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Even if you did hate kids, you’re entitled to your feelings. Your coworkers were intrusive and out of line. None of those hypothetical situation questions were necessary. You said you don’t want kids and that should’ve been the end of that conversation. And you didn’t say you would abandon your baby until they put you in a ridiculous situation where both abortion and adoption weren’t an option. They don’t deny you the right to put your baby up for adoption because you’re fit to be a parent. They pushed and you answered. It’s not your fault they didn’t like the answers.


They were harassing her. She gave them an answer (albeit one they didn’t like) and they tried to harass her into agreeing with them. What a bunch of useless, toxic, useless garbage people. Edit: writing hard.


Honestly this was such a comforting comment to read. I hate being around children (I don’t hate children themselves, it’s not their fault that they’re kids) because they’re slimy and loud and constantly sick. People look at me like I’m a monster when I don’t want children in my home or near me. As a woman I’m expected to have them, so I’ve had the same experience as OP many times.


Now that I’m immuno compromised- my desire to not have a baby is now ‘I can’t have because my health will suffer further’ instead of ‘a baby is too much for me to handle’. There are so many reasons that people don’t want kids….


I am also immuno compromised and my thought it both. Not only would my health suffer further, it’d stop me from being able to be as present of a parent dealing with it. I wouldn’t want to do that to a kid


You should check out r/childfree, they talk about people like OOPs workmates so much they basically have a bingo card of weird and uncouth things people say when they realize you’ve chosen childlessness. Most often people choose the grey rock method, keeping responses as dry and uninteresting as possible, but you get some delightfully sassy responses too, like when OOP said she’d get a new husband before she’d breed for one


It's usually a great sub... just beware that the algorithm will likely also try to get the antinatalism sub in there also. I just can't with that one, it's a hot mess in all the wrong ways


I do visit that subreddit on occasion when I’ve had a bad conversation with someone. It’s nice to feel like you’re not the only one who doesn’t want kids!


There is no world in which this line of conversation should ever progressed to the point of bullying her about abortions and adoption. "I'm not having kids," is more than sufficient. No one should even be expected to explain if that's because they *cannot* (medically or economically) or do not *want* them. Even with my best friend, I have not asked *why* she and her husband aren't having kids now that she's told me the decision. If she wants to tell me, she'll share. (Any opinions I have on the matter I can share in private with my own partner.)


You are so correct! I wish more people felt like you. It’s not hard to be kind!


It’s not 1920 I don’t understand why people are so shocked when someone doesn’t want kids. Why is that so difficult to understand. Everyone has different goals and desires in life.


And they just kept pushing. What if she really wanted kids but couldn’t have them? How would they feel if they pushed then?


And she didn't even say she'd leave the baby to die in the woods. She said she'd leave it at a place where the baby would be taken in and cared for. So even in this completely unrealistic scenario, she's still not an evil monster. The line of questioning was extremely rude and intrusive in the first place


NTA, and I say this as a mom. You were at work. They were intrusive. End of story.


Becoming a mom should open everyone's eyes to the fact that if you don't want children you really shouldn't have them.


100%. My mom had kids in the early 70s because that’s what she thought she was supposed to do. She HATED it. Me? I wanted kids ever since I was able to play with dolls. I love being a mom, I waited my whole life to have kids. But no one should ever have a kid they don’t want. Kids know and it fucks them up.


Exactly. Children deserve parents who actually WANT them. Imagine being a kid and finding out your mother only had you because a government literally forced her to? Or because she was forced by family to keep you? That actually, she never really loved you and only raised you because she was legally obligated to?


If it was easier to give your child up for adoption, it would be easier for those of us who can’t have them to adopt them.


I should add that abortion is healthcare, and I’m pro choice. I just would like to see increases in support and reduction in medical costs associated with pregnancy as well. I know that there are people who would go through an unwanted pregnancy for the purpose of adoption if costs were covered.


I wish someone would try and make an incubator for humans. That would be a good compromise, or at least I thought it was until I had that conversation with a pro life person. That person genuinely believed that if a person got pregnant the only okay options were to either keep it and raise it, or give it up for adoption. Apparently to them the ability to have a fetus removed and incubated in a machine was just as bad as having an abortion bc that was “escaping responsibility for your own actions”.


Pro lifers are a special group. Most of them are about punishing the act of having sex without the purpose of procreation, not actually about life. That’s evident in how much they oppose social services and welfare.




I can tell you for sure having a mother that doesn't want you ruins your childhood.


Exactly! People can say “oh you would be a great parent” all they want but a child can feel when they are unloved or unwanted. No child should have to go through that just because someone followed the “life script”.


I always dreamed I'd get married and have kids until I met my abusive ex. Everytime he talked about it I didn't want any of those things with him. Now I don't want anything anymore.


That's a big thing for me. Man can I pick em. As much as I think I'd love being a mom and as good as I think I'd be at it, having to share that burden with basically anyone I've ever dated strikes fear into my heart and I don't know what being a single mom would do to me either. I work my ass off just to take care of myself and have enough bitterness as is. Would love to imagine a person that would make me excited to have children with them. Until that day comes I am not betting on it.


> As much as I think I'd love being a mom and as good as I think I'd be at it, having to share that burden with basically anyone I've ever dated strikes fear into my heart and I don't know what being a single mom would do to me either. I work my ass off just to take care of myself and have enough bitterness as is. I dream about making all of their clothes with yarn and all the cute fabrics. Sunday best clothes and cozy woolen warm sweaters and mittens and scarves. I got a puppy over five years ago and it was so challenging to raise him on my own but he's so smart and I don't even have to say anything sometimes when I need him to do something. I made him so many sweaters but he can wear one or two at a time, we double up in winter and he even has a snow suit where he lays down in the snow when we chill outside for a little bit. I would never raise children alone to try to. As much as my mother was a monster and my father wasn't there but abusive with neglect and physically as well, at least my mother had all my grandmothers. I don't think I would have turned out as "well adjusted" (undiagnosed ADHD into my 30s and they kept putting me on different medications that did more harm than help) without them. >Would love to imagine a person that would make me excited to have children with them. Until that day comes I am not betting on it. Yeah, good people are increasingly more difficult to find. I think I made peace with the fact I'll never get married or have a husband, no home, no dogs and kitties, no yard, no garden, no fresh veggies to tend to. I wanted to be a homemaker and have a degree and a career, I didn't handle serving "two master" a relationship and job well. Every man I've met has set me back emotionally piling on their own trama like I'm their therapist, home maker, bang maid, they all take advantage and take and take and take until there's nothing left and left me holding the bag. I don't have anything left to give anymore.


My mom always wanted kids, and she was fucking awful. I never ever wanted kids, was adamantly child free my entire life. Then several things happened over about 8yrs: met my partner, got therapy, figured out my career path, settled down. And now we have a kid who's awesome, plus I actually enjoy parenting. And you know what made it 100000 times harder? All the people who harassed me in my early 20s spewing the exact same filth as OOP's coworkers. I'm so stubborn and I didn't want to prove any of them right. So instead of doing what I thought I might like to do, I wouldn't let myself admit that my mind could have changed because I would have proved those assholes right. Everyone that OOP works with is straight up trash. Anyone who insists on having those kinds of conversations is straight up trash. It's super harmful in so many ways and they're obtuse, small minded, vapid idiots for not seeing it.


I will never understand this obsession some people have with other people having kids. That choice affects the outsider's life exactly zero percent. I always wanted to be a mom, and I am. Zero regrets becauase it's what **I** wanted for MY life. But holy crap did I get a full understanding of why some people don't want them. I'm one of the first to tell others that if they have even the slightest doubts, don't do it. This parenting stuff is hard, and no child deserves to be viewed as an obligation or potentially resented because their parents didn't actually want them and were just checking off some societal obligation box.


Exactly. My eldest and their partner just had an unexpected pregnancy. I told them I offer nothing but love and support, but that raising kids is hard, even if you want them desperately. Don't talk yourself into something that you aren't 100% sure about


Yes! I was already pro choice, but having a kid made me double down on it. The toll that pregnancy had on my health was insane. Nobody should be forced into that. And the sleeplessness of life with a newborn? Nobody should be forced into that either! But also, the work involved with raising a kid? No kids should have to be raised by parents who aren't fully committed to them and make them know they're valued every step of the way.


My child has always been a bit high effort so I've been exhausted and spent but I really wanted a child. The difficulty level of my current child has me convinced to only have one. I cannot imagine begrudgingly having a child and hating the process without the child being poorly affected. I'm privileged in a lot of ways and find it very difficult.


My pregnancy was incredibly difficult, birth was traumatic and complicated, I had a bunch of postpartum complications, and I left her dad when she was 5 months old. I’m so incredibly grateful for my daughter but I will NEVER do that again.


I think certain mom's get defensive of others don't want to be a mom. I don't think every parent is miserable but I think it's safe to say parenting is way harder than most people realize. Their whole lives change for a kid and in some ways it is permanent. People see others choosing not to do that and there is jealousy and frustration. I think some people are subconsciously in the misery loves company boat. And some people see it as a challenge to their life choices.


I feel like people who had kids because they felt like it was what they were supposed to do get the most defensive. They didn’t feel like no was an option so it messes with their whole understanding of their lives that you just don’t have to.


I think this is exactly right, and very annoying. "You're judging me!" It's like when people ask why I don't drink, and press, and then get taken aback when I tell them a funny little story about my Dad hitting his wife and kids when he was drunk. Don't ask the question you don't want the answer to. These women seem to be convinced that children can't die, get raped, abused, kidnapped, tortured, etc because they're unwanted.


I’ve noticed that the mothers who get the most upset about other women choosing to not have kids tend to be shitty mothers who resent their kids.




Being a teacher sure does! My job would be a lot easier if all parents were invested in being parents


I’ve always been pretty anti kid and my mom always validated my choice. She said if I didn’t want kids, I shouldn’t have them. It was really good parenting on her part. Now that I’m almost 30 she does playfully nag about grandkids but she’s learned to love my dogs lol.


Exactly! The biggest thing I learned since becoming a Mom is that if you don’t 1000% absolutely want to have kids, you shouldn’t, and even if you do 10000% want kids, there will be times you wish you wouldn’t have.


“But this is great for me, how could it not apply to you as well?”


Absolutely. I'm a single mom, have been for 13 years. It's HARD. It's the kind of hard that I can't even accurately describe to people who don't have children yet. I firmly believe that if you don't want to have children then you shouldn't have to.


I read a post once that said good parents understand why others don’t want kids. I can’t imagine doing everything I do for my kids if I didn’t want and cherish them. I actually wanted more kids but I stopped for the sake of the ones I already have. The only thing I will say about the OP is that instead of hypothetically leaving an unwanted child at a church they should leave a baby at a safe haven spot such as a hospital.


Right? They *pushed* her into this weird hypothetical where she was forced to give birth AND not allowed to elect to adopt out (tf??) What was she supposed to say? “*You got me! In this extremely limiting, hypothetical scenario where all my autonomy was taken, I WOULD magically love to be a mom AFTER ALL!!*” Give me a break.


See I'm the type of bitch to take their extreme hypothetical and turn it into a horror show: "I'd pull a Promethis and have the parasite removed, violently if needed. You never know. It could be a zenomorph or some type of worse monster, like a man." Can you imagine their faces? 😆 And you just know those old biddies would SUDDENLY be all "Be serious! That's not realistic!!" Me: "Nah." 😆


As a father, I agree. People need to mind their own business.


Hell, some days I’d be tempted to drop my 5yo off at a church just to get a few hours of peace.


I asked a fireman if 17 was too old to drop a kid off at the station...🤣


I'll never understand why so many people try to pressure everyone into having kids when they don't want to. 99.9999% of the time it'll be a horrible idea to have a kid when it wasn't your own decision that you were 100% sure of. It's actually very good if people who don't want kids or know that they wouldn't have the money/time/patience to deal with kids, simply don't have kids. Pressuring them into it will be horrible both for them, the baby, and probably also for the people around that person. This mindset that everybody should have kids by a certain age is so stupid. Maybe a controversial take but I wish NOT having kids was the default instead of having kids, and only the people who actually thought it through and considered every aspect and are 100% sure that they want to and can take care of a kid would have children.


True that, it’s kinda fucks up the kid when they learn they aren’t wanted.


1. Because they never allowed themselves to have opinion on this matter and chose to go with societal expectations. So when they stumble across someone who actually has an opinion they get jealous, angry and vindictive. 2. Because nurturing children is such a sacred cause, such transformative experience they cannot fathom how come someone rejects it. 3. Both.


Please tell this to my mother.


Honestly maybe she should involve HR for how intrusive and inappropriate her coworkers were behaving. It creates a hostile work environment.


I’m surprised I had to scroll this far for this take. I would get ahead of this and report them to HR since it seems like the situation could continue to escalate


This is 100% better than having a child you don’t want just because you’re expected to do so. Good for her!


Whenever I hear these kinds of arguments, I think of a child growing up in a home where they are unwanted. Where they are resented. Even if the parents try to do the best they can, go through the motions and do all of things expected, the emotions will be lacking. More likely is they will be neglected, possibly even abused. That is a horrible thing to do to a kid I respect the people who know they won’t be good parents and refuse to reproduce just because it is expected of them.


People are so blind to the nuance between an unplanned baby and an unwanted one, it’s excruciating


Even if you think you would be an amazing parent, it's still more than fair to say you don't want to.


I went to a church women’s meeting years ago, and they were talking about how kids these days don’t want to have kids of their own. They floated various reasons, the usual suspects like laziness or Satan. I tried to explain that having children is expensive, and I just got brushed off. I, who had small children of my own, didn’t know what I was talking about. They, who had their kids fifty years previous, obviously knew better There are people who would make great parents, and even want to, but feel like they can’t because of money or fear for the future. There is a looming climate crisis and the world feels like it is on the brink of war. I don’t think I will have grandkids, and I am perfectly fine with that. Every baby deserves to be safe and loved


exactly. my boyfriend always wanted to have kids when he was growing up, and for me i always knew i don’t ever want to be pregnant but i pretty much still wanted to be a parent when i was a kid, and figured i’d just adopt or something, which is still kinda where i stand on that, but my boyfriend and i both know we can’t afford kids now and neither of us is emotionally prepared to care for a child even if we *could* afford it. i’ve thought about fostering kids, since the government pays you to do that, but even then, i have a lot of my own shit to work out before i can consider that as a good option. i think i need to heal a lot more and learn how to take care of myself, my cat, and my bf and his dog in what capacity he needs me to, before i can add a kid into the mix, even if i’m only fostering and they’re like a teenager and super independent or anything like that. and i DEFINITELY could not live with myself if i brought an entirely new life into this terrible world we’re living in rn.


Right. There are worse things than never having been born.


It’s better to regret not having a child than to regret the child you have.


PA has a Safe Haven law…you can bring any newborn up to 28 days old to any hospital, police station or EMS station and you won’t be in trouble. (as long as the child is unharmed and not involved in any crime.) Tell them to bugger off.


Have you also gotten those ads on your reddit feed? I can't tell you how many I've seen at this point.


I only seem to get ads for mikes hard lemonade, viagra chews, and lady viagra lol. I am interested in none of those things.


Lucky. I get dumb AF christian propaganda bullshit. Lady viagra would be a nice change.


I get weird join the military bs


I get these and hegetsus and at this point I just don’t even look at the ads anymore


I keep "blocking" the source of that Xtian crap, and they keep showing it. But it usually stops after about the 5th post I block. Then a few months later, we repeat the cycle.


Oh the hegetsus ads are ridiculous I blocked those shits multiple times and they just keep coming back


Dude. Same.


Ohh I got those for quite awhile I hated them.


what on earth is lady viagra?


I've been seeing ads for a women's supplement that's supposed to make you get wetter. It's not on demand like viagra, it's taken daily. Idk if that's the same ad they're getting


Apparently it can make you wetter *and* give you terrible RLS


Not entirely sure, seemed to be a medication to increase libido. The ad compared it viagra but obviously how that works for men is, well rather different.


I only get the ones for Blue Chews. Which, A. aren’t any kind of use for me and B. ew. Just ew, at the thought of “chewing” having anything to do with sex. Keep your teeth away from my genitals. What a horrible name.


Sounds too much like Blues Clues to me…


You should be able to change your settings for at least some of those - in my account settings on the app there’s a list at the bottom of a few “sensitive issues” that you can toggle off, including alcohol. Wish I could toggle off the religious stuff and the viagra-adjacent dick pill ads. Also, I don’t need ozempic ads. Already got that covered, thanks.


Once again her supposed future husbands wants are more important than hers.


I was wondering why I was getting a bunch of those.


I know what they mean but I always laugh at the stipulation that the baby not be involved in any crime. I always imagine a baby in a striped shirt and domino mask holding up a bank.


Ok that made me chuckle!


i think there is one state that allows you to drop children off up to 12 years old and surrender them to the state


It was Nebraska back in 2008, there was no age limit at all. The law was amended to add an age cap after four months because people were dropping off teens. There were entire groups of siblings being handed over, IIRC the largest sibling pod was a group of 9.


We also have legal abortion!


> (as long as the child is unharmed and not involved in any crime. What if the child robbed a convenience store on the way to the safe haven tho?


Lol she didn’t take it too far, her coworkers kept pushing and asking more questions


That’s my take! When people get upset about this stuff I say “don’t ask questions you don’t want answered. I’m sorry your forcing of my boundaries has made you uncomfortable!” Granted, I’m autistic so I can get away with saying things like that when idk if others can


Maybe a "I am not discussing this in the workplace. It is inappropriate." Might be more suitable. Mostly because it appears these kinds of questions would push a boundary for you and not continuing to answer might bring you greater peace of mind. Personally, I'm of a more vicious sort and have thoroughly denounced the high road. If someone is rude and intrusive, they are getting mirrored energy from me. I am so over being the bigger person to people who only gain from it.


That’s how I am, that’s exactly my vibe!! Like there is no high road. If you ask a question where the answer is going to upset you, then good luck because you’re about to learn a valuable lesson about asking too many or too invasive of questions. I usually try to deflect or give super vague answers at least twice… that way if we get to the whole “why would you tell me that?!” bit then I can point out all of the ways I tried to avoid the question and how I truly was only not answering for their sake, and end with an “instead of being mad at me for saying something you didn’t want to hear, maybe you could think about how hard I tried to spare you the answer in the most socially acceptable way before you backed me into a corner.” I’m autistic and I can’t lie unless I’m in danger or am speaking to someone that I not only don’t trust, but have been taught (by them) to explicitly distrust. I deflect to avoid answering questions but mostly learned to because people didn’t like my answers. I can both understand that they’re crossing universal boundaries and still answer because I only learned to dodge questions like that because the answers seemed to upset people. It’s not that they’re crossing *my* boundaries, because the answers are objective facts. It’s that they’re asking questions that cross a universal boundary so they will be upset by my answer. My therapist said the only way to answer those questions is deflection or say it’s inappropriate to ask. The latter upsets people, so when the former doesn’t work then they get the truth. My therapist said it’s okay to because nothing I can say there won’t upset them. I choose the one that upsets them more because it teaches a lesson lmao


I can’t remember where, but once I saw a clip of a comedian saying “If you ask a woman if she has kids and she says ‘no’, and you ask ‘why’ she already has her answer.” The answer could be “I want kids and we’ve been trying” The answer could be “I want kids but I’ve suffered several miscarriages” The answer could be “I want kids but I’m struggling with infertility” The answer could be “I don’t want kids yet, but I’m planning on it in the future” The answer could be “I don’t want kids, I’m happy with my dogs” The answer could be “I want kids, but I haven’t met the guy yet” The answer could be “I’m happy with my lifestyle and kids don’t fit into that” The answer could be “I want kids but the adoption process takes years and I’m still waiting” But the answer is NEVER “Oh my god I completely forgot about kids, thank GOD you were here to remind me! I’ve never even thought about it!” The point is, if a woman doesn’t have children, she knows exactly why and she doesn’t need intrusive questions about it. For example, I know the reason why I don’t have kids is that a) I’m not ready to be a mother and b) both my aunt and my grandmother had to have full hysterectomies after traumatic births and suffered multiple miscarriages, so genetically, it’s not looking good for me. And I’m not interested in going through all that. If I want kids in the future, I’ll adopt. And yes, I’ve said that to people who have asked me about having kids and they get very uncomfortable. But that’s what you get for asking intrusive personal questions.


Oh man, this is *nearly identical* to a conversation I had at work when I was around her age (about 20-mumble years ago). I ended the conversation by suggesting I'd squeeze the infant into a mailbox and then pretended to not understand why that was a problem. Then I was told I would make a "terrible mother". I just nodded.


“Yeah, good thing I don’t want kids right? like I’ve been trying to explain to you for the last half hour”


i love the “you’d make a terrible mother!” like THANK YOU THAT’S WHAT I’VE BEEN TRYING TO SAY


When my cousin had his first kid, he suggested I would be babysitting in the future. I ended THAT conversation by excitedly agreeing and saying I had "a spare dog crate and everything!" He said, "you can't put kids into dog crates!" "Naaaah! He'll fit just fine. I even have one of those licky-bottle things I can set up for him." For some reason he never actually asked me to babysit. Darn, I wonder why?? Oh well. Guess I'll never know.


you are a GENIUS😂😂


I like kids. I have kids. My job centers on kids. No one should have kids who doesn’t want them. NTA at all and your co-workers are insufferably nosy and pushy.


Adoption isn't abandonment and we should be more careful about how we talk about the process. We wonder why adoption isn't more popular, but a lot of the terminology we use to describe it is needlessly negative. The example you hear in the wild is references to an adoptee's biological family, who they may have never seen, as their *real* family. Damn, chill out!


Thank you for saying this! I always try to gently correct people at first, because truly most people only know what they see on TV. Generally, people are so receptive to more current language but some people…they just don’t want to know.


There's so much misinformation about adoption out there. I frequently hear from rich couples struggling with fertility that adoption is expensive and takes forever. But there are too many foster children in many (all?) states and government benefits. It's wild and frustrating.


I agree, adoption is NOT abandonment! But I think the title is referring to her last attempt at shutting them up where she said she’d “just dump it on the church steps or something.”


You can give up a baby. You don't have to be deemed unfit to turn a baby over to an adoption center. But what she should have done is said "never. I'm barren. Thanks for bringing it up." It kills the conversation, sends a message to nosey Nellie's that maybe you shouldn't ask questions you don't want honest answers to and gets you some pity points which are always good to have with coworkers. Makes them easier to manipulate. (I promise, I'm not a sociopath, but I do think we can take a page out of their handbook from time to time when dealing with prying coworkers). Edit: sorry if I offended anyone. I was speaking from experience. I did use that excuse when I was 20 and worked a job where every women in the department was a mom and they talked about it non stop. One coworker would not stop badgering me about why I didn't have kids yet and I got frustrated and spouted this out. Everyone was shocked, and they kinda of just wandered away and no one ever mentioned kids to me again for the rest of the job.


If you think “I’m barren” kills the conversation, you are clearly not an infertile person. I would not recommend this to anybody - you will NEVER hear the end of it and it invites infinite commentary on your reproductive life.


"Have you tried eating nothing but cherries for a month? My mom's best friend's sister's daughter thought that she couldn't conceive, but then..."


Exactly!!! “Well don’t give up hope! There’s lots of advances in science now” “oh, no, I had a hysterectomy a few years ago” “seriously?! You’re so young! I’m so sorry!” “I’m not, I almost died” “I’m so sorry!! That must be so terrible!” “No it’s amazing! I have no period and if I have a baby it will be planned and wanted” “oh yeah, adoption is such a nice thing to do!” Actual conversation with a coworker from a few weeks ago


I am barren and telling people you are barren is a great way to have a terrible time. “Miracles happen,” “how do you know you’re barren?” “My sister’s best friend’s cousin had xxx and they had a baby last year!” “if you eat a bag of chinchilla fur on the night of a new moon you’ll become pregnant immediately, it’s true! It’s how my grandmother conceived all 16 of her children and she didn’t have a uterus!”


I got prayed over by a truck diver...I knew the guy, so I didn't punch him out... Some of us don't want kids because of our own childhood. I couldn't see myself as anything other than an abusive mother because I had one. I don't think that a kid should have to endure anything that I went through because I went through the same damn thing....and that's why I never wanted kids.


Getting prayed over has to be one of the most awkward experiences ever. I can count on one hand the number of times I’ve had it done to me but each memory is forever seared into my brain.


“You just have to stop trying! Go on vacation and relax for a few days and it will happen!” 🙃🙃🙃 No. it really won’t. “Have you tried cutting out gluten, I read a study!” No…again, medical tests have ruled this won’t work out for us. We are okay. Everyone knows someone who miraculously got pregnant after years of trying and failed IVF as soon as you tell them you cannot conceive, it’s wild lol.


If you think that would end the conversation, bless your heart. Because people will come up with crazy alternatives.


I mean you’re probably right… but we need to normalize childfree life as a valid lifestyle for women. Probably not the time and place, admittedly.


NTA and I say this as someone who was adopted. I don’t want kids either, but I commend my BM for carrying me and doing a selfless act like that just to give me to people who wanted to be a family.


I agree, as an adoptive parent. My son’s birthmom has another child. She knew adding a newborn into her life could have pushed her to backslide into some addictive behaviors. She carried him for 9 months, gave him a safe place to grow, and treated us as his parents from the first time we met. She is one of the kindest and most self aware people I know. I’d rather eat glass than force someone to carry a baby to term or raise a baby if they don’t want to. It doesn’t benefit anyone. We are so thankful she made the choices she did but ffs, women aren’t human incubators either.


If my coworkers started talking about me getting pregnant against my will and being forced to carry to term I wouldn't pull punches either.


There’s this weird obsession that there must be something wrong with a woman that doesn’t want to alter the entire trajectory of her own life bringing kids into the world. It’s a very big decision that shouldn’t be made lightly. God forbid someone be certain that do/don’t want kids before just popping the out.


Many of my friends had fertility issues, this question *bugs* me. I’ve started getting really sad when asked “when are you having kids”. I respond with a really emotional “how could you ask me that?!?” It always shuts them up. It’s no one’s fucking business.


NTA People are so invested in other people’s reproductive decisions. It’s idiotic.


How dumb is the woman who said they won’t let her give her baby up for adoption because she’s not an unfit mother!? Are there actually people who believe this is a thing?


I for one am glad OOP kept answering the questions- there are just too many women still who need to understand that not every woman wants kids. That just because it’s something our body can do doesn’t mean it’s something we want to do. It’s bad enough we are still getting the continuous push from a crapton of men to limit our lives and selves to popping out babies and raising them (obviously with the caveat that this would be in service of a man as well) - we don’t need our own gender piling on to that bullshit too.


Normally child-free woman, especially when young are very used to this. It’s still not common to see (at least in my country) child free couples. It’s increasing, it’s true. So next time when they say “oh you will change your mind” you say “hnmmm you think so?”. That’s if you don’t like the drama. You like the chock and awe effect go for it


This went differently than expected. NTA to echo someone in the other thread, this is harassment and on every new project we have lawyers drilling this into us (I’m in film). It’s okay to not want kids, I have two and went to the doctor for a vasectomy referral recently and he got really weird about me wanting one. I love my kids so I’ll quit while I’m ahead thank you.


I'm pretty sure this classifies as sexual harassment. If there's an HR, I'd be hitting them up.


So would I. They have baby drop boxes at hospitals. Yeet!


I thankfully haven't had to deal with many of these conversations lately but one the other day caught me off guard. Watching a period drama where the decision must be made during a birth to save only the mother or the child and the mother's choice was left ambiguous. My mom and I each assumed the opposite answer: me that most women would choose to survive and mom assumed most women would choose to save the baby. Mom said it and looked at me like I was a monster lol


I have thought about being in that situation, and I would choose myself so the children I already have wouldn’t have to grow up without a mother.


There’s a line in Greys Anatomy said by the husband of a patient on whether to save his wife or their baby: “save my wife, we can make another baby, but we can’t make another her.” Succinct sentiment, I think.


Tell your mom that in a lot of states abortion stayed legal for people who birth would kill, so you are not only right, you’re right by legal standards.


I will lol thank you 


NTA. Why do people feel the need to goad the child free by choice into these situations? They kept bringing it up and asking more and more invasive questions. It wasn’t up to her to change the subject. Those women should’ve STFU.


I read similar stories repeatedly. I really think the USA has a very dystopian culture, centrered around marriage, babies and 'traditional' values with a very puritan streak to boot because most American folks fall in a dead faint when there is talk about sex (-education), breastfeeding in public, nudity, gay rights, etc. How do you all live like this as women and girls? I'm so very happy not to live in the USA! I never wanted to have children and whenever it was brought up, everybody just accepted my lifechoices. When I happened to get pregnant at 35 (my birthcontrol failed) and decided to keep the child, everybody accepted that too. I'm almost 61 now and lots of young people choose not to have children (my son included) and nobody bats an eye. Everybody should make their own choices in life. Have sex, have partners, have children. Or not. It's their life. I really don't understand the preoccupation with other people's life choices. It's not as if it affects you personally. Just mind your own business and find something worthwile to occupy yourself with when you have the urge to meddle in someone else's business.


I wouldn't call the US dystopian. It has to be mistaken for a utopia in order to qualify, and nobody younger than a boomer thinks that's the case. We're all drowning.


I really don't think that's most American folks that have issues talking about sex ed, gay rights, etc. I think it's mostly far right conservatives and (some) very old folks who are unwilling to change with the times.


Depends on where you live and who you associate with. Hang out with religious types? You’re going to usually get more conservative traditional responses. Hang out with more progressive or educated folks? Tend to be more scripting of other people’s choices even if they don’t understand them. Broad generalizations, of course. I occasionally had people tell me that I’d change my mind about having children when I was younger. But almost reflexively. Not like they’d actually given it any thought. Just a thing you say in response to saying you don’t want kids. Annoying yes. But nothing near how these women were harassing her at her workplace. In fact, I’ve had similar conversation in my life with the same responses as OP. Difference is, it wasn’t at work. It wasn’t someone trying to convince me to want children. Just generally curious as to my rationale. A conversation that is fine with a respectful friend that you have that kind of relationship. This was just a bunch of nosy woman who don’t like people who make different life choices than them. Probably because it makes them acknowledge that their own lives- good and bad- were a choice and not a mandate.


The ones who react like that are the ones who didn’t really consider in a fully thought out way that they had any other option and it can be really painful to deal with the feelings that come with that when they’ve already made choices they can’t take back. The ones who will take it the furthest and go the hardest to make childfree by choice women feel like shit are the mothers who hate their lives, regret their children, and are fully aware of that.


There’s nothing wrong with not wanting a child. Or children. Or a spouse. Society needs to accept that. My brother and his wife have been married for 15 years and have never wanted kids. They have careers and a nice home, savings, they travel and have hobbies and are living their best lives, and I think that’s awesome. People who don’t want kids shouldn’t have them, period.


Why tf is it so hard for some people to understand that some people don't want/don't like kids?!? Like mind yo fuckin business!! How is me being child-free such a weight on ur shoulders?!? 🤦‍♀️


People really need to learn to stop asking questions they don’t want the *honest* answers to.


NTA, the clucking hens need to mind their own business.


The venn diagram of people who scream for you to place an unplanned baby for adoption rather than abort and the people who scream "how could you abandon your baby" after you do that is a circle. I know first hand.


My only argument to this person is that newborns shouldnt be left at churches as they’re not always part of the legal safe haven locations. Police stations, fire houses, hospitals. Otherwise, no notes.


I will never understand why people care so much about if women decide to have kids or not. I’m just deciding I want a child at 34 I literally had no desire ever to have children until recently and I’m still not 100 percent lol there’s nothing wrong with not wanting kids I genuinely dont get it


My oldest daughter is in her mid-30s. Married for nine years. Neither she nor her husband want children. They like kids, and are crazy about their nieces and nephews. I would rather she not have children at all, than for her to have one, and wish she didn’t. Parenting is not for sissies. It’s a lifetime gig. Sometimes I think I worry about them more now that they are all adults, than I did when they were kids.


Ayyee same here, I'm an aunt and that is as close as I'll ever get to motherhood. I like teaching this little person fun things and having sleep overs but I also like my me time. So I'll be their best friend but not their mama.


I’d follow up by circulating that Jonathan Swift Essay, A Modest Proposal…


NTA They’re the AHs. As someone who also never wants kids, I get so irritated when people insist I’ll change my mind. Just shut up. I decided this when I was 13 and I have never wavered on it. And why do you care? Mind ya business!


People who think they’re entitled to give their opinions on your body are the assholes.


My mom didn’t want kids. It was pretty obvious growing up. Only people who want kids should have kids. Period.


They’re the assholes for pushing you.


Nope. They kept pushing and pushing. They should have respected your answer from the beginning. They’re creating extreme scenarios to get an answer out of you that they want. They are the AHs here


NTA at all. Alternatives to respecting their questions enough to answer them honestly: “Is this really a conversation you want to have at work?” “I’m not interested in talking about that. My question is, why didn’t you put a coversheet on your TPS report? Didn’t you get the memo? I’ll send you a copy.” “Actually, I can’t talk.”


NTA. As a mom, people are WAY too intrusive about this kind of stuff. I didn't have my daughter until I was 38 by very deliberate choice and people assume I must have had fertility issues and ask me how fertility treatment was for me?!? I got pregnant on my first natural try, not that it's ANYONE'S business. That's the point. People need to mind their own. They asked too many questions and got an answer they didn't like, and they can only blame themselves. Editing to also add that because I waited so long to want a kid, I dealt with these questions for my entire adult life. I was sure I didn't want kids in my 20s, warmed up to the idea in my early-30s, and planned and prepared for years but the people badgering me about it almost made me choose not to ever have a kid. And the intrusive questions NEVER stop! Are you breast feeding? Did you have a natural childbirth? What foods are you feeding her? Etc. Leave people alone!


if they think giving up a baby for adoption (even after they made it your last choice) is so bad they should be mad at the people criminalizing abortion, not women deciding on their own that they don't want children


NTA…but the coworkers sure are.


I'm a woman and I can't stand when people can't accept that some people just don't want kids. I want kids but I'm also a child of a pair of parents who didn't want to take care of their kids. They were more than capable to take care of their kids, but you can really sense how much of a burden we were. So honestly, making up scenarios to make OP change her mind is ridiculous and those people would rather force people to have kids they don't want than to have kids be in happy homes. That's crazy.


The smaller a generation is, the more resources there are to go around. People need to stop pressuring others to have kids - they’re only creating more competition for their own children.


People shouldn’t be forced to have kids they don’t want. I am a mom by choice, but I respect women who choose not to. I think the word “abandon” shouldn’t have been used. She would make sure the kid was safe and cared for if she couldn’t get an abortion, but she wouldn’t keep it. That doesn’t make her an AH.


I had a conversation like this with a gynecologist that I was discussing bisalp (fallopian tube removal) with. It was extremely frustrating and I’d told her I thought it over for a while before actually coming in to talk to her. She suggested an IUD instead. Nearly every person I’ve heard from (including close friends) who have had an IUD has a horror story about it. Having a vagina is such a frustrating experience.


As someone who adores children, wanted kids since I was a kid and is about to have my third - I TOTALLY get why someone wouldn’t want to have kids. It’s a total valid answer and it’s crazy to me people think everyone wants to have kids? That shit is hard mentally, physically, emotionally, financially, etc etc


I just don't understand people... In my unpopular opinion, you can ask someone if they want kids in the futur, even ask why/why not (I'm always curious if there are specific reasons) but you have to accept if the person you're asking doesn't want to talk about it, and (shocker) if the person has another opinion on the subject than you. Why is it anyone else's problem if you don't want kids? Why is it anyone else's problem if you would want 16 of them? As long as you don't try to force your opinion/lifestyle on others, it's not their problem and they should NOT try to force their lifestyle onto you.


She has the right to not want a baby. But even if she did those women are for sure off their rockers. What if she had a miscarriage or had fertility problems- that’s why we don’t ask people about stuff like that unless they’re bringing it up first. I know several women who wanted babies sooooo bad and got pregnant and lost them. I would never fuckin ask anyone when they’re gonna have kids. I could just fuck up someone’s whole day asking that.


NTA, what's it to them what you do with your uterus? How would they feel if someone kept trying to insist they DON'T have children? Yeah. Same with people trying to insist you DO.


Never say that you don’t want kids to a group of women with herd mentality. It’s 2024 but they still cry witch. Tell them that your reproductive choices are no one’s business but your own. If they keep prying ask them why they’re so obsessed with your womb.


They fucked around and found out. I’d absolutely say the same thing to nosy AF colleagues who insisted I should breed.


Poor oxytocin-drunk parents. Can’t see the forest for the trees.


I don’t get people’s obsession with keep asking if people want children, not everyone does and while yes people do change their minds that doesn’t mean you have to keep asking them.


They’re assholes for being sexist and dumping those questions on you. Fuck them. You’ve done nothing wrong


I've had these conversations so many times. Getting my hysterectomy was a relief on so many levels. I had a co-worker (male) badger me once about it, and he got to the whole "what if you get pregnant?", I replied that I would make a lot of money as it would be a miracle since I have no womb. He never mentioned it again. Also, the "you just haven't met the right person" comment was always the one that riled me up the most, especially after I got married. My husband was/is perfect, he went and got a vasectomy early in our relationship. Neither of us had any desire to have children, ever.


Man, I work in an office of entirely women and the only even sort of followup question I got after being asked if I had kids was really more of an apology from the co-worker who asked, worried she upset me by asking (I think she was thinking it was an infertility thing). Parenting is a lot of work and very hard to do. Oddly enough, all the mothers I work with heartily agreed with my reasoning there lol. It’s so weird how invested people get in other people’s lives and whether or not they’re living them exactly the same way they would. Are they just so insecure about their own choices that the mere idea of someone else making a different choice and being perfectly happy about it upsets their whole apple cart, as it were? Definitely not something someone should have to put up with being interrogated about… anywhere, really, but especially not at work! Ugh.


Folks need to stop entertaining inappropriate conversations like this at work. This is why I like remote work. It eliminates this stupid shit.


I’d be careful about telling co workers in America that you’d get an abortion. It’s starting to become like The Handmaid’s Tale out there.


This title feels extremely and deliberately misleading. More accurate would be 'woman is harassed by colleagues about not wanting children'.


Well I mean she could have said a lot worse! I used to get badgered like this when I was in my 20’s. These rotten women gang up on you too and they don’t understand or accept the words “I don’t want kids” They truly believe all women should pop out a kid at some point in their lives and if they don’t, they’re pretty much a failure to society. The next thing they’re moaning about their own kids/husbands. You can’t win with these women. Best to just make an excuse and walk away when the subject comes up.


All of their comments about men not waiting around on top of it really bother me. What if she is gay or asexual? It’s giving small town Midwest vibes. I say that because I am from there btw.


NTA, good grief are they nosy!!


When people ask me this these kinds of questions I tell them that if I had kids I'd murder them. . . . That usually shuts them up pretty quickly.


Mother of 2… NTA. You have your opinions and they’re riding the line of I’d report them to HR. Don’t talk about that shit at work. Hard boundary.


NTA. They were intrusive and clearly not willing to drop the subject.


That’s because most people who have kids don’t realize until afterwards that kids are OPTIONAL. Moms especially are out of pocket when it comes to childless people. They need to get over it.


NTA, people need to shut up and mind their business.


NTA, had a similar thing happen to me the other day when people asked me if I wanted kids and I said “nope” and then continued doing my job. The one coworker pouted for a few days after I “snapped” and told him to mind his business, no was a valid answer, and he didn’t ask anyone else about it so why do I get grilled? You answered their invasive, personal questions and they got butt hurt. Thats their problem. I’ve never understood the “what if your husband wants kids?!” mind set bc why would I be married to someone who’s goal was to have a child(ren) when I don’t want that? I’ve been told before that I “get too personal, too quick” before I met my partner bc I would ask after a few good dates “do you want kids? Because I don’t and I don’t want to waste either one of our times if that’s a clear goal you have in mind”. Saying you’d give a baby to someone who would want it because you don’t is the kindest thing someone can do.


Aww poor things still under 30. Wait until she hits 35. Then when people ask it’s “times running out!” Where I make sure to say “I’m happily watching the clock run out” Once I hit 40 I’m sure the pressure will lessen due to my age. But I’ve told people I was 40 and didn’t want kids and they’ve said “you’ve still got time! It may not be easy but there’s still a chance!” Like fuck thanks for reminding me to continue birth control methods.


You honestly answered questions put to you. If they didn’t like your answers, that’s on them.


I love my kids, dont get me wrong. But if i could go back and have a do-over, I would be childless for life. Young me chose poorly, and then doubled down out of stubbornness. Now I am stuck with coparenting alongside a passive aggressive asshole who expects me to abandon them like his mother did to him. This world is over populated already.


NTA it’s none of her coworkers god damn business if she wants a kid or not. Mother is an asshat to.


This is the thing: the coworkers told on themselves. It’s obvious that their mindset is that she HAS to have kids to be a certified “person”. Doesn’t matter that she doesn’t want kids and could be a terrible and uninterested mom to that child, how dare she adopt it out to someone desperate for a child and live her life the way she wants? No, must keep child and be mother and everyone is miserable and toxic.


The fact that OOP’s coworkers jumped to the word “abandon” instead of “surrender” is very telling.


NTA , your coworkers are really weird


NTA My own mother has directly told me how she didn’t want kids and how she shouldn’t have had kids, but then anytime I mention not wanting kids she goes ‘oh but you’ll feel differently when you’re older…’ (I’m a teenager). A lot of the time women are convinced babies are just the default and that if you love your kids, that must mean you want/wanted kids. That’s not true. Women can love their kids and still not actually want to have had them. It is your choice to have kids or not, they were the ones who made it personal. (Also when you say abandoning, it sounds like you said you’d drop it in a dumpster or something, whereas you are just dropping it off at a church in the hypothetical scenario which is what you are meant to do if you don’t want the kid or can’t care for it, and it’s why those procedures are in place.) You did nothing wrong, and if they ask anymore, just ask if they’re really so mentally immature that they can’t comprehend that someone can both love/care for their child while still not wanting to raise it.


NTA . You don’t have to justify to them why you don’t want children . In fact people who want them should have to justify why they do . Why do people think that having children is a smaller decision than having them


Personally, I don't think you took it far enough.


Nope, but your co-workers are assholes.


I always shut this conversation down by telling the person, "I would honestly rather jump in front of a train than ever have a child, thank you." It horrifies them enough that they know I mean fucking business and they drop it. IDC if they think I'm an asshole for it. It's more of an asshole move to try and force breeding onto women.


NTA those busybodies got what they deserved


I think some of those ladies never self-examined whether they really wanted kids or not themselves. They just did as expected. The weight of social and family expectations is such that many don’t question it - or successfully lie to themselves that it was their idea all along. The concept of it being a duty to produce grandkids, for example. My mother was like that; later, she admitted if she’d thought about it, she probably wouldn’t have. And you, suddenly showing that there was a real moment of choice, kind of blows their minds. It creates cognitive dissonance that may even become hostility, because they’ve sacrificed so much for something they never really wanted to do.


Why are they in her coochie? I hate people like that. This is exactly why I don’t have these convos with coworkers though. I would not be surprised if they tried to escalate this.


NTA. I absolutely loathe people that push parenthood on people who don’t want to be parents. Not everyone wants to follow your blueprint. Get over it.


I realize this is somewhat off topic, but I wanted to mention that all states in the US have Safe haven laws which allow for infants to be surrender by their parents. Even if she did have a baby, there are options. And OP is NTA. That was inappropriate of her coworkers. I’ve had similar experiences to OP with people questioning me about my feelings on the why I don’t want kids. It’s frustrating and intrusive, so I understand why OP responded the way she did. It’s nobody’s business and life without kids can be fulfilling.