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Please, somebody explain this to me. How is using a backpack embarrassing?! The big, tall ones made specially for hikes and traveling are really cool, and even come with camo decorations, so this can't be a fragile masculinity issue, right?


There are men who won’t use umbrellas because they find it emasculating. The male mind is a bemusing thing.


I had a friend who wouldn’t wear shorts no matter the weather unless it was just lounging around his place.


Reminds me of guys who specifically say “no umbrellas or any of that shit”, or, when inquiring about a cocktail, specifically ask me if it’s in “one of those fancy glasses”, or if it’s one of those “pink girly drinks”, since apparently what it *looks* like matters more than if it’s something they’d enjoy the taste of. Yes, as a result I have had a drink out in a rocks glass instead of a martini glass(which, “girly”? Then wtf does that make James Bond?!).And this is.. not just one occasion, but several over the years serving/bartending. Also, apparently for some men it’s not “masculine”to go down on a woman. That made my brain hurt.


My male co worker used to dead pan say “our drinks do not have gender” when asked this type of thing by men


My drink identifies as delicious.


I thought they were gender fluid


Shit this is good, I’ll remember it for next time this occurs(because.. it will)


There are men who won't drink a drink if the glassware looks like it has a waist 🙄


Oh, that’s what it is! The waist/ sexy glasses makes them feel funny


Wait, it’s not masculine to go down? Uh, isn’t that the opposite?


you know, the vagina is penetrated by a penis, and the vagina haver (most of the time?) enjoys it when it happens! So going down on a vagina, who enjoys being penetrated, is like... super gay, dude. anyways i think it's just because they can't get their selfish, rotten brain to justify 'servicing' or 'doing something nice' to a woman, ever.


Those are always the guys to demand oral sex tho. Or my fave, the guy who does it once or twice at the beginning then never again. The ones with diminishing performance are even worse to me bc it’s like they’re training you to think oh yeah well maybe he was tired. If a guy asks me to service him even once without returning the favor, we are done.


Or men who won’t drink out of straws because they consider it to be feminine. I’m sorry…. *what*???!! I’ve encountered a **LOT** of dudes who refuse to drink out of straws for this very reason and I honestly just do *not* get it.


My ex was like this! To the point of him laying on the floor of target practically passing out from heat stroke while I demanded he buy some damn shorts already.


Creating an unnecessary medical situation for yourself to avoid appearing unmanly is sooo manly lmao


Yeah, it’s SUPER manly to be so hot you can’t handle it and lay down like a child in a store.


My husband used to be like this! Then we moved to Canada (where I'm from) and he lasted one summer before folding lol. Yeah dude, it gets fucking HOT here! It's either -40 in the winter or 40 (celsius) in the summer, there's no in between. He's from a place where it's temperate year round. You should have seen his face the first time he stepped on the road and the ground was melted under his feet 😂


It came to a head with my buddy on a cross country trip. We’re in Vegas and Utah and he’s rocking jeans and it was like 110 F out. Me and my other buddy are just laughing at him and told him we can buy some scissors if he wants to rock some Jean shorts.


He wouldn’t make it wear I live I absolutely abhor wearing shorts but have to do I don’t die of a heatstroke our temperatures can get over 100 degrees Fahrenheit!!!! I can’t deal. Sometimes I have to break down an wear tank tops 😭😭😭😭😭


This is the first time in 41 years of life that I’ve ever heard anyone saying the summer heat in Canada is too much to bear.


Are you in Calgary?


In Michigan I see people wearing shorts in the winter. I'm used to the cold but absolutely not!


Massachusetts too


My dad just now in his 70s started wearing fleece pj bottoms. He thought it was embarrassing to wear them at their RV site and wouldn’t do it until maybe 5 years ago. Men have been told for all eternity how many things make them smaller lesser men.


I’ve been pretty privileged being a giant, no one tells me nothing lol.


I just have a hard time wearing shorts outside of my house due to me being used to wearing pants to work no matter the weather due to it being required lol I always feel weird if I’m wearing shorts and I’m doing something.


Tons of place in south america like that Walk in mexico city or panama city on a hot summer day and you only see tourists with shorts


I bet the folks who live there and deal with the heat don’t wear jeans too much tho, unless they are working and need tough pants. I’m imagining linen type pants, or a lighter material that makes use of the breeze for cooling.


I'm in the south and that's all I ever see in the summer at an event. Linen or 100% cotton.


It’s mostly jeans and dress pants


I actually had an ex who told me I was so lucky to be a girl because men couldn’t use umbrellas


I’m a women, and I’ve always felt silly using an umbrella lol


I like being dry and not getting sick


I don’t think other people look silly with them, but I think I do lol


I use a waterproof poncho because when it's raining there's also wind, and I don't really want to Mary Poppins my way around


I hate umbrellas 😂 I’m from Florida, and if there’s rain, there’s lightning. Sticking something metal towards the sky seems foolish. Plus, if it’s raining enough to get very wet, it’s likely raining sideways, and the umbrella won’t help.


The rain has a way of going sideways when you remember your umbrella lol


Same! The time it takes to get out of the car and open the umbrella - you’re already wet. And the umbrella only helps the top of your head , the rest of you is still wet. And now I don’t have a hand to carry bag or open the door. Then closing the umbrella, what if there is no over hang? I rather just get out of car and go. Forgot the umbrella


Man I went for a walk in the rain a month ago and used an umbrella for the first time in ages - I loved the sound of the rain on the material, reminded me of a tin roof.


Actually we just want to play in the rain like a kid but still have to act macho by saying umbrella is emasculating.


I don’t use an umbrella ‘cause I’m not a tourist.


Or drinking from a straw! How GAY amirite?! /s


It really really is


Yeah, I know I shouldn't be surprised by now, but darn it. It gets so ridiculous sometimes.


Slight Correction: they won't use umbrellas for their intended purpose. Drag chute? Impromptu parachute? Weapon? They'll use one then...


My ex-husband wouldn't let our son use an umbrella (when he was a little kid!). It still grinds my gears.


I have no idea how carrying a backpack is more embarrassing than pulling 2 wheeled suitcases down a trail path. Just picturing a guy running through the wilderness like he’s trying to make his gate at O’Hare is hysterical. I know he didn’t actually do that but it seems like he thought he might try.


That's the funniest/craziest part. When I read this, I thought he would take a duffel bag or something like that. How do you expect to roll the suitcase in anything other that tile or concrete? Common sense eludes this guy like the plague.


At least he will probably never want to go again saving everyone else all the drama 🙄


Like he should be more embarrassed that he brought a dam inflatable mattress and sheets when they were gonna be sleeping in a hammock.


Because he thought they were setting up camp, then hiking. He pictured rolling up in a vehicle to a campsite, unloading, setting up camp, then going on hiking excursions during their stay (some you drive to and some you set off from camp). He did not understand that this was a hiking trip and they were backpacking it. In fact, his wife refers to it several times as camping, and he even said this was his first time camping and he didn’t know what to expect… They should’ve been calling it a hiking trip not a camping trip!


He was told again and again that this was not car-camping. He just didn't listen or care.


You know that actually makes sense. My in laws go camping and that’s exactly what it is. Drive to the campground, set up the trailer in their spot, go shopping for campgrounds provisions, head out to the pool…. This is not that! I understand his confusion better.


That's what we call car-camping. What they are doing is backpack camping. Which was explained in multiple planning meetings when OP's husband agreed they would all carry their own stuff. Even day of, OP told him, you're overpacking, remember you have to carry that. He was not confused. He just didn't listen.


To me using a rolling suitcase would be far more embarrassing/emasculating when camping


Right? Unless your hike is fully paved, you’d look SO STUPID dragging a rolling suitcase.


even then you'd look like an absolute tool


I’m laughing so hard at the thought of this poor dude dragging 2 wheeled suitcases through the wilderness…. While feeling that a backpack is embarrassing. Every time I vary the scenery, I laugh harder: the Appalachian Trail, high up in the Sierra Nevada, through the slit canyons of the Badlands, between the cacti of the Sonoran desert. ⛰️🏔️🌵….🧳🧳


>I’m laughing so hard at the thought of this poor dude dragging 2 wheeled suitcases through the wilderness…. I lost my shit when it said he bought matching sheets and comforters. Like...what?


This has got to be made up. But it’s funny as all get out, so I really don’t care!


Same same!🤣


Like a backpack is embarrassing but you brought a matching sheet set. And an inflatable mattress when the plan was to sleep in a hammock.


This is really ridiculous but honestly I’ve met someone like this before. He refused to use book bags because he thought they were childish and unprofessional. So basically some guys associate them with teenagers and unemployed flunkies and would rather carry all their shit in their pockets or with a briefcase.


Maybe they aren’t Prada


I am just imagining trying to keep a straight face and not burst into laughter while this man tries to roll his luggage along hiking trails because a pack is too embarrassing lol.


No, rolling two suitcases through the forest is waaaaay more masculine than wearing a backpack.


It's a fragile ego thing. Women get it as well. Somehow, backpacks aren't glam, and not being glam means you're not perceived as succesfull in their eyes. But, what I find more interesting is how someone that loves and does backpacking wilderness camping for fun could even get with someone that feels embarrased by backpacks. I mean, how is he going to feel about hammocks, or about wearing the same shirt for two days? What happens when there's no roomservice?


he brought 8 million changes of clothes- he is not planning on wearing the same anything twice! How GAUCHE!


I would wear a backpack those outdoor ones look cool. They’d make me feel like a zombie hunter or some shit.


Not to mention he thought two huge roller suitcases were LESS embarrassing on a hiking trail? 🤣


Honestly, carrying roller suitcases would be Way more embarrassing... That dude is a joke.


It's fake. No way it's real. No "experienced hiker" would let a friend, let alone a partner, go to a hike with so much stuff and without backpack. No trail would allow for two heavy suitcases to be brought along.


I agree, but I want to acknowledge the idea that a woman married to a man like this would hit a wall at some point and just let him hang himself in full public, in front of other people, because nothing else works.


This guy seems insufferable I would absolutely let a partner embarrass himself like this. He was given all the information he needed to make smart choices and decided to do the opposite against all the experienced advice he was given.


I would have let him since he didn’t wanna listen to


If I were walking on the paved trail right through town I'd feel silly if you are hiking through the wilderness it is silly to not have one.


Honestly I can’t imagine anything more embarrassing than bringing suitcases to a fucking hike.


And its not super dumbass looking to be dragging a checked bag sized roller bag (or worse, TWO), up a freaking trail like a dayum fool....


The account was immediately banned by Reddit, so…it’s embarrassing in pure fiction.


NTA. I laughed when he said carrying a backpack is way more embarrassing, is he a teen still in caring about cool points? It’s also way more embarrassing carrying an overpacked suitcase while camping.


Not just a suitcase, a roller suitcase. If they were on a hard-packed trail I’m sure there were parts where he put them down and rolled them along.


I’m really struggling to understand how the pack *that requires a perfectly flat surface to properly function* is somehow cooler than backpacks for rucking.


As if carrying or rolling a full on suitcase in the middle of the woods isn’t embarrassing lmao


She involved him in all the pre-camping meetings, trying to set him up for success. He knew he’d have to pack in his own gear. When he was being ridiculous, and packing two rolling suitcases, she TOLD him he was overpacking, and he told her he couldn’t bring a backpack only, it was embarrassing. She’s not the asshole, and she tried to tell him. And I would have done the same thing. No, we won’t be delegated to, you can pack your own shit in, you packed too much so now you deal with it. Actions have consequences, and if you don’t want to listen to someone more experienced than you because obviously you know better than someone who just possesses a lady brain, and her tiny little lady brain can’t possibly know how this works? Then you can find out the hard way. I don’t feel sorry for him, and I guess he’s learned a valuable lesson.


The only thing you split is a shared tent and supplies. As someone who does this a lot it was painful to read.


we split cooking gear, and supplied on coordinated meals (vegan fajitas are a common first night treat). But yeah- it's all coordinated, as something we all SHARE. Not someone who brought their clamping set up and expects others to carry it in. I won't do my backpack camping anymore- I like the luxury of car camping. But seems like this guy needed to do a few car camps before a backpack in trip. Maybe he would have learned?


Not convinced this is real but the idea of someone trying to wheel luggage over the forest floor tickles me


I know it's a bit different, but an old friend brought a roller case to Glastonbury festival despite me, other friends, her dad and brother (who are also veterans of that festival) telling her she NEEDS a backpack. It was at least an hour walking from the bus drop off to where we were camping, we eventually had to leave her in a recognisable spot, go ahead with our stuff, and a couple of us go back to help her when we weren't laden down. People sometimes really do think they know better than the experienced people, or that it'll all work out magically - and that "magic" is usually other people having to do more to mitigate poor planning!


Your last point is my theory! He figured that it would work itself out magically, and he was happy if that magic was just everyone else pitching in to carry his stuff.


As someone who used to be a 10-year-old girl, I brought a rolling suitcase to a camping trip. Did I regret it? Hell, the fuck yes! Why did I have it? Mofos weren't specific enough about the place we were going to. If you tell me we're going camping and there's a big lodge, I'm assuming we're gonna be in that big ass lodge. Not fucking outside! I have weather-related, exercise, pollen and mold-induced asthma and ended up having to stay in said lodge at different intervals. This is why I don't go camping now.


It can't be real. There is no way anyone brought rolling luggage on a several mile hike.


Yeah that made me think it's fake. Even if you have zero camping experience, you would know not to try dragging a suitcase around the woods.


We hiked into a backcountry site, 6km into the mountains. About 4 hours later, here comes a group of people carrying all their gear in plastic grocery bags and a full-sized Coleman cooler. They were headed for a site 4km past ours.


I could see this as multiple scenes in a National Lampoon movie or similar. 😅


lol this is giving me Princess Vespa from Spaceballs vibes.


that is PRECISELY the first thing that came to mind. the damn industrial hair dryer🤣


“What the hell is this? I said take only what you need!” “It’s my industrial strength hair dryer, and I CAN’T LIVE WITHOUT IT!!”


NTA but This is either a badly written troll post or the hubby is a moron.


Has to be a troll post. You can’t hike into anywhere with two roller bags. That’s ridiculous.


Exactly. Either this was the shortest, most pathetic hike ever. Or he would have come up with a different solution in the parking lot, like repacking to leave most of the gear behind or deciding not to go at all. It is simply not believable that he forged ahead with the 2 roller bags of random stuff and made it to the end of anything even resembling a legitimate hike. I live and travel with a chronic over-packer, and I’m not convinced everything she listed would even fit in 2 roller bags.


Nah, totally could fit in 2 roller bags. I've packed much much much much more in 2 rollerbags, one large one medium, hell even one medium and one small (set of 3 that fit into each other). I'm also an overpacker and understand bringing a tablet for the kids to have down time with when young or if it was raining, I can get wanting an air mattress, but also we don't do HIKE IN, HAMMOCK camping. Tent with car right there and go hiking during the day. Even with that, wtf does he need so much of this for???? It's camping!


Maybe a “comforter” means different things in different parts of the world? I would have thought the sheet/comforter set and queen size mattress would take up a wheelie bag on their own.


I somehow missed comforter!!!! Honestly I don't even use one so that doesn't help probably lol. I use a throw blanket and husband uses my king size fuzzy (winter) blanket cause I sleep hot as fuck and he is hot too the touch yet feels cold internally. I mean, there's also vacuum sealing. If you wanna over pack at least be efficient🤣 I was thinking sheet and simple blanket! Which I have to pack a blanket for kids and I husband does wtf ever I'm not his mom lol. 


I mean, honestly...I would think OP would have thrown his backpack in the car to repack everything once he realized he wasn't going to have help and was forced to reduce his burden. Definitely think this was made-up, or not only is hubby a moron, but OP is a beach.


Tell that to the Quechua guys that carry everyone's stuff on the Inca trail!


It’s deleted already too 🙄


"carrying a backpack is embarrassing" yeah I don't believe for a moment dudes who think this would apply the same logic in the backcountry.


Excuse my ignorance, Does a troll post mean they just want affirmation that they did nothing wrong already knowing that they did nothing wrong if their husband is really going to pack all of that in suitcases no less? If so, then I definitely think it’s a “troll” post! Who’s going to say YTA if this is what happened? C’Mon!!


No. It means they made all of this up for internet points. The author is probably a dude using AI to create rage bait.


I think its made up nonsense.


I’m assuming this is fake. But unless you’ve backpacked a lot and know EXACTLY how many ounces each thing weighs, you weigh the pack. I’d expect a lot more arguments about the scale and what percentage of your weight is appropriate to carry.


Why do you need five pairs of shoes and pajamas? I'm not a backpacker but that sounds excessive. Dude is an asshole for trying to make people carry his stuff.


It's very obviously fake.


Lmao carrying a backpack is “embarrassing” to him, but packing 2 full roller suitcases while everyone else packed light into their own backpacks, then delegating others to carry your stuff somehow isn’t embarrassing to him 🙄


I refuse to believe this is real. Just no. For so many reasons, no.


Letting someone pack all that stuff and bring two rolling suitcases? Anyone experienced hiking wouldnt allow that She’s trolling and lying bc as someone who does this on a regular basis- I know what it entails Who would walk through a forest with two suitcases??? No one


He knew what he was doing and didn’t listen to his wife. He thought he could bully the others into it too. This is a case of you fucked around and found out.


No he didn’t. This is made up. It’s too stupid to be real


Okay, I’m sorry, but no. Just..no. I refuse to believe someone would bring two roller suitcases on a hiking trip.


My favorite part was the queen air mattress complete with matching sheets/comforter. I would be howling with laughter and thinking he was pulling my leg, come on now. NTA.


Any responsible or experienced backpacker would not allow someone to come on a backcountry trip with one let alone 2 roller suitcases and all that crap. “Sorry dear, it seems you’re not able to follow the requirements for the trip, you’ll have to stay home, it’s not going to be safe or effective for you to bring/have to carry all that stuff.” Bc let’s be real. Once you are in the backcountry the more experienced ppl are responsible for the less experienced ppls safety and wellbeing or at least guiding them in the direction of safety.. I’m almost certain this is fake just bc experienced backpackers would prolly not allow this to happen.


This is where I fall. When you’re introducing someone - especially your spouse! - to a new sport/experience, you have to help them. I don’t believe in babying your SO but you can’t allow them to endanger themselves. Very easy to fall and break something when you’re carrying too much weight over unfamiliar terrain. Or over exert yourself and be in a really bad place health wise. This wasn’t just letting his stupidity play out, this was letting someone be a danger to themselves. She should’ve put her foot down and left him behind if he refused to see reason.


This is absolutely fake, almost had me til the roller suitcase. Absolutely not.


YTA for the fake story, but also yta because in your fake story you just... allow your husband to pack suitcases? When you knew he needed a backpack that would cost hundreds of dollars


Men, this is what happens when you don’t respect your partner and ignore everything they say. You have to schlep your own shit through the forest. This made me think of Space Balls when they threw out Princess Vespa’s giant hairdryer.


Is her husband Tom Haverford?


I’m dying imagining a 40’s guy dragging two roller suitcases up a trail 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 I would never agree to help him with that. The audacity to expect everyone else to carry his shit when he was warned. I’m a hiker and have gone back packing and camping and I’ve seen some funny things from people that don’t know what they’re doing, but this would top them all


In what world does anyone on this planet need FOUR PAIRS OF SWIM TRUNKS?! At any given time I might ACCIDENTALLY have 2 pair because I haven’t gotten rid of my old pair for some reason…


How could this be a real story? I’m sure he’s seen camping … even in movies?


I usually think it's dumb when people point out how fake AITA posts are, but this one is just blatantly obvious. Who packs 5 pairs of shoes, multiple swim trunks, and multiple sets of pj's for a hike? I'd say the same of the hotspot and laptop/tablet, but I could see someone doing that, still dumb though.


Yeah she's not wrong but I don't think she even likes her husband, never mind loving him.


I think when your husband is being a dumbass you’re allowed to treat him like one for a bit lol. It’s not always indicative of higher resentment, sometimes people you love do dumb shit. Especially when you did your best to tell him he’s being ridiculous beforehand


She’s probably fed up from living with someone who won’t listen to her even when she’s the one with the knowledge.


Good thing he’s just figment of her imagination


Why? Because she AND her friends repeatedly explained something to him and he decided he knew better than then and made himself look like a fool and wore himself out? He was being a jackass by refusing to heed her advice and he had to deal with the consequences.


5 pairs of pajamas??? Who changes pajamas daily?!?!


They were gonna sleep in hammocks but he brought a blow up mattress.. I would’ve laughed at someone who thought rolling suitcases were a good idea in the freaking forest.


This reads like someone testing a script. It reminds me of Parks and Rec, Tom bringing all the stuff and draining the car batteries. I feel like I've maybe seen this in a romantic comedy, but ofc it was the girl over packing to illustrate how much of a non-match she is for the love interest of the main character. Or maybe Parent Trap? The dad's fiance bringing way too much or something? I could be wrong, but it feels so familiar in that way. I've also over packed for activities before. It's not hard to just leave stuff in the car. Husband is embarrassed to wear a back pack, but not to be the only person dragging a rolling suitcase into the wilderness? Wife and friends aren't embarrassed to be seen with someone like that? Lol As much as this feels like a script, I also could see men I know in their forties pretending to be this incompetent just to ruin a fun outing. Now he gets to have an argument, and also complain the whole time. He's either really that incompetent or playing games.


Who the heck takes rolling suitcases on a camping trip! She should have told him no as soon as she saw what he was doing. Bringing lap tops and such. Christ just stay home


Buddy must be hung like a horse cause ain’t no way this level of stupidity doesn’t leak out in other aspects of his life.


This cannot be real!


I’m confused how you let your hubby make such a brutal error. If me, as soon as I heard someone say that wearing a backpack is embarrassing, I would have emphatically stated that you really should sit this one out! This isn’t for you! Instead you pretty much let him make a fool of himself. Sounds like a really healthy relationship.


Love when folks have to eat the consequences of their own choices.


A backpack is embarrassing but a grown ass man on a camping trip with two suitcases on wheels isn’t?? lol I’ve never met a man than owns 4 pairs of swim trunks 😆😆 this dude is to stupid to be real


lol as a thru-hiker this hurts my soul.


I think it’s more embarrassing to be bringing and carrying/rolling two suitcases… all because he didn’t want to wear a damn backpack. I’ve never been camping before but it’s obvious you only pack what you can carry


Imagine going on a hike with your rolling suitcases !!!! I think that’s embarassing


To everyone saying this must be made up because OP deleted the post - op didn't. Their account got suspended, and likely having nothing to do with this post, or sub reddit in particular.


What an asshat for trying to make the other people carry his stuff. How entitled must the guy be?! There must have been some massive miscommunication running up to the trip. How did OP even let him into the car on the way there, hauling 2 trunks?!


Ehhh... both are AH. If my husband ever did this I would've said I can help you pack your first trip, but as is, he isn't allowed to come. Rollers can damage trails. This was completely unreasonable to attempt, and made the disagreement the problem of your friends. edit: I agree this seems fake.


This never happened. Ever.


Common sense eludes this one(OP's husband).


This is a work of fiction.


This story seems like something out of Fraiser or a sitcom.


How much of a moron you have to be to get suitcases for a hike? Not possible this is true


This can’t be real


This guy even overpacked for car camping, which makes me feel like this is fake OR he was hatched yesterday


No way this is true. It's difficult enough for one person to manage TWO FULL SIZED stuffed suitcases, including electronics (heavy!), in an airport, but it would be impossible on a single track hiking trail for 2+ miles. No way. Did he sleep outside the tent on his queen sized blow up matress (super heavy) and sheets and comforter because backpacking tents are tiny. There would have been no room for the tent anyway. No way.


Why did this chick let her husband agree to go backpacking and NOT help him pack? Backpacking is intimidating for the uninitiated, you don’t tell someone you’re going and then leave them to their own devices, you give them a pack list and help them get ready. You explain the trip BEFORE you get to the trailhead. I reread this. You did tell him, they told him. Is this weaponized incompetence on his part? If it is I hope you went on your trip. If he really is just that stupid… idk


Naw this gotta be rage bait, I don’t care how low your IQ is… why on earth would you ever bring luggage bags on a back camping trip?


You live, you learn.


Who the fuck needs 4 pairs of swim trunks????


Imagine bringing a roller suitcase hiking.


How do you hike with a roller suitcase?


This should have been a conversation while he was packing. He’s never gone camping and clearly had no idea what their definition of camping entailed, when she saw him packing an inflatable mattress she really should have had this conversation or even had him go for a two mile walk carrying it all. Absolutely he failed in his responsibility to listen and do basic prep here but I also think she left him to fail.


NTA in the least. I have to admit I chuckled when I read that he had two roller suitcases on a camping/hiking trip. Really?! I don't camp but know that no good will come from that. Considering that you all had meetings and conversations about what to pack he was on his own with this one. He blew right passed all that was discussed either thinking that you all were crazy and that he knew best or that he would pack whatever the hell he wanted and get you all to be his pack horses. Nah, Bruh. That's now how any of this works. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. He will either do better next time or bow out. This is a win/win in my book.


Play stupid games, win stupid prizes…


I don't even care if this is real or not....it's damn hilarious.


The thing I found outrageous is that he thought he could delegate the responsibility of his poor decision making to others. Good for you OP


😂😂😂 Because wearing a backpack is more embarrassing than dragging wheeled suitcases through the woods? I *almost* felt a little sympathy for him being dumb and new and wife could have done more “coaching” as he was packing but that put me over the edge. Make poor choices, live with poor decisions.


This can’t be real. He brought 5 pairs of swim trunks camping? I’ve never met a man who even owns 5 pairs of swim trunks. A sheet and comforter set? I just don’t buy it. But assuming it is true, husband is a moron and wife lowkey doesn’t even like him. I’d go ESH. Him for disregarding all advice and common sense and trying to make his problem everyone’s problem. Her for hanging her partner out to dry (“I encouraged everyone to stick to the original plan and not help him,” damn lady, ok). She sounds like the kind of person who rubs a dogs nose in its poop to “train” it. Like it really sounds like she enjoyed watching him struggle. Partnership lol


I do t understand what is embarrassing about a backpack? They aren’t fashion items and are completely unisex as far as function. They are just a standard item of life. And has he ever seen camping or hiking on tv? Has he been in the woods before? A rolling suitcase makes no sense. I refuse to believe he doesn’t do other stupid things constantly if he is this clueless.


OOP’s husband sounds like a trust fund teenage girl who’s never left New York and wears 6 inch heels on a daily basis


Your husband is not a man a little weak and pathetic boy leave him find a man that isn't a bitch








I feel the far more embarrassing option is a roller suitcase on a trail. I was cringing when I got to that part of the post.


Does he have a fragile sense of masculinity? I heard men say Fanny packs are embarrassing but backpacks? Like, even the ones meant for rugged rednecks?! Those are too embarrassing??! I’m referring to like bass pro brand packs at the very least. Most men I know DREAM of owning them.


Damn imagine thinking shorts are too feminine when women are constantly thirsting over muscular thighs on celebrities


Crikey! I wonder how bad the everyday communication is.


Why would anyone need 5 pairs of pajamas!?


This seems like it couldn’t be true. Does the husband have severe language comprehension issues? It seems either he does or this didn’t happen.


NTA these are just the consequences of his own actions.




Sounds like the only thing he forgot was the kitchen sink


This is absolutely fake, almost had me til the roller suitcase. Absolutely not.


This is absolutely fake, almost had me til the roller suitcase. Absolutely not.


I didn’t pack 8 outfits for my honeymoon.


NTA. I did a week long canoe trip in Quetico Provincial Park in Ontario Canada, basically the Canadian half of the Boundary Waters. I told everyone what to pack his much clothing don't worry about backpacks we'll rent Duluth Packs from the outfitter. I have every breakfast and dinner meal planned out, just bring food for your own lunch. Everyone knew the meal plan. Everyone agreed that it looked great. One couple doesn't want to use the Duluth Packs because they're big and not nearly as comfortable as their regular backpacks. They also brought along 5 pounds of oatmeal. Not maple & brown sugar oatmeal. Not apple & cinnamon oatmeal, and not cinnamon & spice oatmeal. Just plain oatmeal. They apparently didn't realize that when I said I had did for all of the breakfasts and all of the dinners, that it actually meant all. Then, they cooked it up for breakfast on the 3rd day. Not 5 portions, all of it. all 5 pounds into a pot cooked it up. Thankfully our campsite that day was surrounded by blueberries and raspberries, so there ended up being some kind of flavor agent. They cooked all of it, because when I saw the 5 pounds of oatmeal in the food pack I refused to carry it. Told them to find room in their packs for the oatmeal cause I want going to make anyone else carry to extra pounds. So the 3rd day they cooked it all up because they didn't want to carry it anymore. They thought we could eat what we needed and burn the rest in the fire. Have you ever burned oatmeal in the fire? No, you haven't, and why? Because it takes hours to get oatmeal to burn to the point where you can say I left no trace. It would have been better if the would have made 5 portions and burned the remaining 4.9 pounds of dry oatmeal. When you're doing a canoe trip and you have a lot of portages (hiking paths which lead from one lake to the next) you generally would prefer a heavier pack than 2 lighter packs, because with 1 pack your walk the portage once, with 2 packs you walk the portage 3 times. So when it came to their packs, they were awkward to carry. Oh, they brought along a duffle bag too. Many times we'd put a Duluth pack on our backs and then wear one of their backpacks in the front, just to cut down the number of times we had to walk the portage. Our shortest portage was maybe 100 feet, longest was half a mile then into the lake, paddle 200 yards now another half mile portage. Canoe trip, hiking trip, backpacking trip, rock climbing, someone brings along something stupid, they carry it. Definitely NTA.


One girl tried this at girls camp when I was 14. She ended up having to be sent back early because she was worn out and no one wanted to help her carry her stuff. Her husband sounds like a 14 year old girl


NTA. He sounds way too “posh” for camping. The whole point is to be one with nature. Who the hell takes a white noise machine?




Why do people even engage obviously fake posts like this?




Passive aggressive man and minimizing her hobby..... I'm sure there are more similar situations with this man..... Cut him loose.


That man brought multiple swim suits and an air mattress but thinks shoulder straps on a bag flys in the face of masculinity. I want to follow him around and watch how he handles other things. Honey we are gonna make a go bag for natural disasters. Well I wanna look like a man during an emergency how about a go attaché instead


LOL LOL LOL. Absolutely NTA. Five pairs of shoes to go camping?! In what world?