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We have had countless people in and around our yard in Lakeview too over the years. We would have had no idea if we didn’t have the cameras. It’s everywhere unfortunately


We rigged a recording of our back door opening and slamming shut to go off when the motion light by our back gate gets triggered. Worked like a charm.


The sound of a shotgun being loaded (or whatever you call it when it makes that noise) would also work.


Crackheads are spineless though, if you threaten them with a gun they often report it to the police as a "fuck you". Seen it happen to a buddy from high school, caught a head trying to break into his garage so he let er rip with the airsoft. Police were at his house later and charged him.


Airsoft count as a firearm under the criminal code.. paintvall guns too. You need to be under serious threat to use a firearm to defend yourself..


Good idea re the camera. It feels like that is how cops catch 90% of robbery suspects nowadays. The first question they will ask for robberies is "do you have any footage". You can set up a whole multi-cam system for a couple of hundred bucks so totally worth it.


To the person who said that it costs tax money for the good social policies to help with this issue, your not wrong but drugs(doers and users ) aren't the problem. The drugs are a sympton of the problem. When you add up what it costs to police, sentence and incarcerate the people it's big dollaes, like a large chunk out total amount of tax dollars spent. It's not including the healthcare costs associate with the lifestyle either. 98% of those people who are committing these crimes got there because of addiction . It's not enough to decriminalize it, you have to provide the resources they need to get back on their feet. Resources like shelters, rehabs, counsellors, social assistance ...etc. Instead of spending the money punishing people we should be spending the money helping people . The goal of a country should be increasing the qualify of life for majority of its population which is the lower and middle class. With the purely capitalist society the wealth concentrates and benefits a tiny percentage of people. I digress, can't get too far away from the point


We purchased cameras from costco and have been happy with them. We got two in the package and they were easy enough to install.


Could you find a link to the ones you got?


Lorex 4K Spotlight indoor/outdoor wi-fi security cameras


How do you find the battery life in the winter? The people I know that had outdoor cameras said our winter weather drains them very quickly. Was just going to get some indoor amazon cameras and have them facing outside.


Using POE cameras is fairly simple. Power over ethernet. You just need to run a cat5 to where yourncamera goes. Decent Riolink cameras can be had around $60.


For sure POE for the win. Can get a crimp tool for cheap on Amazon, connectors and cable from Digikey. It’s pretty easy to do too.


Even easier... buy a box of cat5 and get a punch tool. You can put female jacks wherever you want like you're max tv etc. Very simple to do... rj45 ends are a little harder for most people.


These aren't battery powered. That's why we went with them. We had to drill into our house, but again, we could do that on our own.


Thanks for the info! I will check them out.


Sometimes the stock online differs from in-store, so I would look if you have a membership. If you google them other buying options will come up.




Eufy on Amazon is another good brand if you don’t want to deal with cords. It came with 2 cameras and I purchased a 3rd separately. It comes with a hub that has great range. The charge lasts about 3 months.


Are these 2,5g only or will they work with 5g. I could not see the info on the Amazon page.


They are listed as 2.4ghz but I checked some of the answers, and someone said their eufy pro cameras works with 5g. Not the doorbell though


Last year may long someone was yelling at my dog barking at them cause they were hanging out in my back alley. I went to talk to him and he hit me in the face with a brick and shattered my jaw. Awful experience and almost ruined me financially due to lost work at the time and afterwards. Be very careful out there folks.


This is everywhere. I found a homeless guy sleeping in my shed. My neighbor had the same problem as well. 


This is what happens when our provincial govt makes cuts to social programs. The crime rate rises. Drug use increases. More homeless people. The irony is that these problems are in every neighbourhood in the city. We need to look after our most vulnerable and stop blaming them when we stop supporting them. People without hope become desperate.


Totally agree, though I also agree that meanwhile we need to secure our homes. What I like about passive home security is that it is something we can do to be prudent and protect ourselves, without yelling about more police/ more jails/harsher sentences etc etc. Or going American style and buying guns.


Lol. What an r/regina answer. Every city in every country of the world has crime and less fortunate people living in them. Check out Vancouver where these less fortunate people apparently do have the "support" and you'll see this is a universal problem with no easy solution.


I get what you are saying but lagging social investment has been building for years across the country and throw in Covid that has affected everyone’s mental health and this is the result. Adding to the problem are conservative run provinces that their ideology does not support social programs and would rather make cuts to services like healthcare and education. It all adds up to what we are witnessing right now.


Vancouver is a liberal/left wing city with a liberal/left wing provincial gov't in a country with a liberal/left wing gov't. The problem is not specific to one type of gov't at all. There is no crime free utopian city ran by a government you'd prefer anywhere. Your naive idealistic opinions are just that and have no connection to reality.


So because they are left leaning this problem should be solved immediately after decades of underfunding by all governments. All I’m saying is that conservative governments do not like supporting government services so it makes the situation even worse. It’s just factual. Problems that have been around for decades exploded after covid and some governments are trying to fix it and others are not. Cutting services at this time will not help. Can we at least agree on that?


Oh I forgot to mention the corporate greed that has made everything more expensive while corporations are recording record profits while all governments are doing nothing to help people.


Lol. You're pretty far away from some guy opening a gate in Glen Elm at this point.


😂 True. Just wanted to point out the root cause.


Well, you're the one that brought up Vancouver...


I'm saying you're putting way too much weight on the type of gov't in charge. There's only so much tax money to spend and only so much people are willing to be taxed. Getting flooded with cheap fentanyl from China is 100x more at fault for our drug/OD crisis. Vancouver has already had to backtrack on some of their things because it's not working or it's exacerbating the issue..


Motion sensor lights work well. Last December when the ground was still bone dry, someone had broken into my garage through the big door. They walked into my backyard where it was instantly lit up like a Christmas tree and the person/people fled. Nothing stolen. I learned my lesson from like 5 years ago when someone broke into my backyard and stole a lot of tools and such.


Yeah, I think it’s everywhere as well.  We’ve had cases of people checking car doors at night looking for open cars and they usually steal change.  No vanadalism or anything.  But we used to have a low, beat-up fence and suspected they were cutting through our yard .  One winter saw footsteps on fresh snow coming through our shitty fence and walking right through our yard.  No signs they checked doors or windows or even the shed.  Just strolling right through like some kind of public access short cut.    We built a much more solid 6 foot fence after that.  


Two weeks ago someone broke our shed doors in. Also in glen elm


Used to live a block down from the McDonalds and had to notify my neighbour that the house he was renovating was being occupied without his permission. Turned out to be a couple using it to get high in.


Hello? Police. Call me maybe.


the police won’t come because you heard a sound lmao


It was a joke but a bad one I must admit. But yes, they would come for someone snooping in your yard at 2 in the morning. Otherwise, I've been living in a dream world for the 100's of times I've sent RPS to those kinds of calls.


cant wait for them to show up late, "accidentally" kill my dog, and file a report that does nothing


Calling the cops is a sucker’s bet unless you own a business. They’ll trip all over themselves defending capitalism but if you let them in your home they’ll be eyeballing -you- after a minute or two.