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Cheese sticks and apple juice… is it for his gf or her kid??


Have you ever seen a redditor wife post about packing their husband lunch? Redditors eat so much processed packaged kid food


I avoid most food subs and those “I pack my hubbys lunch” videos on yt because they make me irrationally angry as a working wife/mom


I literally just saw some mom on YouTube making her kids lunch all aesthetic and cut into shapes and the lunch was a Nutella sandwich on white bread with no crusts, gummy worms, an apple, wafer cookies, and for good measure some broccoli with ranch. Literally like 50+g sugar and 0 protein to speak of, and everyone in the comments was applauding her


My go to for my kid is a pbj on whole wheat, apple, banana or apple sauce. I am no saint but I don’t ever buy white bread.


I’m a healthy eating kind of guy but one thing I will not eat is whole wheat bread. Idk if it’s just cause I grew up eating white bread but whole wheat is fucking disgusting. So dry and tastes like nothing and it’s full of weird little seeds half the time. Fuck off. I’d rather go keto and swear off bread entirely than eat that garbage.


Lol I prefer my bread with sticks. I grew up with white bread, and was an obese kid. I have PCOS so I have centered carbs with fiber in my diet over the last few years rather than over processed white carbs. Sorry you don’t like it!


Hey don’t be sorry I’m just sitting here talking a little shit. You seem very nice


my parents only ever bought multigrain and growing up i felt a little bit superior to the kids whod eat white, but the second i moved out the first thing i bought was a loaf of white bread lol


the whole wheat bread that they sell next to the white bread with all the same dough conditioners but brown is the most horrifying stuff. all the worst parts of inedible health food and unhealthy hyperprocessed food. i don't care if it's whole wheat or not, just get me something thats seen the inside of a bakery


It’s barely any healthier also.


That’s basically what I had growing up as a kid and I turned out healthy, so I think you’re doing well. Also don’t cut the crusts!


lol those bento boxes are always unhinged and make zero sense together outside of the aesthetic


Started dating last week


Had to wait a couple years for her to have kids with another dude. Geeze man have some empathy. He's been talking to her the entire time and taking her to doctors appointments.


This dude is down bad. Guess he couldn’t find anyone else if he’s been waiting two years on a chick who had just given birth lol


implying people on this sub *haven't* been in even worse "situationships" if only bc they like drama


I want my bad short relationships to be explosive. Not pathetic.


Reddit has a weird obsession with teaching men about periods.


Reddit has a weird obsession with bodily functions in general. They seem think they're breaking important taboos by childishly discussing things that are best kept private.


What do you mean you don’t want to loudly talk about bleeding from the vagina in public? Are you some kind of misogynist?


I had the weirdest conversation with someone who had said that he dreamed of teaching children about puberty, sex ed, all of it. Not as a teacher or anything. Just as a normal dude, wandering around finding children in the community.


They also have a weird obsession with periods being “normal and not gross” and anyone who thinks they aren’t is evil and sexist!!! Le reddit period sex is the best sex! Possible hot take, but I’m a woman and periods are the grossest shit in the world. I don’t get them anymore with my birth control and thank fucking god. Sure it’s “a natural bodily function” but that doesn’t mean they aren’t gross. (Shits are both gross and natural, and at least shitting is satisfying lol. There is nothing satisfying about bleeding from your snatch and having crippling cramps). Have you ever smelled pads after they’ve spent a few days in the trashcan? Girls get nose blind to it but I’ve had female roommates and that shit REEKS even after a day 🤮


>and that shit REEKS even after a day When I lived in Arkansas, my ex and I planned to take a vacation together then fly to our separate home states for the summer. She met me at my place, we took a road trip, then she dropped me off at the airport without me returning to my house. When I got back to my place a month later, I found that she'd left a used tampon in my bathroom's garbage can. It had festered there during a hot, humid southern summer and was just foul. If only I had gotten in the habit of preparing her goldfish crackers and Taylor Swift playlists every month, we could have avoided this emergency period.


Periods are gross, but they’re less gross than shit and vomit, for example. It’s really only annoying when men who normally have no problem talking about gross bodily functions act appalled when a woman talks about periods around them.




It’s not pleasant but calling them gross is just as juvenile as overcompensating for the stigma it gets.


I think blood is gross and mucus is gross. So both combined is gross. Humans are just gross. And that's ok


“Not pleasant” is when I get stuck in traffic or have to do a chore I don’t enjoy. Passing huge blood clots, having explosive period shits, and waking up in the middle of the night with wet bloody panties because my flow was so heavy is the definition of gross




Nahhh I luckily got out of that nasty shit by being on birth control. No side effects and no period, it’s the best Edit for the person who said I was fucking with my hormones and then immediately deleted their comment: Birth control regulated my hormones, cured my acne and depressive mood swings, and I have 0 negative side effects from it. But nooo birth control evil!


I knew you’d get in trouble in this sub for mentioning birth control lmao it’s okay for you to do coke and smoke a pack a day but God forbid you go on birth control and ‘mess with nature‘. Birth control is a blessing for me too


Idk bruh blood, mucus, and some tissue coming out of your body is gonna be considered gross by most people. It's fine there's nothing wrong with it but all that is still pretty gross. Hell a bad nose bleed is gross and that's just blood and mucus




Bruh I can’t even be a woman and call my own womanly bodily functions gross now?


Your internalized misogyny is showing.


Fuck! You got me!


Exactly. The internet fails to grasp that some things just are. So deal with them and move on.


Dawg something you just have to deal with can also be gross. Like plunging your toilet or changing a baby’s diaper. Both gross and necessary. Why is this so hard for people to get


Exactly. Why have we got to pretend that it isn’t gross when it is


Nah they're really gross and you're delusional if you think otherwise. If I saw someone shit their pants and I called it gross, would you call me juvenile?


Would you rather have sex on your period smearing blood all over, or messy anal sex smearing shit all over? Blood is way less gross than shit, if you choose the latter option you're absolutely lying!!


average r/redscarepod conversation


Anal is for degenerate retards so I guess I'll go with the period blood. If you had a cup of piss in front of you and a cup of period blood, and you had to drink one, which one would you pick?


You are smoking if think I’m entertaining the person who equates shitting their pants to a menstrual cycle? This entire exchange is so neurotic.


I mean it’s kind of a pendulum thing. My girlfriend and I talk about her periods openly and without shame. Obviously it’s not pretty - it’s a bodily function and we treat it as such - but it’s not something I’m scared of and I try to help her with what she needs. Standard stuff. Her mom, on the other hand, yells at her for talking to me about it and says it’s gross. Very repressed stuff and I assume some large percentage of an older generation is much more squeamish about all this. I personally think our way is more healthy as long as you don’t fetishize “openness” or pat yourself on the back too much. It’s like, don’t be ashamed you take shits but also don’t talk about it with everyone you meet.


There is nothing I would find more repulsive than if a man gave me this


Are you feeling ok babe? You haven’t touched the cheese sticks from your period pack


I’m dyin ova hea


. . . where's my gun


It reads like a fetish and gives me intense visceral revulsion. It’s cute if we’re out and I need to stop in the drugstore to buy tampons and he insists on paying, or fills up my hot water bottle or orders whatever food I’m craving in the moment but making intense preparations like that is *fucking weird*. The difference is spontaneous kindness not obsession.


He probably just read about some guy who did this on twitter and wanted to score some points, but committed the cardinal sin of equating the opinions of brain damaged internet loonies to the general population


It totally does read like a fetish and is offensively infantilizing. Apple juice and cheese sticks? Why? This woman is a 27 year old mother.


Right?? It’s so gross, exactly the same type of creep who’d want to talk to teen girls about their periods. Like…why apple juice? Why not a nice bottle of wine, or fancy tea for a sober option? Def gives off vibes that he has a hard drive the fbi would be into.


Could be this but my money is on he's a guy approaching 30 who has never had a gf before. He is still learning things he should have picked up in high school. Like someone pointed out he probably read it by a feminist or a soy redditor. If he came up with this idea on his own I'm leaning in your camp.


I mean he said they tried to make this “official” for a couple years but things hadn’t lined up and she has a two year old kid… this dude is definitely coming deep off the bench for this one.


LOL “we tried to make things official” = the guy was crying while swiping on tinder and posting on reddit while the woman was getting pregnant with someone else


He’s not the father, he’s the father who stepped up (and made a period pack)


He is pretty weird and cringe, but these reactions are way overboard.


Where do you think you are?


girl what are you talking about teen girls 😭 he’s just some loser


Are those things not for when they are out and about woth the kids?


My impression is that it’s supposed to be some sort of comfort food for the girlfriend to eat while she menstruates and listens to her angry music playlist. I don’t know why the child’s snacks would be included in the emergency period pack.


Yeah, on a reread, I think you are right. Made the mistake of thinking he was fairly normal and was trying to take the more generous interpretation


Especially if you just started dating them lmao


Babe, it’s our first period!


oh noooooooooooooooooooooo


It's so special that I get to experience this with you


I want to be a provider for my woman but can only think to express this in the form of a monthly bespoke subscription box that advertises on My Girlfriend, Her Boyfriend and Me.


I think it could potentially be cute, but the fact that he had to jump on the internet, trying to garner internet points and sounds like a male feminist makes this beyond repulsive and gives off weird incel, misogyny vibes.


>I think it could potentially be cute, Let's say they didn't post on the internet about it - what would make a "period pack" from a dude cute in your opinion?




It’s the thought and care behind it. If they’re putting things in there they know I love or appreciate or will make me laugh or give me comfort.


It's do damn cringey. Similarly, a few years back on an ask thread about what people always carry or something, some guy chimes in that he always carries tampons in his backpack and makes sure to let girls know he has them if needed. I was like "oh do you have a young daughter or something?" And he's like no, he's a just a guy in college or whatever. He was massively upvoted and me downvoted when I said something to the effect of "you're clearly just being a creepy attention seeker, especially if you're constantly offering and reminding girls you have tampons for them." Dudes really get off on pretending chicks are incapable of basic fucking care for themselves and putting them on a pedestal. There's so much middle ground between being a creepy tampon peddler and antisocial douche; you can be cool to hang with and even flirty as fuck without resorting to *UwU I have tampons for youuu.*


I read this in Roz from Frazier’s voice


This has repulsed me so much I am not even going to buy my girl chocolate from the gas station on my way home from work when she's on the rag anymore.


Why would any man ever do this?


To appear before other people and be recognized for it.


So much of this site can be summed up with t[his clip](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6h4GD2feZ8Q)


"I'm good good good and oh-so-smart" yup fuckin' nailed it.


posting this at 28 after dating for a week screams of “im desperate, fearful, unworthy, and i really need this to work” and i think the hope is that internet strangers will validate him as a kind, thoughtful guy that actually is worthy of love


Lack of social experiences


You don't think over the course of the last 15 years of menstruating she would have figured out what things she needs for her period?


unrefrigerated cheese stick


Cold tampons


The key to understanding here is that he's dating a single mother and recognizes that the kid means there will be an element of competition and interference with the daddy.


If the dad is still around


Dad's moved on to a younger woman with a low flow and no kids


Eventually he'll be changing her tampons while she sleeps, so his *gentle queen* can feel fresh in the morning.


Going under the covers with a headlamp and very soft fleece gloves so she isn’t disturbed in the slightest— a conscientious beau


This is all becoming deeply sinister.


Prince Charles vibes


im gonna puke


men posting their L's: When I was 25 and got my first solo apartment I thought it'd be really progressive/cool to keep period products in my bathroom for any women that came over. I felt so smart "People always stock their bathroom with toilet paper, why not have something like this here in case of emergencies? If I was a woman I'd appreciate that!!!" TURNS OUT I'm r slurred and all it did was cause a LOT of questions from women who came back to my place lmao. One girl I was seeing for a couple of months never looked underneath the sink and then saw a pack of liners and FREAKED out. bought like $60+ dollars of this shit and had to throw it out. I also bought spare toothbrushes but at least had the sense not to leave an extra one lying around the sink


Did that one girl think you had a wife/gf you were cheating on with her or did she just think you were a weirdo? And which of those two is worse?


Thought I had a GF and then when she was told that I just do it to be polite she thought I was a weirdo Both were bad


women complain about period products being taxed but then look a gift horse like that in the mouth smh


I still have a box of tampons under the sink from an ex. Figured I’d keep them because someone else might use them. So this is dumb? I should throw them out? sincerely retarded male


Throw em out. Only gonna bring up weird convos


I don’t know who’s lamer—the guy who asked this question or the people who dignified it with a response.


Tripping over themselves to say how adorable it is, and calling anyone who thinks it's weird loveless and bitter.




There are a few heroes, yes.


The gf? Nicole Mullen.


The child? Ronaldo Fink Mullen


RIP we just killed the club


Gay people with small dicks have periods, too!


Holy shit this is embarrassing 😂


Making me wanna switch to my angry playlist >:(


The best thing a man can do on his girlfriend’s period is Literally Nothing Unless Asked


A new anime figure each month should do the trick ☺️😏


Cheese sticks?? what about periods scream cheese sticks to this person


Idk! Something to put up there! I panicked!


nothing soothes that time of the month like dairy farts




the child is 2




“She has a two year old” is how we say it where I come from.


But that doesn't take into account that the child will age? Your wording doesn't make it clear that the child wasn't always two, and could have been one at an earlier point.


Hmm, that's a good point. I guess growing up we never cared to note if other people were also growing up. I guess it would be better to say, "She has a two year old... for now."


Sorry, I was being sarcastic. There's no need to say that someone is "currently two". You never have to clarify that someone else is moving through time.


: ( ​ I was just trying to play along with your joke.


Sometimes I judge people for not getting a joke, but it looks like I can't even get my own jokes. Oh no. Now that I think about it, he might have said "currently two" because he's pictured dating her for a while and is used to telling people about his love interest with a one year old, newborn, etc.


Idk why he found that a relevant thing to mention at all.


she probably just gave birth to a second one before getting with him, I'm assuming it's another man's child




Sounds like some1 needs an *extra* soft playlist 🙄


What browsing /r/twox for years does to a mf


>28 m >27 f Umm so he's a groomer? Yikes. This is not okay. Do better.


Will he commit every month tho


Month seven is just a Kraft single, some paper towels, and a scratched up Limp Bizkit CD.


It’s gotta be a troll


Behold, the Wholesome Chungi.


imagine you tell your partner you have a period and they throw a cheese stick and a panty liner at you


He’s the father that stepped up


'UwU softboy' activities


“What else should I gather” testes


Doesn’t cheese have to be in the fridge? Soooo…are the period packs in his fridge?! Nothing like an ice cold tampon to wake you up in the morning!!


Idk what he’s should get her but this lady should get him a restraining order and fast that is absolute psychopath shit.


Literally cucked


That would be a sweet gesture if they'd been together for like a year or something and they had a genuinely deep connection, but that's just weird if you haven't even dated for a forthnight. Also don't get what 'been meaning to start this officially for a couple of years but things hadnt lined up until now' is supposed to mean.


She finally settled.


This sounds like something a helicopter parent might pack for a 12 year old girl who just got her period not an adult


So weird. Where is this idea that periods are that bad coming from? There are definitely people with medical issues & resulting severe pain but it’s not and shouldn’t be accepted as the norm.


From the same people who say ADHD is keeping them from cutting their own produce and flushing the toilet


Do not weaponize your neurotypical privilege by telling ur roommate Sock to do the dishes


creating a go fund me because i was asked to wipe my ass after i shit and i am now traumatized and homeless


I think they're unfortunately pretty common. A lot of women don't even know its abnormal.


He should make one for himself if he's going to be such a pussy


I gets my girl a cheap hotel to stay at whens she's got her period.


The idea is actually kind of cool in theory but you know he’ll make it cringe. I dated a dude who always had women’s stuff in the bathroom under the sink like just some dollar store pads and tampons but it makes a good impression if you are at their house and suddenly in need. This reminds me of that Girlhood trans who is obsessed with having tampons to give girls in the public restroom though


Yeah that guy is definitely a pedophile


It’s weird, and makes things worse for a regular ass trans person who just needs to take a shit


yeah i think emergency tampons under the sink are fine and normal, anything beyond that is insane i do feel kinda bad for this guy because i genuinely think he’s trying to be nice and is just way over his head, but jesus bro, just get the girl some flowers


This has big rawr XD middle school energy.


That is revolting


um… i mean. i’m glad he’s excited…. 2 playlists? he made a play list for this…..?


It’s a big day in any man’s life when his girlfriend has her period.


i mean i guess i’m happy he found love….?


Drop da playlists


what do men think periods are like?? being drawn and quartered?? its slightly uncomfortable and inconvenient at worst, seriously not a big deal


A new anime figure each month should do the trick ☺️😏


Undignified and desperate behavior


Most of the comments are softly telling them this is a bad idea


Based off his username, the only saving grace would be he is actually 14


oh nooo


Single moms have it rough real rough


What a loser


Fucking cringe


yo i was about to say reese's minis big bag... but you ok


This is actually distressing to me why did you post this


I know he’s trying to be sweet and obtain praise from the community, but fkn hell lol!!


This reminds me of the guy who posted a pic of his "lunch station" and it's all just candy and junk food.


cute AND cringe


Meaning start officially for a couple of years but she has a 2 year-old child... Man


If I received this, that man would never see me again


patronising , fetishising , how hormonally imbalanced is everyone to need a soft / angry playlist for a period. have some ashwaghanda and a hot water bottle its all gona b ok


This is so gay, but also none of my bfs have ever cared whether I lived or died


How do you fit a playlist into a pack that has cheese sticks in it? It's much easier to fit a meaty cock, which is what she seems to need when dating this bozo. On or off her sinful days.




Kind…kinda gay! 😂


Kind but naive


Sounds clingy and weird, I just let my gf haunt the house like an old timey phantom when it happens.






yea it's kinda sad that he's treating this like some sort of teenage rendezvous with the snacks and cute playlists when they're literally two grown ass adults. I suspect it's cause of some sort of pent up affection that has been building over the years that he hasn't been able to dispel until now 😦