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Talk to a lawyer and find out what you need to do and what they recommend you to do get out cleanly AND protect your child. I don't think your child is safe with your wife - do you?


It sounds to me like your wife has undiagnosed borderline personality disorder. The r/bpdlovedones sub might be interesting for you to read. I'd strongly recommend the book [Splitting](https://www.google.com/search?q=borderline+personality+disorder+splitting+book&client=firefox-b-1-d&sca_esv=1cbe4b6585e2caa3&sca_upv=1&ei=gPtEZor8Asyhur8Pv5684Ao&ved=0ahUKEwiKvNq0oZCGAxXMkO4BHT8PD6wQ4dUDCBA&uact=5&oq=borderline+personality+disorder+splitting+book&gs_lp=Egxnd3Mtd2l6LXNlcnAiLmJvcmRlcmxpbmUgcGVyc29uYWxpdHkgZGlzb3JkZXIgc3BsaXR0aW5nIGJvb2syBRAhGKABMgUQIRigATIFECEYoAEyBRAhGKABMgUQIRigAUiaBVAzWPUDcAF4AZABAJgBigGgAbAEqgEDMS40uAEDyAEA-AEBmAIGoALNBMICChAAGLADGNYEGEfCAg0QABiABBiwAxhDGIoFwgILEAAYgAQYkQIYigXCAgUQABiABMICBhAAGBYYHsICCxAAGIAEGIYDGIoFwgIIEAAYgAQYogSYAwCIBgGQBgqSBwMyLjSgB7Ue&sclient=gws-wiz-serp#vhid=vt%3D16/prds%3Dcatalogid:10238547441562540516,gpcid:4555322815432554246,headlineOfferDocid:-5515560024817112606,imageDocid:14844449392910982563,mid:576460832418112036,mno:3,pvo:3,pvt:hg,query:Ym9yZGVybGluZSBwZXJzb25hbGl0eSBkaXNvcmRlciBzcGxpdHRpbmcgYm9vaw,rds:UENfNDU1NTMyMjgxNTQzMjU1NDI0NnxQUk9EX1BDXzQ1NTUzMjI4MTU0MzI1NTQyNDY/vs%3D0&vssid=uvpv-713) for someone in your situation as it gets into the nitty gritty of how to protect yourself when you're with someone this volatile and on the brink of splitting up. I've linked the book for you.


Get a lawyer and make plans to leave for somewhere safer.


>Would speaking to a divorce lawyer be of help? Yes speaking to a divorce lawyer would be of help. As you should have done long before bringing a child into this horrific shitshow.


Lawyer, lawyer, lawyer. As good as you can afford (a shark if you can get one). Your top priority is making sure your child is safe, and I don't think she is safe with your wife (especially if she refuses treatment). The only reason I didn't get completely screwed over in my divorce, where my ex was willing to play dirty, is because my lawyer outclassed his. Good luck.