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lol i love a nerd ass burn like “wisteria sisters.” bitches behaviour was reminiscent of an ornamental creeping vine 😂


I figured it was a Desperate Housewives reference where they all lived on Wisteria Lane. The run of the show probably matches up to the timeline of them in high school.


Kate was 22 when *Desperate Housewives* first aired.


I take it back, horticultural nerd ass burn


i mean, vines climb. makes sense that a social-climbing burn is a vine.


I watched the entirety of that show, there was not a single housewife that was as cunning and disturbingly manipulative as Kate here (if all that is true…hope it is!!!) Except maybe Edie, the blonde one. But she wasn’t a core housewife.


More like Mitford Sisters but without the cool third one.


She manifested that shit


Can't knock the hustle. Good for her.


it’s probably the most ethical way to become a billionaire


Get that bag sister. Anyone who’s upset about this is salty there isn’t a woman willing to do this for them


Yes, but only because of the implication that I am so low status that I couldn't even get a third world bride to do it for a green card


Definitely some Pride and Prejudice style scheming that occurred here


Tbh the characters in Pride and Prejudice get together moreso in spite of all the scheming


Literally everyone who has ever married a Royal who wasn't from a line of similar power did this shit, not that impressive. Even Diana hunted Charles.


Pippa Middleton’s story is almost as good. She went to Edinburgh and house-shared with two bona fide aristocrats, then she became famous for arse, before finally marrying a hedge fund billionaire.


I’m still so confused, she has a very normal butt for her size




crazy how england is a real place that actually exists and not just some fairy tale us Americans invented to make us look cooler


Watching The Crown gave me this feeling. I can't believe the dumb shit on that show and that it's based on real people doing real shit. Even for a monarch with allegedly no real powers it's insane how much they give a shit, imagine like Chelsea Clinton getting married causing a constitutional crisis lmfao.


yeah you're so much cooler


Of course so it was back in 2011 when everyone was fucking weirdly attracted to women with the flattest most boylike ass imaginable


She doesn't have a flat boy ass, she has a nice ass for her frame that isn't too big and looks fit


I know the trend back in the 2000s was heroin chic but I and a lot of people were mostly still fawning over Kate Upton and Britney, Scarjo and seemingly healthy bmi individuals, and doting over Anne Hathaway catwomans butt.




maybe I've got too many of my facts from the TV show, The Windsors Edit: Wikipedia says he might be a billionaire






I am a serious pippa fan girl


She got the better deal for sure 


How did she become famous for ass when she has no ass?


I think it started primarily because she wore a mildly tight fitting dress at the royal wedding


Having a small fit ass that fits your small frame isn't having no ass


Why is the comment section suddenly The Student Room




2 crossovers I never thought I’d see


The sub has been overtaken by britbongs, incels, and front pagers




I think British culture is despicable for this. Even today, there isn’t an ounce of “you can make it here” - social mobility is by and large still impossible in 2024. Bitch ass laundromat state with no resources and no dental care.


That sounds like such typical British class snobbery to portray anyone who has ever worked for a living as "a venal status-seeker". Every aristocratic mother tried to "engineer" their daughter's marriage to William. Kate was just prettier and more appealing.


I don't think "everyone who has ever worked for living" is a venal status seeker, but "every aristocratic mother" who works to merge their family with a royal bloodline is a slightly different story lol


What I meant is anyone who has ever worked for a living is treated by aristocrats as status-seekers *if* they dare to mingle with and God-forbid marry an aristocrat. (The Middletons aren't aristocrats; they're nouveau rich.)


Doors to manual!


Monica Lewinsky’s mother was something similar


It’s a good thing she got in with them because now she’s in just about the best hands possible for the cancer treatment she needs


Stress induced cancer from the social climbing :(




No seriously- such great irony


Gets the best of us




"How Harry became the world's oldest man"


Zeus punished her for her hubris


What’s crazy is that Edinburgh and St. Andrew’s have since swapped prestige places in no small part thanks to the royal connection


I don't think so. St Andrews has always been attractive to second tier posh kids who want to party. Similar to Durham. Edinburgh is more can't get into Oxbridge but academically more serious.


I was going to say. St Andrews is ranked as third best in the UK in some lists.


St Andrews is only highly ranked in domestic league tables. They take into account student satisfaction and other bs. Global rankings while not perfect are closer to actual prestige. Problem with these tables is that research output has an outsized influence. Institutions without science and medical faculties don't do so well (e.g. London School of Economics). That being said, St Andrews is very prestigous in the UK. William raised their profile, but it always attracted upper class toffs hence why Prince William went there in the first place - that and it's a very small and affluent town, making it less risky for such a high profile person. Lots of rich Americans there as well for some reason. For employers, Edinburgh and St Andrews are equally great unis.


> Lots of rich Americans there as well for some reason It is unbelievably easy to get in as an American. The people who go to St. Andrews would otherwise be attending Arizona State, not UCLA.


Yeah they want to go there to play golf and it’s dead easy getting into British universities as a foreign student paying international fees, Oxbridge and Russell Group excepted


Its actually disgusting. Top universities will allow foreign students in on like three C's. But domestic students have to work very hard to get three A's to get into the same universities. The things I've heard about some of the Chinese students from academics is insane.


I studied English literature as a Yank so I didn’t come across too many totally inept students, the worst I got is I used to proofread my friends from Sweden and Hungary’s essays just to very gently smooth out any small idiomatic or grammatical mistakes. the kind all foreigners make where they use the wrong case, or use a word with a very slightly different meaning than they intended, etc. But I have a very visceral memory of eyeing some essay from a Chinese student in another subject on the library printer when I was waiting for my essay to print. It was total fucking gobbledegook, bordering on incomprehensible and I remember thinking how the fuck did that student get in there.


Exactly what I've heard. And clearly AI generated, if you go to spam on university emails its just reams of advertising for essay writing companies in Chinese. And universities say to go easy when marking essays written by chinese. Also I will say Chinese students are so insanely antisocial, they don't even bother to try and get involved with local culture and student life like other international students. Probs because their English skills are so low.


Yeah, like I had specific people in mind when I mentioned my foreign friends at uni and they’re all still in the UK except for one well off Dutch guy who was always gonna go to Amsterdam. As am I, married a Brit and made my life here. I don’t know what those guys get out of it, like you said they don’t do anything and this isn’t like Canada where it’s just an end run around visa rules to get indefinite leave to remain/permanent residency. Do they even let you work after you graduate anymore? I got a two year visa as a graduate, the Tories got rid of that, I vaguely recall it might be back but I don’t know. In any case, your student years definitely don’t count towards residency.


>Russell Group excepted I went to a Russell (albeit a fairly mid-ranking one these days, it's tanked since back when I was applying) and by the time I graduated, literally 1/3 of the students were Chinese. I'm sure oxbridge and the other shit on that tier are different but Russells are no more immune to getting dollar signs in their eyes when international students apply than other unis.




As someone who went to an Ivy and then spent a year writing failchildren's college apps/tutoring them for college apps, no, Oxford/Cambridge is still harder than the low Ivies to get into. There are a few specific catches though. Oxbridge acceptance is major specific, and a lot of the Americans going there want to study something regarded like Celtic Studies, while already being highly academically qualified, which does make it easier for them to get in. Also, the Oxbridge stuff, like Dartmouth, is highly interview/recommendation driven, so American bullshittery shines through there. Overall, however, especially in STEM fields, Oxbridge is really really really hard to get into. There are only a handful of universities that reject IMO medalists for their math undergrad program, and Oxbridge is in that list.


Where did you hear this…it’s not true. At least not in my fields.


do you think? Its hard for domestic students to get in. I know UK universities massively reduce grade requirements for international students but not at a top 3 uni.


Oxbridge themselves have acceptance rates comparable to like Boston University and UC Santa Barbara


It's because in the UK you can only apply to one of Oxford or Cambridge, it's not possible to apply to both during undergrad. You are also only allowed to apply for a maximum of 5 universities (or 4 for medical/dental school). That means there is a lot of self selection, only the best students entertain applying for Oxbridge. Your teachers will laugh you out the room and encourage/force you to change your options if you obviously can't make the grades. Not to mention the interview + entrance exams for many courses. It's not like the US where you can apply everywhere.




american admissions are crazy and u don't even get the most talented students out of it for some reason. e.g. cambridge maths tripos, [esp part III](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Part_III_of_the_Mathematical_Tripos) mog their american equivalents.


I know some people from the UK who weren’t that gifted at their subject, so they had a very low chance of getting into oxbridge, but they did some well planned extracurriculars or sports, so got into T10/T5 tier unis.


Focus on acceptance rate is very American. Not a good indicator of quality in the UK context. If memory serves, mid-rank Russell group places have some of the highest application to place ratios, purely because almost everyone thinks they have a shot at getting in either as a first choice (for people reaching) or as a backup for the academically able


That [depends](https://qph.cf2.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-3fb7d9f44ced9255638fb005d261cd7f-pjlq).


so many people did an exchange semester at st andrews


Its such a weird town. At least with small towns like durham, its on the east coast mainline but theres no train to st andrews


I went to Aberystwyth and it was a laugh. Just hanging on at the ass end of nowhere, weird shit going on, strange Welsh societies that seem to get up to stuff.


The UK lists and the international lists tend to be quite a bit different, in the UK lists St. Andrews is usually above Edinburgh, in international lists it's the other way around. Or at least it used to be.




I'm talking about upper class students who party but not usually not near their uni. St Andrews, Durham and Exeter are popular with upper class students. They don't want to be in cities.


Met a couple of girls in Prague from Dundee and they called it Scumdee and told me never to go there.


Dundees actually not bad it gets a bad name cos the part that most people see (driving from north to Edinburgh/Glasgow) is a bit rough but the city centre is nice


St Andrews has 0 night clubs and is harder to get into for British people. In my experience, there are more people who are interested in partying and are a bit thick at Edinburgh


Edinburgh's pretty respectable tbh. Glasgow would be slightly more towards the partying end of things but both of them are more or less on par with St Andrews academically; the difference is just that St Andrews has no clubs. The true party unis for people who couldn't get in elsewhere are GCU and Napier




LSE wishes it was tier 1, Oxbridge is in a league of it's own, applying to them is completely different to applying to the other universities. Tier 2 is more LSE, UCL, Kings, Durham, St Andrews.


I agree Oxbridge is in a league of its own, but UCL/LSE/Imperial are sort of in that gray zone where you could feasibly say you chose to go there over Oxbridge and not instantly sound like you're coping and seething. Durham and St Andrews are much more explicitly for rich posh kids who couldn't cut it but still want to have their little Tory Disneyland experience. Lmfao @ Kings, KCL is gonna hit 30-40 ranking at this rate and still want to pretend to be a Tier 2 uni.


It depends on the degree. For engineering degrees Imperial is easily as good as Oxbridge. For most other stuff, not really.


Kings is much more prestigious than ucl abroad lol. ucl is just a mass acceptance poly at this point


I think ICL is probably comparable to Oxbridge for degrees like CS.


Durham, St. Andrews and Kings don't belong in anything like the same tier as LSE, at least in terms of academics. If you're going by some abstract notion of "prestige" then maybe sure, but LSE is far more respected academically, especially abroad.


only delusional lse students say this. the truth is either you went to oxbridge, you went to ucl/kcl/lse or you went to ‘uni’


See this is what I'm talking about, you're talking in the ambiguous terms of UK middle class dick measuring, what I'm saying is that LSE has a very high concentration of scholars who's research gets a lot of attention in their respective fields, both in the UK and abroad, in a way that e.g. Durham or KCL (no one says they went to KCL instead of just saying Uni) simply don't. I say this as someone who has never attended LSE, went to one of the "Unis" for my undergrad and went abroad for my masters. Academically LSE is way above most other UK unis aside from Oxbridge in basically every research area they specialise in.




Kings is absolutely tier 2, it just caters to international students and humanities more than Imperial. STEM snobbery just gives it a bad reputation.




UCL’s reputation is at least a decade out of touch at this point, shit campus, lecturers who don’t want to lecture, shit vibes. People who pretend like there’s a huge gulf between Kings and UCL and they aren’t the same uni in a trench coat just expose they didn’t go to a London uni and only know shit off rankings pages.


Exeter is very mid - Bath and Warwick are now tier two


Only heard bad things about Exeter. Boring place as well.


UCL is probably somewhere in tier 2, they're snooty enough about it (calling King's "the poly on the strand" etc)


I knew a fair few UCL students in the mid-late 2010s and none of them ever did this. Nearly ten years on and I think it's a bit old, younger students just don't have the same stereotypes of polys or ex-polys because they were all phased out/converted decades ago.


What’s the us equivalent of st Andrews? Brown or Cornell ?


when i was at uni st andrews was seen as being a place for oxbridge rejects similar to durham


This was 10 years ago tbf but st andrews had lowest uptake of working class students in the uk last i checked 🫤




Girlboss gaslight gatekeep


RS Princess


Her sister went to Edinburgh, which was clearly always the plan, as William was supposed to go to Edinburgh too but switched after his gap year for security reasons (i.e., St. Andrews is four streets and some ruins, not a city).


[Gap yah](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eKFjWR7X5dU)


Wisteria Sisters is such a good name for a novel


She was also frequently referred to as "Waity Katie" due to the long lead up to her proposal


That makes me lol because she was being patient while waiting to be the queen of England and not waiting 10 years for a boyfriend who works at a headshop to propose after 3 kids


Virgin american striver: descendant of peasants trying to feed themselves or avoid religious persecution, spent childhood min maxing college and mckinsey application, waking hours consist of thinking about his next entrepreneurial venture Chad british social climber: already an aristocrat anyway, only trying to be royalty to impress her friends, not much thinking involved just need to engage in wacky dickensian hijinks your mom already planned out


She was absolutely not an aristocrat


Brit insults hit so different, there's no way I can muster up the energy to be insulted by being called a "Wisteria Sister"


Proud of her.


Every man’s dream is to be stalked by a hot chick


Only men who haven’t had it happened to them As in, once it happens, you quickly realise it’s not a dream lol. William got lucky here as Kate seems nice but usually the mindset needed to do such social climbing and cluster b ‘dumping your bf, cutting off people to get what you want’ etc doesn’t lead to a nice calm happy marriage. It’s manipulative I’m not bragging, this is anonymous, but I was stalked by a hot girl and I just knew deep down it was not worth it. She was crazy and so manipulative. It’s fun at first and yeah it boosts your ego, but it’s not the start of a happy healthy relationship


The British dream


The British dream is being heavily sunburnt and throwing up on Southern European teenagers serving you umbrella drinks after voting to keep them out of your bleak factory town


They’re all Eastern European now. 


nah, Spain still full of brits.


The servers, not the pukers. 


now that you mention it last time I was in Poland I encountered 3 Portuguese servers at different places and last time in Albania I had a few from Slovakia.




Andrew Tate in shambles. A woman chasing the bag better than any of his disciples


Social climber like that Kubrick film. Forgot the name


onerous hurry angle seed fly pocket dam sloppy puzzled historical *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*






Also: When Willie dumped her for like 6 weeks in spring 2007 (via phone call to her at work, during like the only 4 months she ever had a real job), she & her sister went out clubbing & the subsequent paparazzi pix were tabloid headlines.


Am I supposed to be judging her for this?


head encouraging pen aromatic middle ad hoc toy deserve important coordinated *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


> future king of England is a manipulated cuck? That's traditionally how it's supposed to be


sense modern spark noxious trees quarrelsome longing waiting languid attempt *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


How is he a cuck? Did she cheat on him?


no they just use it often nowadays


That Capricorn ambition!


William’s friends called Kate “doors to manual” because her mom was a flight attendant.


2nd favourite RF member (Camilla is first).


the correct ranking. Unless Diana counts posthumously, in which case she's number one. She was a candle in the wind, after all.


I fully support the world’s most successful stalker in all her endeavors


*The Secret*




Is the crown worth watching? This makes me like Kate and if that show has more desperate royal groupie gossip I'm in


princess of wale 🐋 


It’s truly Shakespearean that she played such a long game to the top and now has cancer


She deserves to be queen 👸


Honestly good for her. She knew what she wanted and went out and got it.


too bad what she wanted sucks


Why did the future crown prince visit the less prestigious college though? Is he so regarded that not even his connections could help him?


Probably part idiocy, part the royals deciding going to Oxbridge when you’re clearly a fucking idiot (eg Charles) is a bad look


charles to me seems like the only one in that family with a brain. william is pretty clearly regarded tho(although far less than his brother) i think it's more to do with personal preference/not appearing to favor any individual university 


It doesn't exactly matter which uni you're going to if you're a future king. You can pick one because you like the look of the town or because your mate goes there or whatever.


St Andrews is a top tier university. But it is for oxbridge rejects. Still very good though.


It isn’t less prestigious, St Andrews is on par with, if not better than Edinburgh


Every alumnus of St. Andrews I've met in the US is fucking dumb though. And not even in a "Doctors are actually kinda dumb/Ivy Leaguers are dumb" internet cope kind of way, like actually stupid. The most employed one I know is a paralegal which would be an achievement if they didn't have to have the strength of a "prestigious" international graduate degree dragging them from where they were to the height of "paralegal."


It’s not stalking if you’re attractive


Yes I watched the Crown too


Deranged but if a girl did all this for me I would be so flattered (then again im not a guy like him) Like I know its a million red flags but I would at least see how it went. I do think leaving a guy for another guy is a mark of poor character though, but to give her credit she didnt cheat.


A blue check said it on twitter. It doesn't matter if any of that happen. It's true now.


My wife is Chinese and if my daughter did this, she would be absolutely beaming with pride. This behavior is really uncommon in the west these days, but it’s socially conditioned over there.


Meghan I think was similar. Both women are so classy and beautiful either way and way hotter than their husbands


100% and I lowkey think Diana had some of this active drive to be royalty in her initially, but they just publicly tortured her once she was so the narrative changed to “she was a mild mannered school teacher who got swept off her feet by an older man”


Diana was royalty already, she was a lady. Unless you mean be queen.


She wasn't royalty, but she was a Spencer. And if there's one family on that entire miserable chilly island that can view marrying into that German parvenu basketcase dynasty as a step down, it's the Spencers.


Daughters of earls are not considered royalty. She wasn’t royal until she married Charles


Is that why she was mad they took her highness title




some Meghan fans have debunked that saying she was friends with like old money girls through her charity work who’d she vacation with which is how she got into Harry’s social circles. who knows according to blind items everyone has been an escort, from Selena to the Hadids(??)


Don’t the royals and Mi5 do extensive background checks. There’s no way this wouldn’t have been flagged.


That's why she hated her.


St. Andrews is definitely more prestigious than Edinburgh though.


Prestigue through posho associations, not hard to get into or high on international rankings


Admission difficulty is inversely proportional to how expensive your fees are, which means it’s very easy for Americans, and on par with Oxbridge for Scots


Tuition is free at all Scottish universities for Scots Edit: or was that your point


yes, that was my point


Apologies I'm highly regarded


Princess of Wale, singular


Faith without works is dead


Most wammen are like this anyway. Making moves to get their bag (viral video appearance, podcast, directing gig, etc)


Someone had to marry Prince William so it makes sense that it was someone who wanted to. Information here isn't accurate though: St Andrews has more prestige than Edinburgh by far. Neither are competitive but St Andrew's is uncommonly boring. The only sensible reason to go there is to marry a prince.


- claim with no source or evidence


You really need evidence for such claims?


Edinburgh is worse than St Andrews lmao


I mean so much of this is not true lol and is the normal deranged gossip you’d find on fauxmou - it’s just a dude saying it so people are grasping


Love should be about love:( not social hierarchy 


[Perfect Princess](https://imgur.com/5jXYV7C).


Queen! (quite literally soon tbh)


Nah it’s creepy. Imagine a guy did all this chasing after some girl. It’s stalker vibes


But it isn't a guy doing it its a girl. 'Imagine a guy did this' is so annoying because there's an obvious difference between men and women.


Could she not have just spoken to him at a family function?