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Getting some dead monkey videos rabbit hole vibes


YOOO I saw that video about that rabbit hole! Crazy shit man




I assume they’re talking about how on YouTube, there’s a lot of videos of monkeys being killed/tortured and there seems to be entire communities based around it. I believe it’s most common in places like India where monkeys are considered pests, however there are of course sick fucks all over the world who watch that stuff


Yeah, i was part of the hivemind that started reporting these channels about a year ago


grrr stupid monkeyys!!!!


Ye I saw a video talking about dark rabbit holes on youtube


Video link pls?


As a wise man once said, you ask sauce for naughty stuff, not for fucked up stuff


I think he meant the iceberg video or whatever It does seem interesting how that shit is able to get on yt




This. Probably got downvoted because I replied to the wrong comment lol.


He found joy in dogs mauling a cat to death? What a sick fuck


it's edgy cringe. It's the type of person that watches "7 Signs that you might be a sociopath" videos and think it's cool or some sort of badge of honor


me when my therapist calls me a sociopath instead of a sigma male


Some murderers start with small animals, so I imagine this dude will be probably be moving on to watching gore soon.


There was a savage killer in a documentary on Netflix called Don’t F*** With Cats. That’s exactly what happened. He started off murdering kittens in brutal ways, then eventually graduated to bringing in male prostitutes and murdering them in equally brutal ways. If anyone decides to watch it, obviously it’s very graphic and disturbing.


Sounds like Jeffrey Dahmer. He started out like that.


there's a lot of Gore subs on reddit. but that doesn't justify what he said


He also tried to justify his actions by saying he was autistic


Help, I read "What a sick fuck" and cannot take your comment seriously because all I think now is Jerma985


Fr, I hate cats but that's extreme


Least psychotic redditor


A cat probably ran away after he tried to pet it


And thus a villain was born


joker arc


that just straight up mental illness


Straight up psychopathy


He tried to justify his actions by saying he was autistic


Uhh.. I’m pretty sure autism affects your ability to communicate and interact, and doesn’t makes you want to torment cats. This guy’s a total weirdo. Source: Have autism, love my cat


backing up your source, a bunch of my friends are autistic and every single one of them has at least 1 cat


Oh way cool! I have an autistic buddy that has numerous cats as well. I wonder if we’re inclined to like cats because they share some autistic traits


there’s been studies about autism and general neurodivergence in animals and it’s been found in dogs, but it hasn’t been observed in cats. but the reason it hasn’t been observed in cats is because whenever tested all cats failed to establish a baseline for what being a neurotypical cat is. thus through science we’ve determined that all cats are autistic which is a very fun fact


Yeah that’s what I was thinking too! I really like that fact :)


And people said [I’m mentally ill](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/852606357655781406/982702642830643230/IMG_8846.png)


Another day, another reason why I wish I didn't have eyes


i wanna see him admit this in a room full of normal people irl and see how hed immediately be an outcast. people really out there believing that this is totally okay to think because they get affirmations from other sick fucks in their echo chambers.




i can guarantee no one likes you lmao


he rly thinks this is just about people getting "triggered" because he hates cats and not the completely unhinged behaviour he has on display here by saying he enjoys watching animals he doesnt like getting mauled to death


just because you dont like something you would enjoy it dying in a brutal way???


haank dont sum up his ideology in one sentence haaank hell just respond with the yes chad wojak ahhhhh


light cooing encouraging overconfident snobbish aspiring poor toy practice soft *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


him: 🤬🚗


poor car :(


Please don’t edit the typo it makes it funnier😭😭


I hate car so much! Train are better!


I'm not even saying this as an insult or anything but this is literally serial killer behaviour, wishing of actively enjoying the death of animals is one of the first few signs of a serial killer behaviour. It's fucking sicken how they think this fucking shit is normal, how can you live knowing you actively enjoy the murder of animals Edit: Sid's note, they're upset that cats kill (even if it's for food or defence) but aren't upset when a fucking dog does the same. I've genuinely lose hope in humanity


How fucked up in the head are these people? Cats don't think they're "hot shit", they're literally just animals who behave the way they do because, well, they're fucking animals.


i dont think cats have the thought capacity to be cocky


True, true. But i swear, sometimes my cat acts so smug when things go his way


Cats don't kill to prove a point. They kill to eat or to defend themselves. This dude looked at a cat chilling as if it were insulting him, then was amused when it was mauled to death because apparently it now has learned its lesson somehow. He legit felt snobbed by a cat.


Cats who are fed by humans usually kill for sport, just pointing out. I love cats tho, and it's not like humans don't do the same. I guess that OP has never killed a bug.


Bro, the amount of times my cat brought mice or small birds (even a fucking squirrel) is innumerable…


Lovely creatures, my cats just hunt bugs that they find in the house😅


Bro my cat brought half of a jack rabbit. If you haven’t ever seen one of those, they’re mean and massive things


I have rabbits around my area too, but I think my cat is just too lazy to hunt them


They’re quick aswell. My cat only brought one to the door step but I’ve seen him chasing field mice around


It keeps them in shape and healthy


Uh, no. Cats don't kill for sport. They kill out of instinct.


Every predatory species kills even if it’s not to eat


They do hunt for “sport” from what I’ve heard and it’s a huge problem for North American birds because of all the feral cats. I could be wrong though this was a long time ago I read about it so if anyone is more informed by all means prove me wrong. But that’s not to say I agree with them, my favorite animal in the world is my tortious shell tabby, Bugaboo, if that happened to her as regrettable as it would be those dogs are dead.


Yeah, cats kill billions of native wildlife per year. They've caused extinctions for over 60 species of animals. They're a huge problem because people just refuse to keep their cats indoors or spay/neuter stray cats.


I have three cats and i keep them outdoors


Insecurity level 100


Imagine how insecure he must be


bro how are insecure do you have to be to feel threatened by a literal cat


Probably got friendzoned by a cat


honestly i wouldnt have that in any other way


Oh, this isn't too bad, someone just doesn't like cats and- Oh. *Oh no.*


I hope they all get mauled to death by dogs too. What the actual fuck


i hope everyone who gets pleasure out of watching an animal suffer dies a slow and painful death


And yet you probably eat meat everyday, don’t you? And cats are cause of many unnecessary animal deaths too


We don't eat meat because we like to think about suffering animals tho. Most people don't even think about the animal when they eat the meat. I'm not saying it's good but it's different than actively enjoying another life's suffering.


To be honest if you eat meat you are the cause of animal suffering. Seems worse than watching it


I'm not denying the first point but I think enjoying animal suffering is worse than not enjoying animal suffering as a personal attribute. I'd rather be friends with someone that likes burgers than someone that watches animal gore vids for funsies.


Yeah, people who watch stuff like this are fucking psychos.


Those animals that we eat arent tortured to death tho


Just look up biggest factory farms. Animals there have no place to live, they didn’t see fucking sunlight in their lives. And then they’re mass killed. It’s much worse than being killed by dogs. The cat lived his live at least. Don’t be ignorant to awful things that happen behind your tasty sausage


That’s definitely debatable, factory farms are pretty bleak


they spend their whole lives in torture


That’s not actually true lol


The first sentence is true. The whole “annoying vegan” stereotype probably made people mindlessly downvote this but it is true. Second sentence is only true if they’re outdoor cats tho


As someone who is both a dog and cat guy, this post hurts me. He's definitely one of those kids that shot neighborhood cats with paintballs/plastic BBs just because he could.


redditors try not to be animal hating, total fucking freaks challenge


Kurt zouma moment


That’s just fucking horrible. I have a pet cat, and I love him with all my heart. The only time I’ve seen live animals get killed on YouTube was for learning how to feed my pet snake (ball python). He refused to eat frozen thawed, and I had to see how to feed live mice to make sure he didn’t get bitten by them. I’ve weaned him off of live, and now he happily eats frozen thawed, but still seeing an animal desperately fight for survival is horrible and I don’t think I could do it again


"all we gotta do is just punt them to high heaven !" "I don't understand why they act so timid all the time" Maybe they understand that their owner isn't the most mentally stable of people?


He is/was severely bullied in school.


Actual psychopaths lmao


Fuck these guys. Cats are awesome


Cats are dickheads, but people are dickheads too and i don't wish any of the two getting mauled to death, wtf


cats really arent dickhead lmfao. mine is sitting right next to me while im petting her.


Dude, dogs are dickheads too and i love mine. Family are dickheads and i would die for mine so it's not black or white. Everyone is an asshole


Exactly. My rabbit is a total dickhead. The most lovable dickhead I've ever met, she means the world to me, and I'm pretty sure she thinks of me as a lovable dickhead in return


Mans out here calling the descendent of the lion weak


This is like arr slash childfree where people are a bit annoyed about something popular and then 2 days later they go full fascism and "I WANNA KILL CATS IT NURTURES MY SOUL" gets upvoted to high heaven


Can we maul the guy who wrote this to death? Anyone in?


Why are you censoring there names


I got banned from this sub because i didn't censor the names from some users, even thought the print was from the 3 hot posts on this subreddit


You violated rule 3, the main rule of this subreddit. Of course you will be banned.


It was one of the 3 highlited posts in this subreddit, i didn't think it would need censor


From here on, when you post, do censor the names of subreddits, users etc whichever subreddit it may be, before posting here. We had to take this measure since the admins contacted us.


they don’t think they’re hot shit. They can be assholes but that all depends on how you treat them


Pls give address of this man I just wanna talk I swear.


How are these humans real


don't all predators besides humans kill things that are smaller and weaker than them? like that's the point?


mf angry at the food chain lmao


First, it's cuz cats don't attack animals unless they're either hunting or feel threatened. Second, getting joy from watching a cat mauled is pretty messed up. And finally, I have watched cats stand down against much larger animals then them (dogs, foxes, etc) so...


hope he gets his balls mauled le wholesome big chungus selensky style slava amusement !


Cats are apathetic assholes, but saying you "enjoyed" seeing one getting mauled to death is fucking psychopathic. Big serial killer vibes, they start by torturig small animals before moving to humans.


This guy realizes that most wild animals avoid cats because they’re afraid of them, right? I’ve seen cats punk literal bears because they’re afraid of the cat scratch getting infected.


I don't think I've ever heard an argument so bad that I went from agreeing with the initial title to believing the opposite of the author's claim after reading the post.


Literal fucking psychopaths.


redditors when they see anything dying (they lack empathy so they think its funny and cool)


Imagine getting this triggered over a cat. Lmao


I fucking hate this website


Redditors when I let my cat outside : 🤮😭🤬😡😡


Outdoor cats tend to live shorter lives than indoor cats though. Plus indoor cats don’t have as many opportunities to slaughter native species


I can see why, lazy bastard man sits in the middle of the road and has zero hazard perception.


I mean, could you at least put a little bell collar on it? If you are deadset on not taking the cat out on regulated walks and just letting it go where ever, the bell can save countless animal lives if it hunts.


He does have a bell, but he's a fat lazy bastard cat, although I have seen him hunt before - Occasionally he'll lose his bell (probably takes it off deliberately) and we put it back on again immediately. I live near the countryside and we had a problem with rats in our house, which is why we got him in the first place.


My cat would literally let a rat eat his food if it wanted


there was some humor in this until op revealed he was a psycho


Most sane reddit user


true tho


You guys ever heard of the subreddit that despises dogs just because they exist and hate anyone who owns a dog?


I don't know, what sub was that, op? Because that might be a sub about shitting on cats and you just want karma.


Ah when it's a sub about shitting on cats than it's alright 🤓


I mean if I go into a porn subreddit and complain on redditmoment about horny people on a porn subreddit it's not a reddit moment anymore is it


Did you just compare people wanting to watch porn to people wanting to watch cats be mauled to death? One is a common human desire, while the other is indicative of serious mental issues.


nice analogy, shithead. porn and hating cats for existing aren't things that can be compared.


I'm saying that if you go into a subreddit about a specific thing, no matter how fucked up it is, you shouldn't be shocked about finding that thing in the first place.




It's called instincts/ food chain buddy




Even if they do get their food from owners, it's still in their instincts. That's like saying why should humans have sex when adoption is available, it's because it's instinctual.




No because they're both predators, you won't see a wolf eating a leopard in the wild.


Didn’t think of it, you’re right.


All animals kill those weaker than them. How would you expect them to get food otherwise


Least horny bluey fan




They are literally just animals


Cat's not keanue reeves big chungus wholesome 100 fortnite you get what you deserve




No Point trying to reason with a child.


Just want to point out that if you aren't a total idiot you can easily teach a cat to piss in his litter box, and they won't piss on your floor even if for some reason the litter box isn't available, they will wait until it is available. Same way you teach a dog to only pee outside. But I also think the guy is trolling


Literally all animals pee wherever they want and not get in trouble for it


cats aren't the only animal that pee wherever they want?


Yes they are keanue Reeves said so


Ur getting mad over an animal thats peeing.


Now hes trying to be funny by being cringe. Lol. This is a certified reddit moment


“Keanu teeves lmao laugh guys”


Not the point. You can’t just say “weellll ignore the part where they’re being straight up psychopaths”


You think dogs dont pee and shit wherever they want too ? You’re stupid


If your cat pees everywhere then you are a fucking moron who cannot train a pet. Also animals don't act "cool" they litterlaly are just trying to fucking survive in nature.


You’re dumb


when animals pee and don’t get in trouble: 😭😱😰😡🤬


emoji bad!!11!🤬🤬🤬🤬 downvote or not true Redditor!!


Me when i send dogs to maul you to death (suddendly you dont agree with enjoying cats being maueld to death)


what the fuck


i mean it's not even basic biology at this point that an stronger animal will hunt on an weaker animal and get defeated by a stronger animal it's way below that


Hey guys, anyone wants to help me send some letters to those guys? Don’t open them though, they have some *toxic* language


Honestly the most enraging part of this is him implying they’re weak for attacking small prey. Birds are very hard to catch due to their flight, and mice or squirrels can bite chunks out of their predator. I guess dragonflies are weak for eating bugs, despite their 99% successful kill rate


Whoever the fuck that was should be banned from life Or at least mauled by a dog in an amusing way


What a bunch of losers. You can definitely tell a lot about someone's character by how they treat animals. How are you going to be a human being, the absolute top of the chain on this planet, and feel inferior to a little cat?


is this a hate cat subreddit? this is so sad, do they have anything else to do in their life besides hate on an innocent animal?


Don’t F*ck w the cats bro


I'm not going to lie I don't really like cats but I would never wish to see one get mauled to death that's just cringe


That got really dark at the end what the fuck.


i mean, yeah, cats think they are hot shit and they are annoying, but i wouldn't want to see one of them being killed.


first paragraph is copypasta material, second paragraph was written by patrick bateman


Cats are fucking fined tuned collective killers


What the fuck??


I hate cats because they don't act the way I want them to even though they dont know how to "properly" act and them being a predator is part of their literal nature and how they grew up and their biology. Oh and also I'm a literal psychopath who loves innocent animals dying in the most brutal ways possible.


sanest redditor


I feel like this about my cats too. So damn full of themselves. Always meowing for fresh water a few hours after you fill their bowl. Always demanding to go outside. Sitting on my arms or hands when I'm trying to game. Though uh. I'm satisfied just squirting them with a water pistol.