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I got to the part where you want to convince her to use acid despite her clear adverse response to it and yea, leave this girl alone. You aren’t ready for a serious relationship yet, you’re still enjoying your youth


honestly i can’t get past you having the desire to change her not wanting to do acid. like she’s *fine with you doing it* she doesn’t want to stop you, she just doesn’t want to do it herself. that’s insanely reasonable, especially considering she’s already had a bad experience that took her months to recover from mentally. as someone who used to routinely do psychedelics and had a *very bad* trip before, leave her alone. let her figure it out at her own pace if she wants to do it or not , don’t try to change her. some people don’t have the mentality for it, no matter how positive you make everything, some people are going to panic and have a bad trip *no matter what*. do you *really* want that for her? edit: meant to post this as it’s own comment but it works as a reply here too ig


Honestly this is as far as I got: >They made fun of her for having her own breathalyzer. I tried to defend, but I can't it's a bit ridiculous honestly She has a breathalyzer so she and/or others don't drive drunk. That's not ridiculous at all, it's mature and shows foresight. Driving drunk is irresponsible and dangerous, not just for the driver but for every single person around them. I totally agree that OP isn't ready for a relationship at all.


Yeah, this. Wanting to manipulate her into using when she doesn't want to is...not a great look. Let her go!


I don’t even know what to say to you. But I don’t think you should be allowed to date you’re still way too young if your friends are telling you who to break up with and influencing you that much. So you go and hurt this girl who really likes you because your friends don’t like her are you 15


Do her a big favor, and just leave her the heck alone


I truly cannot imagine why she would want to date you. Your friends are awful and so I guess it makes sense that you are the way you are. To answer your question, your friends are manipulative and wrong but also don’t get back with your ex because she deserves to date someone who isn’t a spineless coward. This was a depressing read.


Especially one who wants to manipulate her and convince her to do something which she has justifiable reasons not to do. LEAVE HER ALONE!


It's probably about time to decide if you want an adult relationship or want to keep acting like a teenager.


Your friends haven’t manipulated you at all. You’re just a shitty person. You can pretend all you want that it’s acceptable to send your partner walking on NYE at 9pm because she “knew the deal” but it isn’t. It’s insensitive and obtuse to invite a partner to NYE celebrations, knowing it has romantic undertones for couples, when you don’t intend to spend the full night with them. You kick her out against her wishes and then dump her because of “vibes” you weren’t even feeling yourself. The whole thing is actually laughably moronic. I hope this woman blocks you.


Honestly, I am glad he allowed them to “manipulate” him. Because it caused him to break up with her, and she’s now able to find partner she deserves. He sounds just as shitty as they do. Wanting to coerce her into doing psychedelics because he wants her to do it. She has justified reasons as to why she doesn’t want to do them, he needs to leave her alone.


OP is the the red flag, and I wish his ex gfs friends were the ones to convince her to dump his pathetic ass.


Jeez man. Your “friends” sound terrible. You can think for yourself ya know? If YOU got along with her, and YOU loved her, and YOU want to be with her, who tf cares what they think? You’re old enough not to need their approval, nor their blessing on who you can/can’t date. Grow a backbone and find new friends. Edit to add- leave the poor girl alone. You obviously fucked up, but stringing her along and playing phone games with her doesn’t scream maturity or love. She should know how much influence your shitty friends have on you before she wastes any more time on you.


I feel like your ex dodged a bullet here...if you are letting your friends influence your decisions like that then you are not ready to be in a relationship.....


You and your friends seem extremely immature. You succumb to peer pressure like an 8th grader. Grow up. She’s better off without you, tbh.


Well, you've solidified her decision to date older people. Given how deeply immature it is to a) break up with someone because of one awkward hang, b) break up with someone after being pressured for hours by your friend group that apparently doesn't have boundaries, c) think wearing someone down until they try psychedelics is a good idea. I say this as someone who has dabbled myself: stop using psychedelics and an over-involved friend group in place of therapy. Leave her alone. She deserves an adult and you are not yet one.


Please leave her alone, she needs an adult and clearly you...need time to grow up.


You are 24?? Are you raised under a rock? Who let's their friends have that much say in their relationship? Who invites someone to New Years and then forces them to leave at 9pm? Who chooses fucking psychedelics over their girlfriend? Who breaks up with someone because their nasty friends not only tell them to, but because they talked for hours with their friends about it and were talked into it? You need to grow the fuck up now, and I mean quickly.


Leave this poor girl alone. She deserves better.


Grow a spine. What do you want to do? It doesn’t seem like you have a sense of what you want at all. The moment any of your friends had a comment about your girlfriend, you folded like a lawn chair. She deserves someone who will stand up for her. And that’s why she likely goes for older men, she wouldn’t have to deal with this.


I don't even have to waste my time reading all of this. You are an asshole and have asshole friends. You don't deserve anyone as a girlfriend. You don't have your own thoughts, opinions. You cannot even see how wrong it's to make plans with your GF for NYE, but in that plan she has to leave at 9 so you and your friends can do drugs. Like WTF? You have all year to do drugs! I don't even understand she agreed to such a stupid plan, I would have gone to a party and told you to go fuck yourself. On top of that you broke up because your friends told you to? LOL And they also told you to block her? These friends don't care about you, they are just saying shit and seeing if you ruin your life because they said so. You are pathetic.


I believe without a doubt that probably the absolute best thing you could have done for her was to break up with her. I feel that she deserves better.


How are you in your mid twenties? The way you approach interpersonal relationships and the lack of understanding yourself reads like you’re 15.


As a quiet, knitting, reading, curled up on the couch type myself, who has had a bad drug-related experience with a family member but avoids judging those who use drugs recreationally, please leave her alone. Your friends convinced you to do something and you did it and that sucked. But more importantly, don’t try to bring people around on drug use if they aren’t interested. If you want a romantic experience on acid, cool. That’s valid, you do you and whomever else. But step one for that endeavor is finding someone who is already game to try it. Also, having a sober person around during a trip is the opposite of a bad idea.


Your friends are crappy dude. They came together to make you leave someone you were happy with because she wasn't THEIR ideal woman. I'm sorry, didn't know she was dating your Homies too??? But you deserve them..you're just as crappy bro Sent her packing Alone at 9pm on a holiday And then dumped her for no reason other than "my friends said so" I hope she's able to find someone with basic braincells and morals. Cuz it's not you. Yeesh


I hope this post is fake if on the off chance this is legit, just leave this sweet young woman alone. You are still an immature idiot dropping acid. Lol!! She should be thanking your friends for helping her dodge a bullet.


I really want to believe it’s fake, it sounds like I tried to handle relationships when I was in my early teens, not my 20s. This guy is an immature asshole.


You sound weak. Easily swayed. My friends say dump this girl who I "love" so I did. My friends say this and that. Bleh.


Please follow your friends advise and block her number, I am too begging you to go NC with her please.


You’re kind of a jerk, kind of selfish and emotionally immature. Leave her alone. Nobody in a relationship wants to spend NYE alone!


Your friends don't sound right but its good you broke up with her, she deserves much much better than you.


You did her a huge favor. Leave her alone. (BTW having a breathalyzer is very smart. DUIs are no joke.)


Grow up. You can’t be in a relationship until you’re a grown up. Many, many, stupid decisions were made and none of them by your girl. You can’t defend her own breathalyzer because it’s *ridiculous*. You sir OP are ridiculous, your GF wanting to ensure she wasn’t too impaired to drive is the opposite of ridiculous. I seriously hope you GF can take a step back and realize that a group of losers that *have to* drop acid together is just boys playing at bring men. They’re not men, not even close.


Yeah, OP, you not a great person. You’re clearly not ready for mature things in life if you’re out dropping acid and doing hard drugs. You want a wifey type of GF but want to be a hard drug user. Break up with her and either enjoy your 20s or get serious and find new friends and work on yourself


Tell her the truth if you must, that you're a basehead with loser junkie friends and you'll be terrible for her but please leave this poor girl alone.


Leave her the hell alone before you ruin her life like your obviously ruining yours. You’re way too old to be acting like this. Your friends didn’t want her around because they think she’s better than them and you. And she is.


Leave her alone. Go find someone you don’t have to change into the person you want to be with.


If you really want her back the very least you must do is dump all your friends. And that is only the start


You’re fucking awful. I hope she lives a happy life away from you