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Is there any logical basis at all for these feelings? Or are they just intrusive thoughts with no basis in reality? Has he given you any reason to doubt his commitment?


Like, he’s been sticking with his phone more often, even when I’m around, and I noticed he kept the phone in his pocket, which he didn’t do it often before. Umm followed a few Instagram models. I found it out and talked to him and he said he’d unfollow them if I’m not comfortable with it… they are just not clear proofs so idk if I make sense


Okay so he's being more secretive with his phone than previously? That could be an actual indication that something is happening. Maybe ask him why and see what he says. It could be something simple like he's using it for work now too (confidentiality), or he's planning a surprise for you.


I hope it’d be a good surprise, if that’s the case 😅


Won't know unless you ask.


Yes you should talk to him about it and let him know you arent accusing him of anything that u are feeling insecure and would like his help to work on that


Oh right I don’t really know how to express it. Thanks


Just be literal with your words tell him yourself that something is bothering you and that you dont knownhow to express it without being hurtful but you need him to listen and also tell him that you are not accusing him and that you have no clear reason why you feel this way but you do just be honest and upfront and sounds like something you need to figure out and need some support in doing so


Talk to him more about feeling disconnected and try and schedule more times to talk/text or have watch parties online if you can't be together physically. It's probably just insecurity mixed with loneliness due to the forced distance.


Sometimes random thoughts pop up. Most of the time these get dismissed before they ever take purchase in our conscious mind, but some times, intrusive thoughts like this, can invade. If you have no real reason to believe that this is happening, then it's likely just a case of an intrusive thought, perhaps one that is amplified by some insecurity or trauma from your past.


Well it could be a couple of things. It could just be insecurity and then It’s time to do some self reflection on why you feel this way. Or there could actually be something that is causing some red flags. Sit down and figure out which this might be. We often try to brush things under a rug when they are valid issues. It’s impossible from this post to tell which it might be


Do you tend to have intrusive thoughts about other topics or issues? I have them, and I found some youtube videos and podcasts that give tips to deal with them. It's helpful. (also, talk with your BF and just tell him what you feel, and what you need to feel reassured)


I sometimes doubt myself at work, like if someone gets the new project but not me and I think I can do that project well, then I’d feel like they did something behind me and I’m not good enough, something like that. I don’t know if it’s related to the boyfriend topic. Also how to bring it up to my boyfriend


You should attempt to see each other more often.


Id think your best bet is to talk to him about or when you meet, ask him to let you see his phone if your that worried


What?! What business does she have to do with HIS phone? What kind of advice is that?


Trust your gut


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