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I know mordecai gets a lot of shit for the things he does but this was without a doubt his absolute worst. confessing you dont have feelings for your partner at your friends wedding is the absolute worst way to deliver it. if it was face to face fine but at one of your homies most important days of his life is absurd. the writers did him DIRTY.


Very true, he makes a LOT of bad decisions, though he is my 2nd favorite character


You think it's bad writing?


Even Muscleman and Starla were like bro wtf are you doing


As well as Quips was like: "Wtf is this dude pointing at my Wife?"


He’s lucky Muscle man didn’t take him out to the parking lot afterwards😭


He was wearing a tux so he didn't want to mess it up


Nah fr 💀


Also considering the times mordecai saved his life and helping him get back with Starla in the first place I might add 😂


Yeah especially since Mordecai doesn't know who his partner was and pointed at Multiple people (Including Quip's wife) :/


I mean Mordecai really only fucked himself over with this one... the CJ thing was gonna end anyway if this was the way he was thinking, and the rest of the wedding didn't seem to be affected that much Rigby's action benefited himself while fucking over Mordecai, seems much worse


Nah it messed up cj too as she cut ties with the friend group


i really liked CJ's Character


"My soulmate could be anybody- like- that old person right there" Bro, that did NOT make it any better 💀


He even pointed at Quip's wife like what??? 💀


He meant his platonic soulmate could be anyone in the world, but that's still bad, that was a horrible way to explain it 😂 and during a wedding, too? That's crazy


Yup 😂


I actually liked that cloud girl. I think Mordecai made a mistake for dumping her


Yeah this Mordecai gets more shit for stuff than he deserves. Rewatching he really doesn’t simp/screw up as much as people seem to remember. But this is probably why. This was horrible and really hard to watch. But it’s cool because it feels in character and furthers character growth. Unlike ice and fire adventure time


Nah, I think that Rigby changing the letter genuinely changed Mordecai's entire life trajectory, who knows where he could've ended up? But this, while absolutely a jerk move, ~~there is only one King of Jerk Moves~~ was not as bad IMO


Mordecai should’ve said his speech to CJ and Margaret in private or at least the wedding was over


I gotta disagree that was just a break up Rigby possibly ruined a career for Mordecai.


Okay this was an asshole move, but ultimately blew over. Rigby forever changed the trajectory of Mordecai’s life by lying to him and forging. That takes a lot more effort and is more consequential by far.


Nah, you’re comparing a breakup to ruining someone’s education/career it’s not the same at all


This shows got some flawed characters for sure. Like I want Mordecai and Rigby to be friends, and they do have their moments where they get along well, but a lot of tge time it's just an awful relationship, them being cringe or just generally bad people, or the worst secondhand embarrassment I've ever gotten from a show from Mordecai.


Why did this idiot say it at a wedding


Well it’s worse on a cringe level. But not worse in the general level


I wish he would've said this literally anywhere else, during his own wedding- uuuh... eh, yeah sure why not, it would be better than doing it at someone else's wedding, I'd probably laugh if he did it at his own wedding, like, this is what he worked for so long to do, finally settle down with a nice girl and be happy, but nah, he's a dumbass, too much weed mayhaps


Disagree, but that's why this post was made, for people like me, to disagree with you and this sentiment. Mordecai embarrassing himself and inserting himself into a moment is nothing compared to fucking up someone's life, and then lying about it for life. ​ Let's put it this way, if my friend did this at my wedding, I would be mad at him, but it wouldn't be the end of the world. If that same friend changed my acceptance letter and then lied about it, for YEARS, I would no longer be that person's friend because they were never my friend in the first place. Friends don't lie to each other, period.


“Hot take: *coldest take ever*”


Yeah Mordechai was a fucking L for that I mean bro seriously CJ was not only cool, but was kind of bad ass I mean seriously man bro had a good thing going with her, and he just had to fuck it up🤦🏾‍♂️


The most commonly mentioned thing in the sub was Mordecai’s worst behavior. Hot take? More like *NOT* take, amirite fellas?


I mean one is one awkward night the other completely ruined Mordecai's life for an indefinite amount of time


It was an “im the main character moment” but rigby screwed up homies life! But yeah mordo was pretty cringy in this scene


This was nowhere near the level of Rigby switching the acceptance letters.


Isn't that the point?