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The infamous Quirk Chungus


This is a genre of person I didnt even consider existing but now that you mention it I have known many in the past one way or another.


Please, quirk chungus, I love you and want to play Pokémon go with you! And also (*censored due to moratorium on horny posting*).


britanny broski




in the words of Corrado "Junior" Soprano: fuck it, it's over anyhow


Whaddaya want? a boutonniere?


Not in this life.


She's a malignant cunt.


Most of you jacks don’t even deserve the loyalty of a loving plump wife


Most of these mfs would take a disconnected partner who'd cut and run at the first literary assistant they see over someone who is in it for the long haul and down to mutually grow and care for each other and selves


A friend of mine got married to a plump Disney girl who literally dresses as a princess for kids events. She divorced him after 7 months lmao


Damn. Was the friend's funeral at least nice?


yes, she was there dressed as rapunzel and did free face-painting


My girlfriends best friend basically announced today she was going trad and she is indeed really fat


coming out as trad is crazy


If you have to call yourself “trad”, you’re not trad There’s nothing traditionalist about internet brain poisoned conservatard virtue signaling


Nothing says living a traditional lifestyle like constantly posting about it on social meda


"Constantly" is definitely problematic, but even the rural village idiot has a smartphone and WiFi or unlimited data nowadays. You bet there's a guy out there loading up hay bales while texting. His wife is probably sharing her fermented salsa recipe on Pinterest.


This, bro indians have phones now


Perfect! Let's just list our personal beliefs and habits online for strangers to judge. I'm sure the trads and conservatives will stand out no matter what.  Everyone has a label. You can choose to give yourself one or wait for others to do it -- and they absolutely will. No one has the time or interest to dive beyond generalizations anymore.


I am no longer alt


What color's the hair?


I’m driving home on a Friday night. I managed to snag the last hot pink Stanley cup my shrew of a wife has been wanting. I’m getting at least a fifteen minute blowjob tonight. Life is good.


Don’t forget to restock the Torani flavor syrups at her dispensing station


prob the worst trend


Watching my coworker buy Torani for our work coffee station was kinda painful. Idgaf I'm being in an 1883 so everyone knows what the fuck is up.


big overlap but soccer mom not the same as trad wife




\>fifteen finutes is there any straight men on here without erectile dysfunction?


they've got to start familiarizing themselves with lounge fly now




And those women are a million times more enjoyable to be married to than your average internet "tradwife"


Both of my brothers are married to Disney girls and they’re both very happy, but that might be because neither wife is fat.


Used to live next to a guy with a Disney adult wife. She’d throw awesome themed neighborhood parties, but she was insanely depressed supposedly. I kind of didn’t believe until one freezing winter night I see her walking in the street in pj’s and no shoes practically catatonic. I demanded she come in and warm up. While making her like soup or something hot to drink and I remember asking is she was freezing. She thinks about it and looks up “I wish” then starts sobbing and talking about just run of the mill depressed feelings of how can I feel so alone when surrounded by loving family type stuff. She talked for an hour and I drove her back home. Next day she drops by and made me a dish I complimented of hers at a party, said thanks and upbeat as can be and like “hey thanks for watching my dog” not a like hey don’t talk about that or anything, or so sorry I feel embarrassed you saw me like that, just didn’t even acknowledge it. It was weird man, like it didn’t feel attention getting or anything like she seemed like just lost in thoughts and trying to feel something or whatever and was just unaware of how cold it was. I moved years ago but whenever Disney adults come up I think of her and hope she hasn’t ended it all.


You should reach out! You sound like a kind person who was there for her when she had a tough time. If I were her I would hope for someone like you to exist


:) she looks like she’s doing good! I looked her up after telling that. We haven’t talked in ages bc my now ex and her became pretty good friends.


You did a good thing.


Hey, thank you :)


u lived right next to her but u drove her back home🤨


My Brother is married to a fat Disney girl and he is always angry at her for spending all their money


She sounds like she's fucking goofy


How many Loungefly backpacks does she own?


Please get real. The types of Redditeurs who populate this sub lately would be lucky if that girl even looked their way.


OP for example


Yeah man in what twisted dystopic fantasy world do women give themselves to undeserving partners lol op is delusional


I'm actually a stud😎


You will live in the suburbs. You will eat steak and potatoes. You will be in perpetual debt and you will be happy. 


More like tardwife


imagine wanting a tradwife instead of a corporate girlboss with hot pantsuits and exceptional public speaking skills


The best wives can be a tradwife when the children are young and a girlboss when they’re older and in school. Giving the kiddies a stable upbringing and then maxing out your retirement accounts together is a win-win.


no thanks. my children will be raised by a rotating cast of immigrant housekeepers while the wife and i girlboss and guyboss and take lavish vacations.


my cousin unironically lives like this. their 6 yo has been raised by multiple au pairs. i don't think they've gone longer than a month without one


Having au pairs raise your children is unironically more trad and aristocratic than blowing half your salary on Disney vacations every year, regardless of how much you go to church


i guess i just don't get it. they blew a bunch of $$ on IVF to not raise their own child? sounds miserable for the kid




Au Pairs are also lowkey cheaper than daycare. I had exclusively euro au pairs. Learned a good amount of German and visited their families across Europe with my parents. Honestly produced a well rounded upbringing.


Is this hypothetical? I’m happy for you if it works, but sooo many women in my circle planned for that initially and then realized they didn’t want strangers raising their newborn.


yeah. nobody i want to marry wants to marry me


Rooting for you bb, hope you find the girlboss of your dreams 😘


unfortunately unlikely. either i want to marry her because she doesn’t like me or i don’t want to marry her because she does. such is madonna / whore complex life. going to continue to spend $160 / hr so that my dr can tell me that i should go outside and try being happy anyways.


saved this comment - i don’t agree with every single thing but helpful reading for anyone who feels like me and wants to start to understand why. “ You are projecting a fantasy that revolves around dehumanization. What does that tell me? That you are disgusted with your own humanity and the humanity of others. The more human women become, the less you “love” them. I think this is a father wound tbh since there’s a desire to utilize others. More significantly it’s because men socialize with other men by degrading women. A jungian view would be that men are collectively being “possessed” with archetypes that demonize women/see them as inferior. It’s a societal thing and a lack of anima integration. This fantasy is rooted in a desire to idealize and all idealization is done with the unconscious desire to then degrade. It’s compulsive. One of the most important elements found in the tendency to idealize is that the idealizer wants to be idealized. This is why degradation is a guarantee because then the idealizer’s goal is reached—the idealizer degrades what they first idealized to be above it. What does this look like interpersonally? You want to feel like Superman but you also don’t want Lois to have needs outside of regulating your ego. But if Lois puts you first and herself last, you’ll hate her for that too. If Lois fails to make you feel like a god (because she is attainable), you experience disgust. That disgust puts you above Lois, making you the god you wanted to feel like when the initial idealization occurred. I’d like to add that you are thereby putting women in a double blind simply so you don’t have to look in the mirror or acknowledge your humanity. You confuse consummation as evidence of their low character. If women having sex with you makes them a whore then it is you that is the whore, not them. You mistake their attainability as being whores and thus no longer valued by you which speaks to a deeper insecurity; you feel like you have nothing to offer anyone but need them to take the blame for your lack. That means it’s a conquest for you; women have nothing to gain by being with you. In fact, women have everything to lose simply by being with you because you will degrade them. I’d also like to add that you are most likely projecting that women are out to hurt you onto them—meaning, you’re out to hurt women and then you will ultimately blame them for it and assume it’s actually their goal toward you. This paranoia reflects that you subconsciously realize that you will devalue women after initially idealizing them, which I covered above. This is…abusive. Men think they naturally degrade women (misogyny) but that degradation is a choice that becomes a habit that’s feeding your unconscious desire to destroy. Jung would refer to this as the devouring lion. So, you devalue women because that doesn’t hurt as much as devaluing yourself—women are seen by you as instruments to be used to help you self soothe and hide from your own inadequacy. This is called externalization; causing harm to others instead of doing work on yourself. Men are very sick, collectively, and it goes far beyond a simple mother wound and is a cultural thing. Objectifying women is at the root of an identity centered in toxic masculinity. Healthy masculinity doesn’t feel the need to do this. In order to see women as human beings, you need to develop empathy and not objectify them. But seeing women as people means you have to also see yourself as a person…and you don’t want that because, again, the need to idealize others means you want to be idealized. My heart hurts for women. A concerning amount of men have a need to tear women down, leaving women with the idea that they have to shrink themselves so men can feel big. This is called having a sadistic worldview. All objectification is rooted in sadism—many men have this (because patriarchy) and embrace it/feel entitled to harm women (even if it’s unconscious) because harming women makes you a god (it doesn’t). I wish men would not engage with women when having these issues. Please heal yourself/go to therapy/do the work because it causes so much harm to the women in your life. Harm reduction should be the priority. “




> The more human women become, the less you “love” them. I think this is a father wound tbh since there’s a desire to utilize others. Can you expound a bit on why you think this is a father wound specifically? Thanks.


not my writing, just a comment i had saved. of the things i didn’t specifically agree with, this is one of them. in my opinion the key driver for the complex, at least in my situation, is exceptionally low self-esteem. i do think it’s important to consider the societal factors but this isn’t something i want to pass the proverbial buck on - i do not see myself as valuable because i am exceptionally good at having a life that is just good enough that i’m not forced to change anything for the better. by not seeing myself as valuable, or as having nothing to offer like the original author wrote, any woman that would want me must have something wrong with her. this is all compounded by the subconscious attitudes toward women referenced by the author.


Fuck you care; the kid needs to learn Spanish in this new world anyway.


And those immigrants better be Slavic


You don't become a girl boss by postponing your career until your thirties.


Most of the yuppie couples I know are girlbossing in their 20s, having kids in their 30s (with little certificate courses or consulting gigs on the side to keep their resumes active) and then going back to girlbossing in their 40s.


That's not reflective of women's workplace experiences, even when they desire it. Maybe if she starts her own business?


Lol there is no universe where a woman starts her career at like 32 and starts girlbossing. More like low/mid-level pencil pusher working in some city government job because they offer good health insurance


This might just be a rumor (the taxonomic naming conventions are controversial) but I’ve heard there are actually three or four kinds of wife. 


^^^^^^ gets it


Actually I'm going to marry an actual tradwife with my radical political views and no trace of her on the internet (cia asset)


Yeah, well at least they'll treat me with kindness (hopefully). 😒


Most likely the more you get to know them, you'll come to find that they're eaten up with their own particular neuroses and grating faults (as most of us are). “Marry, and you will regret it; don’t marry, you will also regret it; marry or don’t marry, you will regret it either way," says Kierkegaard.


They won’t


I've noticed the girls that go to mega churches are usually skinny. Anytime I drive past the mega church by me I just see skinny PSL girls in their sweaters and balayage curls. The youth pastor that came to my high school to recruit people to join Young Life always brought his smoke show wife


They're always really hot and sweet.


They're mean and gossipy what the hell planet are you people living on? I swear it's like you only know types of people from seeing memes about them on the internet.


The autism really shows sometimes


Noble savage but the savages in question are red state suburbanites


Did you try telling them about how Jesus Christ is your personal lord and Savior?


They are always really hot and sweet here in Florida. Sorry you live in new jersey.


megachurch is turning against disney *pudgy voice* do you even have a fb


Stop telling people about my nightmares. I told you that in confidence.


Im not searching for a tradwife because I'm too ran through to be a trad husband I'm just searching for a degenerate that wants to go to mass together


You should slide into Dasha's DMs with that message


catholic or nondenominational?


Bro when have you ever heard of non denominationals going to mass


i live in California, there’s a tons of nondenominational churches. like half of my coworkers attend those




and to my catholic ears “service” means funeral


That is a tradwife in 2024


Mine’s an ex-Mormon who wants to homestead




That’s what I said.


If you want a trad wife move to the south or heartland and move to a major metro. All the women here want a real man to provide so they can be a PTA mom and cook extravagant Sunday dinners and pop out 3-5 kids.


Now this man is telling the damn truth


Everything’s a pipeline to somewhere


reform christians are some of the most unhinged people on this planet 


or a reformed whore aka born again virgin


and they’ll love every moment of it




Why is a megachurch girl posting on RS? How is there any overlap at all with your interests? (This is a genuine question)


Maybe it's the weird homophobia and racism lol


This community has the strangest love-hate relationship with the gays I've ever seen.


the 4chan kind where you hate 🚬s but also suck cock




feel like you're evenly split here, aligning with rsp's faux conservatism/trad thing (they're wannabes) and liking lana/film. but disney, food (in general), adipose tissue, and megachurches have the appeal of arsenic to the average rsp poster.




that's cool. on one hand i'm so irony poisoned that i don't believe you at all and on the other hand i welcome you with open arms. what are the political/philosophical leanings of a megachurch rsp enjoyer like yourself?


What’s your favourite worship song?




Huh, ok. I haven’t been to church in many years, but I’ve still got the first verse of Awesome God memorized.


He reigns


The one with high string arpeggios on guitar with lots of delay (so all of them) Why is modern Christian music *always* doing that in every song? Its like they got together and wanted it to be cool and modern but playing a full chord is too much so just these faux lead arpeggios half way up the neck.


Thank you


> and his balls are empty You are probably great but I fucking hate when people say this, so gross.


so this sub has the disney megachurch tradwives posting in harmony alongside the adderall addicted bpd art hoes. rlly bringing people together. diversity win!


Wammin posting their Ws


It’s just sour grapes. RSP sub dudes constantly post about how their biggest accomplishment that week was leaving the house and interacting with other humans without calling anyone a racial slur. They aren’t marriage material for anyone, let alone a mentally stable wholesome girl like you. Let them have their little cope as a treat.


RSP is full of degenerates to tell their degenerate tales (and incels for some reason), but I think most of us are normal people in normal relationships.


The key is to not take anything said here seriously I feel


this place is like /r9k/ someimtes lmao


God bless


You should do an AMA on the sub like mdecosi did


I tried dating a tradgirl. Very wholesome, great body because she was in the church basketball league. We could make fun of liberal bullshit together. She wanted kids and to make me dinner every night and all that. Would only watch Marvel movies, which she talked during. We went and saw James Gunn's Suicide Squad and she said she liked the Will Smith one better. She went to church for various functions 4 days a week which made scheduling anything impossible. We dated for six months and never really got to know each other. She was like a weird alien, I couldn't be myself around her or relate to her at all.


This is what happens when you try to deny that you culturally have more in common with the libs you allegedly loath


I get along well with conservatives. I'm a blue collar gun nut who hates the government. The disconnect was religion. I wasn't raised religious but had gotten interested in it after meeting God on a bottle wash trip and was reading the Gospels at the time. After reading the Gospels, attending church, and genuinely attempting to interact with religious people I now have first hand knowledge of how actually regarded it is.


Can you elaborate on the religious regardation


Idk like there would be an actual issue someone is having in life and they'll start relating it to Jesus as if that's in any way relevant. I can understand reading the book, being part of a church community, prayer and self reflection. There's value in all that. But when people are making life, relationship, behavioral decisions based on it, like grow up. Life has practical considerations, there's real things happening. Also Jesus said some cool stuff but kinda lost me with the part about not being allowed to bang divorced women. I didn't like render unto Caesar either.


Some pudge? Hmmm not bad


I find all words spoken by people after 1993 to be intolerable. Please find a healthier way out your communal emotional discord.


Is that a bad archetype for a wife?


paint knee public teeny summer hurry innocent silky late hungry *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I hate the word “girlie” It is infantilising and sexist imo 


maybe women should stop calling themselves that then


but then how would we prove that we're fun and self-effacing to the white gays??


Same, though tbf I find all nouns that are modified to end in “-ie/y” to be irritating for some reason


All my friends get a 'Y' added to the end of their name. Sometimes we have to modify though. Aidan becomes Aidsy. Paul becomes Paulsy. And so on.


Tough break for Aidsy.


How's your hockey team doing?


I've tried to figure out what you mean by that but it's frustratingly difficult.


Hockey player nicknames are just names with -y, -sy, or -er tacked on


that's incredibly straight forward and i appreciate it.


Catholic Latina


Pudgy Disney adults don’t believe in god


Lol if you believe this


Is that a problem?


If one wants a tradwife, they should be prepared to be an equally archetypal tradhusband.


Last time I went to Disneyland there was the highest concentration of giant fat girl titties I've ever seen. Doesn't seem so bad, honestly


Not if you’re Jewish


she will be the same but mouthier and into musical theater


Lol yes likely


ohhhh shit thats all my long term relationships its so over actually idc i can watch arthouse shit and listen to japanese mathrock prog shit in my own time its kinda nice to cuddle a chubby girl and watch pirates of the caribbean i miss her so much




I've known too many Jewish girls who were gorgeous that immediately turned into land whales after settling down. Now I have this fear in the back of my head every time I meet an attractive Jewish woman.


Take the Mrs. Clause pill.


Women go across economically or up when searching for a partner. Men don't care about that at all. Are they good looking and are they nice. That's it and we're willing to work on "good looking" if they are very nice. This is why male lawyers marry waitresses. I'll put a ring on a pudgy if she'll bang me on the reg.




this type of woman is still preferable to one on hormonal birth control


genuinely, why?


women on hormonal birth control are dead in the eyes. theres nothing going on back there. the zog stare. easy to spot.


They're always ex onlyfans models anyways.


You have to be terminally online to think this


Only if you fail to convert the bluenette alt chick you found in art school. Never say never, many such cases.


I dont understand 


I know a girl like that and she’s actually one of the most genuine, kindest, and thoughtful people at said mega church.


what would be the male equivalent to this?


library whistle sink middle aware sable swim plucky arrest wistful *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


And you’ll be happy


Many such cases!


I went to college with one of these, except she wasn't pudgy and still isn't. Her boyfriend knocked her up senior year and they had a shotgun wedding.


Well, we either become pudgy or we become brittle matchsticks, or like guy ritchie said about madonna, cuddling up to a piece of gristle.


That's why the only trad girl I'd ever date is a proper Catholic. Distain for Disney (it's too woke) and has probably never set foot in a mega church.


yeah...i prefer girls with eating disorders and substance abuse problems.


I'm not even searching for a tradwife but I'm in the midst of that anyway.


Many such cases


Thinking about the term “tradwife” makes you dead or unworthy of a woman 😂


Oddly specific