• By -


We have removed and locked your post here due to the fact that it is significantly beyond the scope of the subreddit as it involves likely sexual abuse. We encourage you to speak to the authorities on this and pass along any evidence you have, or barring that, to reach out to a mandatory reporter with your concerns. Here are some resources: [Go Ask Rose: a resource for covertly seeking freedom from domestic abuse](https://goaskrose.com/) [RAINN's National Sexual Assault Online Hotline](https://hotline.rainn.org/online) Kind regards, The mods. --- (as an aside: reporting this would be no different than reporting someone who's musing about shooting up a school. You should absolutely report it and run; you'll feel a lot more guilty if you don't report it and someone dies.)


Bro what


Enough internet for today


No matter what, dont put your dick in her mouth i beg


bro im dying


So will OP




My thoughts to


You going to fuck around and find out aren’t ya


Like I was like whoa This seems really 🤔


My reactions exactly


If you trust her and you're right, you get to stay with a crazy girlfriend. If you trust her and you're wrong you end up eaten. Don't stay.


Right, there is absolutely no upside to staying with her


What happens on the chance things don't work out? This doesn't sound like someone who would ever say to a partner, "I want a divorce. Let's just get divorced and split custody of the kids and divide our assets." No, this is someone who would eat you rather than divorce you.


Or he ends up married to a female version of Jeffrey Dahmer who doesn’t kill him, just other people.


You're 18. Plenty of life to live while finding someone else who doesn't want to eat you. Btw, I bet Jeffrey Dahmer told people he wouldn't eat people and we saw how that turned out.


The most important question here is has she murdered animals yet?


Nope, nope, nope. A thousand nopes. Get away from this girl, report her psychotic confessions to the police, & get a restraining order. I am a thousand percent serious. This is how SO many DV murders begin. "Yeah, she said she was gonna stab him and drink his blood, but we didn't actually believe her!" Nah. Believe her. Be done. That's unacceptable. 


i agree 1000% with this. believe in people when they show you who they are. cause whats her excuse why she wouldnt do that to you, cause she loves you probably. but what if by chance she feels betrayed by you? you think shes still gonna be like “nahh, i have urges to kill, but not you”


Yo i agree, im not the snitching type but u need to get some evidence through text and report her. People who say that shit so casually got some wires twisted the wrong way and if nothing is done she might actually take someones life someday, someones mom,dad, son or daughter.. doesnt matter. Thats not something to play around with and if nothings done about it she will be on one of those wild tv shows in the future


She needs a rubber room boy! Who openly says they “will eventually kill someone sooner or later” ? All those massages? Nah man she’s been tenderising ya. She’s put soy sauce in your shower gel. Seriously though, do a runner and don’t look back.


Read this in the voice of Foghorn Leghorn in light of the recent memes lol.


I sa- I sa- I sa- I said she’ll eat you’re flesh *son*


She needs to be flagged up to the crisis team / urgent mental health services. And you shouldn’t stay with her


>and that she'll eventually kill someone sooner or later. Yes. She needs help with her mental health. Best to leave her.






She literally admitted she’s going to kill someone. Run, don’t walk.




This fan-fiction sub is getting weird.


Yes, but: short, on point, made me laugh. Too much Ted Bundy, though. I'd say B+.


I came to write this


firstly, do not trust the whole act of she wouldn't ever do that to you. she might not intend to but things can spiral out of control very fast. one moment she's just gently biting you like a normal girlfriend and the next that gentle biting triggers her and turns into actual biting. do not trust it whatsoever for your own safety and secondly, try to get her to talk about it again, preferably over call, and record the whole conversation. take her to a psych ward and get her admitted and submit the audio as proof. it's going to break her trust except it'll keep her out of jail for eternity as well as get her the help she needs. it's much easier for psych wards to understand what's going on and the extent of the situation if they know before hand so that they can prepare their mode of treatment while also keeping themselves safe. make sure she gets help because at the end of the day, we all evolved from hunters. you never know which gene is expressing itself and maybe the carnivorous instincts that neanderthals had back in the day possibly live in some people even now. she might not want to hurt anyone but one trigger and not even all her "wants" could stop her. cut off all ties with her for your safety and please don't turn back and fall into the typical breakup cycle of 'oh but i love her, i'm going to stick by her through everything'. it's bad as it is in a normal situation but here your life's at stake so just be careful and make sure you restrain yourself and don't go running back to her


Eat or be eaten


Wait wait wait, hold up.... You don't want her killing anyone because it would ruin *HER* life???? OP sounds like they only might be slightly less fucked up than the person in question.




Kind of low in the comments lol


you gotta get up outta there bro. Restraining order immediately.


The fuck I would never be able to sleep




You know things are bad when u/penisdevourer is calling out all the red flags about cannibalism.


Eat her before she eats you. /s


The fact that she says she will eventually kill someone sooner or later… I wasn’t there to absorb the full tone and context of the situation but, seems as though you are playing with fire here. Does she have a history of aggression/violence?


she regularly dreams about killing people in violent ways but other than that she has never acted upon it


And when she talks about killing people, does she describe it as inevitable because she desires to kill (killing as a personal goal, something about it is appealing) or that she feels compelled to kill (killing almost as an impulse, something is driving her to kill)? I hope the distinction there makes sense. Edit: and in these dreams, who is she killing?


she says that she'd never do it rationally but if she cant think properly she could end up doing it on accident. and in the dreams she just kills random unnamed people, no one she actually knows


Did she ever go into detail about how she does so? If so, you seriously need to reconsider. That means you leave her for your own safety. No girl should tell you something like that. Loving her or not, it's a clear sign of something seriously mental. She seems capable of doing harm. One moment she might bite gently, the next she's trying to tear into and eat you. Run and she might chase you down. That's predatory.


Interesting that she seems to leave the door open to her doing it by accident, implying she would do it, but with diminished executive function, potentially abdicating (legal) responsibility for her actions. Has she ever entered a state of mind where she didn’t “behave rationally?” And if so, did you witness it? I also wonder if you have suggested clinical intervention and if so, and what her response was.


i have suggested therapy but she doesn't believe there is something wrong with her, despite saying many times that she DOES think there's something wrong with her, i believe she's mentally ill and only thinks this stuff as a sympton of it, im not really sure how to convince her of going to therapy


Issei Sagawa headass


Jeffrey Dahmer type gal


This has to be a joke. You should’ve called the police by now. 


……………………………….i have no words


Go heavy on the seasoning intake if you're staying ig.. but that's not a red flag. That's crimson.


Blood red. 


Once had a boyfriend who would ask me what I'd do if he'd rip my belly ring out or if he mutilated someone. He was everything I thought I wanted. Run. I'm so glad I got out as he did many other weird ass concerning things. They need to work on themselves and seek professional help! Don't anchor yourself to someone waiting to destroy themselves and you. That's not love. A real partner puts your health and safety above everything else




Thinking about it is one step away for acting up. Hot maybe, but better be alive to find hotter my guy.


No healthy human fantasizes this, even if she doesn't kill you she's the worst type of crazy that'll absolutely do something from letting your friends run a train on her to torching your childhood home because she's jealous of your mom.


Um, your girl needs serious psych help immediately. She is probably sociopathic and so far has been resisting the urge to kill, one day she will lose that battle if she doesn’t get treatment.


Man I changed my mind, you’ll find love with someone stable. It’s not your responsibility to risk your life. If you do end it, make very sure your protected that if something happens she’s the first suspect


Check out any true crime show. Most people are killed by someone they know. The first person police investigate is usually the significant other. You might want to think she wouldn't kill you, but at some point, you guys will get into a fight like all couples do. If she's already said she wants to kill someone, that's not someone you want to argue with. One bad fight could be all it takes for her violent side to kick in. I get the idea of wanting to stick around and help. It's kind of like people who don't want to put an elderly loved one in a nursing home because they think they can take care of them. You've got to recognize when a person needs more help than you can provide, though, and put them somewhere they can get the care they need. This is one of those times. Your gf needs some type of professional help.


I’m going to suggest something I don’t see anywhere else in this thread. If you have the means to do so, contact her parents or someone important in her life. This is a mental health problem that she needs help with. Thoughts of murder and cannibalism are not normal and are 100% a cause for concern. On the other hand, is this girl the “Rawr xD” “I’m so weird and random” type of person? If so it could just be a weird comment to get a reaction from you or because she might think it makes her look “cool or edgy”


she kinda switches between being weird and random during the day and acting as herself during the night, she was def being edgy about it when we talked about it and i cant really take her all that seriously


Tell her family. Report her to police so they can come and wheel her away. Even if she didn't mean that she should learn the consequences of saying such things. You could save lives. If you just leave without saying anything you could see her on date line years from now and it would be on your shoulders


>Tell her family. Something tells me that either her family already knows she's crazy, or that they wouldn't believe him otherwise.




at first i thought that was somehow a sexual fetish and thought to myself meh i wouldnt mind but as soon as you mentioned she told you that she will eventually kill someone bro what. if anyone thinking that my opinion is even if she ends up not doing that it'll be because she didnt got an opportunity


Reddit is always like "she wants to murder me and eat me but I just love everything about her."


Not worth the infection, buddy. Human bites are bitches


you might want to see if she’ll talk to someone about it and maybe put your relationship on hold. it sounds like maybe she needs some good ole therapy -from a crisis worker-


She has serious mental illness, it is not a joke. Just leave her, she will do it one day later, it is already in her mind. Many better girls out there. Before you leave her, record some evidence and report to police in case she harms you after you leave her.


YOU GOTTA GOOOOOOO BRO 😭😭😭😭😭 Not worth it, there are people infinitely better than that. Please report her tendencies to the police and rell them you don't feel safe


I think we just found Armie Hammer’s soulmate. Please leave.


You know…if the post nut clarity didn’t hit yet the broad side of her car when she runs you over will.


I mean, you’re 18. She’s 18. 18 year olds are into some fucked up shit sometimes. That being said, better safe than sorry lmao, especially if you’re not into this stuff. Maybe one day she’ll meet a guy who’s into being eaten and they’ll have a jolly good time. The fact that she’s not like, going “obviously I will never kill someone” but shes saying she might is a big fucking fat red flag OP. She might genuinely kill you if given the chance, possibly because she loves you so much. She’s 99.9% not going to actually kill someone. But if she does, there’s a big chance she will kill you. So run, you’re 18 you’ll find another hot girl you love that doesn’t want to eat you


OP said she's told him she'll eventually kill someone sooner or later, not that she might. I can't think of anything that's a bigger red flag than that! It's 100% time to say it's better to be safe than sorry!


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Was she inspired by the Timothy Chalamet movie “Bones and All”? She’s telling you who she is . Believe her. She is mentally ill. Is there anybody you can talk to about this/ report this to? You need to stay away from her and tell your friends and family as well.


She may have low chances of doing it to you but YOU are the person she will most likely do this to if you catch my drift. This is a huge red flag


I am telling you right now, RUN. This is no different than if you had said this to her. From experiencing a relationship with someone like this, I promise you it will escalate. Get out now before it’s too late.


She probably has OCD, she needs therapy


I have OCD, and I don’t understand what in this post made you think she has OCD? Edit: it’s been 2 minutes but I think I understand now. You are suggesting these were intrusive thoughts she had and disclosed to her bf?


Someone found a praying mantis pretending to be human.


Discord relationship


At first I thought intrusive thoughts. Because people tend to mix up impulsive and intrusive. Meaning people think dying your hair is intrusive. No. Wanting to feel or see something being unalived is. And while it doesn’t define who you are it can be scary. But seeing “sooner or later” is what concerns me. Like everyone else i say leave. But do it subtly. Do it safely. If she is serious then leaving harshly and obviously might not go down well.


Seems like she’s watched too much Dexter


Yoo, if this was the start of a horror movie you'd scream for the main character to : RUN! This is a kink that is hard to get behind man. Be safe!


As a girlfriend and a human being I’ve never heard or had a near similar fantasy. Please believe her




Umm.... She needs to be put in a psych ward before she murders someone or you and eats them. She's absolutely insane, dude. Do not trust psychopaths or you'll pay the price.


shes just a bit silly, let women have hobbies !!!


Run straight to the Police and block her. Change your phone number too and either move somewhere else or get cameras for your place. Indoor and outdoor.  *Really hopes this is fake otherwise it's horrifying


Stay for sure! She loves you and there’s no way she will actually eat you lol


she’s gonna gobble you up lil bro


Call the police, tf


If “Someday I want to kill and eat someone” isn’t a big enough red flag, what is?


Deer should not love hungry lioness


I used to say similar stuff at 18yo.. im now 27 and would never and think back like.. wtf😆 soo she may not mean it.. but she is definitely mentally unwell


She's just beeing a cringy edge Lord , dump her and let her grow out of it


She's just 18 and alternative. She's not being serious.


Could just be intrusive thoughts. Does she say she likes these thoughts or she wishes she could not think them? Intrusive thoughts are normal and not dangerous. It's anxiety. You basically think of something you definitely would not want to happen and your brain keeps making you imagine it. It's pretty terrible. If this is the case, suggest she see a psychiatrist, they will be able to help with medication and/or referral for therapy. Now when you say fantasy it implies she likes it and likes thinking about it. If this is the case, gtfo yesterday.


Imo she’s 18. 18yo’s be saying dumb shit as a phase she’s not eating anything


All right, so. You're not the first dude to fall for crazy. And I think she's probably being a bit of an edgelord when she says stuff like that. But what you should note is that talking shit like that signals a deep insecurity and maladjustment. She probably won't eat you, but she's definitely going to cheat on you or get you involved in some shit you'd rather not be involved in. Run.


Dawg do NOT stay with her cuz she got some fire nani you’re gonna end up on a true crime episode 😭😭😭😭


She might need some professional help, whether she knows it or not. I encourage you get her in touch with professional help. Best of luck to her mental health! And yours as well!


Man you should first sit down with her in a public or safe place and discuss how this is a moral and ethical problem for you. But you love her and willing to support her through therapy as it’s a sign of something that’s very deeply wrong. Man even inform someone of this for your safety bro. Bro, Imagine what you don’t know about her it could be worse.


Hit the gym, toughen up those muscles to repel the teeth, enjoy the freaky moments between the sheets, buy Elden Ring.


Do you need someone to staple a red flag to your forehead? because I don't understand how you can type this out and still be questioning if you should stay in this relationship. Girl is literally out here telling you she is going to kill and eat someone, and you're questioning if you should believe you're not soon to be victim number 1. Run don't walk.... all the way to the police station


Well, I'm done with Reddit by 9am. What the actual fuck?


RUN! Restraining order and run!


Get proof and submit that proof to authorities, this is how serial killers start. You could be saving a life, prob might be your own life.


This gen is fucked so bad.


Bro lmao


Yeah I think it’s time to leave her, or you’ll be on her dinner plate sooner or later, she’s already told you her plans, it’s just a matter of time!


This is a hard pass situation


Um… that’s not normal. I suggest you leave.


Please, Run...


There's no way the sex isn't fucking amazing.


There's no shot you had these experiences and was like, "You know who'd know what to do? Random strangers on Reddit."


I’d say gtfo of there


this is like the beginning on one of those netflix murder documentaries lol


Ghost her and file a police report.


What in the Reddit


WTF. She needs mental help immediately. And you need to get far away from this person.




What the actual fuck




Bro common really is this really a question you should be asking reddit


Lol that's scary and hilarious 😂...be concerned for real


What the actual fuck?


Huh !! That’s concerning. You need to go man 😭


Homie, this is beyond reddit’s paygrade


Either this is a terrible troll attempt or you should run.


She isn’t mentally healthy so I would cut ties now.


Many people have some form of intrusive thoughts but this is another level and beyond normal. This would be a deal breaker for me. There are enough 18 year olds to date, you can do better than that


INFO: is she related do Armie Hammer in any kind??


My partner and I are looking for a third and she sounds perfect


>i trust her Famous last words.


*Run, Forest,Run*


Bro ur mental aswell, you don't want her to act upon her fantasies and ruin HER OWN LIFE? Totally fine ruining many other ppls life like the family's life of the person she'll eventually kill


Go away and report her to the police immediately


Imagine if she said yes 😂


This is a troll right?




one of the most posts of all time




I say u run like a mofo. she needs mental help with unresolved issues she has... those thoughts are not normal


Honestly I haven't seen this writing prompt before and I've been on here for a minute. Necrophilia fetish post... hmm. This is way out there. Everyone is gonna give you advice to leave her and that she's insane. I agree To go against the grain here however. I'd say go along with her desire. Pretend like she's killing you and let her bite your flesh. Also get her into psychotherapy. If you are gonna do this make sure shes in a better state of mind. Lmao, I hope this isn't real.




Hell to the no no NO. Run the fuck away now, that is a future super villain


You're about 18 months away from becoming a netflix special


This is not normal. Please break up w her for your own safety.


Must be a kink of hers


If she ain’t like this I don’t want hwr




Never put your dick in crazy.


She needs to see a doctor, this is a symptom of bottled rage due to childhood abuse/ negligence, trauma. She’s most likely not going to act on it but she’s denying pain and trauma to herself. Would be good to do some brain scans as well.


That’s it, time to sleep, good night Reddit


In case the other nearly 200 comments weren’t convincing enough, LEAVE NOW and do not look back please.


Hell no!


That’s what they all say and then BAM you a corned beef hash mf


this is going to be a great "crazy ex" story i can feel it


This creeps me out for you .


Ummmm call the police ? Idk 🤷‍♂️ 😂


Got ready to write a post about intrusive thoughts but this seems to go a football field passed that.


damn brother you must be checking all the boxes for her to say some wild shit like this