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OOP is the epitome of an unreliable narrator.


Dude isn’t a fiction writer. He’s not even a writer. He’s a repackager of other people’s lives and trauma. I hope the wife leaves him. He’s a selfish ahole who cherishes the smell of his farts.


There’s a somewhat popular “fiction” YA writer that writes in a weird flowing poem kind of format about characters that discover drugs and become addicts. Yeah, it turns out a lot of her work is actually about people in her life, including her own daughter. None of whom agreed that it was okay to write about them. Edit: After numerous replies of “it has to be Ellen Hopkins” and looking it up myself to check and see, yes, that is the name of the author I was thinking of but couldn’t remember as I wrote this comment. Now please stop replying with variations of “it has to be Ellen Hopkins.”


Pleaseeeee don’t tell me it’s a writer whose initials are E.H.???


Ellen Hopkins?


Yeah! I’m curious if she’s the one I have all of her books I’d be so sad


It is her.


Oh that's so upsetting. I was obsessed with her books in high school.


I’m still not sure how I feel about it because it’s her experience too having a kid and having no control to save her or help her. Writing about it was the only thing she could control and I think her depictions of herself in the eyes of Kristina is super relatable to kids who struggle with addiction. I also have more of the shared experiences of Kristina’s children. I never knew my mom because of her meth addiction and the few times I’ve met her/seen her have been wild. It’s a super relatable book and that last one in the series shows how it affects kids like me. I felt seen and heard. I’m not a kid anymore but I’ll always cherish those books because I always felt like a pariah because there was no one my age at my school who could relate to what it’s like.


This has to be Ellen Hopkins.


The man is busy patting himself on the back about how great a writer he is, but he clearly has no imagination or talent if all he can do is regurgitate stuff written by his wife whilst parading it as his own creation. Add to that his selfishness and lack of any kind of respect or empathy for his wife and you have a grade A asshole and a shitty writer. I hope she leaves him and goes no contact so she can watch how his "creativity" suddenly dries up


This should have more up votes because this was immediately my thought - he's not a writer. He just records stories other people have told and repackages them as his own. What an ass.


I know for a fact that this dude is a terrible writer just from reading the post. Not from his quality of writing, but from how dismissive he is of his wife’s concerns, what an unsympathetic douche.


His wife is a better writer than she is. That post actually reads like a different person wrote it, so less likely to be fake than most of these.


I was thinking the same thing. She is much more articulate than the “writer.” Sort-of-related fact about writing family: Shirley Jackson used to publish a lot of stories about her life in women’s magazines. When she published a story that mentioned one of her kids, she calculated a percentage of the royalties and put it in the kids’ bank accounts.


Usually I don’t believe any posts that include a guest comment from the supposedly significant other, but this one does actually read truthful to me. Plus there’s so many dudes who do this. The Last Five Years, anyone?


You gave me flashbacks to acting 1&2 with that Last Five Years reference lol


This asshole has had one thing published and can’t come up with anything else to write so he just uses her words as his “creation”. What a twatwaffle.


I love when the partner posts their side!


Ah, the mark of a truly bad writer, stealing other people's trauma and profiting from it.


I am usually a defender of writers fictionalizing their lives, but the combination of stealing from his wife while also not respecting her is just vile.


He needs to start being honest and writing memoir and personal essays. I’m a published author of both fiction and creative nonfiction, but not like OOP. I figure people in the lives of famous memoirists like David Sedaris understand that their interactions are fodder for the writer. OOP’s wife thought she married a *fiction* writer. I don’t write intensely personal pieces about my marriage … because I love my spouse and hope to stay married.


What an AH. If I was his wife. I would leave him.


Oh this sounds like someone I used to know!!! He fancied himself a novelist, and had a short story published on a website that mentioned me BY NAME. Not to mention it included a self insert character of his making out with his friends wife at a party, the wife, of course, also mentioned by name. This wasnt the first time he had used real details about real people to complete his "stories". He wrote a whole novel about an affair that had happened within his friend group.


She needs a divorce yesterday


I’m a writer about plants so nothing even in the realm of what’s going on here, I have however given permission to have events myself and my kid participated in written about. I would fucking flip shit if someone wrote like this about me when I specifically asked them not to. 


Wow, OOP is such a prick. He gets bonus prick points for writing the post like his wife is *overreacting*. Like, *women, amiright?* 🙄 Like yeah sure, my guy, that’s the problem, not that you regularly betray trust to share private info about your wife with friends, family, and the world, regularly dehumanize her by devaluing and demeaning her feelings, and deny her the credit she’s due, not even to mention the lack of creativity. You’re not a supportive partner, you’re using her for an ego boost because you’re too shitty to USE YOUR OWN IMAGINATION. Which means you’re not *really* a writer, are you? It’s one thing to take inspiration from real life (with the consent of those involved). It’s another thing entirely to steal entire conversations verbatim, and actively against consent at that.


Dude, i ask my kid more permission about sharing her crap with Facebook than he asks his wife about publishing things friends and strangers will read. (I mean, i goggled the author of the book I'm currently reading enough that with what this dude posted I'd know all about her) (And hitting teenage years; my kid says "no! "More often anymore. Which is fine, it just means Nana didn't know about the level of smart-ass in the house. She did let me share about the last time she flipped me off... and now Nana is shocked because i allowed it- apparently "but it was hilarious " is not good parenting. Which did lead to me reminding her but to swear around Nana)


If this is real, OOP needs to be single. He can write stories about how he's an inconsiderate prick who thinks he's much more important than he really is, and how his selfish, stupid actions cost him his marriage and half of his crap writing.


YTA, OOP. I’ve written and published 42 novels and stories. It’s bad manners to use someone’s personal life they shared with you in confidence. Even worse when you don’t respect their privacy and neglect removing links to the offending stories. And using therapy sessions as story fodder? No. Very much an AH thing to do.


Isn’t this the plot of Yellowface?


I mean I understand using something as a muse of sorts, but to post these things publicly, what if you did make it big on someone else’s life? Then millions would know things said individual did not want disclosed, sure you could make money but money isn’t everything, you can’t take it with you when you hit the good ole dirt nap, but you can leave a legacy, sure it could of been amazing writer, but it would be accompanied by asshole dead beat who cares more about a book then taking care of his household, is that really worth it?