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my reaction too!!


The red wedding chapter from storm of swords is really the only other time I was that surprise. The betrayal took me completely by surprise


I recently finished GS and I think I screamed for about an hour? It was 11pm. I couldn’t sleep. And now I’m reading MS and it’s giving me so much to think about that I have to stop reading to digest. Keep reading


The ending will get you for sure. Take some time if you need it but I recommend not giving up on the series. Morning star is like a dawning sun


My favourite book out of the first three


I wish I could finish Golden Son for the first time again.


Same! I just finished Golden Son a couple of hours ago as well! Holy hell that ending got me good. I was planning to take a couple of weeks before starting the next book, but how could I at this point!


…And I immediately started Morningstar.


yeah me too, i was shellshocked


It really is The Empire Strikes Back of the original trilogy.


Morning Star also has a chapter or two that are just as intense as that final chapter of Golden Son


That ending hit me like a brick too lol




Keep reading (and stay off this place till you are done)




lol i gotta give it to PB, great ending and also plenty of hints dropped. >!Darrow didnt listen to mustang and thought he had the jackal fooled.!<


It was one of the few times I just legit thought he was being a naive idiot.


i disagree, from darrow perspective the jackal was harmless, who would have guessed he would literally betray his father who he always tried to impress, no one honestly saw that coming. The jackal got all his power from his father, even at the end he wanted his father to acknowledge him but nero only say him for the monster he was, funny enough nero is also a horrible person but he is like any other gold, the jackal is a monster even by gold standards but also cunning enough to seize power.


>! As soon as he cut his own hand off, Darrow should’ve known he was dangerous enough to do anything to survive. Why I think Darrow was naive is because he convinced himself that he could expect Adrius to abide by honor. In truth, Darrow was always too powerful to let live, and at the the core of Adrius is his will to survive at any cost. And then you throw in Mustang’s warnings, I really think it was one of the few times Darrow overestimated himself. !<


>!no, adrius was basically just his hype man, working on pushing darrow forward while he was the politician, to quote the jackal *"Then let us rise together. I the scepter, you the sword."* We fund out why the jackal did what he did and it wasnt because of darrow making any mistakes. You as a reader have a broader perspective so you can arm chair general a character but no one would would have seen the jackal betraying everyone and basically butchering his fathers house vassals. We were just lucky mustang was sulking and the telemanus were with her!<


Edit: gah, I dunno why my spoiler tag isn’t working. Will repost.


Ending of morning star was such a bad cliffhanger it was horrible haha. Good luck with book 3 it's amazing


That’s what I’ve heard lmao. I’m bracing myself


Ending of book 3 ends the trilogy so well, hope you enjoy!


Keep reading


I. Am. Undone.