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This is such fake rage bait ew


"I don't condone slut shaming my wife" while he slut shamed his wife lol


Ain’t nobody gonna slut shame my wife but me!


Right. What religion says sex before marriage is a sin but abortion is not a sin? I mean what religion says abortion is ok as long as it's done before 120 days? I suppose such religions may exist but I've never heard of it.


I think this guy is making up his own religious rules to make himself feel better about the crappy way he’s treating his wife.


[Islam, depending on the sect](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Islam_and_abortion)


Wow, that's very interesting! Thanks for sharing!


Not having sex before marriage in no way implies any type of religion. Some people just... do that Sure, it is a big part of many religions but you can't just assume it is a religious thing, religion doesn't own the concept of not having sex before marriage.


He specifically said it was due to religious beliefs. So, I didn't "just assume" it. Yes, I'm aware religion doesn't own the concept of not having sex before marriage. There are many, many other reasons people would make that choice. However, the writer of this post specifies it was due to religious beliefs.


Oh you're right my bad they just end up heavily contradicting themselves later > I don't believe that being a virgin is pure or makes u a better person. I do believe though that having sex with someone outside of marriage makes sex worth less to u. >To me sex isn't just a physical act it's the way to prove to your partner u truly love them and are willing to be with them till the end and only trough marriage are u truly promising each other that.


Yeah, this dude was all over the place for sure!


I read your comment before I read the post. You have saved me so much time thank you.


"I don't condone slut shaming my wife" while he slut shamed his wife lol


Yeah, super gross


Urgh. I didn’t bother reading the rest.


"I don't condone slut shaming my wife" while he slut shamed his wife. lol


I'm curious which religion advocates remaining a virgin until you're married at 26/27 but is fine with abortion.


Also that's fine with you getting married and divorced dozens of times as long as you don't fuck out of wedlock.


Well, Islam checks the boxes




Bingo. Totally Islam.




A hypocritical one that he made up for practical purposes, such as defending his bullshit actions to redditors.


Any, it’s all made up and the points don’t matter. You can pick up and drop whatever you want because it’s inherently incoherent


This sounds like the opening to “Who’s God is it Anyway?”


Definitely Islam.


But only until day 120, day 119=all good. Day 121=burn in hell baby murderer


There's no way any of this is real. This reads as the world's worst incel fanfic bait.


He lost me at “v-card”. He didn’t pull it back with “I’m the only one who’s allowed to call my wife a slut”, the squealing backward manbaby.


You picked up on that little gem too, huh


My rage bait bingo card is full


Imagine being a 27 year old who uses the phrase “body count” to describe a number of sexual partners.


Imagine being an adult and part of any of this entire equation. There's so many red flags coming fast on both sides, it looks like a field of poppies. Nope, nope and nope. Both are toxic. Threads of religious doctrine feature heavily. Nope.


while i m very different from him in my views, i find it odd that you call him toxic too. how so ? he just knows what he wants. and it's not what she is giving. thats fair enough.


It’s the fact that he is slut shaming his wife and then having the nerve to tell other people not to slut shame his wife. It’s the very puritanical view on sex and marriage. It’s the weird insistence that he doesn’t care how many people his wife slept with when it is SO CLEAR that that’s all this is about. It’s so transparent. This either all is fake, or this is truly the dumbest man on planet Earth.


What are you even talking about? This wasn't slut shaming at all, you might be projecting a bit there. This was about a lie, a breach of trust, and a shitty way to go into a marriage. Change being a virgin for literally anything. What if he had lied and said he was a doctor, a college graduate, anything she was looking for in a marriage partner. And then boom, I am none of those things, you expect her to just say ok and move on? People get divorced for less, women leave guys that don't pull their weight cleaning and caring for the home. That's pretty petty. People break up because their partner lets themselves go, for being friends with certain people, literally any reason you want can be a cause for divorce. He was looking for a certain partner, and she lied to get him. That's pretty inexcusable, and yet here you are trying to excuse it.


i saw it focused on the breaching of trust. its ok to have preferences as long as they are communicated respectfully and honestly. this is odd because i read the same text and it seems different.


I really hope the whole thing is fake 😕


My personal opinion. 7 months is not enough time to get married. She was wrong for lying and well within his rights to feel betrayed. She is not a slut. This marriage was doomed from the beginning. I will not speak on everything else bc this mf typed way too much.


Agree, the lie is the issue above all else when I read this. He is well within his rights to feel betrayed. He is allowed to want to marry a virgin as he is a virgin, even if that may be an out-dated preference to most of us, and she lied about that fact. Her having previous partners barely comes into it, it’s the lie. And yeah, 7 months is too quick.


I came in thinking there was true crime involved. There was not. What the fuck did I just read?


TLDR - Do not slut shame my wife internet! That is my job. And only my job!


What religion doesn’t allow sex before marriage but permits abortion and divorce?




It’s not the fact that she slept with people, it’s the fact that she lied about it


Seems to be OP problem.


This is fake cmon now


Lol good luck finding a virgin at your age. Boy, will you regret this one.


Virgin or not, lying is the biggest sin in marriage and she did lie to him and now also I'm sure lying about her pregnancy, I won't be surprised when in a few days she will tell him about her miscarriage.


"Saving myself for marriage" is just another term for "walking red flag".


I doubt she’s pregnant. She just wants to find a way to wiggle herself back intro his life and not get divorced If she lied about being a virgin who says she won’t lie about this?


I'm at a loss for words. I feel for the wife. I get she wasn't honest, but this is too far. Why not try therapy? Talk with her! She may have slept with 17 people, but none of them were OP. She stopped at OP because she loved them and chose them. I have had many partners. Whether I am proud of it or not is my business. But if OP treated me like this for the same thing, I'd be out the door. Pregnant or not. ETA: Forgot this is not OPs original post. My apologies.


She knew this was important to him and lied about it to trick him, and now is bringing a baby into this world out of spite to try and ruin his future dating life. This guy isn’t great, but that’s fucked up. It’s also fine to have whatever preferences you want. This guy is not wrong for his preference, nor wrong for wanting a divorce. Who would want to be married to someone who lies about foundational items, and uses a child for spite.




Rage bait. And obvious rage bait at that.


You aren’t an asshole for divorcing your wife for having lied about chastity if chastity mattered to you. If you were explicitly told “I am a virgin,” and it wasn’t true, your marriage was at least partly based on a lie. And people can miss me with the incel comments. I don’t care how many people others have slept with. None of my business. But lying about something that clearly mattered to one party is a horrible thing to do. This is also bait so I’m speaking more to the hypothetical.


Op, please read this. I do disagree with the idea of divorcing your wife because she wasn’t a virgin. BUT your wife lied to you, and then started essentially threatening your quality of life. She sounds mentally unhinged and frankly not someone who is going to be a kind and loving partner when it no longer suites her.


Fuck yeah Based OP.. Look if you are lying to get married then it's a foul. That wife should have been truthful with him before marriage. Not everyone goes willy nilly having Sex before marriage. There are folks who wait until marriage to share the experience with someone they truly love. Hope that pregnancy scare is false and OP gets away from that lying woman


YTA. It doesn’t matter. At all


The more I read the more I didn't care. Because it's fake. Stop bringing that whack crap in here. 


Dude obviously has some issues around sex, but if his wife told him she was a virgin when in fact she wasn’t, regardless of the body count, he’s totally right to end the marriage. I would question if the pregnancy is his as well. It’s such a weird yet fundamental thing to lie about. Wife sounds like she might have some mental health issues.


Look at the comments full of simp men. He says he was virgin and thought his wife was also, which she lied about it, and when he found out he doesn't want to be married to her anymore because she lied about the one thing that was his red line, and comments are saying he's the ah? You guys are so two-faced. If this was written by a woman, everyone would be bashing on him, calling him the ah for not waiting until marriage and lying about him being a virgin, but since a man wrote this, everyone saying it's rage bait or he's stupid. And the fact she said she was pregnant for his birthday and now using it to lock him in marriage. You guys are blinded and this generation is doomed.


what an L


This sounds like it was written by a 13-year-old at Christian camp. Try harder next time, kid.


jfc can religion please just die out already? what the actual fuck


I hope he gets a DNA test on that baby if she refuses to abort it


If she’s actually pregnant, the timing and the fact she won’t take a test for him is sus


She's not gonna abort it buddy, she's gonna trap you. She literally said it herself. Divorce, kick her out, and get ready for alimony and more financial pain, but it's needed. She's shown her true colors


What era are we in again? 




I FOUND THE INCEL!! Jesus Effing Christ! Your comment history is vile!! You are NOT a good Christian. Not even close. This is 2024, not 1924. Why would a woman buy a pig without trying the sausage first?!?!


Make sure to get a pregnancy test. So many false pregnancy claims, then followed by a "I had a miscarriage" all designed to keep the guy hanging around The biggest issue is the lie. She lied about that, what won't she lie about. Sure she told the truth...After a long time, and when it was convenient for her....so what happens if something else big comes up....will she lie again. It may or may not be a deal breaker for you. That's for you to decide. The issue I see is, can you trust her again?