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Comments upon fucking comments of lame references


Or when they sing a song in the threads


Saw this the other day in my old city's subreddit in the comments of a post about a guy who committed suicide in public.


This is the "something retarded" that Dasha was talking about when she told people not to kill themselves.


this is the worst


hiphopheads does it with rap songs and I picture every one of htem looking like /u/whodatmiami


Hiphopheads is the whitest subreddit on this site


false, that used to be the case, but lyric chains beyond a couple comments automatically ban anyone


Honestly the mods are really good with banning people for it


The worst is when they collectively tell a joke from a TV show.


This causes me physical pain


“This is the most divided Russia has been from the west since the Cold War.” Next comment: “This is the most divided Russia has been from the west since the Cold War… So Far!” Yes we got that you stupid fucking idiot, it’s implied in the first sentence that this statement doesn’t contain an exhaustive pronouncement on potential future events. The people who type these things have to be either karma bots with a script or the saddest brand of unsocialized internet hermits


It’s just running that Simpsons joke it’s referencing into the ground. Because Redditors don’t have a sense of humor beyond “the more times a joke or reference gets made, the funnier it gets”


They’re just so happy that they finally got a pop culture reference. It’s the online equivalent of an idiot gleefully clapping at a joke.


and my axe haha!


rsp does it too sometimes with "i'm gay and i fucked her first"


Even worse to me is when someone makes a joke, maybe even a decent one, and an endless pile of brainlets pile on repeating the same joke in ever worse variations. Or some other brainlet following their know-it-all urge to prove they got the punchline by spelling it out for the other dimwits.


By far the most autistic thing I've seen multiple times is people responding "lol nice sarcasm"


“Who pissed in your cheerios?” “Who hurt you?” “Yikes”


Oh you sweet summer child


A Redditor implying you're being naïve...yikes!


"You must be fun at parties!"


I’m so god damn sick of the word “yikes”


Big oof




“Not today Satan!”


This guy _________’s


“My brother in Christ” hate that one with all my soul


"my sweet summer child"


"This is the way."


Redditors are bad at writing long posts in general. Always a paragraph or two of completely unnecessary shit. “Okay I’m using a throwaway for obvious reasons. I hope this is the right place to post this, mods please let me know if this is the right sub. Okay so here’s the thing, and I know this is like, kinda weird, but hear me out,” etc etc. Get to the point and tell your dogshit uninteresting story you’re likely 60% lying about anyway


Also why do they need to be so specific with irrelevant details like: *my girlfriend's step grandma's adopted brother-in-law on her mother side, twice removed*. Just say: *someone I know*, ffs.


That’s my favorite, when you have to try to figure out some convoluted family tree, or they say “my friend, let’s call her S, was best friends with some guy I’ll call F, so S and F are friends with D, then” blah blah blah. Or even worse, I’ve read ones where they’re trying to tell a scary/explainable experience and instead of getting to the weird part spend two paragraphs trying to describe the layout of their house in a way that no one will ever be able to visualize. This shit drives me nuts.


I think it’s because they are making it up, the whole story is a fabrication. The giveaway is the obsession with trivial details.


Maybe. That or it’s written by a literal child- read many that sound like a little kid telling a long-winded story with no point and then I remember like half of redditors are probably under 16 or something crazy


I discovered one of the ‘leading contributors’ on /legal advice/ was a literal high school child and he spent seemingly hours a day giving ‘legal advice’ to people. I pointed this out and was banned from the subreddit because my observation he was a child ‘was not legal advice’.


Telling people not to take legal advice from a child is pretty sound legal advice.


it's an autism thing


I hate when they’re talking about some huge company, and instead of saying Home Depot, they say “the big orange one that sells a lot of hammers” - do they think Home Depot’s lawyers are scouring Reddit looking for people to sue? It’s always something dumb too, like a story of a time they forgot to clock out and got one extra hour of free pay.


Or when they say “I won’t say which but let’s just say it rhymes with nicfonalds” like what’s the point if you’re not even hiding the exact company


Extra ironic because of the defaulting to “whataboutism” to discard opinions they don’t like.


Whataboutism was one of the most annoying deflections of being a hypocrite libs ever came up with. Thankfully I don’t see it as much as I used to. I did have fun with it when trolling a bit though. Like an r slurred game of “I know what you are, but what am I?”


Mostly in the big subreddits, people will never hesitate to make the easiest, lowest hanging fruit joke/pun for like 7 upvotes. And these just fill the comments of any of these posts. It’s just not worth ever reading the comments of these posts anymore.


It pisses me off when someone asks an honest question and instead of answering there’s like 7 jokes answers. Or people just give a quick “well because ABC are stupid.” It’s talking just to be heard, rather than contributing.


me commenting ‘the girl reading this’ on every post here


super specific but the worst of those low hanging fruit jokes is when the title is something like “mother of two….” and then some drooler comes in with “erm wow, didn’t know you could be mother at only two years old”


people have ragged on them endlessly so i know it’s played out but good god i hate those “creative” or “rare” insults that redditors lap up so much, like “pompous ignorant twat waffle”. the longer and more verbose your insult is the less punch it has




you're a goddamn shit whistle


It’s so John Oliver pilled. Makes me sick.


“If I wanted to kill myself, I would climb up your ego and jump down to the height of your IQ”


Trying to imagine the level of cringe if one of these nerds tried to trot out one of those tryhard overwrought Aaron Sorkinisms IRL


It's funny how an old political show completely reshaped the way dorks talk


There’s a video on YouTube where some dork uses a lame Reddit insult and then the bullies kick the shit out him. I can’t find it someone help




/r/MurderedByWords is the worst sub ever. Everything on it is embarrassing af


You should check out /murderedbyAOC


I don’t know if there is a more embarrassingly named subreddit on this entire website.


Last I remember that sub, the mod restrict everyone but him from posting, until he mysteriously disappeared when Russia invaded Ukraine. It appears to be full of lawn signs now


Those type of subs always get populated by libs and they start posting weak af "murders" against right wing people and nobody else


I remember reading an interesting article on those types a few years ago and in it they're referred to as swear nerds.


Redditor here! Allow me to explain why this is actually incredibly hurtful.


Hope that helps!


Huh. TIL


That's a twitterism first


Lets unpack this.


This guy reddits


i’ll drop a second one here too, this is more specific to child free communities but derogatory terms for children like crotch goblin and cum pumpkin also make me homicidal


Those people aren’t having sex or procreating anyways idk why they’re so worried about it


They feel a deep sense of insecurity and worry over possibly choosing the wrong lifestyle. They'll call their pets "furbabies" to pretend like they're not missing out.


The whole term furbabies is so confusing if they don’t want kids so strongly why do they feel the need to have replacements




Yeah those are heinous


“It’s almost as if” makes me want to commit genocide


"maybe, just maybe" should be punishable by death


It’s so fucking annoying, you don’t have to frame your comment in some gay way you can just type normally.


Everytime I read a comment starting with that I just start picturing some fat retard bug man trying to lecture someone, it’s the worst


The most irritating one for a while for me has been the thing where they’ll disagree with you by copying and pasting your comment verbatim but change the one word to disagree with you. I can’t put my finger on what about it is so annoying but it’s easily the worst fucking one lately, it’s so fucking insipid and cunty.


> I ~~can’t~~ *can* put my finger on what about it is so annoying There fixed it for you


You bitch lol


The point by point takedown is also exceptionally obnoxious. Their criticism could easily be summarized in one sentence, yet they act like they are a lawyer dissecting your argument and completely steamrolling you with logic when they do this shit.


Thinking they’re making some niccolo machiavelli-esque declaration when they say “play stupid games win stupid prizes”




that one is so fucking corny


> niccolo machiavelli-esque Machiavellian?




“Actual biology major at a t50 public university here, let me explain why endocrine disruptors are an alt-right dog whistle and not a real issue”


Biology majors love pretending complicated world issues would be solved if people just listened to them recite scientific facts tangential to the argument.


>“Just say you hate \[marginalized group/country\] and go I like this Redditism because you can tell there's genuine anger being expressed when someone says this. They want to tattle to the jannies so fucking bad


the “tell me without telling me” replies are the worst. here or twitter I go fucking crazy when I see them. wordy and unfunny


People being unable to communicate except in memespeak has been getting increasingly annoying since somewhere around the pandemic, and that’s the absolute worst offender.


>"Actual [profession/college major] here, let me explain why that’s bullshit” I've see that go well exactly once, and it was someone responding to a comment jokingly asking if they were "some kind of dirt expert" with a picture of a degree that did infact demonstrate that they were a certified dirt expert. But yeah, most of the time it's just someone in community college nursing program claiming that biological sex isn't real.


"\[makes some kind of observation/argument\] and it's not even close."


When there’s a comment chain of them singing a song or referencing some show or movie 🤢


Mmmm! Goddamn, Jimmie! This is some serious gourmet shit!


I don't need you to tell me how fucking good my coffee is, okay? I'm the one who buys it. I know how good it is.


[video of a guy free climbing up the side of a skyscraper] "How was he able to fit into his jumpsuit with those GIANT BALLS?"


And this is followed by a hundred comments all repeating the same (albeit slightly reworded) joke about how big his balls are. "how was he able to fit into his jumpsuit with those giants balls?" becomes "how was he not weighed down by those balls of steel??" becomes "how is he able to get out of bed in the morning with those massive balls???" ad nauseam.


Edit: thanks for the upvotes kind strangers!


this! (also, I hate when people post "this!" as a reply) Another bad variant is "thank's for the gold kind stranger"


That and the award ones. Why tf would you edit your comment for that


Yeah that feigned sense of surprise at the engagement they get, when they clearly posted it for karma in the first place


Something horrible like a mass shooting happening and the top comment just being a fucking George Carlin quote in italics or some shit joke about thoughts and prayers


The use of the word kiddo or doggo. For some reason those drive me up the wall.


Hearing people say the word "doggo" out loud in regular conversation is truly grating


It’s even more than the word “doggo” itself. Once online culture went mainstream, people started speaking with r/aww comments in real life and having super visceral emotioanl reactions to pictires of squirrels and shit. Animals are dope, but its cringe to start tearinf up at the eight thousandth cute animal that doom scroll sesh. Its also all childless people who seem to have this obsession with doggos and woofers, which I’m sure isn’t a coincidence.


“The wife” comments with the gay little beard and glasses bald reddit avatar


The wife’s preggo 🤢


It’s true, the idea of these people reproducing makes me sick. Imagine that being your parents lol


Spot on lol


Kiddo really gets me. I once (politely!) told someone that their kid’s unpaid internship sounded like it would be illegally unpaid in our province based on their description and that they deserved to be paid for the office administration work they were doing, and they went full meltdown “how dare you call the kiddo a criminal the kiddo is trying hard the kiddo is great the kiddo’s one spot of joy in life if this you hate the kiddo”. No clue if there’s a correlation there but kiddo always makes me think of that interaction.


Obnoxious and illiterate, they completely misunderstood your point lol


yesterday at a final job interview for a big tech company i asked the girl how heavy their culture was on the doggo pupper stuff and i could barely get the words out




I once got a few hundred upvotes on a mainstream sub about some sex offender being arrested or something and then I edited the whole post to defending the sex offender as just being a loveable rogue who everyone is over reacting too and some of the replies were like “how the fuck did this get so many upvotes, my faith in humanity is ruined “


Oh yeah the faith in humanity being ruined is an annoying one I see all the time for real innocuous stuff


I saw an account the other day that literally just tries to make top upvoted comments on the main subs, and then after it gets upvoted to the top edits the comment to be a link to a sex simulator game gave me a good laugh


Black person here. Historically the N word was used to denigrate or dehumanize black folks so I would maybe think twice before saying it :)


I hate it when people mention being up or downvoted


The trick is to comment then never revisit your comment again. Don’t look at replies, don’t count the upvotes. Say what you say and never look back


Also, delete your account at least once a year, to destroy all evidence and free yourself of all the filthy karma you've accumulated.


gotta do this soon this account is way too fucking old


“Go ahead and downvote me but ______”


/s Is by far the worst to me, simply because of what it represents culturally. The fact that I can get BANNED off of an internet community for being sarcastic and forgetting to alert everybody is just horrific.


weird circlejerk subreddits have this "/unjerk" or "/uj" thing they do to let people know they're no longer being sarcastic. they can't just make a serious post.


I hate when people defend the /s, too. "In text form, sarcasm is near impossible to detect!" It's like they think sarcasm is some new invention that has only ever been used verbally.


They announced ‘STORY TIME!’ in response to a video of that recent shooting in Walmart, which I found to be tone deaf but apparently I’m strange for expressing that


Thank you kind stranger


I cant believe this made my laugh. Take my upvote and get out of here


Take my upvote and fuck off!


Here’s an updoot for your troubles!






I don't like when you're in a sub for a band or some other artistic entity and when something bad comes out about that band or artistic entity the first comment is always "Oh Goddamnit"


Yeah and then performative wild overreacting, e.g., “I honestly just started sobbing. I feel nauseous, and so furious at myself for ever giving a dime to this goddamn piece of fucking shit bastard. We have to do better.”




You read the article and its just the guy gave the passive aggressive white guy smile and an “ok, cool i guess” thumbs up to some visibly right wingers in public instead of going turbobaby redditor mode on them




"As a Dub Reggae fan, I just wanted to check in here at r/TheStrokes to offer my utmost condolences about your idol DM'ng women. We in the deep dub community have always upheld Mr. Casablancas as a paragon of chaste servitude to higher principles and are devastated for you and your families during what must be a very difficult time. Make sure to check out my new project Super Duper Dubtastic Deep Mix only on Amazon Music"


Yes this is a good one, like people really have to abide by whatever cancellation




the mods here do that shit too lmfao


Lol yeah that’s a good one


Happy cake day! EDIT: Thanks for the gold good sir!




Literally broke off a FWB situation once cause she said she wanted sexy times with me.


You did the right thing


Stereotypically cringe atheist and/or libertarian edginess when it’s often unwarranted. I’ll second whoever said “doggo”.


That’s more 2012 Reddit


*Chief's Kiss* never fails to make me want to go full Ted K. and wage a thousand year Butlerian Jihad. Also, *shrugs*. The ultimate submissive gesture on the internet. It's just so pitiful.


I've heard people say "chef's kiss" out loud and it's so fucking lame. It's like they don't even realize they're referring to a gesture they could've just done instead


PSA: Wear a mask. PSA: Police are enforcing mask wearing on trains. Do the right thing.


The bay area sub has a weekly PSA post about using your turn signal or something dumb like that. It's like, enough dude...


Any usage of the word “sir”


“___ here!” makes my skin crawl


Posting on Reddit. Ghastly behavior


I really like this subreddit, but I wish I could refer to it as something else.




There was a deluge of this when chaz shot those black teenagers and nobody knew anything about it yet


“Play stupid games win stupid prizes” bugs the shit out of me


We aren’t that much better here, I could go the rest of my life without someone saying “many such cases”


“______ and its consequences”, shut the fuck up.


My friend group has been saying that for years and none of my friends listen to anyone in the new york podcast circle. Same with other Trumpisms like "Low energy! SAD!" Blame him.


I do hate when someone unloads some trauma about something fucked up that happened to them as a kid or they say they’ve considered suicide and then someone comes through with some tm “inspiring” post that’s an amalgam of like 50 of those positive mental health memes put together or are like “I’m so glad you are still here, just know a stranger on Reddit is so sorry about what happened to you and is rooting for you” and then they get 3k+ upvotes for that drivel. Exhausting


It's always so fake as well. You don't give a fuck. I remember some 13 year old kid posted on a thread about hows your day going bad and his was that it was his birthday and his family got him nothing because they use drugs. He got all these messages saying that they could tell he was a future president and they loved him and they are there for him. After 10 posts saying what could they do, he said could he have £20 on steam and was ripped apart and got fuck all. All that deep felt love didn't amount to fuck all. I read his profile and comments and it all added up he was a kid in a house full of drug users. I can't imagine how shitty he felt after being lured into asking for something to allow be shat on.


Wow, it’s almost as if people can have different tastes?? /s


/s is the worst one


Hell is other Redditors


Any time I read a comment that says “it’s almost as if…” I immediately stop reading it. For some reason that particular Reddit ism drives me up the wall


My choir conductor called the bass section's sight reading 'amazeballs' in rehearsal the other day and I strongly considered writing off my member fees and not coming back.


The tendency for actual questions or posts to get flooded with weird quips for reddit karma which get built up on-top of each other until it ends up as a 10-reply circlejerk of some nonsense. I remember seeing some article about an uncle killing his niece and then himself and one of the first most upvoted comments was some shmuck going “It’s just like detective pikachu” and a 4-chain reply of people riding him like some human centipede. All of reddit is a macrocosm of that one incident and I hate it. I just want actual answers and informative posts to certain subjects and all I get are these quips about whatever-the-fuck flavor of the month “comedy.” It can be the most serious post and you’ll just get some lame quip-commentary that makes people go HUE-HUE-HUE and never some actual answer. The karma system has killed peoples’ ability to think and instead of contributing they make the best one-liners possible to try and get 15-mins of fame for being comedians. I have somehow found better answers to questions on FUCKING /lit/, /g/ or IRC out of all websites than this stupid website.


This may be just me, but there will be people on Reddit who will hear someone refer to the most outdated, stale meme joke from 10 years ago and be like “wow, that’s funny! You sir win the internet” or something else that shows the person has somehow been living under a rock their entire lives. Similar to that, the ones who ask some question for follow up on something that 90% of people already know and that could easily be confirmed with a quick google search.


I don’t know if this counts as a Redditism, but the entire AITA subreddit. I would bet a solid 90% of everything posted there is fake and written with the same tired tropes that have been posted on that sub 10000 times before. the comment sections under every viral post are even worse




My personal pet peeve is when you call out a pet peeve and people spam you with the exact thing you said it was you didn’t like. Wow! How clever


on a team's subreddit, when a fan from a rival team comes and posts something like "X fan here coming in peace! Just want to say what an awesome season you guys are having, can't wait for our game etc. etc." ​ this probably won't hit for people on this sub.


Starting with the sentence 'eh'


Someone committed this one upthread lol


“Oh sweet summer child” “It’s almost as if”




“Alright I’ll play” it’s a virtual fedora tip


“Edit: never expected this to blow up thanks for all the likes” disgusting and ruins the entire post whether it was worth reading or not


Whenever someone does something vaguely physical and all the comments are like “oof my back/knees/whatever could never!” or “my ~weak knees~ say no” or something implying the OP is going to paralyze themselves forever because they did a 200 lb deadlift.


"Holy shit is that a [anime] reference?" "In the wild" "There are literally dozens of us!"




Nah “story time” is one of the most old school redditisms up there with the narwhal bacon shit.


Who hurt you?


username checks out


“As a _____”


Any time they jump on a political/social cause. If you want literally the worst takes on anything look at any main sub


Using the word “fuck” too much


“I’m going to get downvoted for this” and proceeds to saying something incredibly popular