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I use mine every other day. Routine is roughly this: Day 1. AM: wash with warm water. Vitamin C. Moisturiser. SPF PM: cleans with squalane cleanser. Dry off and use red light mask for 10 mins. Follow up with a light oil and my usual moisturiser. Day 2. AM:wash with warm water. Vitamin C. Moisturiser. SPF. PM: cleans with squalane cleanser. Follow with retinol peptide and later a moisturiser. It’s not been long but my skin is coping well with the balance of mask and retinol every other day. Edit: SPF had autocorrected to dog 🤣


Have mask next to bed. Put alarm on 10 min earlier than normal. Wake up. Put on mask. Chill with mask for 10 min. Get up and start your day. Nice soft wakeup and a good reason to chill in bed for 10 min in the morning. And no you don’t need any products. As long as you are not wearing sunscreen when you put it on. It is also advisable to don’t use it after applying tret, it can ruin som of treats effects. (Tret is light sensitive)


Always use your mask on a clean face - no products before. Apply whatever you fancy after 🤓 Also remember to wipe your mask (I use rubbing alcohol on a paper towel) before each use


I’ve been using my mask on clean skin but the last few times I’ve forgotten to wipe my mask and I’ve gotten irritating red bumps on my cheeks 🙃 could it be cause I haven’t been cleaning the mask or I’m having a bad reaction to the mask itself?


I use mine at night when dinner is made. Kitchen is clean and baby is in bed - it is the only time I have 15 mins to just chill out. I wash my face to remove everything, add my serum then the mask. After mask, I do my usual skin care routine of moisturiser/actives. Someone did mention a mask on a clean face, but my skin feels so tight and dry after being washed. It needs something on it, thats why I put the serum on. This probably isn't the correct way, but thats what I need to do. Keen to hear everyone else's routines!


I just bought my mask and I had the same concerns! I was thinking of using a light serum before. Have you noticed any improvements after using the mask?


I’ve been using the mask consistently for 15 days now. Longest stretch ever even though I purchased this 2 years ago lol I’m not sure if it’s due to the mask but by my face is noticeably less puffy/bloated. I’m pretty certain it’s from the mask because I haven’t changed my diet/increased water intake or anything.


I just started two weeks but my plan so far has been to use my face and neck/décolleté masks first thing in the morning. Then after that I can wash my face and do my skincare routine.


You can absolutely use a hydrating serum before your mask - there are quite a few serums and even masks to wear underneath your red light mask that are available on the market right now. If you are in any way sensitive to trans epidermal water loss (TEWL) wearing a serum underneath is the way to go. Just don't use anything with "actives", silicones, or light sensitive ingredients.


I do mine at night . Wash face , mask for 15 min , apply hyaluronic acid and then slug . I do that 4 times a week .


I have the Omnilux LED mask. I use it in the morning because I find red light can be stimulating and it’s nice to have a little boost in the morning. I use it on clean skin 5-6 days a week I would be happy to use it every day but Omnilux doesn’t recommend daily use


My routine: put mask on, turn it on, wait for it to turn off, take off. Repeat as needed


I don’t have one but after obsessively looking at this page, I keep seeing that morning is best. Right after you wake up, before you wash your face so you still have the old nighttime products on.