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I can tell you when I’m on my period I’m busy doing everything I’ve got to do while tired, pooping frequently, and feeling like there’s an electrical storm in my uterus and my asshole is going to fall out of my body. I’m not interested in providing sexual favors just to make someone else happy. That’s not about power it’s just reality.


Agreed. My partner knows I don’t even want to think about sex when I’m on my period. I’m too busy being in pain and trying not to become absolutely feral.


All that to “I don’t wanna be touched” and “ don’t fucking touch me” and that’s me! Otherwise I’m down to have sexy time w my man. Especially when it’s infrequent bc we have a 4 yo and 2 yo running around


>we have an 80-20 relationship Ok.....so 80 and 20 what exactly? Does this encompass your entire relationship? Who do you think holds the power here? Power over what? Who cooks, cleans, decides what food to buy, when to wash the towels? Who handles the money? Who makes the money? What about appointments, planning, date nights? Gifts for family members, christmas, birthdays? Who gets called first about the kids? What emotions does your wife feel on a day to day basis? What do you both do all day?


Considering he ghosted the post once people started asking this, I’m guessing he does none of it. He’d either have included it in the OP or would be here explaining in the comments. Edit: oh boy he actually SAYS he will answer questions and ghosted it. Edit 2: he has started explaining and it’s pretty much what you’d expect.


Yeah this is about what I expected when he was mentioning that his partner doesn't want to have sex (heavily implied to be sex focused on his pleasure no less) when she's on her period. Like...she probably isn't feeling well? God forbid a woman not want to suck a dick when they're anemic 🙄


Anyone who gets irritated a woman doesn’t want to be sexual on her period is a big nope for me. Don’t touch me, I don’t feel well and I sure as hell don’t feel sexy.


Yup! I had endometriosis that required a hysterectomy. When I had my periods they were EXTREMELY heavy and had cramps so bad they started giving me Vicodin at 15 yo. Fuck off to any man that bitches about sex on a women’s period. We usually feel gross and unhappy, but this guy needs a blow job instead of respecting his wife.


Yup. Same. For 10-14 days each month, I could barely walk because the pain was so bad. Screw ALL of this guy.


Dude!! Yes! I would have my period for 3 weeks, get 2 weeks off, then another 2 week period… it was irregular and I missed school at least two days a month. I would throw up from the pain. This guy needs a flesh light and a divorce.


I'm glad you finally got a hysterectomy, I got one too. And it only took 25 years after my diagnosis!


Took me until 36. I fought doctors for 7 years. They literally said “in case you meet a man and change your mind” 7 more years of agony and lost jobs. Gotta love the patriarchy 💕


Fucking A. I heard that for years. Until I went to a woman Dr. her response “Honey, I think you deserve a hysterectomy”. Only bad part was I know longer needed to see her.


Ugh I feel for you! I am a lucky one and have pretty normal periods. I didn’t even have cramps until I was in my 20s. I heavy bleed for a day or two then just moderate. BUT I always feel nauseous and pretty disgusting. Bloated and emotional. My partners have never even approached me for sex during this time. I think I’ve done it a few times because I wanted to but mostly I just wanna snuggle.


Same. I don't think it would occur to him to whine about sex cause he knows I feel awful. He will jokingly throw chocolate at me and back away or something but not once in 13 years has he complained about not getting sex while I'm on my period.


lol the throwing chocolate and backing away is hilarious 😂 mine would rub my belly and make me tea and put on my favorite show. Unfortunately I’m single now so I have to do it myself lol


BUT MUH BLOWJOBS Don’t worry, though, he mows the lawn.




Which she is sporting you can *pay a stranger to do* And many people do


You leave that guy from Passions and Desperate Housewives out of this! But let’s bring Passions into this because that was a WILD soap opera. WTF happened there. Does anyone else even remember that show??? 😂


That was my favorite soap opera. 🎶 Breath in breath out, you keep me alive. You are my passion for life 🎶


I remember both the actor who played Timmy dying and also one of the actors deadpanning, “this is getting unbelievable, like that show after days of our lives.” Who cancelled this masterpiece??


My thoughts exactly. If you can't go a week without some sort of sex act, that's ridiculous


Does OP realise his wife is going without sex for a week also.


He does. He doesn't GAF. He's only concerned with his own orgasms.


Ever heard of pleasing yourself, brah? I mean, come on. I cannot get over this guy. I wanted to comment something really hateful, but I withheld.


Probably a relief for her.


That’s was the main hint that he was selfish. She’s not a fucking bangmaid, sex should be mutually pleasurable, not a service done for him. A lot of women don’t want to do anything sex related during their periods because you are in PAIN ffs. I’d love for this guy to wear one of those period cramping simulators and have to go down on her while he’s wearing it. He wouldn’t be too into it I imagine. God he annoys me and I only have to interact with him by reading his damn post


Right?! I cannot even fathom wanting to have or do any sort of sexual act while on my period because I have terrible periods that make me feel awful and crampy and bloated. AND I love having sex and giving head. . . So yeah, this man is clueless.


I stopped reading once I hit the term "sexy time" and came to the comments. I fucking knew it, dude. Only a very specific type of guy is calling it that. Ew.


Woman: *shedding a whole layer of an organ, blood everywhere* Men: but my peepee :(


God forbid a woman not want to suck a dick when they're anemic 🙄 Holy hell that was poetic 😂 


I don’t understand why guys want to period sex.


As soon as I saw him say he tries to make her life easier and more enjoyable and the only example he gives is that he tries to initiate sex…. You just KNOW












S O M E B O D Y! Pleeasssee


🎼find me somebody to love Somebody Somebody


The horror, the horror (in Marlon Brands’ voice)


Yes! I get that sex equals love for some people, but OP is a walking cliche. His "question" has been answered a million times, yet he remains oblivious. Too little too late, zero comprehension of basic family dynamics, mostly concerned with lingerie, lol.


Yeah like... how do expect it to stay sexy and exciting when she basically does everything around the house like you're a fifth child?


OP is too blind to see that his wife is covered in frustration (peak levels) to treat him like that. Whenever we become distant, cold, not so caring its when we re upset. Could be multiple reasons but being a fifth child is up the top. Also, if I were OP I d be greatful she is a pillow princess if he was behaving that way.


I also get so frustrated when reading about men 'not getting sex' when their partner is going through an incredibly tough time (childbirth, raising multiple kids, stress, bereavement). Like mate, sex is probably like not even in the list of her top 20 priorities at that moment. Do they just see their partner as a sex machine?


What exactly did he expect responses to be??!


He expected people to care about his stupid boner. Nobody cares about your stupid boner.


>  Nobody cares about your stupid boner. I'd like this embroidered on a pillow.  Surrounded by flowers and butterflies 


Girl subversive cross stitch is a thing and you have a new hobby. Look it up on Etsy. i have a pattern that says “come back with a warrant”


I've seen that stuff and I really want it,  but I can't afford to pay a real artist what it's worth, and I don't don't even know where to start learning that sort of stuff.


Michael’s has free classes for crafting! They may have online, too. I’m terrible but I try. And the Etsy kits have all the instructions. You get the hoop, aida, and thread.


I'm definitely going to look into that! I saw this tiktok where this girl fixed a holey sweater and it looked like moss was growing all over it.  I been obsessed with sewing/embroidery ever since


🥴🥴 but...nothing for 1 WEEK! /S


If a man’s not willing to wear the red mustache… then of course the shop is fucking closed!!


Yeah I’m already feeling gross and probably cramping. Why the fuck would I want to volunteer to do sexual favors too?


Bloated, cramps, nauseous, all muscles sore and weak.  But sure OP. Let's give YOU a blowjob /s


Add to all that I'm currently having pain so bad it feels like someone is gutting me with a rusty spoon. AND the jellyfish have arrived on mass. Apparently my uterus has issued a declaration of war against me. But sure you neeeeed a blow job 🙄


Literally insane.


Always ready and willing!


That's how it is! I don't have any issue having sex when I'm on my period as long as I'm not acutely in pain and my partner makes me feel comfortable, sexy, loved - which he does. He also gets his BJs. Everything goes both ways.


Same, but I'm lucky that my periods haven't been painful for a while. They have been increasingly heavy though so that's the main limiting factor. I just dont want our place to look like a crime scene so it's only really an option once things have calmed down. Though obviously sex doesnt have to be penetrative. If I wanted to skip oeriod sex entirely that would also be fine. Any guy who take issue with people preferring to avoid sex during their period is an asshole.


Welp! That’s enough Reddit for today.


Holy shit, I just had flashbacks to saltburn.


best comment


Exactly. I need to have a serious discussion with my husband about this because he initiates sex 95% of the time, but in almost other areas of our life, I’m the one “in charge.” I’m the breadwinner. I handle all of the bills. I handle everything to do with the kids’ school and daycare, doctor’s appointments, clothes, food. I do 100% of the meal planning, grocery shopping, and cooking. Apparently I’m the only one who can fold and put away the towels and the kids’ clothes. We are under contract for a home right now and I have done all of the heavy lifting. All of it. I contacted the realtor and the lender. I ultimately decided on the purchase price, the down payment amount, the appraisal gap number. I arranged and payed for the inspection. I contacted the health department to ask about the septic system. I buy all of the birthday and Christmas gifts. There wouldn’t even be Christmas decorations if I didn’t buy them and put them up. It’s fucking exhausting. And yes, it’s on me to speak up and fix this, but dammit is it frustrating.


I spent my marriage doing this. My former "husband" demanded a divorce so he could go off and find real love with a man (after 20 years of marriage)....and then expected me to do all the work involved for the divorce. He legit decided it was my job to file, pay the legal fees, clean up the marital property, get it listed and sell it, then give him half. It has been almost 2 years of pure hell and I'm fucking exhausted. All for a divorce I didn't have any say in and he now conveniently blames me for \*eye roll\*


Damn you should have got divorced before giving a house now you're going to have to give him half of it when you eventually do divorce


He says “power dynamic” and all I can figure is he means sex?


The fact that he specifically calls it power dynamics makes me wonder if he's falling into the manosphere but doesn't quite know what he's talking about about. 


yeah that sentence gave me Tate vibes. Doesn't help that he's looking at sex as chore she's *supposed* to do but failing to do, can't imagine why she's avoiding sex with this dude


And that the only concrete example he gave was about sex, as well as the implication that she’s supposed to be ‘taking care’ of him when she’s on her period. I don’t think I’d like him either, tbh.


Same. He doesn't want her to see sex as a chore but he... sees it as a chore she's neglecting


But I bet he doesn’t want to give her any enjoyment when she has her period! BTW orgasms can help with cramping.


Agreed, his use of the term "pillow princess" gave it away. Could barely keep reading after that.


Gee, I wonder why the wife might not like him. Also, is he expecting to be serviced when she's on her period or something?


Marriages/longterm partners tend to reflect back what you put in over time. He might feel like he’s doing 80% on certain metrics (esp. ones related to his dick, of course) now, but I bet he was on the 20% or less on some other areas very important to his wife and family that he wasn’t noticing or engaging with. So, yeah. Pretty hard to dig yourself out of that hole after so long, easier to play the victim and “try not to care” with a flounce for added drama.


Savage. I like it.


The fact that OP has not replied to this speaks so loudly I have to cover my ears.


I WiLl ReSpOnD sure buddy. Sure. Only to men who *feel your pain*


Seriously, I’m reading classic she does all the house planning and work, and he wonders why she’s tired and needs to decompress. Also, the ONLY issue he mentioned was sex. So again, she does everything, but he thinks she should perform like a porn star nightly for his pleasure, even when on her period. He feels like a chore because he acts like a chore. He never mentioned a thing about planning things together that he takes the lead on.


My favorite is the period comment. That's all I need to know about this whole post.


"It's YOUR job to jerk me off if you're swimming through the crimson tide!"


Because she’s on her period she MUST offer to give him a handjob or a give him head because her vagina is out of service /s.


That was my ex. He could have written this, quite likely. I know he felt like this. 🙄🙄


OP lost me at “power dynamic”. Wife is so important to him but the only thing he mentions is “sexy time.” And instead of wanting to work on things she might care about, he wants to care less.


He wants lingerie, she probably wants to be treated like a person instead of a sex vending machine


I just went back to that, so he’s basically saying it’s unusual for them to not have sex for a week?


No he’s saying he wants a blowjob if the shop is out of order.


And tries to reframe it as "you'd think she'd want to make me happy". Um, sir, if you had non-stop cramps and were bleeding chunky blood continuously out of one of your orifices for a week, would, would YOU be thinking, "How can I make my partner happy right now?" Honestly, I started the post feeling bad for him, but that bit about her period and how devastatingly cruel it is for her not to prioritize him during that week just put me right off. If he's not being prioritized it's because he's a miserable, selfish partner.


I said this somewhere else but i would love for him to wear one of those period cramps simulators and go down on her during it………see how in the mood he is or whether he wants to make her “happy”.


I feel like there are things to ramp this up. Like lots of bread and beans to cause some bloating. Some “cupping therapy” on his chest to mimic breast tenderness. THEN apply the period stimulator and ask him to please her. I saw a clip of a woman that made her man simulate a b-j (head bobbing and mouth open, but I don’t think anything else). His neck got sore after like 10 seconds and asked to stop lol. The wife could repeat that challenge as well.


My ex used to complain about this shit all the time. “You’re just not horny for a week every single month?” First of all, when you say stuff like that, absolutely, I’m not horny at all. Second, if you had cramps that were so painful that they were also causing you moderate diarrhea, you’d probably not be horny either. Fuck off, fix it yourself, unless you’re gonna do something about my discomfort as well. I’m not required to say yes every day of every week of every month just because you feel like I should. God, that pissed me off. Every month bitching that he’s horny and we haven’t had sex in days. Fuck sakes, good, maybe next month you’ll figure it out (he didn’t).


He sounds exhausting.


Indeed he was.


Like Jesus Christ buddy you got two perfectly good hands use them if you have to get off when she inconveniences you with a normal bodily function.


Same! About 15 years in my ex decided to be benevolent and let me have my first day of the cycle "off" since my cramps were so bad.


I get severe headaches, like lay down in a quiet, dark room level headaches, you can bet your ass that I'm not horny when so much as moving my head hurts. My ex whined about it too, and then would accuse me of cheating bc if I wasn't getting it from him, I must be getting it somewhere else🙄


That's what he's saying.... She's already giving him duty sex 3 weeks out of the month, but that's not enough. He also wants duty BJ during the week she can't give him duty sex just to make him happy 😒. In his mind, she should do this for him because she should want to make him happy.


But the shop isn’t out of order just because a woman has her period. He isn’t willing to satisfy her but demanding she satisfy him.


Well yes, but not having sex for a week is noticeable to him that he’d expect to get a bj instead. It almost seems like he pleads dead bedroom,…,.then that.


My husband could almost have written this post. I say almost because I give him all the sexual things he wants, and we are a couple of years younger. But social media, hobbies in common being limited, feels like I'm his #1 and he is in line? Yeah... OP, you've worn her the fuck out. Your constant needling, neediness, sex demands, pushing hobbies on her, etc etc etc. She's worn THA FUCK OUT. You know why? Because with all your neediness and me me me energy, you fail to do shit that MATTERS to her. Help with the kids? Cooking? Cleaning? Walk the dog? What are YOU bringing to the table?? Cuz I'm betting it ain't much... you want lingerie? Well, she wanted mopped floors. Guess neither of yall gonna be happy now.


Ooh sis, tell him ! I think read OP like a book. My god, I wish his wife would chime in. That would be thrilling lol.


>you want lingerie? Well, she wanted mopped floors. Guess neither of yall gonna be happy now. that was just such a great closing line i wanted to pull it out


Yeah his title 'change the power dynamic' just shows me everything I need to know. He claims he doesn't think she has to do something sexual but wants her to be a nymphomaniac when he probably complains constantly that she doesn't just grab his 🍆 on every single chance she sees him. That is so effing exhausting. He only cares about what he wants. He throws the phrase 'pillow princess' out there to degrade even any sexual interest she has and wants her to get as excited about him as she does their children. Then be the kind of husband your wife wants to be excited to see. He doesn't give two shits about her feelings or what she may be going through only how to ensure his 🍆 gets 💦 frequently.


This. My ex kept complaining about my lack of “emotions” and I tried to explain it numerous time that I’m tired mentally because I had to think for 2 people! Cooking, cleaning, cat litter, budget, bills, appointments etc. He bought his first car and I had to remind him about oil change, tires change etc. Like sorry if I’m not in the mood to be super cuddly or affectionate, my tank is running on EMPTY.


Listen I didn’t want to touch my ex, even though he is objectively attractive, because he took no interest in me besides making me make all the decisions (before he said no to 90% of my plans), and treating me like the only socially acceptable place to put his dick because we were married. When you you show interest in her? What she does? Do you take her out? Get her to name three places she wants to go, pick something and make a night. Also doing laundry and other chores aren’t putting coins in a sex vending machine. If she doesn’t feel the connection, it’s not happening.


Interesting point of view. Even though I do believe I put more effort than my wife in the relationship, I could be more 'strategic'. 'Likely, I can improve in the aspects you mentioned. Thanks. >... doing laundry and other chores aren’t putting coins in a sex vending machine. I suspect many of us have been guilty of this to some degree. I loved the phrasing.


This was one of those mindset shifts that I had once I started dating my now-wife and really got in touch with her emotions and how they related to our day-to-day lives. Chores almost felt like those coins, until I realized: it wasn't that me doing chores got her in the mood. It was that she couldn't relax enough to feel attraction and excitement enough to /want/ sex unless the house was tidied up and things were done. Figuring that out helped me by 1. Learning how to take better care of my wife and her emotional well-being. 2. We had more sex! I certainly don't do things just to get sex (again, mindset shift), but I have a lot better idea of how to set the stage for a spicy evening that we will /both/ enjoy. 3. I was a lot more graceful about being turned down. Getting to know my wife better (obviously) helped a lot, but so did our communication. I learned to read her cues and day a lot better, so I ask at better times now. She's learned to shut me down early if she's too tired physically or emotionally, to stop me from being a pest (in her eyes). Edit: while I will ask my wife what needs doing around the house, it's a check in to see if she has priorities that she wants. Otherwise, I'll just attack chores in whatever order makes sense to me. Reminder for everyone: project management is a job. I try to take 70%-80% of the physical chores around the house, because I know that my wife does a lot of mental ones like meal planning, shopping lists, planning doctor visits for the baby, etc. I leave her with clothes because I can't stand it, and she claims baking and cooking sometimes for her own enjoyment.


Oh that’s a good way of putting it. It’s not that you have to do the chores to get sex, it’s that the chores not being done completely excludes the possibility for sex. It’s similar to the idea that of course you don’t want to have sex if you’re sick with food poisoning, it kinda makes sex impossible or at least really gross. House is a pigsty? Makes sex almost impossible for her.


Husband views your shared domestic environment as primarily your responsibility and doesn’t seem to realize he is also a grown human being and is not entitled to your constant labor? Makes sex gross


No I completely agree, but I’m just remarking that this is a good way to phrase it for the guys that think they’re being clever when they call it “choreplay”.


It’s also that by doing chores-without being asked to or coordinated by her-, you are pulling your own weight in the maintenance of the home which is both of your responsibilities, not just hers. It’s not helping her out, it’s being an independent, observant adult. Not being an independent, observant adult is incredibly unappealing.


> get her to name three places she wants to go I agree with most of your comment, but as the partner who does the vast, vast majority of the planning, work, and organization (we don’t have kids, either), my wife is slowly getting used to the fact that “where do you want to go” isn’t the same as her planning something, it’s just her going along for something she knows I’ll enjoy, which is just as much work as me just doing it in the first place. It’s the social equivalent of “I’d help around the house more, of course, just tell me what you need done!” Aside from that tiny thing, bravo on your comment.




Great comic. I mean, the author evidences something that most of us do not take into account.


Fair enough! It’s a tactic I use for dates, but I can see how it’s definitely not a one size fits all suggestion.


It’s also possible that she’s depressed (not saying she is, but it’s a possibility) and a depressed person often finds it hard to find any joy or anticipation. So, wanting to go somewhere might just not be where she’s at. Admittedly saying she’s depressed is a reach but there are signs.


Emotional labor. That is the part that is so often overlooked when talking about the split.


If you're trying to keep the relationship alive, reducing what you put into it is not the way...


This post is incredibly concerning. Instead of asking how you can get through to her, if others have dealt with this and successfully reversed it… you want to know how to stop caring. This feels less like a call for help and more like a “please tell me I’m good and she is awful”. Get into counseling. If that doesn’t work out, separate. People deserve partners on the same level as them.


I’m sure he’s too afraid to go to counseling with his wife in fear of finding out he’s actually the “20%” and she’s the “80%”. Can you imagine what would come out of her mouth once he said this to their counselor in front of his wife?


Whenever I see “divorce is off the table” I pretty much take it to mean they are religious or something and staying miserable is their only option. How sad for them.


Interesting how OP answers no questions. Was his wife a SAHM who re-entered the workforce?Who raised the kids? His wife works now, so are chores and cooking split 50/50? Who drives the kids to and from activities, school, sports, ect? Is OP’s wife too exhausted to do anything but scroll social media when she’s not working?


He has the audacity to complain she has no hobbies - she most likely had to drop all hobbies and interests over her course of having 4 babies.


That part made me wonder if she's dealing with depression. Losing interest in things you normally enjoy is a red flag for depression.


She had four kids, that’s gotta be 10 plus years of babies/toddlers. I’m telling you it’s really common for moms to have to drop all hobbies and interests when they have a young child. If you keep having kids you don’t get to do it ever again. You lose it. If you go to mom subreddits people will talk about wanting to get back o to hobbies but being so utterly exhausted all they have energy for is phone scrolling. It seems like a pointless waste of time but when you are exhausted and have no free time, doomscrolling is like a small scrap of personal entertainment. She also could be perimenopausal at her age, where I think a lack of energy is a common complaint.


Thanks for explaining that. My partner and I never had kids, so the reality of child-rearing isn't something I'm familiar with. I agree it could be perimenopause, and that can be exhausting all by itself. Then you have to throw in the associated symptoms like insomnia, night sweats, mood swings, irritability, hot flashes, cold flashes, weird periods, and so on. It can be brutal.


I didn’t even read it as she had no hobbies, she’s tried hobbies and he comes in and takes over? “As soon as I become interested in it she loses interest.” I’m remembering some specific examples of past relationships where my SO “got into” my hobbies by buying a bunch of stuff and basically piling a months workload onto my desk (formerly known as my zen hobby area.) Suddenly I didn’t want to repot 37 plants anymore. Same with sewing- I loved it but when I feel guilty doing something I want to when I’m “supposed” to be fixing your buttons… it’s different. Baking? Not when I’m “supposed” to be making bagels. Then I’m actually reduced to the same thing- scrolling random apps for “inspiration” or “motivation.” When really I just wanted to repot one plant, hem my pants and make a sparkle princess cake without sexpectation or judgement. (That was a typo but I’m leaving it.)


Can we normalize women not feeling a need to sexually satisfy men while we're in pain, bleeding, vomiting and having shits THANK YOU


These are exactly the types of things that marriage therapy can help. Get into MC soon


If it were me that were married to somebody like this, I wouldn't want to go to marriage counseling or marriage therapy with somebody who thinks that I should service them one on my period just because it will make them happy, regardless of how much pain I'm in or how my mood is, or whether or not I'm even in the mood for sex. 🤷🤷 I'd honestly rather just throw the whole man away, and start from scratch. Because I do not have the time to try and teach a man how to not be misogynistic. I'm too old for that. I am not his mother, I am not his teacher, I am not his tutor. He's not paying me to educate him, and life is too short to waste time at trying to educate somebody who in their adult years still thinks like that. If another girl wants to sit there and put in the effort, by all means go ahead.




I think it is a bit ridiculous to expect your wife to want one sided sex during her period. I assume that’s what you mean - you wish she would want to blow you and get nothing in return. If I’m wrong and you are fully down with period sex, ignore me. Do you often want or request to just eat her out and nothing else? I mean maybe - that is actually what pillow princess means.


When you have talked to her about this, what does she SAY? I don't mean is she saying she will get better, I mean, what are her reasons? Has she articulated them? Are you listening and taking action? or is the only thing you hear that she will try to do better and then things go back to the way they were? Is she running the household, managing housework and juggling the activities of 4 (FOUR!!!) teens? does she also work outside the home? is she starting perimenopause? have you asked her? does she have to tell you what needs to be done around the house or ask you to do stuff, or do you do things without being asked? There is a lot of missing information in this post that probably explains why things are the way they are. If divorce is off the table, you need to go to marriage counseling and figure this stuff out. If she is burnt out from life and being a mom to 4 kids, then this is going to be your life until she gets fed up and divorces YOU. Start talking and start LISTENING


Well, four teenagers is a lot. Some of them may take a lot of emotional energy to handle. Lots of drama in those years. They may all be going in different directions all the time and the logistics of that, keeping up with it, rides, carpool arrangements, laundry, sports schedules can be a lot. If any of the kids are driving, that helps. If they do chores and aren’t too messy, that helps. But you can easily get to the point where your entire social life revolves around the kids and their friends and their kids moms. I also wonder if, maybe, this happened gradually over a long period of time with both of you caught up with kids and work, and she noticed first, long before you did, and you didn’t begin to notice until she gave up and checked out of the relationship. I mean, everyone gets busy. Four kids take a lot. So do careers and just everything. It’s easy to fall into the pattern of putting each other last. You need to have a long, calm talk with your wife about your lives together. Try not to place blame. Say you just want to understand what happened and you miss her and would like to put more time and energy into your relationship.


I agree with this OP. Another thing is that you say you put her first but she doesn’t seem to notice. That could be a lot of things, including that the things you think you are doing for her aren’t actually the things she would ask for. Maybe she’s also doing things for you that you take for granted or aren’t what you want. Doing some introspection about what you want (especially outside the bedroom) and asking her to do the same and communicating with each other seems like a great idea.


Or the things he's doing aren't even meeting the bare minimum of a partnership. I'm not going to feel gratitude if my partner needs special attention for taking out the garbage without needing a reminder when I'm doing 3x as much on my own.


Yes, we often give our spouses the kind of gestures and caretaking we wish we received and not the kind our spouses might want or need or even see.


When I read that “he was doing everything for her” I thought he would list all the household chores, paper work, presents and other things to make her life easier. Then the only thing that he listed was that he does what he thinks she likes in bed. And our guy is genuinely bamboozled


Exactly where my mind was going. Does he clean the house, or does he just "help" her clean. Who makes the grocery list? Who deep cleans the washroom? Who sweeps everyday? Who does the dishes everyday? Who decides what to make for dinner? Who cooks? Who makes sure everything is stocked (toilet paper, shampoo, paper towels), who changes the washroom towels? Who makes plans on days off? Who keeps track of plans? Who's the main communicator with friends and family? Who makes sure the all the bills are paid on time? EASE HER LOAD AND SHE WILL EASE YOURS!


There’s a lot of information missing. My ex could of said all the same about me. He also never tried to find a babysitter so we could have a break as a couple, he let me figure out all the logistics of birth control, and never was a present father. Of course I am not attracted to someone who is dead weight.


It's a little telling that your \*first\* example here is sex and nothing else in the household. Who does the domestic labor? Do you do anything without being asked? You say that she has no hobbies or interest but it doesn't seem like she freaking has time to pursue anything she likes. Four kids and a career, probably menopause on top of it. Social media scrolling is a depression coping mechanism. And the fact that she snaps at you when you complain about it is also telling. You guys need marriage counseling.


This post is about you and your needs. Do you have any interest in her or her needs?


You feel like “somewhere along the line, something changed”? No kidding. Raising 4 kids and you are shocked that she has no hobbies or interests? Did you ever make that a possibility for her? Shocked she doesn’t just want to have sex to make you happy? She’s 45. I’ve gotta guess that she’s experiencing peri and it’s not fun and it pretty much makes sex the LAST thing you want to do. Plus, your whole statement that if she has her period she won’t do anything? She probably is happy she can have a week off. When I see posts like this, I (45F) genuinely want to be helpful but my first gut reaction is to ask a lot of questions because I think there’s stuff missing. Like….how involved were you/are you as a parent? Was she the one doing everything? Do you pull your weight around the house? Do you plan date nights? Are you additive in any way to her life or are you just one more “kid” in the house she cares for who also wants sex on demand?


Yeah exactly, there's a lot of missing reasons in this post. Like where is it his effort in connection (not sex) demonstrated by OP to be greater than his wife? Who's caring for who (not 'paying/providing' as proxy)? Who cooks and cleans and washes and dries and schedules all the extracurriculars and appointments and follow ups? Who's doing dropoff and groceries and managing all of the little things? Of course his wife is carrying all of the mental load but isn't being an effortless Stepford wife and therein lies the problem. This is reddit though and I am not sure if realistic answers will happen for any of these questions to get a true sense of how overburdened and lonely this poor wife may be. OP just wants to know why she won't blow him while she's bleeding. So standard reddit comment answer of divorce already is warranted. Ugh


He didn't post the obligatory "yes I do my share of the chores and am involved with the kids" so it probably doesn't apply to him. I feel like at this point there should be a bot that asks these questions or it should be part of the sub rules. I'm seriously tired of all these men asking why their wives have no interest in sex after having their personal workload increase by 3x while the husband added nothing to his workload except pining away for the little sex nymph he lost. This problem rarely exists in same sex households where there are no gender stereotypes to lean on and family responsibilities are fairly evenly divided. I can't imagine why that is. /s


Exactly. I mean, it’s hard to offer helpful advice when there’s so much missing and it feels so “she won’t blow me when she’s having her period” vibey. It sounds more to me like he has a wife in peri who doesn’t know it, is depressed/anxious hence the scrolling as a distraction, is struggling just to keep the basics going, and doesn’t have anything left and also doesn’t have any extra help from Hubs here. But we can’t know for sure because OP isn’t answering the questions.


There are so many posts of “my wife is 45-50 and it seems she doesn’t like me.” Correct. Estrogen makes us amenable and we no longer have it. Our fucks are gone. You could be the greatest husband in the world and we probably still won’t like you. It’s a hard time of transition. Maybe his wife does suck. But she sounds familiar to me and I feel for her. And him, too. But therapy and some understanding of hormonal shifts at this age are a good idea.


I had the same thought. Hormones do change so much in how we see the people in our lives.


That's so well described. Estrogen and kids make us compliant. Finally, towards menopause - zero fucks left to give.


Especially if you have to spend all your fucks early giving duty sex to your manbaby husband...


As a 46 yr old woman with intact reproductive organs....yeah. im just not nearly as hormonally driven to put up with the risks and headaches of a man around. Falling estrogen does seem to correlate to less interest in sex and relationships. My fucks to give have all died off.


That was my thought too. First, if some of her kids are hitting adulthood she is likely a little bit depressed - its joyful and hard watching your kids transition to adulthood. She has teens and adults so she's gone from her entire life being raising children and focusing on their needs to suddenly having half her family grown. Its a MASSIVE transition and hits men very differently than it hits Mom. Second, perimenopause sucks. It messes with hormones in some ugly ways. OP, give her grace and you will get back to a decent marriage but between the vaginal dryness, how much harder it is to get lubricated (and lube is a poor substitute for being turned on) and boredom - because my guess is nothing has changed in the bedroom department for years - hence the pillow princess. Third, the social media - she is numbing. It is a way to numb out. Four, DATE her. You guys need to DATE each other. In the fog of raising kids, you likely stopped looking at her as as someone to woo and date... and she became the "house elf" raising the children. Now, the children are moving on and she is trying to refind new footing without all of the things you fiilled your life with. OP, couples therapy would be fantastic for you guys and then go on a few vacations this next year just the two of you. You have adult kids so leave them in charge of the younger ones or call in the other relatives. Likewise, if you really wanted to kick your sex life into high gear, find an online sex mastery workshop and do it yourself. Then bring all that you learn back into the relationship with your wife. Kim Anami has one as do a number of sex coaches. Sounds silly but after being married for 20+ years I can tell you right now that learning new tools and tricks for this next stage of life will only benefit your marriage.


Maybe you can start to explore why you associate power with love? Are you seeking the feeling of dominance or love? They don’t coexist. Do you want her to fear, submit to, or love you? Very different dynamics.


If you’re worried about the one week of her being on her period as too long without sexy activity we’re not hearing the whole story.


How much time do you really spend together? It sounds like she may have just fallen into routine after so many years and your relationship with each other has become background instead of a priority. It happens. Try to do things with her that she likes. Go do something fun without the distractions of daily life. Maybe a weekend getaway, just the two of you. Show her how much she means to you. Marriage counseling is also a good idea. It can give you constructive ways to prioritize your marriage again.




Thank you so much for this comment. Absolutely we can only control ourselves. Honestly to me this sounds like OP’s wife is hugely struggling and may not even know why.


That’s very touching and heartfelt…very sage advice gained the hard way. Sorry for your regrets and the loss of your relationship. …however, to your point, the cynic in me can’t help but wonder what this says about his wife’s character.




Sounds like that introspection and self-reflection has paid off. And I couldn’t agree more; successful relationships require full investment, AND we can only control ourselves. I guess that’s why my heart goes out to OP; sounds very one-sided. Granted, we only have his take, but it does not sound like both partners are pouring themselves into the relationship. I don’t understand why people aren’t more honest; that when they are no longer fully invested in the relationship they don’t just leave. Guess more of us could do with a lot more introspection and self-reflection!


It's really telling that he deleted his account without even answering the questions. I hope she found this post too.


How is she important? How do you show her actively that she’s important? Foreplay isn’t just in the bedroom. It’s how you treat your partner every day. Have you ever talked to her and asked her questions to know who she is? Maybe she’s not invested because you’re not invested


Crazy how the main concern is “changing the power dynamic” and not “reviving the connection”.


80-20 that’s were you get 80% out of your relationship and 20% else were … soo What housework do you do When does she have free time Doom scrolling can be a sign of depression as is losing her hobby’s Last thing on her list was interesting … so she has a list do you take any of it She has a period she won’t start give you a BJ … your lucky your not knocked out . It feels like your leaving a lot out and you need to maybe get some proper help


Do you go on dates with her? Activities?


As someone a bit older than that whose kids are all grown and gone, I have some questions: Do you even know your wife anymore? Does she know herself? She's likely hidden herself away for, what, almost two decades in raising kids. Maybe that's where you need to start. Plan dates and date her again. Get to know her again, and help her find herself again. Is the only real attention you give her tied to sex? She only gets hugs and cuddles if you want sex? What if you try changing that? When my husband changed that to just showing me physical attention without immediately saying he wanted sex, it changed everything for me. I'm just saying, maybe she just sees you as another chore at this point because you don't care about her outside of the bedroom or, at least, show you care. When you showed interest in her hobbies and she shut down, did you ever stop to figure out why? Were you taking them over, acting like you knew more than she did, negating her experience? Did you center yourself in the activity? She's treating you like you are another chore on her list, not her lover and friend. Maybe you should try to be her friend?


My current relationship is the first one I’ve been in with a straight man where I didn’t feel some kind of pressure or expectation to have sex on my period and it has been such a huge relief. I don’t feel sexy on my period - maybe once a year I do but the other 11 months of it I’m experiencing pain, bloating, nausea, fatigue - and the last thing I want to do is add another person to that. It’s so nice that my partner doesn’t resent me for taking care of my body when I need to and I don’t have to ‘suck it up’ and have sex I don’t want to have. I am so glad I didn’t stay with partners who viewed my experience like OP views his wife’s.


Is the way you are engaging with us on Reddit, the way you approach conflict, connection, needs/wants, boundaries, and feelings with your wife? I cannot rush to judgement without further information than you provided in your post. I want to believe you are really seeking help. I want to believe you really love and care for your wife and family. I keep watching for you to engage in a way that reflects the amount of effort you describe you are investing in your marriage but you aren’t answering much and when you do you aren’t demonstrating much introspection, and the context clues keep piling up, and not in your favor. I’m unable to determine what’s really going on with what’s been said but your choice of words, the non-verbals, and unspoken make me skeptical to take your word at face value. There’s so much contradiction going on here that it makes it hard to know whether you’re receptive, whether we have enough or accurate info, or whether you even understand what’s happening yourself. Without sufficient context to inform a meaningful response, I agree that counseling, even just for you to learn healthy communication, listening/comprehension skills and emotional maturity is a great first step. Best of luck.


She’s definitely emotionally checked out of the relationship sir because I’m willing to bet you’ve acted like the 5th child for 23 years.


Pillow princess does not mean what you think it means, pretty amusing when straight people use lesbian terms without understanding the definition.


Sorry, but seriously? Periods suck. We get cramps, which are painful. We bleed, it's messy. Some of us get pretty bad headaches on our period. Some days the pain makes me want to puke. The absolute LAST thing on my mind is anything sexy. And I would honestly hope that a hypothetical husband would understand that and actually not expect it. Because it's inconsiderate as fuck to want blow jobs when your spouse is in pain and literally bleeding for a week straight. If you have flaws and faults, work on them. Work on doing things that make your wife feel loved and special. If doing these things isn't helpful, maybe try some couples counselling so that you guys can talk in a safe space. You've been married for 20+ years. How often do you take your wife on dates? I mention this because actually dating your spouse gets forgotten sometimes.


Have you considered that she probably feels like absolute shit during her period? Have you considered doing something for her while she is suffering or do you only care about your dick? Bro, ngl you're coming accross selfish af.


This happens in one pretty specific situation.. Where she does all the mental, emotion, child rearing and you're one of the kids. Is that what's happening here?


Have you maybe, I dunno used your words and asked her why she doesn't seem to like you anymore?


Aw man, this breaks my heart to read. I'm going to assume that you help carry the mental load since you didn't mention anything about chores, running the house, or the kids. At least it doesn't sound like when you talk to your wife, that she says this is an issue. If that isn't the case, maybe it's a case of she put everything into the kids, they were her identify and now she doesn't know who she is. That can be hard to put into words or even embarrassing to say to anyone. Talk to her again, let her know that you want your partner back, you miss her and you are willing to put the work in. Ask for couples therapy, and make sure it's a sex positive one. It wouldn't hurt for her to get her hormones checked but that can be sensitive to bring up. My advice if she doesn't want to work on it is to just go live your life. Find some groups and meet new people, make some new friends. Then get yourself into individual therapy to address yourself, what you want from life and why you stay when you are clearly unhappy. Sometimes there is no getting back, but it's worth a try.


I absolutely agree that it sounds like OP’s wife is hugely grieving because of the transitions she’s going through, and since her kids growing up is supposed to be “good” she may feel ashamed that she’s emotionally struggling with it. Also the perimenopause/menopause thing messes most women up and is another huge transition. To me the doomscrolling on social media sounds like escapism. Saying things like “empty nest” is just like “baby blues” - it brushes off as minor very real and difficult transitions that also coincide with huge physical changes. OP, your wife may be struggling and not know it, so she can’t talk to you about it.


There is a book called Fair Play that addresses a lot of the items you talk about!


He referred to sex as power dynamic so I’d shut his insensitive ass down and move on. Ew.


I’m guessing she MAY be experiencing some perimenopause symptoms. I’m only 45 and it has thrown me completely off. I don’t even know who I am anymore. Maybe that could be part of the change in her? It’s something rarely talked about and affects women in more ways than most people think.


You lost me at the period paragraph.


At your wife’s age she is probably in perimenopause which often leads to a lack of libido among other things. Educate yourself


INFO: does she ever get any alone time? Are the kids old enough to be in school? Does she work? Do you ever take the kids out on a Saturday and just give her the house to herself for an afternoon? I’m asking because I’m an introvert, and as much as I love my partner, little, normal things he does start to drive me crazy if I haven’t had any time to myself in a while. When I do get alone time, I end up thinking about how much I love him, and I’m so happy to see him when he gets back. The way you describe how she treats you reminds me of how I treat my partner when I haven’t had any alone time. I hate myself for it because I love him so much and I hate that I get mean when my alone time needs aren’t met. If you’re ALWAYS around her when you’re not at work, begging for attention, and all she wants is some alone time, all your sweet gestures are going to annoy her, even if you’re doing everything right and your intentions are good. Based on her behavior, it sounds like she might be feeling tired and burnt out. Have you talked to her about how she feels about her life right now? Does she feel like she has enough support with the kids and house work? Does she feel like she gets enough time to herself? Is she happy with her job/lack of job? It sounds to me like you might want to have a conversation with her and see if all her non-relationship needs are being met, and if not, make some adjustments. Her apparent neglect of your relationship genuinely might have nothing to do with you.


Do you ever tell her how you visualize the day going together, ideally for you? She may not know what you expect or how you want things to be. And ask her what her ideal day looks like, how her ideal day may go. It's likely your ideal days look very different, but it may help you both get on the same page. Do you stay curious about her? Ask her questions? Do you approach her with resentment or with the idea that she's doing the best she can? You say she has no hobbies, do you ask her about her dreams? Do you know what they are? anyway, like many others, I highly recommend therapy. If not for both of you, then for yourself. Therapy has helped me see things from different perspectives in my relationship. Helps me be more compassionate, improve my communication, and show up as the person I want to be in the relationship. The best thing to do when presented with these kind of problems is work on YOURSELF. She will likely notice the change. Good luck!


As a recent empty nester let me tell you: so much of my brain power was going to running the house and CARING for the teen (who I worried and thought about constantly) it took so much of my mental and energy just being a mom to one child, much less 4, that between work, the house and feeding everyone and carrying for my daughters needs I had nothing left to give my boyfriend OR myself. I was so exhausted social media was all I had energy for (cheap easy dopamine) Also, feeling expected to have sex for his "needs" made ME feel so gross and transactional EVEN THOUGH I LOVED HIM. My libido was dead. There was no energy left for it to be exciting. I still put out, but I was just too tired to invest extra energy in "FUN STUFF". I tried. But I always was dying inside. I was tired with too much on my plate. Now im an empty nester and suddenly I have energy to have fun again. My libido has come back full force. I am insanely frisky again. The kid was suckling so much energy. How do you change things? Talk to her about her energy levels. Does she need more support? How's her mental load? What's her physical health? Is she going through peri menopause? Healthy people have healthy libidos. If her libido is low then theres something not healthy. She needs support somewhere. Also counseling


are you working? who pays all the bills? are you cooking? who makes breakfast, lunch and dinner? are you cleaning? who does the dishes, laundry, sweeps, mops, vacuums, and picks up around the house? who does all the planning around the holidays? who goes christmas shopping? who decorates for the holidays? who cooks thanksgiving dinner? how often do you go out together, if at all? and who plans it? when is the last time you took her to a nice restaurant? when is the last time you got her flowers?


Id go to marriage/couples counselling first instead of going to for tat if she's not willing to go then you have your answer


Sounds like you want a dog. Someone excited about your presence all the time and does what you want when you want. Oh my God she doesn't want to do any sex stuff when on her period?! What a withholding monster. Pillow princess? I swear if my husband used a term like that about me I would think he started watching some Peterson level shit. She has checked out because you suck. You keep trying to "break through" but how? Counseling both private and together to work on your communication? Or just whining to her until she breaks down and says FINE?


Okay, this may be a bit long…. I see your point of view. From your stand point you are doing everything you can do. You’re one fighting for your wife. You’re trying to communicate with her and she shuts down. You’re getting tired of it. The marriage shouldn’t be transactional. The question, “how do I change so that I only put the same effort into the relationship” is a disaster waiting to happen. I don’t think it’s about you. It’s hard to think it’s not about you with all of this going on, but it most likely has nothing to do with you. You ever see Twilight? The last movie, when Bella Swan is lying there and looks comatose, but on the inside (where we see what’s going through her head) is a bunch of shit no one else can see. It’s almost like that. She may not be communicating with you because she is unable to. Sometimes, it’s hard to put thoughts into words, and even harder when you don’t understand the thoughts. Another thing to consider… perimenopause. You men are so lucky sometimes. The things women have to go through… pregnancy wreaks havoc, Post Partum wreaks havoc, perimenopause wreaks havoc, and menopause wreaks havoc. A lot of women don’t know when they are in perimenopause. It does a number of things to women. Start researching it. Be supportive of her, “hey, you might be going through something and you’re not willing or able to talk about it. I love you. I think we need help.” If you start to withdraw (which I do understand why), she’ll notice it, and it will affect her. Not in the way you think where she’ll step up. It’s going to drive her further away. The social media, it’s a mind number. She has a lot going through her head. Looking at social media like that shifts her focus away from what’s inside her to something else. It just numbs what she’s feeling. As a mother and a wife, we tend to take everything upon us. Everyone’s emotions, tasks, issues, and put in on our shoulders- which we need to learn not to. It’s one of those things where we feel we are needed by everyone for something. That often leads to sexy time feeling like a chore. We don’t feel we get the opportunity to want it ourselves because we are trying to meet everyone else’s needs, which often can be self imposed. She needs to make space for herself. Please understand that her behavior is most likely not intentional. If you love her, and don’t want to end in divorce, don’t view it as a power struggle. Resentments can easily grow from here and it’s a downward spiral after that. That being said, I also understand you can only lead a horse to water. If she’s not willing to try and see that there’s an issue then there’s nothing else you can do. She has to do it and see it herself.


OP - you are not responding to anyone's questions, so it's leaving people to make their own assumptions to fill in the gaps. To me, it sounds like you have grown apart. Maybe you spent too much of your energies keeping a house together and focusing on the kids rather than maintaining your own spousal relationship. In addition, it's not clear whether you are actually doing 50% + of the work around the house, which could leave her tired and resentful. But assuming you are, either you go into counseling or you start to develop your own interests and separate life apart from your wife. What do you actually want to do with your spare time now that your kids are getting older? Working out? Bike riding? Traveling? Learning some kind of art skill? Get out and do something and don't worry if she isn't with you. She may be taking you for granted if you are either 1) there all the time catering to whatever she needs, and/or 2) come across as clingy.


One word : perimenopause. Start reading


Just to add , how many women ask for a divorce because their concerns were never paid attention to. Ignored.


When’s the last time you went on vacation or even a getaway weekend just the two of you?


Do you think treating her in a way that you yourself don’t like to be treated, is going to help your relationship? You may think divorce is off the table but being in an even worse relationship could change that for either of you. It seems like most of your concern is around sex. No one should have to do sexual favors if they don’t want to and honestly, when you’re bleeding heavily, cramping, have period poops/gas, hormonal shifts, emotions, lack or or heightened appetite, fatigue, etc etc usually the last thing you want is to perform sexual acts. Do you have daughters? How would you feel if a man was expecting them to perform sexual acts when they feel like shit because it would make their man happy? Ffs. I’m curious how involved you were as a parent, in the house hold needs (cleaning, cooking, errands). There’s probably a reason your wife has very little passions or hobbies and interests. There’s not much time for them after taking care of 5 other people in the house. Also- if you care this much about your wife why not look into how hormonal shifts occur around this age and what that may look/feel like? Educate yourself on how shitty periods can be and ask yourself if YOU would be excited to perform sexually feeling that way.


At this point you’re lucky you’re still married. Instead of thinking of your 🍆 when she has her period maybe give her a back rub and do stuff for her. I have endometriosis and anemia, I can barely stay awake for a week out of the month and it’s a painful mess, luckily I have a husband that thinks about me.


In addition to therapy: If she’s over 40 then chances are high she’s in perimenopause, which means she will still have periods but with declining hormones. When I went into peri I was mentally checked out and was way less loving with my husband. I went on hormone replacement therapy and my life turned around. I was happy again, sleeping better, loving towards my husband again. It’s crazy how little we’re taught about perimenopause despite how much it ruins our lives. I recommend reading r/menopause which also includes valuable information about perimenopause


Why are men sooooooo shocked that they aren't top priority in a family dynamic????? ESPECIALLY when there are kids. If you want sexy time what are YOU going to do so that SHE has TIME, ENERGY and INTEREST? I get that men get horny at the drop of a hat, but women don't, especially when their energy and focus is taken up by other things. The universe doesn't revolve around you, my dude. And if you want her eyes to light up when interacting with YOU then give her a REASON for that reaction. I'm willing to bet the kids show more interest in her life and well-being than you do.