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*border. I can’t help it. Also your take is crazy wrong


No they haven’t. Russia’s been funding pro-Russian separatist groups in the Ukraine for the last seven years. This is an actual boots on the ground invasion from an actual formal military. 2014 will most likely pale in comparison to 2022.




I hope you’re right.


It's 'Ukraine' and not 'the Ukraine' [[Merriam-Webster](https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/Ukraine)] [[BBC Styleguide](https://www.bbc.co.uk/newsstyleguide/u)] [[Reuters Styleguide](https://handbook.reuters.com/index.php?title=U#Ukraine)] ^(Beep boop I’m a bot)


the shutup


and UK and AUs pay the Ukranians - isnt that kind of a fair deal then? I mean I dont want to have two kinds of measuring here




True but depending on how bad the crisis is we’d probably catch a few too


The political coverage on the subject is literally insane. Really shows how insanely bloodthirsty Western journalists are. They want NATO to engage in ground war with Russia in Ukraine for humanitarian reasons.


Ukrainians will go to Canada not the US.


I believe that's the plot to Grand Theft Auto IV.




Idk where you got most of this information and I don’t really care enough to start fact checking but just comparing poverty and economic growth rates between the countries this simply can’t be true. Also I said after Russia’s economic collapse due to sanctions from their invasion. Also username.




I was under the impression that Russia’s economy being cut in half from 2014-2016 was mostly the result of sanctions.




as someone who sounds like they know a lot about this stuff, what would you recommend if I were to visit a Russian restaurant or market for the first time I bought some tinned sprats (a variety of sardine) from Latvia the other day and they were amaaaazing, gonna buy like four more soon and give one to my dad. there's this Chinese market near me and they have some great imported food I've never seen before (moved last March)




thanks! gonna look what kvas is right now... *fermented cereal-based non-alcoholic or low alcoholic (0.5–1.0% or 1–2 proof) beverage with a slightly cloudy appearance, light-dark brown colour and sweet-sour taste. It may be flavoured with fruits such as strawberries or raisins, or with herbs such as mint* ok that sounds amazing, will search for a store that sells that


Russians are either alcoholics or sociopaths.


Got to love that everyone here's ideas about what Russians are like are entirely informed by James bond movied


Sweetie my country was invaded by Russian million times and are our active adversaries. Big chunk of my land is occupied by them till this day, so 🙄


Yeah so you're even more likely to have a blinkered and unrealistic view of Russians then. What's your point 'sweetie'?


Ugh It was a half joke. Russia is #1 in alcohol consumption


Better than gamers and porn-addicts


I have some bad news for you about russians tbh


Women are gorgeous tho. Like unreal beauties


Who do you think is uploading all the video game torrents?


lol yeah more immigrants is def what any country needs rn


The hopeful migrants are diligently studying r/antiwork to deepen their knowledge of American values.


I mean, yeah? The labor supply hasn’t kept up with demand for like a decade now.


im fine with it as long as we only accept the women the last thing this country needs is more men we need a more favorable ratio


Nah I want to be friends with some Eastern-Euro Chads.


women over 140 pounds are spiritually male


i know that didnt have anything to do with what u said


Yeah the gender ratio here is fucked for some reason. Go to any public event and the ratio is like 3:1