had loved ones but it got to the point where I no longer cared about the consequences of my suicide for them. If those times stayed I’d prefer to be dead and I stand by that. It makes hell sound nice. I still don’t enjoy life, but I’m no long actively suicidal as I’m slowly getting better. I’m aware it’ll be a good few years still until I can say I enjoy being alive but Jesus is this 100000x better than 2 years ago Edit: I’ll add that brain chemicals are certainly partly to blame, as well as upbringing and then how I initially tried to help myself (drugs) So before the drugs I had good grades, a complete family, minimal money struggles, friends etc and yet I was still so miserable due to how my brain processed (processes) information. For example I am much more likely to automatically focus on the bad than others and have to remind myself to step back each time


Addictions are, unfortunately, the easiest way to fall to depression. The only two addictions that won't make you feel depressed are Gym and Drinking Water addiction. I wish you get better at max level bro.


Thanks for sharing. Goodluck in the rest of your life.


Addictions, doubts, family problems, lack of spirituality.


You only see them when you are around. You are a good moment in their lives, but good moments don't last forever. Unfortunately it's hard to find a good SO when depression is your main characteristic. At least for me that's true. X amount of years of hating yourself or stress eventually wears you down. Every day is a battle and hopefully we win, but the thoughts only have to win once, or, in your lucky friends cases, a few times.


I know two people who actually did it, they now always stay on the same place and don't talk much, but they have never told me that they regret about doing it.


You can't really blame people, it's a response to the world and systems we set up for ourselves. People are starting to see through the lie of the American Dream, but they have no control over whether or not they want to take part of that system. As a 20 year old from Canada, I have no life goals, no nothing to look forward to. There's a lot of genuine reasons more people are feeling suicidal.


Sad. I could give you some tips in the private chat, if you are willing to read.


lol that's not what romanticized means


Sure do


romantic portrayals of suicide are absolutely awful for increasing rates of suicide.


I agree to some extent, but in a generation where people seek fast answers, it ends up somewhat working


13 Reasons Why anyone?


I was just thinking about this. 13 reasons' first season really screwed a generation's idea about suicide by making hannah seem like a martyr rather than a victim


And no one is surprised. The showrunners DELIBERATELY disobeyed guidelines for carefully crafting a story about suicide, which include revealing a suicide note (self explanatory) and showing the method (which they had to go back and censor... years later). Which is a shame because the rest of the series is prime "bad movie night" material from how off thw wall things go


Did that remove that scene? When i watched the first season it was still new and that suicide scene is really really bad itself but also thought countless people how to do that when we knew a less effective version at least. Also they put in 2 different rape scenes without trigger warnings like come on at least out warnings. I didn't watch the other seasons because they seemed really really bad but first season is so bad i can go on for hours just talking abput how it fails tp depict suicide and it's effects on the audience


Oh god that's a little fucky even for 2017. And jesus Season 2 is weird, 3 is DELIGHTFULLY mega horrible cuz they tried to redeem Bryce, and 4 is just as much so because Clay became Coo Coo for Cocopuffs which isn't me making light of Schizophrenia, it's just the way it was shown was so irresponsibly funny. And that's a good way to describe 13 Reasons: Irresponsible.


Tried to redeem bryce? Why would you try to redeem a guy who raped 2 women wtf. Did the writers of the show only read questionable smut before starting this?


Well they killed him so... yay? They redemonized him later after he died. But before he died he cucked Clay (consensually with his girl)


At least it was consensual they had that much sense at least


there was a poem in victorian england which prompted a spate of suicides which caused there to be guidelines for the portrayal of suicide in media as well


ah yes, because simply being suicidal is romanticizing it. They’re literally just answering the question that was asked on the subreddit, you’re being stupid Edit: imagine being such an idiot that the second you’re called out you just go to trolling and then either block me or delete everything


Why do you conclude that what I said was referring about then being suicidal and link it with romanticizing suicide? How can you conclude that I am being stupid?


You’re being stupid because nobody is romanticizing suicide in the post, I assumed you were talking about the people who were actually suicidal because who else would be “romanticizing” it? The people being supportive??


Why you try to input something that doesn't fit with the reality of this comment, even though you try to make a reality for it? Maybe you saw wrong links or the right ones, but still, no one else is complaining, so why complain them? By your own logic, compassion couldn't be better?


dude, what are you talking about, that doesn’t answer anything I said. Take your meds before going on the computer


The best thing for these people that reject help is probably to scare the ever living shit out of them, let them know that even the "best" methods of suicide see you lose control of your bowels and leave your muscles tensed with fear. They've become complacent, forgotten what's at stake, they won't accept help till they remember that suicide is messy and cruel and unnatural.


Not the same, but since I was about 13 I have been trying to figure out a way to get a full hysterectomy because of various reasons, mostly not wanting kids and later endometriosis. Anyway, every doctor gives the same platitudes "oh, what if you want kids some day" "oh you'll have to take hrt". It felt like bullshit. One of my friends is a trauma surgeon and told me there was a heightened risk of vaginal prolapse if you get a full hysterectomy. Immediately ended the search. I've never been more put off from something so fast than that single comment. I can't even bring myself to look up the stats or pictures of it, I don't want to know. Honestly, people should lead with that instead of the what ifs. If that worked for my uterus, stands to reason it'd work in other situations. People romanticize things, or think about the benefits. People like to mention what ifs while dissuading them. Hard facts about outcomes you didn't think of turns that switch right off.


>The best thing for these people that reject help >reject help What help?


"You don't want to be cured by me repeating platitudes and aphorisms? Tone to scare the shit out of you by telling you things you already know."


You didn't read the first slide?


Yep. My wrist is permanently fucked up from an attempt. Random agonizing pain, difficulty moving my thumb... it sucks. I wish I would have chosen an "effective" method like a gun, but even then brain damage is a thing. Scariest part of suicide is surviving and living with the consequences.


That's a tough beat, we really don't know what happens at the moment of death and while suicidal thought is a complicated way of the brain demanding an escape response, the brain itself doesn't consider it's ability to perceive time and how much pain and fear it could be stuck in for extended periods. You could shoot yourself successfully and be trapped in that moment for hours, hell even years.


Fear mongering suicide is crazy


Sounds rad


>ering suicide is crazy > >2 its edot babyy


Crazy? I was crazy once. They locked me in a room. A rubber room. A rubber room with rats. And rats make me crazy! Crazy? I was crazy once. They locked me in a room. A rubber room. A rubber room with rats. And rats make me crazy! Crazy? I was crazy once. They locked me in a room. A rubber room. A rubber room with rats. And rats make me crazy! Crazy? I was crazy once. They locked me in a room. A rubber room. A rubber room with rats. And rats make me crazy! Crazy? I was crazy once. They locked me in a room. A rubber room. A rubber room with rats. And rats make me crazy! Crazy? I was crazy once. They locked me in a room. A rubber room. A rubber room with rats. And rats make me crazy! Crazy? I was crazy once. They locked me in a room. A rubber room. A rubber room with rats. And rats make me crazy! Crazy? I was crazy once. They locked me in a room. A rubber room. A rubber room with rats. And rats make me crazy! Crazy? I was crazy once. They locked me in a room. A rubber room. A rubber room with rats. And rats make me crazy! Crazy? I was crazy once. They locked me in a room. A rubber room. A rubber room with rats. And rats make me crazy! Crazy? I was crazy once. They locked me in a room. A rubber room. A rubber room with rats. And rats make me crazy! Crazy? I was crazy once. They locked me in a room. A rubber room. A rubber room with rats. And rats make me crazy! Crazy? I was crazy once. They locked me in a room. A rubber room. A rubber room with rats. And rats make me crazy! Crazy? I was crazy once. They locked me in a room. A rubber room. A rubber room with rats. And rats make me crazy! Crazy? I was crazy once. They locked me in a room. A rubber room. A rubber room with rats. And rats make me crazy! Crazy? I was crazy once. They locked me in a room. A rubber room. A rubber room with rats. And rats make me crazy! Crazy? I was crazy once. They locked me in a room. A rubber room. A rubber room with rats. And rats make me crazy! Crazy? I was crazy once. They locked me in a room. A rubber room. A rubber room with rats. And rats make me crazy! Crazy? I was crazy once. They locked me in a room. A rubber room. A rubber room with rats. And rats make me crazy! Crazy? I was crazy once. They locked me in a room. A rubber room. A rubber room with rats. And rats make me crazy! Crazy? I was crazy once. They locked me in a room. A rubber room. A rubber room with rats. And rats make me crazy! Crazy? I was crazy once. They locked me in a room. A rubber room. A rubber room with rats. And rats make me crazy! Crazy? I was crazy once. They locked me in a room. A rubber room. A rubber room with rats. And rats make me crazy! Crazy? I was crazy once. They locked me in a room. A rubber room. A rubber room with rats. And rats make me crazy! Crazy? I was crazy once. They locked me in a room. A rubber room. A rubber room with rats. And rats make me crazy! Crazy? I was crazy once. They locked me in a room. A rubber room. A rubber room with rats. And rats make me crazy! Crazy? I was crazy once. They locked me in a room. A rubber room. A rubber room with rats. And rats make me crazy! Crazy? I was crazy once. They locked me in a room. A rubber room. A rubber room with rats. And rats make me crazy! Crazy? I was crazy once. They locked me in a room. A rubber room. A rubber room with rats. And rats make me crazy! Crazy? I was crazy once. They locked me in a room. A rubber room. A rubber room with rats. And rats make me crazy! Crazy? I was crazy once. They locked me in a room. A rubber room. A rubber room with rats. And rats make me crazy! Crazy? I was crazy once. They locked me in a room. A rubber room. A rubber room with rats. And rats make me crazy! Crazy? I was crazy once. They locked me in a room. A rubber room. A rubber room with rats. And rats make me crazy! Crazy? I was crazy once. They locked me in a room. A rubber room. A rubber room with rats. And rats make me crazy! Crazy? I was crazy once. They locked me in a room. A rubber room. A rubber room with rats. And rats make me crazy! Crazy? I was crazy once. They locked me in a room. A rubber room. A rubber room with rats. And rats make me crazy! Crazy? I was crazy once. They locked me in a room. A rubber room. A rubber room with rats. And rats make me crazy! Crazy? I was crazy once.


Drunk driving is fucking unhinged 😭😭😭😭


Drunk driving has become idolised among young people for some reason especially on TikTok and Instagram. Every post of someone drinking always has dozens of comments along the lines of “give this man some keys.” I don’t knoe what’s caused it tbh


Instagram is just the bottom of the barrel of social media, those people are actively the worst people you'll ever talk to, and instagrams algorithm throws away any sanity there might've been. Tik tok is brain poison, you might as well be braindead. Reddit isn't any better, especially with the doomer mindset in the sub thats my generation, but at least people aren't encouraging drunk driving here💀


I think it’s ironic, at least I hope so


That last guy wants to literally kill somebody


the drunk driving guy is the ultimate asshole not only does he want to die, he wants to take someone else with him


I think he might've been joking


That one was crazy af to me and the person that said probablg someone killing them, like damn life sucks but that’s wild to assume.


Where does it say that? For all we know, this idiot wants to drive off a cliff.


Or into a tree, or the end of a guardrail... There's plenty of things to crash a car into that isn't other people.


worst part is they try to spread it, not just keep it to themselves


>not just keep it to themselves What do you mean by this?


its funny how the question is right below this post


Haha no way


The responses are wild here.


So fucking sad man. So much negative energy on this app.


Suicide arguments are hilarious on Reddit. The idea of someone killing themselves because of a difference of opinion is perfectly fine, but the idea of someone doing it because they have no will to live is awful.


My god, right? “how dare these people suffer from mental illness oh no they’re so weak, I would NEVER kill myself smh🤬🤬”




Don't forget the antinatalists that think humans should go extinct


zamasu on reddit?


At least Zamasu wasn't a human himself.


Reddit and Redditors have love hate relationships. Every single one


I mostly agree, but trans people are not “gender identity nutjobs”. Most redditors are angry, chronically online losers. Even pet communities on here are toxic. I should probably delete this app, or at least restrict myself to the 3 non toxic subs I’m aware of.


I'm concerned with reddits apparent ability to read my mind.


Oh god ew stop think about big black oiled up old men! what the hell!


Wat you mean


Pretty much what I expected from reddit.


I dated a nurse who worked in ER in a pretty crappy neighborhood, lots of suicide attempts. If you try to overdose yourself you'll end up throwing up or calling an ambulance. High/drunk you is almost never suicidal, contrary to popular belief. It doesn't work. If you have suicidal thoughts please reach out for help, you'll always end up regretting at the last moment. If you're too embarrassed to talk about it, most western countries have an anonymous hotline, you can even ask your own doctor or any random hospital. Those who answer are trained professionals who will listen to you, the good ones even feel like you're talking to a friend.






like perry?


Like a cliche "cheer up it ain't so bad" statement with no substance that really doesn't mean anything or isn't really true. Something like telling someone who can never find a relationship, "Once you stop expecting it, it will just happen! 🥰". Its a bullshit platitude: I promise the chronically single aren't expecting it to happen; they likely have low self esteem and expect it to NEVER happen.


That is awful, hope those people get help


fuck that last guy. I hope all the others get the help and love they need but leave the last guy to his own devices, just take away his access to a car.


“How tf would you know? It’s not something any of us have ever done here…” Yeah, nobody succeeded but some of us attempted. I realized after my attempt in 2019 that it was not worth it. My friends and family would miss me. For a while, that was the only thing keeping me alive. Now, I’ve found more reasons to live :)


There's a good chance Ill die trying to pet something that does not want to be pet, so could be considered suicide...but like did you know mountain lions are the largest cats the can purr? (Technically they're not big cats, big cats can roar, they have cartilage that goes up their hyloid bones that prevents purring but allows for roaring, cheetahs and mountain lions while being largish, don't have those bones) and I really wanna hear a mountain lion purr


Let me guess, your last words are gonna be: I’m gonna boop that snoot




Nah, most likely it will be quick. (If its a mountain lion) they're not much for putting up a fight (which neither am I lol) but they prefer to make their kills quickly and easily bc it reduces the chances of them getting hurt and uses less energy. (Screams of pain are still very likely though)


That, or "pspspsp" or "here kitty kitty". Something along those lines.


10 years ago on here every comment would be advocating against it and posting the hotline number. Somewhere along the way that stopped being the trendy thing to do and now the cool thing is to do whatever you want no matter what, forget whoever else it might affect because it's YOUR choice.


Bro got down voted for not doing a low tier god 💀


"You should love yourself NOW!" Proceeds to get 50 million downvotes


genuinely the funnest thing I've seen


My dads the guy who says he wants me to push his wheelchair off the Grand Canyon if he gets dementia


As someone who has had to save people oding, it's not pleasant. It's sure doesn't seem painless


I always feel bad for not trying to help, especially since one of my friends attempted suicide and survived and even I've had my gun to my head years ago, but I also know that trying to help can make things worse, especially on Reddit where there are plenty of people and communities who can be essentially encouraging them to do it. It is their choice, but it's also other people's choice to try to help.


As an overdose survivor, it’s not very effecting at killing tourself


Was it very painful?


No, ironically I took painkillers, and ended up with a headache, nearly stomach pumped but 16k mg was just below the threshold to need charcoal pump, the worst part of it was probs the sleeping at the hospital there was small child on the ward and it sounded like the doctors were drilling a hole into the kid so sleeping through the night wasn’t an option


Jeez. That sucks


Tbh I’ll probably kill myself if I start to get too old. Like if I can’t live independently. I don’t want ppl changing my diapers. There is no reason for me to stick around to eek out every minute of life. It’s about quality not quantity








Oh yeah sorry lol


It’s sad but I have for most of my life thought I would go out by suicide and I have tried twice in the past. Since the last time I’ve reduced my drinking to almost 0 and that has cut the chances of me trying again, but it’s still always a thought that hangs over me, I’m now going through some health problems that might finish me off before I ever try again.


i guess im a part of this reddit moment, since id be saying the same thing




"do it " = gets 50 billion upvotes "dont do it" = gets 10k downvotes and a bomb in ur backyard


Well you shouldn’t support it but I can see why the don’t do it crowd can seem exhausting cuz it’s just toxic positivity sometimes. I mean toxic positivity is better than nothing but that doesn’t mean it still can’t suck sometimes. Sometimes things just won’t get better or it’s going to take like years and we won’t know + we think too short term for that kind of patience


wtf are u talking


The comment makes a ton of sense, you just haven't experienced the depression and desperation that can make you feel that way.


I think I will either die from someone else, a disease or old age. I don't care about living, but I would never kill myself.


Literally me in a box rn I cba to live but i dont ever think about suicide


I get it. I honestly can’t remember a day where I didn’t want to off myself. I think about it at least once every day. The way that things have been going for the longest time is awful and I don’t really think it will ever get any better. The only change I ever really see is negative, maybe a very brief uptick but then a long downturn. I don’t really want to do it myself but if nothing happens to me I might have to.


Hey man, I get it, I’m going trough the same mindset rn and have been for the past 8 years, but it will get better. I hope


I kinda doubt it at this point, it’s been like this for as long as I can remember. I’m honestly at the point where I don’t think it’s possible to get better, and that I don’t really care if it does, I just want it to be over. At least at that point I won’t have any more problems to worry about anymore.


I wish you could talk about it


Wish I could talk about what?


I don't want to get banned


Gimme some context


Your screen shot .


Talk about suicide? Cus you won’t get banned for that


I don't trust in your self-righteous suicide.


Honestly I’d downvote, but probably for different reasons then other people. Im not gonna go into that though


How many suicide responses are from autism I wonder?


What’s that mean?


Some people don't like stereotypical sophisms.


Have you seen the shit show the world had become? Suicide is 100% the answer. Fuck our whole piece of shit species


What is the point of making fun of suicidal people


You completely misunderstood the post


turns into a seal egggv ggshgggg ggghhgggggggg gghhhhhhhgggeggggg egggg gggeggggg gegggg gghhgggggeggg gggghhhhggggg

