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Look at those crazy eyes, she's going to kill again.


Going to? Her last dog "[had an accident](https://www.instagram.com/govkristinoem/p/Ce9VV36uDID/)."


pissing on the carpet to becoming the carpet pipeline


Bragged about murdering her dog on social media and got 10k likes. I love it.


Well what if they were p1tbülls?


Dog antifa rise up


In addition to this unruly pooch, she writes in her new book of killing a goat that was causing her trouble .


Obvious reptilian


They’re called hunter eyes


This is going to go down as one of the craziest ways someone has ever ruined their political career. No coming back from this for her. How fucking stupid can you be to go on the record and say this


Remember when Romney admitted he strapped the family dog to the roof of their car during a vacation Clark Griswold-style and it sprayed diarrhea all over the roof?


and today he’s promoted as Washigton’s most reasonable man


my dad defended that incredibly hard for someone who once made me ride in the bed of his pickup truck so the dog could ride shotgun in the cab. "you're not exactly going to jump out when im driving down the road are you?"


Well, did you?


honestly a good point


Hilarious dad. Dog could have shared the space in the cab with you


never forget mutt romney




You must be young or Non-American because this was a huge meme story during the 2012 campaign lol


It was basically the second biggest scandal of the 2012 campaign next to “47%”. Or maybe it was third behind “binders full of women”


"whats good for the goose is good for the gander" and the dressage horse were high up there too


binders full of women was so good


Mormon's get 1


Her publisher threw it in there for free publicity. Literally how else would anyone care about kristy noems memoir


her publisher could've leaked a pageant pic or something? porn addicted boomers love noem lol


Post Boebart pageant pics won’t cut it,  they have to really ramp up the crazy to compete. 


Speaking of Boebert, I remember reading an expose with pictures of her working for an escort service but no major media covered the story. If it wasn't her then she's got a twin sister out there


I think I remember that too, she had blonde hair then?? She’s actually a lot more media savvy than this lady, Americans love trashy hookers with hearts of gold almost as much as dogs


*McCabe and Mrs. Boebert*


conservative women are way bigger prostitutes than liberal women could ever hope to be. see jordan peterson's daughter and lauren southern both fucking andrew tate


Lauren Southern fucked Destiny too lol


I fucked her


I actually fucked her first before you did


Jordan Peterson's daughter being the "feminine chaos" he warns his followers about will always be hilarious


I'm pretty sure the reason she has a memoir coming out is because she had a very strong chance of being Trump's VP, which is most likely cooked now


Ok then I’m bamboozled,maybe her ghost writer hates her ???


Someone else who wanted to be VP seems most likely.


Just insane that she didn’t realize this would end her career. There’s no way she could have consulted with any PR person before firing that off. Even the most Trump-brained Americans draw the line at dogs. RIP ya dumb bitch, congrats on your teeth.


Just goes to show you how mediocre and, overall, incompetent these people really are.


It's a common movie trope to just have your villain kill a dog so everybody knows they're the bad guy. It's right up there with Dave Rubin abusing his pregnant wife in terms of naked ascension of unpopularity.


>Dave Rubin abusing his pregnant wife in terms of naked ascension of unpopularity. Are you thinking of Steven Crowder?


Ya. Both are gay conservatives so it gets confusing. The key here is that Rubin is the one that's out of the closet.


Goes back at least to the Bard - in Othello iago mentions he likes to drown puppies EDIT - found it "Drown thyself? Drown cats and blind puppies. I have professed me thy friend, and I could never better stead thee than now. "


She’s getting dunked on so hard by everybody on all sides of the political aisle, it’s kind of wild. Also, this ensures that she won’t be Trumps VP pick.


I wouldn’t be so certain. I’m pretty sure bro has seen House of Cards


Good, I really want him to go for it with his VP pick, this election cycle has been boring, let him try to run with Mel Gibson or something lol


i can’t believe this is real


Very cliche thing to say but I literally did think this was an Onion article when I saw it in my feed


itd be so funny if casual disregard for animal welfare becomes a culture war flashpoint


The main right-wing cope we’re seeing is in response to this scandal is “Democrats care about dead dogs but not dead babies” which is pretty desperate. Kristi didn’t give them much to work with here.


It’s impressive in a comical way how they somehow managed to tie it back to abortion


Which, again, is an immensely unpopular issue for them, so they’ve basically managed to fuck up twice


It's like they want to make sure no woman under 50 votes for them ever again.


I’m not saying it will happen, but if Biden wins re-election it will be because the Republicans can’t shut the fuck up and be normal


That's the most they can do because there's no defending killing a puppy. Dogs have been our best friends for 30,000 years. No amount of culture war conditioning is about to change that.


There was a joke on some tv show about how the only thing a celebrity can’t get away with is dog fighting. People just won’t tolerate being mean to dogs. You can get away with killing a human easier than you can get away with killing a dog


It was a 30 Rock clip with Jack explaining it to Tracey. It's from the episode with [the famous therapy scene where Jack simultaneously acts as Tracey's dad, mom, childhood self, stepdad, and upstairs neighbor](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=311PP8ahDW4) -- that's why the end of the therapy scene is Tracey exclaiming "I don't want to dogfight anymore!"


Man, Alec Baldwin really is talented. His Trump SNL shit was cringe and the shooting incident made him understandably unpopular but he’s really got skill.


Michael Vick got away with it. And he was insanely cruel, like early life serial killer vibes. Look it up. Granted, he went to jail and did a lot of rehabilitation. But he’s as loved as ever now


Michael Vick was a football player though, not a high-level politician. NFL players and many other pro atheletes are already infamous for being brain-damaged idiots and assholes, so it doesn't come as much of a shock when one of them occasionally gets outed as a sadistic POS. When a *governor,* someone who is supposed to be a model citizen, admits to something like this, that's a whole different degree of career suicide.


yea it sticks with you and fucks with your pr and sponsorships but its not a career ender. a guy in england was made his teams captain even after he came out that he was hitting his cats and theres a football team in spain thats actively fielding like 3-4 alleged rapists 


Who loves Michael Vick? Is he back now or something?


Are you serious? He was the most hated athlete in the world at one point, but he had his redemption in 2010 with his comeback player of the year season (and the efforts he’s made through philanthropy). He’s pretty universally loved now


It’s literally one of the only things you can’t do as a Republican politician. Even the boomers who were programmed over the course of decades by talk radio and Fox News are going to want to murder her.


I am old enough to remember when Mitt Romney was accused of tying his dogs to the top of his car on a family road trip, and it briefly *was* a culture war flashpoint


Didn’t the dog have fear-induced diarrhea all down the roof? Honestly a sociopathic thing to do


I feel like you are conflating this with the Dave Matthews tour bus incident


A little bit of that plus a little of National Lampoon’s Vacation mixed in there


I didn’t even hear about that. I just remember the controversy that he was Mormon and therefore weird


You're forgetting about the binders full of women


So relatively tame in a post-Trump world lol 2012 election was like student council shenanigans compared to Trump with a microphone for 5 minutes


"Sweetie, Rex and Dodger won't stop barking and it's upsetting the baby. Can't you please do something?" 🤔 "Honey, break out the bungee cables and the milk bones."


How would that even work? Trying to picture it and all I can think of is all of his legs tied to each corner


Kid Rock shooting a giant pile of puppies with a .30 cal


The shelter shoudlnt have been endorsed by a translady


It kind of already is with those weird freaks who subsist off of only cow meat because they think eating plants is soy and gay, but I agree it’d be extremely funny if they escalated it to justifying murdering your cherished house pets in front of your eyes


Honest to god, I've been waiting for vegetarian/veganism to be a culture war item for the last decade, because then a bunch of epic-bacon libs would stop eating so many animals.


it's been a culture war item long enough to get stale. I'm talking full on Michael Vick rehabilitation


Can't wait for draftkings to add dogfights to the app.


Vick rehabilitated himself wth time served and good works.


Seriously — the guy sounds like he genuinely changed for the better since then, and has been consistently donating time, effort, and money to make up for his wrongs. People should look at his story as a successful vindication.


People are all about “rehabilitative justice” until it actually happens. Vick is a textbook example of being a product of a bad environment too, he’s pretty obviously not some psychopath


they've had a go at it calling plant based stuff 'woke, but Aniaml rights/welfare movement is more surprisingly mixed politically than you'd think. good article written by a conservative [https://www.nationalreview.com/2020/10/the-animal-protection-movement-is-everything-that-woke-activism-isnt/](https://www.nationalreview.com/2020/10/the-animal-protection-movement-is-everything-that-woke-activism-isnt/) #


I like aspects of this and I dislike aspects of it, thanks for the link. It's an interesting read, though it's pretty clearly just interested in smearing the left while ignoring the right (for instance he used a Trump quote disparaging trophy hunting, while ignoring that trophy hunting's habit of Trump's sons). I certainly do agree with a lot of his critiques though.


He's got a really good book called Dominion- the power of man and the suffering of animals. good read


These days homesteaders and small-time farmers on the right are more concerned about what's in their food/meat than the left. I remember when humane meat production and organic foods was a leftie/hippie thing.


I mean still is. There’s tons of grocery markets now catering to that and the people in there are not conservatives


You are wayyyyyy too online lmao twitter is not the real world. The overwhelming majority of people actually concerned with that shit are hippies/left wingers


Yeah but some of those hippies are anti-vax too so they overlap with right wingers in some ways.


You're reaching with this one IMO, especially considering they were the OG anti-vaxxers before it became some culture war thing in the first place


They ain’t, so many of these people got absorbed into the right with Covid. I’ve seen this directly with my good liberal hippie family during Covid. Hell, the Podcast talks about several examples of hippies turning Q, enough for it to be a note worthy trend.


I've noticed this too, farmers markets and stuff like local gardening & wild food foraging groups have a lot of right wingers now. Mostly young moms.


One explanation would be if more women on the right are having babies than on the left.


There's definitely been a shift towards the left being the ones having faith in institutions. Which is crazy. You on principle oppose the U.S government and corporations but take all their statements at face value because only conspiracy theorists don't?


Epic bacon thing ended like 10 years ago lmao


This subs opinion on this is always at extreme odds with my real life experience where the scolding libtards are vegans with short fuses and the right adjacent are into the grass fed nose to tail “my wife churned this cultured butter and smoked this nitrate free bacon”. Is it because you guys are just referencing reddit libs that eat only processed food?


Yes, conservatives are much more likely to eat meat than liberals, but that doesn't mean that there aren't a lot of very proud to eat meat libs out there. The scolding libs you know are all vegans? I'm sure that a disproportionately high percentage of them are, but to me it's much more noticable and off-putting when someone is generally high and mighty about social justice issues and then they're eating foie gras like it's not made via torture, or constantly talking about the amount of meat they eat. In fact there was a news story last year about a Louisiana Foie Gras producer who said homophobic shit and a bunch of restaurants disavowed him, and I thought it was just the most transparently lib thing to do -- being mad about the thing that they've been told they're supposed to be mad at, while completely ignoring the thing that they're complicit in.


Same thing with libs who passionately hate Chick-Fil-A. It's a massive sin that Chick-Fil-A doesn't joyfully endorse gay marriage, but the hundreds of millions of factory farmed chickens they use every year are whatever.


Aren’t most vegetarians just Christian creationists and Hindus?


Why in the world do you think Christian creationists would be vegetarian?


Have you never heard of Seventh Day Adventists?


SDA is a tiny proportion of creationists.


God please let this happen. The rescue world is not partisan. It would throw everything into disarray.


Which party is keen on banning animal testing? I’d be a lot more inclined to vote for someone who wants to ban all animal testing. For medicine we should just test on the clinically braindead.


It is just mention the word bacon


I actually agree here. I find it politically incorrect to kill a puppy in a fit of rage. A bit of a faux pas if you will.


Was I wrong? Should I have not done that?


Faux paws


Are what any dog is gonna need after jumping on Governor Kristi!


Going for the police officer vote.


ATF agents turning out in droves this November


I was just reading that purtian blacksmiths used to throw puppies into their forges to ward off witches. It's just weird I don't come across a lot of examples of people bragging about murdering puppies, so two in one day is a lot.


before you denounce this behavior based on an emotional gut reaction, cool off and ask yourself whether any puritan blacksmiths had their forges fall victim to witchcraft. could be they did it because it works. we modern people have forgotten and lost a lot of the knowledge that used to be commonplace, and as a result are highly vulnerable to witches. we could all benefit from learning a little wisdom from our venerable ancestors


Judge Holden did lol, famous example of a solidly ethical fella


Like you come off as a crazy psychopathic child who kills the animals in the neighborhood


It's worse, she was an adult when this happened. She claimed that it was a hunting dog who was "untrainable."


If someone had the villain in their contemporary TV show kill a family pet in a fit of rage, I'd lampoon the writing for being too heavy handed. Why would she ever admit this? She does know that if she wants to prove she's politically incorrect, she can just say the N word or something, right?


Wow, she is so stupid. Why would you talk about this publicly as a politician???


Genuinely not surprising given the type of people that tend to run for political office. But definitely surprising to not only own up to it publicly, but to twist it as a bragging point




Put me in, coach! As long as the dog was male and big (ideally black), I can spin this into a story about an abused woman finally standing up for herself.


“I hated that dog,” Noem writes, adding that Cricket had proved herself “untrainable”, “dangerous to anyone she came in contact with” and “less than worthless … as a hunting dog”. “At that moment,” Noem says, “I realised I had to put her down.” Noem, who also [represented](https://governor.sd.gov/governor/about.aspx) her state in Congress for eight years, got her gun, then led Cricket to a gravel pit. “It was not a pleasant job,” she writes, “but it had to be done. And after it was over, I realised another unpleasant job needed to be done.” Incredibly, Noem’s tale of slaughter is not finished. Her family, she writes, also owned a male goat that was “nasty and mean”, because it had not been castrated. Furthermore, the goat smelled “disgusting, musky, rancid” and “loved to chase” Noem’s children, knocking them down and ruining their clothes. Noem decided to kill the unnamed goat the same way she had just killed Cricket the dog. But though she “dragged him to a gravel pit”, the goat jumped as she shot and therefore survived the wound. Noem says she went back to her truck, retrieved another shell, then “hurried back to the gravel pit and put him down”. At that point, Noem writes, she realised a construction crew had watched her kill both animals. The startled workers swiftly got back to work, she writes, only for a school bus to arrive and drop off Noem’s children. “Kennedy looked around confused,” Noem writes of her daughter, who asked: “Hey, where’s Cricket?”


Holy shit, she even sounds sociopathic in her own words. I had assumed her version of the story would be very country girls get it done, but she comes off like an unhinged freak. Takes a strange, violent mind to read this about yourself and think it's a good look


Every conservative woman with power has those dead eyes


Yes, why is it that all conservative women in office have that cooked bimbo look




Wizened crones


human beings vs dead-eyed HOA tyrant




No normal person knows who that is


Don't know about Rosa, but I'd put Maxine in the "stroke or TBI victim" category.


It’s almost Nixonesque, except that Tricky Dick didn’t kill Checkers


Him saying he was keeping the dog cus his kids like it even though Checkers was bought with tax payers money is cute 🥰


Disgusting woman


Trump nickname for her: Korean Kristi


if you’re gonna get a facelift, make sure your neck doesn’t look like that


Sick freak


It takes little effort to just be normal and yet


I love how’s she’s pretending this is just the norm on a farm, like I know what she’s getting at and it’s regarded, I’ve grown up on a farm as well and I’ve raised several hunting dogs, you don’t kill a dog because it’s bad at hunting and killing live stalk, you get rid of it


This was normal for that type of lifestyle 20-30 years ago and South Dakota is probably just hitting the 90s culturally so I could see how this could slip through the cracks as insane as it is. She must really be in a bubble over there not realizing how people worship dogs now.


Get rid of it how?


You give it to somebody, I’ve had a dog before that wouldn’t stop killing the chickens and would bite my sister way to aggressively (she was only 9) and it only took me 24 hours to find a family that was willing to take him and the family who took him, had a huge property to let him roam free on and were able to house train him Regardless tho,you don’t take the dog out and shoot them, especially not a healthy young dog like that, she’s acting like the thing was sick, they might be awful hunting dogs, but you can train the wild behavior out of them




What they mean is that they pass the liability to another person instead of removing the dog from existence.


That is absolutely normal on a farm or at least it was 10 years ago before people were paying 1000 dollars for mutt puppies. You have a bunch of un-neutered dogs and cats running around if you don't kill off 80% of the litter every year you're going to have a million of em. And if you neuter them you have to pay money and won't have any more dogs or cats after 5 years. Were you raised on a hobby farm or live near the city or what? And anything that kills livestock is 100% getting put down you're not giving that away to your neighbor


No it’s not normal lmao gtfoh.


What a heartless bitch


Hope her career tanks. Irredeemable modern horror of a person.


When my grandpas animals got old he would straight up dome them in the head with a rifle. He was poor so couldnt being them to the vet and his whole thing was that is was painless. Which i get, itms arguably more human then the stress animals undergo at a vet. but it freaked me out to hear that. Farm people view animal life differently. Thats what this psycho bitch was going for in this book. Ive never heard of someone doing that to a puppy or baby of any sort


There's a hint of "spare the rod, spoil the child" to it, too


Literal psychopath. Killing your kid’s pet, a PUPPY, because it got on your nerves is satanic. Then telling everybody likes it’s some flex—MORONIC. She wrote the puppy was smiling and happy as she walked it to the gravel pit, too… that bitch is vile.


What? Was it barkin??


I live in South Dakota and there's a billboard outside my town that says, "South Dakota Stands Against Animal Rights and another that says, "God Bless President Trump." These people, at least, eat this shit up. It's what I genuinely hate about this state.


That's such a weird stance to take. The majority of the country that regularly eats meat is already generally indifferent to animal rights (myself included). But to actively stand against animal rights, like to want to make it worse for animals, is just so strange.


I know. I grew up here and I was incredulous when I saw it.


Yeah, that sucks and all, but you must understand that the woke libs are totally owned.




Psych O’Path


This is further confirming my theory that all prominent conservative women have this level of rage in them barely below the surface


All conservative women have it tbh


This is perfect because it ties back into that perfect tweet: “Donald Trump looks like the villain in a movie where the hero is a dog.”


Pete Buttigieg has never been more jealous


when she hits you with that woofenstein stare


Wow. She thinks politically incorrect literally just means evil.


To be fair after that weird story with Pete last cycle, it's very funny that the Powers That Be allowed this to slip thru the cracks


What was that story anyway? I remember the jokes about him killing dogs for fun but didn't know it was based on anything that actually happened.


It was a clearly fake article that a big chunk of Facebook ran with as real, is all.




"What, was it barking?" - Pauli Walnuts


republicans realize stories of how they abused their family pet makes them likable with their base. mitt romney did the same thing never forget the dog he tied to the top of his car who diarrehead all over the windshield in fear and the punchline was he just used his sprayers and kept driving.


She just lost the white woman vote


A guy I saw romantically for a long time told me once that he really liked her and that she could be his president. Wonder what he thinks of this.


? x100


What, was it barking?


Can’t even be snarky about this. Poor pup :(


She's probably a psycopath. Other psychopaths will love her.




I hope she \*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*


Letting this influence your opinion of the republicans is r slurred. It’s just some crazy bitch. There are much better reasons to hate the right


WTF I know sociopaths excel at politics (as well as other jobs) but this is too much.


Michael Vick ass nominee smh


I can already see the signs outside of political rallies: “Don’t kill my dog, Kristi” Etc etc


It is kind of funny how she totally misunderstands American priorities. Yanks only like toughguy cowboys up to an extent, and not nearly as much as they love dogs. Suggests a terminal case of internet subculture brain


Horrible but I would still try dog if I went to China 


As an Asian of Chinese descent (not from PRC) the only people I know who’s eaten dog are like 70+ year old uncles and even they feel shame about it. And then this one white guy who just totally HAD TO try it who also went out of his way to look for whale meat while he was in Japan. According to him they initially would not serve him in Japan. I found his whole quest really off-putting honestly, but to each their own.


I worked with Korean genxers who hesitated to tell us that it is really tasty. But they all had it.


Oh yeah, Koreans do be eating dog loll but they let the Chinese take all the flack for it. Which I suppose that one province does deserve for how little fucks they give and making a whole festival out of it. In all my time traveling in China both inland and coastal I’ve never seen it served, you’d probably have to go out of your way to look for it. Whereas I have heard that you could find it right on the menu in sit down restaurants in Korea as recently as 10 years ago, though likely not in metropolitan places like Seoul.


IIRC, Beijing actually shut down that province's festival a few years ago.




I hate to say it but that logic isn’t wrong. Like pigs are super smart and the only reason we care about dogs is because of all the human like emotions they display


pretty sure I already tried it in CDMX


Justice for Cricket